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41 · 3d
you thought we were broken
yet we watch you solidly, bravely like joan
with just one comma throughout
41 · Jan 31
.gavin bryars.
the power house rears its head again,
pouring images down
like rain.
while gavin bryars plays
on and on
41 · Sep 2021
their house was

down by the stream that
ran the side of the road
41 · Aug 3
my goodness
such a thing to see while out
and about

such a high up place to be
41 · Jul 2021
.no crow bird.
refer to the notion that there is no looking back
as in the circle

the circular form
then sometimes no title

it all does not matter
though it became like a book to dip into
here and there

things will do for now
until it changes again

41 · Sep 8

day of small things,
slowly steadily worked
as we rest the dust motes,
shine as gold.
41 · Dec 2020
seems we have a night collection of soap here
new and unused plus

some comes dried cracked and faded
other precious still unwrapped

we have scheduled the task today of
sorting and storing it
some still gift boxed
some from the hotel

some has the queens crest on it
told she was indeed a lizard and


the second episode is tuesday afternoon
was cut short yesterday as the asda man

went to the wrong address
so out on the rain we brought
him in to land here safely

wok in hand

there is a list of chores yet
I remember only one right now

41 · Oct 2021
drew quietly
my thing

while she also
at her house
drew pastel clouds

i sent photographs
for inspiration yet
continued to draw
40 · Apr 2021
.the goods train.
yes now you say the temperature I can see the shaking

hear the breath

i reiterate that I share the excitement both

yours and his

sent it to a friend who likes trains too

i watched an interview of a famous man
talk about his childhood trauma

and how sometimes he takes that child
with him


with reassurance

watches the delight at
the experiences

sounds like a good thing to do james

it is not so wet here today
40 · Dec 2020
.peters hill.
imagine all this in pictures
and get it wrong as I have

no idea really

and find it does not matter

the music came sadly on the film
at dusk and I felt it as I glanced at
the view at the window

i think it was an oboe though not entirely
yet it sure did hit the mark

today I need to write ekphrastic
and have just finished my winter
shopping order

with winter pies and puddings
for december

i remember when only rich folk had
groceries delivered

we walked up to winton and went
shop to shop

those days

liptons, maypole and the home and

and quite a few more
i liked the coal merchant on peters hill
who also sold seed

to run your hands through with permissions


my father was seen up there with the other woman
she limped I was told

my brothers were told not to acknowledge him
I am told
40 · Jul 2023
i think my work,

my soul

is in

my chest.
40 · Dec 2020
there is a bear here that I have not mentioned a while as someone copied so he went quiet yet

still here
told him yesterday what happened and

he sat still and constant as always and was pleased

is pleased

there are no moose here nor noise as predicted

if there were
we would also have conversations
40 · Feb 2021
.a still life.
now you know that the bird has died

and her wish was to preserve it somehow

that was yesterday

she had balanced it on a cotton reel, you know the old wooden ones with red thread.

this balancing thing

started years ago

in childhood, a game. later life a habit, a meditation.

she watched others, the artists balancing stones

copied , then balanced all sorts, soaps. boxes, anything really.

perhaps it is a control thing she supposed as she balanced the bird.


it stays easily. she looks a long time, takes her phone

and photographs.

looks, looks

adds objects.

photographs .

waits for dusk, for the light to change

lowers and photographs. a different app and repeat

another photograph.

skulls .

there are a lot of skulls down here in the studio. a few any way. she is prone to her own excitement and exaggeration.

bird skulls found, placed, kept, some  under glass domes.

her father had done that now she follows his lead.

she remembers the time he had placed a mouse corpse under a bell jar to see how that worked

he was dismayed at the decay and mildew; the stench when he lifted that jar.

his experiment a failure.

she feels it is a still life.
40 · Aug 26
.salt in the wind.
how small
how white the child
skin rinsed with tears

salt in the wind
40 · Apr 27
was dark blue with a little red added
lasted two weeks and still prominent
39 · Oct 2022
did the breeze come
late last night, or did
some one slip into the room.

you were sleeping.

was there some one in the house
down the stairs. looking,
another time for thinking.
39 · Nov 2020
is a second lockdown

day one

though day 226 since we first

isolated here

tomorrow they say the clocks change
yet they don’t do it on their own

it comes manual unless it is computerised

even so some live natural
not caring about the time of day

in numbers

while others are particular

here we do not mind these things

we do mind not going to lampeter

this year so

I buy walnuts online
39 · Aug 2021
this can be an abbreviation it seems for the era according to predicted

unlike the clothing all starchy ruff and farthingales

nothing at all to do with dental hygiene

and I understand there were lots of rats about
for fat was used for a multitude of things
besides eating

anyhow we done the draft

then turned it round about

a few more hours fiddling
and it may suffice
with a double eff
39 · Jul 16
he asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts
ghosts of humans
when we are gone
38 · Dec 2020
good to get out

good to have company 

i expect 

things will feel brighter now

especially these dark mornings

in the surgery  the colour of the day

was green with yellow dispensers 


she found it enlivening while focusing

on the map of the world 

thought she could have written

world map 


the pattern went wrong

later  she helped him shove the leaves

in the neighbouring bins as he proclaimed

he would indeed take all the blame

it became an interesting

heartening day yesterday


the bear slept sound
38 · Jul 2021
a splendid name

you say you don’t like double spacing yet it all has to do with the rhythm, the beat

there goes a comma too

maybe we shall find a new tune tomorrow and see how the pattern goes then

like to change to take on ideas

we all like things different and that is ok

and I let him know

38 · Dec 2020
mist rose along the edge

scrub out scrub out that feeling

erase all marks or iridescent gestures

draw it inward until

it becomes outward

play the games

until all rises into absent beings

the beetle crawls fondly across the floor and we leave it

a white mouse feeds at the window

a small plane flies over
38 · Nov 2020
there is a question here
as to whether to make

the tea before or after

or in between

choosing the latter option
we pause a while
switch on the hot
water heater then

go downstairs
boil the water

choose the tea bag

to be separated

put on the music
place the caddy

back on the shelf

black it is and

the cats here fight too

i intervene where I can
hope one day they become



i am still furloughed this month
change to seasonal in november
with holiday pay due
due back next spring

some winter time ahead
38 · Jul 25
you notice small things too
and record them slightly

those touches, nuances
do you see the way they
glance, look aside…
37 · Dec 2020
i do that too
you know go back and look at it

at what i done
feel a sense if achievement sometimes

and sometimes

I stand to look at what is to be done

the next day


allow the brain to absorb the idea overnight


the task is worked on over days as

there is no hurry no more

this way no one gets bored or fed up

of it


hopefully it gets done better

yes my mind is wandering already
back to the roundabout where the
van turned over

those years ago

this morning I had a refund
so that is another task achieved

ticked off in the diary
37 · Sep 3
.as a child.
tell us things, take us without consent. there are no records
37 · Oct 2020
..the fisherman..
she came running as always
older than me
her husband older
than her

he gets up on her return
does the times crossword
while she trains

i did not tell her
that I can do it too

a copy though not
so far as her


without special shoes more
like in my sandals

yes two pairs the same because
i buy the same each year so

i keep one pair for walking

the other for paddling and wading

he worries about his waders, hangs
them on the gate to dry

cuts the bramble in the lane
in case the rubber punctures
37 · Apr 2021
.over the sink.
difference between a geezer and geyser

is vast

as big as the space
to carry logs over

do you see we talk so much
about heating these cold days

and always

life is minimal now
with that and food

though notice we don’t
discuss that so much

i could and
tell you of the plans and preparation
the ordering and menus here

but i don’t do i?

do you?

while i type an email comes in
to advise a delivery date

i cleaned the post box yesterday
up by the gate

no one comes in no more

you know james I always fancied one
of those hot water geysers for the kitchen

over the sink

37 · Nov 2020
..softer grey..
yes it is slate
tipped over from higher up

the quarry is closed this side

the other side it is still worked
though further than before
as there is now a visitor

for tourists
so we don’t go there

yes I have been walking
about four miles or so

it was raining when we set off
in a panic

then after he left it came more

i thought about the changes
i thought about the friends i
cannot visit

so passed by

walked back
a softer grey
37 · Aug 31

.he had leaned toward me and commented
that i was getting old
and while that is correct i assumed from his
remark that he must be younger

time goes on and i am told that we are much
the same
37 · Nov 2021
.glass houses.
will this all be for nothing

if you make no changes,

live in glass houses

and throw stones


36 · Oct 2020
bathe in pools
of darkling light

reflected above
fish below


to walk the wood on moss
to skirt the meadow for fear

of spoiling

care for small things

to be tired after it all
to sleep soundly


the day yesterday
35 · Jul 2021
free from

no additives

the drawing come simple

drew them together on the same page

yet locked in

when the rules have changed

so i cuts them out into a sort of freedom

yet they finds it difficult to manage

as yet


things take some time…
35 · Dec 2020
some days come lovely
despite the weather

mornings come darker with
quiet walks in the lanes


all that surrounds

one branch moves
creaking on the others

sheep stand quiet waiting
while we apologise

further down the water runs
where the straw was laid

the foot and mouth epidemic
those years back

on our way down south we

were diverted
a road block and all that


not crossing the line

never crossing the straw

we didn’t
not once

some are already sleeping
some stay gathering to be


while I do much the same james
35 · 15h
dry he wore the white dress
his hair curled damply

we drew him
we painted him

he is taller now & remains
much the same
35 · Oct 2020
..some things..
it was so.

i am riding my bike up the drive only
and back
into the hall

the tourists come late in the week
to stay over and all gets busy in the


i am happy with it
and did some wavy bits

told him that things
do not have to be done
all in one go

so all is ready for monday

meanwhile the running
continues and though

initially I was one of the thirty percent
find I am not with mind control

yesterday my head was still full
of yesterday which is now the

day before yesterday

so much

my mind raced
and refused to sleep

i watched him reverse the tractor up
in the dark

and turned off the light james
35 · Sep 2021
.the meeting.
finding time to write the blog


soft morning


that meeting folk not seen a year or more


pre covid

commented how good they looked

for indeed they did

all pretty

noted their clothes verbally

with attractive adjectives

complements become the new hugging

pausing for their response

heard nothing.

perhaps my mother was correct in her opinion

here they are presently cutting the graveyard grass
35 · Dec 2020
..the architect..
have scrubbed this twice
knowing the words don’t
come easy this morning

knowing I too slip up

slate slides
mud slips
rain falls

seems higher this time

water expands to where i see
the edge

she showed us how to make a drive
with less flood risk

it was kitted out lovely

we live in the country and have gravel
where water runs through nicely
then down the hill

you should have heard the stories told
me before we moved here


I have my own tales to tell
34 · Dec 2020
.leaning slightly.
it is with regard that I visit here
each day

it is with care that I ask after his


some folk don’t say much
some folk manage
quite well


being independent

some make mistakes

i do and avoid the capitals

main thing is to weather the storms
and visit daily

i too lean slightly
34 · 7d
little world here of characters and stories none of them famous nor commendable.

it was mentioned that some people don’t know what royalty is and he agreed and said
what is it then?
34 · Nov 2020
please note that if this week
i go missing it is nothing personal

yet personal and nothing at all to
worry over

i cannot remember the barber talking
if he did i imagine it directed at her

if he did I would not have listened
in a state of shock at the shortness
of it

at the bits clawing my neck
scissor snap

i guess it was all of us
the price multiplied

my goodness it

would have been cheaper to let it grow
33 · Nov 2020
it all gets delivered here

except when it gets misdirected
to the big house
the holiday house

i guesses so
nips down the hill
their drive

collect, reverse

only fuel for the cars
has to be fetched and
they have a pretty shop

except once in i steam
so cannot see most things
that are in front of me


it is suggested I become seasonal


although I don’t remember this arrangement

as it is usually vegetables

that come so
33 · Dec 2021
pause like in breathing

I hope you don’t mind
and that is how it started
33 · Mar 2021

it came lovely yesterday
so much that no one settled

i went early and shivered
that my spelling suffered

that the waving was rudimentary
disguised by the hat

worn to the side
a bit jaunty like
with the japanese badge

others went later
on social media

while in the studio a series

marching in time
across the board

at dusk the view magnetic
we inned and out with the camera


allowing cold air into

the house



worth it

yes james the little things
32 · Mar 2021
it will be a picture of a day
the wood waiting by the door

differing types
shades of dryness

to warm

mist came at dusk
enveloping all that remained
into a medieval story

curtains drawn we basked
in the smallness of it all

backed into the warmth

we missed the message
32 · Nov 2020
.no fish.
have asked for gloves this year
the gardening kind only

i have gloves from last year and
some before that even

leather , wool and finger less

i also have her fish slice she
bought those years ago possibly
in Woolworths from the counter
by the back door where she left

her bike

the paint is chipped on the handle
1940s green

some would replace
while it remains

functional will keep it
use it though we don’t

eat fish no more

it came on early morning and lasted all day

this morning I wake to find it had gone
31 · Nov 2020
warm and pleasant morning yesterday so i walked to the bridge.

being monday there were few folk about.

i admired the yellow crane on the rise and thought about things

no questioning as I cannot remember much of it

i heard the storm warning for the rest of the week so worked in the garden all day

she told me and she related her believed version of the news belated

so I awake to heavy rain and a lack of bird food in the feeder both at the window

we are still in a cancelling mode due to an ongoing situation and sensible thought

we have credit notes and generous friends

we will stay indoors today and tidy
31 · Dec 2020
i like to observe the wood piles here

most are tidy and patternistic

while next door is more random

like chucking on the ground

storing in the wheelbarrow

the end result the same
warm homes this winter

i wrote about the making of quilts
back before
regarding the cost of blankets
so these were necessary items

stitched along the coast
to keep folk warm in winter

layers james
31 · Nov 2020
..the garden bench..
did done google and liked the arts
and craft style of it if I was looking

at the correct design

in the afternoon a plane came over

i was stood at the door just right

looked up and watched it go
then saw the afternoon light

dappled on the door
noticed the window needs painting


as you say
there is a feel and the birds
sound different

felt the sun on my neck
thought of older days

and went indoors a while

when second wind arrived
returned to the garden to

work some more

maybe tell me more about fred?

30 · Aug 10
to go

despite not going solo

despite all the reasons that you

spoke of

to plan an escape by bus for aviemore perhaps

by rail for inverness

the memory of you
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