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61 · Mar 2021
sometimes we say gosh or my goodness
a phrase used much in subtitled korean dramas

which what I like

they say it ain’t seemly to cuss
at this age and present gender

though I really like
as a little word

they say it is safer out of doors
that it does fade after a few days
though he thought it lived forever


the second visitor in a while

later the top were sawn off

ready to balance the collected


being corrected
being predicted
61 · May 28
maybe connections are missed the link dismissed.    
metaphors faint as my flimsy whispers  

look closely
61 · Apr 2022
.untitled one.
all kicked off yesterday

late afternoon and i shall remember

it well, for i wrote it in the diary which sits on the kitchen table open

a habit started in lockdown as keeping things entirely to oneself is usual yet conflicting with the need to identify happenings

the kitchen is quite dark without the light on as is slightly below ground, the graveyard behind

used to leave a lamp on yet with energy prices hike, now follow her lead and wait until entry

so yesterday it all kicked off at halls and with my upbringing being blamed knew this will be all be my fault too

i wrote it in the diary with an asterisk
61 · Aug 19
.duck egg blue.
duck egg blue
the ironmongers in town
at three seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there
and bus back you see
61 · Dec 2023
told you, no one will listen if we are quiet,
they have all lost interest’


‘do they only listen to loud folk , those that  shout
and remonstrate’

seems so.
60 · Mar 2021
remember the dung beetle
gathering muck

and there are others
out there I am sure

for now the cat is asleep
in the cellar, goes down at dusk
thinks I don’t know

otherwise she is let out for
the night

or holed up somewhere else

she will scrabble up later
go out the back before


this time
the recycling centre stays open

while I see
someone has changed the tune

not so cold here today james

while the lorries drive the road

60 · Jul 2021
.to love a dead tree.
the dead tree is gone now

cut down

branches scattered as it hit
solid ground

changing the view
it has not rained a long time
thought it did a bit last night

did I tell you about the sapling
now in view?

i miss the old thing
and think how nice to know

that I can love a dead tree
60 · Jun 6
liking rags
i move on
with differing
the trial by glass
60 · Jun 24
undeniably tracing honesty in the air
with one finger

it came clear later..
60 · May 2021
the tree came down

so dinner waited an hour or so

already cooked went cold

and rubbery

the least of the worry

pleased to see that the flowers

remain standing still in bud

the lights went off then came back on

the words were said and meant


the forecast is better here today

still bad mid wales I am told
60 · Aug 15
.little things.
now i beg forgiveness
we are little things
that dance in the mornings

in the light from the phone
60 · Jul 14
undeniably tracing honesty in the air
with one finger

it came clear later..
60 · Sep 2023
..spelling correctly..
the word came involuntarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.
60 · Apr 2021
ah pizza
now there is a thing
to love and so easy to store
in the freezer

or make
like you say
with multitudinous bits
on top

which bend and stretch

on breakfast tv he says
that we should all do that
and that

even getting out of a chair is exercise
or putting on a cardigan

i had pasta with bits of worry
over things I heard

yesterday felt difficult
so i wrote that in my diary

today the plan is toast
inspired by pizzas
59 · Jul 2021
maybe it is a code word
or pseudonym

i wonder each time I hear from you

and yes there we go with those assumptions  again

we all do it
have our own stories

unless we are told somehow

that is all we shall have
59 · May 19
.bone house.
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,

power house.
bone house.
59 · May 2021
if it is a question on bedrooms

and their historical allocation

the answer is straightforward

and simple without emotion

though the damp was mentioned

plus a snippet on sharing

and a hint of abuse

a slight colouring of a larger story

despite him saying nothing of the past

in his opinion

in my opinion it was his main subject

meanwhile i stood by the gate in the local village

and admired the garden


we had coffee over the road in the cafe

a nice change from a pub
59 · Nov 2021
down the centre of town
an avenue in fall

and the day came divine
59 · Oct 2021
wrap the house around you, then                            leave it.   out into the only world you know.   anxiety  comes with           the unfamiliar.                                         they call down the chimney.

so i will go back.   look at the buildings. two museums hiding,.               look at the buildings,

this is a mill town.
59 · Jan 2023
.looking for rags.
and maybe, and probably
i cannot fix it
so will look after it
admire it daily
unless it rains

59 · Oct 2022
. pronouns .
they screamed that there was an accident waiting to happen on the stairs
59 · Nov 2021
.rhubarb and apple
have thought a lot about your pasty while out walking in the rain

wondered on the pastry whether it were puff or flaky

or even traditional short like me

whatever the casing  it sure sounds a tasty pasty….
58 · Apr 2022
most mornings early before you were up or about we crept there with thoughts

to make little things of words, tiny secrets, never written out fully for that won’t do

one morning something crept sideways and we came out to look and what surrounded us

read the words and worried a week

then sadly we crept away….
58 · Jan 10
. the colour.
drawn by the name not just the colour
and oh that name come true
on opening jim

is fading now
yet remains as the description
58 · Jul 2
may understand the red thing

enjoyed the film with the colours
yellow and gorse along
the path
days on the sands
skipping up through the tracks seeing
the adder
thankyou for trying


i shall be content with imagination

usually copy and paste my images

for the forum

so it is midwinter  and though busy

am enjoying this moment

in this shortest  day

the air is clear and cold

on my skin

sun shines
yet the day has not warmed

stove is lit and the candles are ready
for a quiet reflective evening

while after reading an article on flight

from fear

know how fortunate i am
58 · Mar 2023
. ph2.
the power house rears its head again,

pouring images down

like rain.

while gavin bryars plays

on and on

58 · Sep 2023
cover the place with whiteness.
pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
58 · Dec 2021
slate slides
mud slips
rain falls

seems higher this time

water expands to where i see
the edge
58 · Mar 2022
.red house.power house.
i remember the implications, was told the facts later.

much later.

the war house & after.


we dig within for solidity, solidarity, power to continue
58 · Feb 19
.walking in snow.
mentioning that, please note, it is only

certain elements that startle.

the fear of falling mentioned before, yet i stride out confident and all the while my brain is in-flight with dizziness and disconnect

on pavements.

though, there is a softer sound,

on earth or grass am capable

whilst oft i fly….
58 · Jun 2023
new mathematics

the rooms were swept yesterday

bones hidden

teeth implied

yet the shape remains embedded
58 · Jul 2023
. sea fret .
yesterday a sea fret, misted trees,

added edge ; visual delight.

i like the road to there.
58 · Feb 16
laugh at them talking in metaphors
yet I do the same
58 · Jan 2022
. correction.
yet it was taken all serious with a need to always be correct

to talk about quality
58 · Apr 2023
will watch the film on perception tomorrow alongside

another. red & white.  they say it will change my life.

meanwhile i **** boxes.
58 · Mar 2021
.spelling it out.
things begin ning with b
and other letters

like retirement
which you mentioned that
the other day

i never did do that not yet

now as you know am in a furrow until april
which starts with f and is possibly furlough
to others

i am down deep and feel
warm and settled here

in earth

who knows how this will end

with an e

for endless

there is another named jim james
who thinks I refer to him also

and perhaps I do

with a p
58 · Feb 9
to the divine air now
we are starting to breath
a little
57 · Nov 2023
adrift, will the sky at last explode, or will this hate
continue pointlessly, for  thousand thousands years.
numbers that cannot describe each particle of pain.
57 · Sep 1
young man shouting at the elders

the high street

that they are waving those flags yet not saying anything

shouted and shouted like anything

while some of us got bored

left and bought a second hand marvel tee shirt in black

others stayed behind and filmed

save the children #
57 · Feb 2021
.the funeral.
yes things that come
will also leave

an interesting day yesterday
when things revisit and i slip in

to recall the experience
relive that time and remember

i watched from the window how they
stood close together and hugged

and how it is spreading

there was a storm all day
warm inside the thoughts

came overwhelming

we went to bed early

this is another day
57 · Jun 2023
mainly red,

comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue,

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine
who knows what lies underneath
here the land goes up and down
water drains
into rivers
57 · Jul 2023
my quiet friends felt shaky

weary while getting back to

57 · Apr 2023
now i remember that you saw the night


while here we wondered, got lost in our


looked up and found the morning had

come pink again

scattered light in particular places

the other in shade
57 · Dec 2023
.teapot 2.
don’t use a teapot

but evidently many do,

and cosy up together.

they don’t squish teabags, have leaves,

and stewing on the gas ring,

like mother, reducing it to

poison on my tongue.

i like the leaves to look at,

smell, like the small packet

we used to have, paper lined

in those days.
57 · Aug 22
.at the museum.
they screamed that there was an accident waiting to happen on the stairs
57 · Apr 24
there was thing

to write about


i forgot

57 · Jul 2023
we went out on the chain ferry across to the beach
all sun sea gulls and possibilities

day of freedom
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