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57 · Nov 2021
.our houses.
we can hear  the scratching

when dark comes

comes the scuttlings

flutterings  outside

bats fly round our houses
57 · Dec 2023
.teapot 2.
don’t use a teapot

but evidently many do,

and cosy up together.

they don’t squish teabags, have leaves,

and stewing on the gas ring,

like mother, reducing it to

poison on my tongue.

i like the leaves to look at,

smell, like the small packet

we used to have, paper lined

in those days.
57 · Apr 2023
now i remember that you saw the night


while here we wondered, got lost in our


looked up and found the morning had

come pink again

scattered light in particular places

the other in shade
57 · Jul 2023
my quiet friends felt shaky

weary while getting back to

57 · Apr 24
there was thing

to write about


i forgot

56 · Apr 2021
.planning office.
felt the cold inside me

as i told you before

it came so yesterday
while my bones ached
to stay indoors

and did so

things worked out pleasantly
while he watched the cricket

i spoke to the hub
and was conveyed


planning can often work

the fire burned all day
from early
56 · Aug 2023
we miss you if you do not visit
a while
and we get all our tenses and lines
wrong and have to go back in a hurry
to amend
56 · Mar 2021
early yet

I have to tell you

i went a different way
to avoid the usual

found it was a parkland
with long hedges cut sideways

the back much longer
than the front

to create an anomaly

saw a white egret fly up and over
corrected the predicted from


walked home and watched the news
56 · Dec 2021
as i rose,

a pink mist descended.

it was actually already there,

i like the sound of the action here.
56 · Aug 16
you like birds?
as do i
neither of us employed
&  i am vaguely idle
56 · Jun 2023
.bird house.
blows ideas into our houses
messages bring connections.

a busy day with folk talking.
56 · Feb 2023
light the darker days

of gloom and melancholia

born from intrusion

and swede.

this is quality,

a fortunate piece.
56 · Sep 2022
now i beg forgiveness

we are little things

that dance in the mornings


in the light of the phone
56 · Jul 2023
.pirate island.
imagine you a pirate, with stripey trousers
and a large black patch

on imagining things
sometimes scare myself silly
55 · Apr 2022
wash the cloth to prove a point.*

it is a fragile thing, hesitant in the making. never

complete, it hangs by a thread.
55 · Apr 2021
walked as usual

it was not deep here

and some still falling


i knew the others were in bed
and I wished them so

this was a new experience
brought on with isolation

walked to the main road only
usually much further

with practicality

turned myself about
to head for home

it seems we always wish
to come back home


on another note
we had talked early
about our buying habits now

while she bought blades
i purchased a variety of

i took of photograph of hengrwt
55 · Dec 2023
.the hour.
such is the change of time
i have been around for  an
55 · Apr 4
.who knows.
who knows what lies underneath
here the land goes up and down
water drains
into rivers
55 · Dec 2022
stood steady in wonder

watched the dark bleed

across the sky

watch birds scatter
55 · Sep 2023
.museum visit.
they screamed that there was an accident waiting to happen on the stairs
55 · Sep 2021
.little garden.
little garden
with a pleasant lack
of human control

a small garden with a
backdrop of the estuary
and signal box

a special garden made
with nature and a loving hand

thankyou nature man
55 · Jan 2021
.the car park.
the days come darker still

considering the night

white they peer

sadly into empathy

faces cloud

shoulders bowed

not so the beginning

look at it

look at it

no stars here no separation

the two become one


you see that your perception of things

is different from the others

hold it

hold it and you will find after time

some no longer see

today there is vacant parking at the church
55 · May 29
a thing so private, so intense .   . simple , complex. no one will see it .    

                      note your achievements to date.                     .hell no
55 · May 2021
.smiley face.
such a surprise while working in isolation

on the theme of isolation

a note to say that there are notes

on work done previously

four of you had commented

said nice things and I had missed it

now read and apologised for my oversight

remarked that your remarks made me happy

and smiley


55 · Sep 2021
he asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts

ghosts of humans
when we are gone

i replied the animals
then after i thought

it will be everything left
behind us

plants and earth
land and seascape

littered with the stuff
of us
the terrible ghosts
55 · Dec 2021
.is not so much that I like weird stuff…

is more that I don’t think stuff is weird…
55 · Dec 2023
black dog,
below the llan.
55 · Dec 2020
.asda man.
two cakes sound better than my none

here then it is not my birthday yet

i had bread and butter pudding for after
to use up the bread
disliking waste
and liking dessert

I would of said pudding
yet it spoiled the line


two eggs and add the milk
to soak the bread with butter

and sultanas

some things are unavailable so
asda man brings substitutes

like rocket instead of rocket
we are to have a refund if

found unsuitable

imagine the log deposited with flood

a whale beached
i said and she agreed

imagine if I had cake
and it might be chocolate
with thick sticky sauce
and bits in it

i imagine I should like that
and eat it all
55 · Feb 2021
:: snowdrops ::

hold her up, you need to hold her up

stand each side of her

it is a challenge each day

to look at the images


a challenge to deal with these things

some of us manage

to be vulnerable as naked

in private

some need holding up

in sight from my window
54 · Nov 2021
.online shopping.
fancy dance delivering groceries
down the lane by the church

where the water board left those holes

guarded nicely  with a temporary blue

fence thing

i did not order conversation yet got it anyhow
with a sermon regarding his christianity and

school assembly

i  vaguely argued points yet they were  not noticed

for he had sat  two hours that morning and every morning praying and reading stuff

maybe had not learned to listen

so brought the food delivery indoors
and asked a refund for the substitutes
54 · Feb 2021
.oh mistress mine.
medieval tartlet come scratchy

only once wore such a thing

rocky road of horror

least coverage and baggy below

without that leotard

come special

they walked home in the rain


missed on the pelican crossing

got ****** in the bar
54 · May 2021
there was lightning in the night

the phone told me

an alert on my app

comes yellow

it has been one year today

and that is plenty days and

there will be some more

of that I am sure

we listen to the rain early

with mixed feelings

there may not be gardening done today

there may be drawings
as i rose,

a pink mist descended.

it was actually already there,

i like the sound of the action here.

i thought the window misted,

my glassses steamed,

walked room to room,

and from the windows saw,

the softest steam morning

on the mountain,

through the trees.

the promise of another

day in wonderland.
54 · Jun 30
.the days.
yet the days moved nicely. there were little troubles, nothing to diminish the beauty of it all.
54 · Dec 2020
do you know the dark corner

behind damask

where music plays?

do you know why the tree died

why the paint smudged?

some know and remember the years

less for some than others

some paint tidy all realism while

others paint a different way

i know why the tree died . i do.

i know that the stove ticks when lit
54 · Feb 2022
.green grass.
lawns are a thing
i watched the history
been to a museum in southport

pretty place that for a town
with council gardening you know
all neat and patterns with orange
54 · Dec 2021
.question mark.
is that a small
white house
at the side of

the road?
54 · Sep 2022
..the search for arms..

no mention of gains or fortitude

some may look for the other one

some may find it

while the little people with their arms held high

dance in the sunlight with all that remains
54 · Aug 30
carefully we drew her out
all tidy with reason, wearing
us down
54 · Apr 29
.the bigger picture..
do not feel so great, again today.

i wanted to be european.

a bigger picture.
54 · Nov 2020
do you hear it
rain at the window

do you hear the lightened notes
of hammers on skin

tunnels fade into waterways
paths are shallow pools

we laughed at the word


the understatement

all wet clothes, mops
and buckets

later he said he would have
fetched me in the truck yet

there is no vehicular access

don’t get wet, don’t get wet

we laughed
and carried on with the day patiently

ridding ourselves of the valuables
of no value

things from the past


so you know the pattern?

if the name has lowercase things
will continue a while and if uppercase

it has ended
54 · Aug 2021
remember those comics with stories on space and rockets
all dan dare and boy’s own

that we all read despite the gender

do you think they used protonmail alongside ray guns
for protection

here  we went up the hill to the little shop
for dandy and beano

sometimes the beezer

it was bigger

then occasionally she bought me sunshine stories
54 · Feb 2023
.near turkey island.
the year the storm broke, breached

the shingle bank.

decisions were made

i hear

to not repair
54 · Dec 2021
. postcode.
it was in the wrong shed

it may be the right postcode

but up the wrong track, the

one i talked about yesterday
54 · Sep 9
.new red shoes.
the ******* the bus had some, in blue though,

and i admired them while thinking that they will be fine for a more senior person.

then before the film that monday I visited the market, bought some much the same in red.

found some suitable socks and wore them to town

all comfy  and overwhelming in their newness.

yet I guess no one noticed, only me.
53 · Aug 9
.talk talk., talk to me with snaked tongues,

all seaside towns and deck shoes, reminding

of the lecture house.

.they turned it nasty too.

..when the tongue splits, spit and go.

go fast.
53 · Jul 11
is overcast today
a slight breeze from the
a slight hint of colour
bleeding from the patch below
53 · Dec 2020
do you ever dream of a place
where you were so unhappy

that you have to go back

do you ever wake up late
your neck hurting

like heck

do you console yourself that it
is winter

dark and to be expected

do you still feel guilty

some do

some are glad it was just a dream
53 · Dec 2021
.darker days.
here we need no black days
no more, not in this house

seen too many troubles….
52 · Mar 27
.the capital.
some make mistakes
i do and avoid the capitals

main thing is to weather the storms
and visit daily
i too lean slightly
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