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64 · Jun 27
.remarkable mornings.
we are little things
that dance in the mornings
by the light of the phone….
64 · Aug 29
putting words in my mouth
like sweet sultanas in chocolate

they come in twos
64 · Apr 16
saw you fallen
photographed you

yet could not save you
any of them

you are a metaphor
64 · May 2021
.privet corner.

remember privet road down in winton

those days after the war

the second world war that is

though it feels like folk are at war

always somewhere

maybe we should look after things

and our people

anyway there is a privet plant in the corner of the garden

down by the water pumping station

they want it cut and i want it tidy

so we comprise as i love the smell

of the small white flower come annually

i shall rake the leaves and have made a sign ready

privet corner

it is not a hedge like my grandma had

just a privet plant
64 · Apr 2022
. the other side .
you may already have the things you need.

just look.

it may be that it is
neat and shiny.
64 · Apr 2021
know of it and recall the music

and format especially

we only had radio at first

for me the thrill came with

journey into space

then later from behind the sofa

dr who I think

not our sofa
i was staying away a while

a bit posh with fresh dates and ginger

and paying tenants in the lower flat

they said apartment

you know

i liked it there

we have a complete set of the current


and the doll

it is a saga

64 · Sep 2021
hope all is well today at yours?

the graveyard is cut, the flowers down and gone to the compost

We have changed from yellow and white to green


it will grow

and they wonder over  the need for control

any how it is my sunday off again  yet I must stop  saying that for I do not work no more

hope your day comes interesting
64 · Oct 2023
.these things.
a challenge to describe   these trees as suggested

the gentle good,  dawel disgyn,  little time

left, nor funds for flying.
63 · Jan 21
take note of the numbers,
especially those with 9, as
in 29.

the page is speckled,
left unread mostly these days,
63 · Sep 2023
carefully we drew her out
all tidy with reason, wearing
us down
63 · Dec 2023
is it the coldest place?

no shelter, only the doorway.

she let her friend warm there while the lady opposite hid by the wall

for the 30

was travelling the other way and watched the birds



the chapel adorned with those spikes to deter them sitting

except there


it perched

vocally celebrating.

corbett hotel stands empty still

63 · Oct 2021
.twelve years.
twelve years.

i calculate the time
divided by the difference

then i pass by the village

you wave again.

look the same, only

everything is changed

63 · May 2021
mr blue coat man

walks early

mr water man works at dwr cymru

i have a long surname and usually

give my first name even having to spell that and hope that will suffice without the other ones

i hear it comes shorter in the village

some many many years ago

it started

and i remember them

the names

mrs wrap around apron

the falling boy

never said in public

a family language
63 · Nov 2021
.power houses.
watching the stain spread,
red drops as blood.

63 · Sep 4
.the rose.
yet when
she said my friend looked pretty
that I smelled nice
I sagged a little.

later that day
i found a message
from a soldier in the usa
holding a puppy & a rose
calling me a beauty
63 · Mar 2021
i slept late

due to the covers
63 · Jul 2021
.down along the river.
early sunday

traffic back to usual from lockup

which came quiet

we went down along the river

a new route to hear the cockerel

to find the little flowers

plus evidence from the night before

she remarked that animals spread disease

as do people just as much as we have noticed lately

they say they feel safe


that don’t mean they are

the zoo is back open again today
63 · Jan 2021
have a nice star symbol on the forecast
six sided
and while I hear rain now
on the cat slide
know there will be no walk early

have tear drop symbols too
which is correct so a good
job done here yesterday

it would be no good today

cat howled as i put her out
she slept on the dining room
table again

all the telling that the uncut moquette
is most comfy
goes unheard

preferring dark wood

each day I wash and polish
hoping for a change in attitude

i have stories on the shelf
may write them one by one
some day


yesterday I verbalised some

the job sounds fine
out and about

he liked that
the freedom
63 · Oct 2021
.that feeling.
is that feeling that comes of an autumn afternoon at a particular moment just before the squirrel arrives timely

for food

that feeling that arrives with the name of the county

the memory of your home and closeted life
now eroding slowly

that sense of belonging to the land

it is that feeling

63 · Aug 18
is the little things that excite, even
in the height of summer, low look
for seeds, small flowers studded
in hedgerows.
63 · Aug 21
handbag, not fit for any purpose than
delight and design.
63 · Mar 2021
.tug hill.
it can become obsessive
this watching the news in your country

it may be an obsession
this tidying of drawers
in the warm rooms

these things do pass the time
while we stay at home
as directed

walking early
so as not to see no one
only that cat
and various squirrels

it may be a habit writing
each day

hearing your news
on tug hill

or maybe an act of solidarity james
63 · Nov 2022
here on the night watch,
all is quiet , no birds sing.

touched by the small thing,
softly, we drew together,
with words, and gestures
in air, in mind.
63 · Aug 5
.my window.
some of us manage
to be vulnerable as naked
in private

some need holding up
in sight from my window
63 · Jul 3
initially it was said
that secondly should be
second and initially
should be first

i was confused that
nobody said third
and comforted
by the sound of fourth
memory of moth
62 · Jan 2023
..teapot 8.
painted my mug in happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim
62 · Dec 2021
.new world.
are having a new bus shelter on the bangor route hurrah….with digital.

after sheltering under a twig nigh on 30 years will now be dry.

went to aberystwyth yesterday and there is no shelter that way

no twig and all the bus windows were open for the covid


today is the asda van

substitutes steak type pies with chicken type…..

then subs chicken type pies with steak type


bread instead of bread
62 · Dec 2023
..doll & starry..
it came gradual some time back

no one memorised the date

at all

not at all

we felt it was not right especially

the day on the bus, remember?

over time with help from friends and durability

all came better again.

special thanks to those mentioned.

62 · Feb 2022
‘ you mean it were the settings that was wrong ‘


‘so it was all your imagination?’

62 · Oct 2022
day of small things,

slowly steadily worked

as we rest the dust motes,

shine as gold.
62 · Jul 2023
liking rags
i move on
with differing

the trial by glass
62 · Jan 2022
.new colours.
the bird landed gently

hardly there
62 · Jul 20
was noted that some folk aren’t bothered and carry on without looking
the difference is a thing
62 · Apr 9
quiet slow and uneventful
it left lasting impressions
a simple drawing out
62 · Jan 17
where is the power house,
metal books he said.

concrete palaces for those
that prey.

he grew it plant like,
fought it,
numbered it
62 · Nov 2021
..watercolour class..
did you edit your question?

did you change your mind?

shall explain

a good artist who taught for extra
a new kitchen at the french farmhouse and other things

taught as required for copying  so we all looked the same

though some added bits and embellishments which caused remark

while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy

fell off


i did not return
62 · Sep 2021
.mansel davies.
it is a complex thing
to work out the best

thing to do
way to be

sometimes is best to do nothing
wait and see
let it be

some mornings the air feels clearer
than others

across the village  a dove turtles  and coos
while lorries pass on the bridge
62 · Apr 2022
along the edge, the edge
of season. the coast with
slow limits.

the glass anomaly
swept the edges
golden, in proportion.
62 · Mar 2023
.with colour.
taught as required for copying  so we all looked the same

though some added bits and embellishments which caused remark

while the space between lines was so immense
61 · Dec 2022 red..
adrift, will the sky at last explode, or will this hate

continue pointlessly, for  thousand thousands years.

numbers that cannot describe each particle of pain.
61 · Dec 2023
told you, no one will listen if we are quiet,
they have all lost interest’


‘do they only listen to loud folk , those that  shout
and remonstrate’

seems so.
61 · Aug 19
.duck egg blue.
duck egg blue
the ironmongers in town
at three seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there
and bus back you see
61 · Jun 29
you know
all neat and patterns with orange
61 · Mar 2021
sometimes we say gosh or my goodness
a phrase used much in subtitled korean dramas

which what I like

they say it ain’t seemly to cuss
at this age and present gender

though I really like
as a little word

they say it is safer out of doors
that it does fade after a few days
though he thought it lived forever


the second visitor in a while

later the top were sawn off

ready to balance the collected


being corrected
being predicted
61 · Jun 8
listen, repeat the
random insects.
stitch another way.
61 · May 2023
'you mean it were the settings that was wrong ‘


‘so it was all your imagination?’

61 · Apr 2022
.untitled one.
all kicked off yesterday

late afternoon and i shall remember

it well, for i wrote it in the diary which sits on the kitchen table open

a habit started in lockdown as keeping things entirely to oneself is usual yet conflicting with the need to identify happenings

the kitchen is quite dark without the light on as is slightly below ground, the graveyard behind

used to leave a lamp on yet with energy prices hike, now follow her lead and wait until entry

so yesterday it all kicked off at halls and with my upbringing being blamed knew this will be all be my fault too

i wrote it in the diary with an asterisk
61 · Apr 2023
this is a little model.
of how it was then.

it may be full of
61 · Apr 2022
.sea houses.
wind blows round our houses,

wide walls hold  back, draughts
fan the fire. clean welcome air.wind blows the sea into town
61 · Jul 2022
Shoreline would be more an exploration of the concept….shorelines more related to actual examples… about that?
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