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68 · Aug 2021
she praised the sonnet remarked she did not fully understand though

i agree for neither do i understand why there are rules on how to convey a feeling, an idea

why there has to be a pattern
to follow

the words come easier with flow
yet it did come out different

i guess than usual and maybe
that is a thing

it took two days of dithering and rearranging

and hurt
68 · Sep 2021
.my bench out there.
sometimes takes a thing of note to come dancing

yet yesterday there was none of that though highly praised for labelling


that shall be saved

he told me a gentleman uses my bench at 6.30 pm most days

so I ask how he knows that he is so

is it the leather gloves that denote the status

disappointed to hear the word was merely to denote gender

I have therefore repaired the seat somewhat and left a gift

68 · May 2023
.you got this.
touch of red

suggested at dinner, to make
a photograph splendid, i noticed

the same in paintings at exhibition.
68 · Apr 2021
.eco logs.
look at you promoted from the use for which you were designed

a white enamel was desired
yet a galvanised was ordered

and though come lovely also
came too big for the space so

used to carry in the exotic logs
which help the environment and
crumble on the floor otherwise if
not contained somehow

the problem continued upstairs
so we moved you there yesterday

a new chapter
a new purpose

you succeeded nicely

i too reflect this story
start a new chapter
without purpose


and accept the predictions
as they seem to come correct

it was not a thought as such
more of a knowing

there is a photograph

come random
68 · Jan 2023
drawing the child with found fabrics

watching the marks come good, no dots

yet they came
without warning
67 · Jan 2022
what there is may seem paltry to others

in their grander scheme of things

yesterday bought a new pencil with a number that i dismissed

liking chance
67 · Jun 21
..pirate island..
imagine you a pirate, with stripey trousers
and a large black patch.

on imagining things
sometimes scare myself silly
67 · Apr 12
"Is art a box that you climb into?”

“Well, yes, I guess it is. I never thought of it like that”

“Are you compartmentalizing?”
67 · Apr 2022
.untitled two.
is noted that a conversation started on the original comment

with thoughts such as mine which is interesting

yet the first remark darted

and as you may know that we have come to know ourselves better since the isolation so have hidden

comment that there was a wish for more participants which comes ironic

for now there is one less

while the day was imbolc

so we walked the country paths

noted new green growth and those with country habits

i go rake wet leaves
67 · Dec 2021
birds come quieter
scatter at my approach

67 · Jul 2023
required for mending always

yesterday she explained to sew

the four holes in synchronicity


on linen

yesterday the words came easily with labels
67 · Jul 2021
.a gardeners world.
while some are better than others

with brick paths and woollen sweaters

most come happy

some with old regional accents and a love of vegetables

all to remind of pleasant days up the back sitting on upturned buckets in the sun

we are starting a new episode having done the training

it came as a pandemic and not a choice

yet some of it worked out lovely
67 · Mar 7
pinky glow

she said that it was the coldest night for years

and I forget how many
67 · Feb 25
keeping things entirely to oneself is usual yet conflicting with the need to identify happenings
67 · Feb 16
laugh at them talking in metaphors
yet I do the same
67 · Apr 11
.like in a circus.
like in a circus those days
now there are no animals
mainly clever folk being smart
or funny
66 · May 2023
yet i will rather say that all things are

on a spectrum

of colours & ideas

nothing is one colour only,      as decided

in invented rules.  for we are all different
66 · May 2023
.maybe that.
we shall have more drawings
i can see the marks & lines
pushing through

despite the weather
66 · Sep 2022
.note for james 17.
hot here apparently

amber today

then red warning tomorrow

they painted some tracks white
to deter bending

and wrapped something up
with foil

i forget why

i just keeps trucking

what else is to do james?

66 · Feb 13
it is the blue tie and orange
top that looks distinctive..
66 · Aug 17
.bird in hand.
bird in hand is drawn
rules to guide us
with stars above that have no points
at all
yet each one has a story
66 · Jun 10
.my friends.
my quiet friends felt shaky
weary while getting back to
66 · May 2022
.yesterday & today.

talked of this yesterday while walking
the neighbour on his bike, his mother

my name from a refugee


trauma not shared
one is alone
it deepens

i take your words & use them


numbers do have meaning
66 · Mar 2021
.15 watt .
today there is no little chocolate

they came in different shapes

which i could not always identify

but enjoyed in *******

if that word is permitted?

the empty box will be laid


in the stove

ready for lighting this afternoon

on the yesterday we fiddled with lights
and curtain poles

deliveries of gooseberries, bath oils

and the delightful tiny light bulbs

which pleased me most
bought in a quantity of five

and i bet i don’t have a photograph
so will have to go get one
66 · Apr 2021
.the dream.
a word for desires and wishes?

a name for a blanket?

yet this came as frozen

locked in a repeating pattern

time beyond time

blank rooms

devoid of feature or understanding of the need

we never remember them playing there ever

no more

look out from the metal windows that run with condensation and sadness

at folk who surge and mingle

66 · Jan 30
look at each gentle place,
to keep in a pocket
of love,for that rainy
day, you do not go.
66 · Jun 28
was worried over the empty barn. .it  survives,
66 · Sep 2021
.the difference shows .
it was last week then early this week
they cut the grass

two of them in the graveyard
until late afternoon

each evening the buzzard came
the cats waited

it is short now with all their hard work

yesterday  the other man came
to tidy up their tidying up

washed the stones

my side the flowers grow tall
the grass still green
66 · Aug 20
while the world is turning there is a small hope to always return home
66 · Jun 2022
. untitled .
some live

with ****** bombs

66 · Sep 14
..looking up..
became slightly nervous looking up
at it

retreated to the studio
65 · Apr 17
things come awry and we leave it so
the random nature of things
faintly corrupted
65 · Feb 2022
. sea houses .
forge forward
with obsession

variety of colours

there is another language
65 · May 25
power house looms ahead. they pray for peace and family, their lovely homes and salary. pigs. work for the people supposedly.
65 · Nov 2023
so in the mist of memory my 15 minutes passed  without concentration and went indoors after
65 · Dec 2022
they will not swim in the tidal pool

nor their families nor them before that

we do and the little fishes come
we do
we are a different family
65 · Dec 2021
so in the mist of memory my 15 minutes passed  without concentration and went indoors after
65 · Sep 5
.country living.
light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
65 · Oct 2022
.to return.
while the world is turning there is a small hope to always return home
65 · May 2022
wrote of blood, yet did not share it much.

you may think we share our hidden thoughts,

yet some remain
65 · Feb 2022
things change,
except they say, one.
changes come

squirrels and disarray.

river ebbs, flows, tidal,
otter marks erased, the lane

quiet now. locals walk, leaves stir.

in passing remember those.
65 · Feb 2023
dave asked about the utility bell, and war time candles,

following the wax theme, yesterday. i got my household

ones, 5 hours burning time, yet to be proved. they offered

me dinner candles, but i had leftovers ready, so kept quiet

on that score.

anyway, dave, over here, we had rationing as you know,

which continued afterward. things had to be simple,

saving stuff and time, and had a mark like two hungry birds.

mum bought the utility bell in woolworths, from the flat counter,

simple cut out metal, good colour, much valued in those days,

alonside papery chains and lanterns.

our tree had candles, i do not know when lights began,

i still have her candle ends left, fancy twisted, faded now.

i keep them special, use the newer ones , red and plain, and

remember my mum,

i will scan these to show you dave, later.

it is still raining.
65 · Mar 2021
Got very busy early with bread and fires although predicted wanted fries….

Found a new shopping site this morning and got lost googling epicure.

Thought of that yellow pickle which I feel you will dislike.


No real plans though an envelope has arrived from my arty friend in Todmorden that my direct the day a little.

Progress continues at home with lighting and curtainage. 

Excitement mounts that the gooseberries that were in Kimnel bay yesterday may arrive here today and very welcomed.

So the bread is rising and I am feeling too chilly to venture out. There are memories this time of year one way so another so will take the day carefully. 
I wonder what today will bring.

I understand the night was spent with discussion on types of fish.
65 · Jan 2022
there was no fanfare,
no procession, no proclamation,
as we hit the button, no exclaimation

with the change as if no one
noticed, and if i am right, they
probably didn’t until later

didn’t see as we drove the valley,
didn’t protest, or speak in tongues,
did not see the little things

we bought winter food

it came late early

we are in transition

drew the curtians last eve

while waiting and through the *****

left saw one golden tree

autumn cameo

each little thing

while some things break

65 · Jul 2022
this thing can **** the life even from

those hiding.

so they may  go live underground.

war of the worlds
65 · Feb 2022
.shell bay.
we went out on the chain ferry across to the beach
all sun sea gulls and possibilities

day of freedom
65 · Jul 2021
“Hurry burry refers to a busy, boisterous activity. Surprisingly this English term was borrowed & derived from a Tamil word – Arakka parakka (அரக்க பறக்க ). To move or do things more quickly than normal is termed as Parapara (பரபர) in Tamil”


so we takes our time these days
wash hands carefully

pinafore and radio on


think of our mum as we chop the onions
how she added curry powder and sultanas
to the baked beans
as a savoury

a nod to another culture
she never knew.

a nod to the war rationing still in place

slowly add in more ingredients while
whirling gracefully in the boots that

have become more appropriate

we wait a while and let it rest

there is no hurry any more
there never was

then later eat it slowly

no hurry burry curry
65 · Dec 2021
watching the weather

discussing the news
for news came yesterday

65 · Mar 2022
.keeping warm.
they used to be called siren suits here and were mainly designed to clothe children during the blitz I believe, and the fashion continued  after, though I never had one.

.was surfing the other moment and came across a heated garment, which sounded cosy and as for hands I have no idea.

.smiley face.
64 · Apr 2022
. the other side .
you may already have the things you need.

just look.

it may be that it is
neat and shiny.
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