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72 · Dec 2022
we thought about the things my brother

said about the tea plantations

in india

he does a big trip somewhere each each year

except last year and probably this year too
72 · Jan 2022
.the wall.
we touch the wall
where the car crashed
that time back
remember how it was

how my friend tried to
72 · Sep 2023
so while out on a longer walk,
met him and he explained to me,
about walking there and back again
72 · Jun 2021
a reflection, mirroring of last week

and we guess there will be much if it after

this time of soft living, little moving nor travelling


now we glitch with so much using

too much storage not to mention

my coaches


hear that salvage hunters were being filmed locally

and he commented

72 · Mar 2021
.word of snow.
is it the same as ash die back
i know I should research this
and will
just not now

she sings
i remember

he told me you can burn it
anytime and chanted a verse

that I do not remember

he cannot come a while for

you should only mix indoors or outdoors with members of your own household or support bubble

she sings
i remember

some things come easy for some
even pleasant
impossible for others

i did look and see it is a fungus
rather than a borer james

i do not have all the particulars like you
and my roof is higher

she sings
72 · Nov 2023
. tea .
we thought about the things my brother

said about the tea plantations

in india

he does a big trip somewhere each each year

except last year and probably this year too
72 · May 2021
hello james

you have been gone a while

since you said you would leave

all things change and we had early training here

i spoke of it yesterday

yesterday they came wearing the same dresses

saw the coincidence quickly and were shocked and embarrassed

not noticing the insect in their panic

they may soon learn these things don’t

matter, never did
72 · Dec 2021
.white hut.
have you closed your eyes at that

within, enjoyed that


the tin hut is still empty.
72 · Nov 2022
.her sister.
she was drawn again yesterday with her sibling

though it did not look quite right so

shall i tear the sister off?
72 · Jul 18
.paper covers.
paper covers history.

bent on layers
of time, pretending.
there are several things worth mentioning

to be spoken when the time is right

we slept the unsleeping dream which leaves us weak

offered help we agreed and cleared the ground steadily

found gratitude and overcome with the feeling of it all

tucked back inside early to gloat over the buckets of twigs
was dark blue with a little red added

lasted two weeks and still prominent
71 · Mar 2022
.white stone.
yes james it is white stone
colour so pure you can feel it
71 · Oct 2023
there have been a couple
of incidents but now she
is in disguise
with different
71 · Feb 2021

they add some for emergency

dreaming nothing works

becomes seedy like rubber buttons

stitched on particular


they come at us with knives

power houses

talking with tongues

with nowhere else to go

no one else to torment

i laugh at them talking in metaphors

yet I do the same

there are raindrops on the window

while I die

of laughing
71 · Apr 2023
.lower field.
we watched it come down over the mountain spreading


as the cloud passed by the sun

after cooling indoors we went to see

the maker in the lower field
71 · Oct 2021
yes it is slate
tipped over from higher up

the quarry is closed this side

the other side it is still worked
though further than before
as there is now a visitor

for tourists
so we don’t go there
71 · Jan 2021
we have our favourites

mine is old
have had it thirty years

from the charity

he touched it gently
said it felt warm to touch


it certainly is
felted a little with wear


ill fitting

charcoal grey
it don’t show the dirt

i wore it gardening yesterday
raking leaves

the robin came down

we spell snow plough differently
71 · Oct 2021
an icicle from your nose
drip down your pyjamas
traditional with stripes
71 · Feb 11
.moving forward.
using the light spots,
neglecting the dark,
except the margins.

so we go
dear child moving
70 · Sep 2021
hope all is well today at yours?

the graveyard is cut, the flowers down and gone to the compost

We have changed from yellow and white to green


it will grow

and they wonder over  the need for control

any how it is my sunday off again  yet I must stop  saying that for I do not work no more

hope your day comes interesting
70 · Jul 2023
they  do not know the darkness

how the light can fade into latin

& all things unreasonable
70 · Apr 13
.rural living.
fortunate to live in this place where no bombs will take us.
70 · Aug 2021
we find it when the rain stops,

light comes through.                       yesterday morning

looked nice


find it in the leaves scattered in piles waiting for the wind

to scatter


hope in the plane flying over

run out to see


i found hope in the mountains here

a home, a refuge plain


and simple things, the ordinary

become as sacred in our life

and brings a sort of hope


we can hold onto

cherish inside of us



there may be

70 · Apr 30
.happy yellow.
happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour
and oh that name come true.steve

is fading now
yet remains as the description
70 · Aug 12
.white dress.
white dress.

lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
70 · Apr 28
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is bows you
i don’t know why
only as i say that
i think i may do
i guess that is a story for another morning
70 · Dec 2020
notice my neighbour is using coal 

as well as logs now

this is a new turn for him

a break in the routine

i use nugget things besides

the kiln dried things which

burn up bright for flame

during the day I let it glow softly


while relaxing let it flare nicely

for comfort 

it is not cold yet 

with so much time at home

is nice to have the stove lit



and a thriller or some more

sometimes we read

and sometimes  we just sit

to look out the window

out at the mountain
70 · May 2023
.looking for sand.
Shoreline would be more an exploration of the concept….shorelines more related to actual examples… about that?
70 · Apr 2022
gently go forward, then gently back
recreating past deeds and misdemenours
you thought forgotten.

gently go forward knowing we are mostly
all the same, with motes not spoken of,
except disorder.

gently it passed behind you
69 · Jan 27
:: tides are higher now, flooding the paths. he walked the mud, bringing the footsteps back to us ::
69 · Apr 2021
.fried bread.
now that sounds cold
i remember mum leaving the water tap running
in winter

the pipes were lagged in the outside toilet

and I hated that place both waiting outside
and the feel inside

the conversations about such a thing
at all

the cold when there was no heating

except the fire
reserved for drying the clothes

gran’s house much the same
though folk got preference

one each side
me by the radio

changing the thread to tell you
it all came lovely with onions
fried tasty, mushrooms and the
big tomato then cheese
on home made bread, fried

there are difficulties with tomatoes
large as a substitution

when only small are required

not wishing for waste
we eat them anyway

i feel it is another psychological

69 · May 2023
who knows what lies underneath

here the land goes up and down

water drains

into rivers
69 · Aug 2021
.gob sonnet.
gob stuck painfully wide
rubber fingers probe inside

send your fourth child a
lone her gassed extraction
thinged traumatic, an insistence
on rhyme by past dictation

scared absolutely ,the bleeding
rules scraping, filling
pussed restrictions feeding
the lines gone wrong you see..

difficult teeth, poetic lines
line my painful mouth shouting
elizabeth, the ****** sonnet oh
farthingales a starchy **ing
69 · Jan 2023
.ask again.
asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts

ghosts of humans
when we are gone
69 · Oct 2022
Main Entry: niche
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: place all one’s own

:: niche ::

i gave the words away.

wrote them,

published them

shredded and pickled them,

and gave them away.

left in a niche.

yet, still they rattle,

and will always

be a part of me.

my words
69 · Mar 2023
the power house rears its head again,

pouring images down

like rain.

while gavin bryars plays

on and on

69 · Mar 26
tell you it is a full and complicated story
that may upset.
i wrote it quickly using shape,colour,
metaphor and symbol.
69 · Mar 4
there is not much more to add, it is lighter
now.                                       birds sing early.

once again we come back to ourselves.

69 · Nov 2022
.note for james.
having swiped away those unwanted pages
and moved the car from the church car park
with it being sunday

come to read your message regarding bicycles

like and yesterday

a cyclist stopped before a bend in the road
to allow the bus to pass
except the driver couldn’t see

and words were exchanged
a fist raised

while I looked at the flowers
69 · Apr 2022
was cool there,
we learned about protection,
quiet spaces.

there is an hierarchy, yet
some words remain faultless.

some need to be remembered

numbers came suddenly soon after one.
69 · Mar 2023
what is it?

how will they know for thinking

comes silent inside our heads

unless we utter..
69 · Mar 2021
.the weather station.
what a wonderful thing
to have

plus all that ongoing information
to talk about

tell me

is it a one story house or two

there is a need to know
for worry in retrospect

it sounds a dangerous task
with all the snow and ice about

i ate the last little chocolate
this morning and shall miss that
routine each day

at midday he video called me in error
and we both freaked out
69 · Apr 2022
.more spots.
it has beautiful spots james

while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is bows you

i don’t know why
only as i say that
i think i may do

i guess that is a story for another morning
68 · Aug 2021
i write it here now amused to it

with all the predictions and quality spacing

or am i used to it

putting words in my mouth
like sweet sultanas in chocolate

they come in twos

the sentences
as if they may rhyme

only instead of except they don’t
do they jim?

we have light rain here

with worse predicted
that all came wrong too

earlier this week as we had sun
and a good book
68 · Aug 2022
early for some, late for others, we came. different reasons.

68 · Sep 2021
.some days.
some of those days come so special
we hold them in our heart

private for fear others will not understand

for each one of us
has differing delights
tailored it seems

i have such stories
and though I write here and there

those special moments
are not spoken if

for fear
of breaking the magic.

i have learned.
68 · Jan 2023
drawing the child with found fabrics

watching the marks come good, no dots

yet they came
without warning
68 · Aug 2021
she praised the sonnet remarked she did not fully understand though

i agree for neither do i understand why there are rules on how to convey a feeling, an idea

why there has to be a pattern
to follow

the words come easier with flow
yet it did come out different

i guess than usual and maybe
that is a thing

it took two days of dithering and rearranging

and hurt
68 · Apr 2021
.the letter.
well hello

you see I did write back to you


a different format

more like a letter now
it is not on the poetry


to behold
so cold

we swept it
the twigs and debris

micro gardening
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