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92 · Oct 2023
did you find a pin there, did you pick it up and stick it?   did you stay safe, wrap the shawl around and hold    it   close?        did you see my life breaking, bring me pins for mending? …
92 · Aug 2021
i hear that all is arrived and tested
well done everyone

those that invented
those that made and packed

and he who unpacked and put together

romping was the focus
after crawling

it is all remembered
like riding a bike
they say
92 · Dec 2023
walk the rooms in horror,
see genius in corners,

realise that he may cry
all the tears of life.
92 · Jan 2021
we ate cake, chocolate cake
with thick chocolate icing on

plus the usual buns
with one left ready
for today with coffee

there were four candles
each a different colour

which I have saved
washed the little white

all stashed in the proper place
in that dish on the kitchen shelf
above the table

i tidied it all a few weeks back

yesterday I won a writing challenge
did not mean to
I just wanted to tell it
how it is

later I attempted to trim
the hazel tree and succeeded
92 · May 31
don’t work if not connected, if not tuned in, you would think the experts would know that.  we need to signal to another.
92 · May 2023
.unnumbered powerhouse.
find pieces of jigsaw

everywhere here,

and they

don’t fit


if i try

they make

the wrong picture
92 · Jan 2023
.teapot 3.
i like flags that are decorative
or bunting that represents a

happy time

i dislike borders
representations of separation
92 · Sep 2
cover the place with whiteness.
pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
92 · Jun 2022
wonder if i shall write serious,

tell thee all  hard stories that

don’t exist. i wonder if i shall stop,

when no one reads.
92 · Oct 2022
.two houses.
small village, mayhap a hamlet, named,
one forgets the rules with all that has happened.

nice to be out, to see the neighbours’ houses,
to see what has changed while i have been working
92 · Aug 14
i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others
92 · Feb 29
spoke to others yesterday about
banning the word coping as a negative
thing, said with sympathy
head to one side.

it feels a frail word and does not apply
92 · Jan 16
.for wind there was.
trawsfynydd, we forgot the buzzing,
only heard the wind, for
wind there was this time.

the sky predominant, a gap
for the light to pass
92 · Feb 2023
no words to describe the mass,

the danger of it all, the hate  that


the parallel,

the home, the black chair.

power house.

bone house.
92 · Jan 9
..shades defining..
shades defining.
now I have to say that I usually like
the colour as items, yet maybe not
as entity.
I face the slate
and bleed red
92 · Mar 13
who defines the different
level of thought
is there a manual
with charts and graphs
a litmus test to testify
that the thought got tangled
91 · Aug 2
slipped sideways.

while all remains the same, something is different.
91 · Nov 2021
.tester pots.
palest blue, some say,
duck egg, with rust,
slight dusting of rose
to combat corrugated iron.
91 · Jun 2021
.the tree.
the tree came down wedged on the fence

they came and told me it was mine

that the wall was gone and that was mine


came all urgent and important

i went and helped as they said it was mine

later the tree man came to see

told me it was not my tree my wall at all

not my responsibility

maybe I will choose who I believe

the birds take over , like the tree at that angle

so I watch them
91 · Nov 2022
. untitled.
is your head clear today, loose limbs, while

mild air floats above.

will you go the other way, as you did

91 · Feb 2022
.the new balaclava.
good to hear back from you yet sorry to hear about the difficulties.

.i were doing well with transport, using the buses and walking about.

.now we have the omicron creature here guess my leisure bus rides will be curtailed, essential travel only.

.it were a pleasant interlude encouraged by the grandson and another seasoned  traveller.

.so we move forward differently once again.

.while you and remain in mind.

.you with a balaclava now!
91 · Aug 2021
yes is amazing. the babies **** on tree roots underground for 17 years then when they emerge make sounds enough to drown out any planes.

nice she gave you cabbage again.

i have an overload of mushrooms so I **** them in the air fryer with home made bread n oil then finish off with toasted cheese.

91 · Jun 2021
.diary notes.
seems maybe if it is written down

for tomorrow

in the diary

it gets done today

finalised with finesse tomorrow


the stick fence and composting

and other varied tasks

pottering in and out

did you see that river stone there

adding accent

do you see the chicken wire behind the ivy covered some time ago

do you find that predictor adds words not required and meanings irrelevant

even the thorns came useful
91 · Jul 6
were the markers always there
left by some other

on paper
In the studio
that was so precise and quite particular
91 · Jun 15
..these marks..
all became a thing yesterday
regarding these marks of ours
and we finished
on this
i hope you do not mind
91 · Feb 2023
sometimes dots

i looked out yesterday at the rain
on and off all day
91 · May 2021
perseverance came cheap they say

in the balance of things

cheap as sausages maybe

although not on offer at asda

come cheaper over at morrisons due next week

perseverance came lovely even the last seven minutes

beautiful like ballet landing softly

i ordered the sausages two packs for four pounds

no animal meat anywhere

meanwhile perseverance pays out

we move forward gently no longer quite so vulnerable
91 · Sep 2023
while the world is turning there is a small hope to always return home
91 · Sep 2023
.red dot.
fail softly with a sloping line

tapering off into dots repeated

the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic
91 · Jul 10
there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea
the sea that is rising
91 · Jan 5
a touch of red
suggested at dinner, to make
a photograph splendid, i noticed
the same in paintings at exhibition.

looking out, the grave yard, noticed
a touch of colour by the white.
91 · Jul 2023
.light came.
sea fret  in by six.      today the sky has lifted early.
91 · May 4
.country living.
we are survived.
light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
91 · Sep 2023
lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
90 · Jul 2021
this is good
maybe this is what the time has been for
to clear

a reassessment

of stuff
our preferences

i have to tell you in all excitement the new pencil sharpener arrived yesterday

described as longer lasting and made my pencils pointy

the lines came fine
i told her and she
said she will like
one too
so it is in the post

she was given a bottle of jersey milk with an image of a cow imprinted and planned to make
rice pudding

with grated stuff to taste

i don’t  like milk puddings yet did not say so as not to spoil the story for her

i like liquorice
90 · Jan 2021
.four legged.
it came four legged

trouncing down the dark

no one was distressed here nor


one finds more fear in the doings

of men, their counterparts

fear of too much punctuation haunts


unlike the four leggeds


there are stars

there are no stars

so what is the true meaning


running in the dark

sorting in the rain things get wet

puddles form


a long dark road

two legged
90 · May 2022
. crystals.
your words come different, while

with your question come forth

sense of

another world

metaphors, inuendos

a door into an other world
90 · Oct 2023
they waved and smiled
i watched the sewing
i watched the stars
the seating all arranged
90 · May 2021

it don’t seem to work as well
in email

comes alongside shopping
cash back and ebay notices

gets lost

we like things in place
in categories where it

can be dealt with neatly
in an order of service

and though I miss it james
maybe it was time

and I wonder still

why you left
90 · Jun 2022
some comes shocking and hard

to bear


fighting the predictions
90 · Sep 2022
. .thread. .
a curious thread that
hold us together
while apart
90 · Dec 2023
.teapot 4.

especially the mornings,
i need not tell you really,
you must know.

ok if there is no rush to go,
easy, cosy up and write.
90 · Jan 7
..bone house..
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,
the home, the black chair.

power house.
bone house.
90 · Dec 2023
.simple lines.
see exhibitions
quiet slow and uneventful
& lasting impressions

a simple drawing out
no fuss
and sometimes late in the evening
think of it
leave the house
and return to the simple line drawing
90 · Mar 2023
ideas ,
allelujas of creativity.

let the change come slowly,

join the group.
90 · Oct 2023
.bird song.
.so we move forward differently once again.

.while you remain in mind.
90 · Jun 2021
.five lines.
damp washing
on radiator.

aroma reminds
pudding cloths
89 · Mar 2021
soon we stand outside
faces up toward the sun

we will enjoy the natural warmth
set aside the stove for late afternoon

soon the light will stay
with us

my wood store is a plenty
now with variety
of kiln dried
eco briquettes

which burn hot
my lovely

though soon
we shall stand in the natural warmth

and breathe


in dolgellau
89 · Oct 2022
..nothing found..
cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it

today, a reminder of fragility.
89 · Jul 2023
.back then.
only  stone

set before

set like fire in empty barns


the social worker was a ***** back then

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