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89 · Mar 2021
soon we stand outside
faces up toward the sun

we will enjoy the natural warmth
set aside the stove for late afternoon

soon the light will stay
with us

my wood store is a plenty
now with variety
of kiln dried
eco briquettes

which burn hot
my lovely

though soon
we shall stand in the natural warmth

and breathe


in dolgellau
89 · Aug 2022
talk goes on all day, about the heat,
the rain and drizzle,
no thoughts on the shipping
forecast. words red, remembered.

the bird, the boy, the machine,
there is only air between.
89 · Jul 2023
.back then.
only  stone

set before

set like fire in empty barns


the social worker was a ***** back then

89 · Aug 2022
was noted that same folk aren’t bothered and carry on without looking

the difference is a thing
89 · Aug 27
so while out on a longer walk,
met him and he explained to me,
about walking there and back again
89 · Jan 2021
colder yesterday though possibly not as cold
as your experience over there

the greenhouse rearrangement came lovely
instigated by the accidental dropping of plants

growing from seeds gathered on walks
the wildlife garden

today the tiny things will be salvaged
nurtured in the warm

meanwhile i am constantly on leaf duty
while the terraces are cleared
the lower lawn is deep in golden

a little each day
is just the ticket

alongside household chores and drawing
89 · Aug 2023
no mention of gains or fortitude
some may look for the other one
some may find it

while the little people with their arms held high
dance in the sunlight with all that remains
89 · Aug 2022
..the continuation.
relational, it is marked.

synchronised crossing

in orange.
89 · Apr 2021
.picking tea.
started as early as possible

while the sun stayed out

before the traffic came up the lane

failed on both intentions

as did the cat

we tried the shears and the loppers

found the seceteurs worked well

cutting the top leaves in bunches

and dropping them into the bag

for collection

we thought about the things my brother

said about the tea plantations

in india

he does a big trip somewhere each each year

except last year and probably this year too
89 · Oct 2022
..nothing found..
cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it

today, a reminder of fragility.
89 · May 30
.through net.
careful what you dream on a cusp of night. know that all stars are not the same.

seen  through the net nightly.
88 · Jun 7
.the word.
spread out as cotton threads
i will not mention the word
88 · Nov 2023
.dancing on the sand.
let us look at things, differently.

often, we do things, no one ever sees.
that is you and me. two of us
dancing on the sand.

it came
and went,
88 · May 26
.shape remains.
new mathematics

the rooms were swept yesterday
bones hidden
teeth implied

yet the shape remains embedded
88 · Oct 2021
.pom pom.
was scared of the lions and other

not the elephants nor the clowns

i loved them both
and still do
88 · Mar 20
tides are higher now, flooding the paths. he walked the mud, bringing the footsteps back to us
88 · Apr 2023
. final .
who defines the different

level of thought

is there a manual

with charts and graphs

a litmus test to testify

that the thought got tangled
88 · Dec 2021
you see it reminds
me of the visit to
that house by the mill
where there is a box
to stand on to be able
to see the mountain
88 · Jan 2022
. saga .
we have a few.

we had a storm.

one broke, we bought another.

the assistant suggested house insurance!
88 · Nov 2021
.doublè down.
life moves on.

no time to double check,
change things before

is set in time , in memory.

two times,
in two ways

we multiply.
88 · Aug 2022
undeniably tracing honesty in the air

with one finger


it came clear later..
88 · Feb 2021
never mind also hoping the thing
has passed

he said they had a book of meaning
i asked google
who misheard or mis

thought it was a reference to cost

when so many have paid

quietly we felt it would not be unseemly
nor respectful this time

with so many lost
one way and another


how are you this morning
88 · Oct 2021
.my house is on fire.
there is a need to say the the house is on fire again


and that theirs is on fire more


while it seems that no one is listening nor uploading stuff to social media


nor there
88 · Feb 2021
.wet leather wallet.

she used the word constitutional
where I prefer

she prefers a short walk
and that is ok

yesterday i found mistletoe
and a wet leather wallet

to hand in the local police

office today

it is a palaver to report online
to follow on instruction each

object to be sent elegantly

tied the mistletoe with ribbon
placed it by the birds nest

made bread and a mess
in the kitchen

which I warned you about before

88 · Feb 2023
.pale yellow.
we look for sand

there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea

the sea that is rising
.a happy picture of you indeed all balaclava’d and goggled dashing forth.

.maybe i will get a photograph?

.it has been dry and clear enough to be busy out of doors and there was not time to write because of it.

.i am about to reorganise the kinding store

having tidied the upper room of the outbuilding already and deleted  incorrect predicted commas here.

.washing is out and blowy  while pandemic ensues.
87 · May 2021
.as needed.
once again is monday

no work no more, on furlough

with punctuation

used to go on sundays

and other days as needed

we closed in the winter reopened in march

and then locked down that same month

so at home we work in the house and garden

the studio

as needed

i used to work as a holiday reserve

on various tasks as required

then left and moved to wales

we still keep in touch

as needed
87 · Jan 22
a differing light
shades and all that surrounds
i drew them later
my way
87 · Aug 2022
initially, crossed the  sea to the land, from one to another, then, talking. crossed the narrow bridge spoke of the past, you know what i mean.                                                                    

  courage to walk

87 · Apr 2022
painting everything white.

geese flew over.

the day moved slowly, and i find

the memories are not as you may think.

i have new ones.
87 · Jan 2021

the things were in the chubby

where he climbed and chucked them


sat in the doorway smiling

new trainers

i took his photograph

which went to exhibition


now we are in isolation

so where is the difference?

a younger rock formation isolated among older rocks       

someone who moves differently to others.            

an exercise in the way to  view the world.

we are all


as much as this is said

this performance can do with quite an improvement.
87 · Sep 2023
carefully we drew her out
all tidy with reason, wearing
us down
87 · Apr 2021
.night scented stocks.
love the line
my little room that overlooks
the river

such an image in my mind

my grans are dead
seemed to have three and i don’t know really

there was gran who baked the beans that
i spoke of yesterday though i never ate none

then there was granny pussycat who i never
knew really

and granny wigs

grandads were all gone and missing

except mr palmer who was no relation

and had a good workshop
tidy and interesting and

that is a fact

proper grandad was a green grocer
i was told with a horse and
cart which fell on him

the delivery horses ate the flowers in gran’s
front garden

night scented stocks she said
87 · Jun 13
they  do not know the darkness
how the light can fade into latin
& all things unreasonable
87 · Apr 2022
.rustic menu.
though notice we don’t
discuss that so much

i could and
tell you of the plans and preparation
the ordering and menus here

but i don’t do i?
87 · Apr 2023
. untitled.
darkness descends

with out the need for words. pray for

forgiveness if you are so inclined.
87 · Apr 2023
. five .

the memories are not as you may think.

i have new ones.
87 · May 2023
.lines matter.
on the same paper
as before

i understand
87 · Jan 2021
it is a tangled affair
too many people talking at once

it is a messy affair
paint smudges and runs

eventually all comes clear
one having the final say on board

predictions come and disappear
quickly as the local planes

sometimes heard
not seen

there is a small airfield up along
the coast

once the airship came
we drove to watch

it go over


days of our life


days of our lives
87 · Jan 19
so i googled it,
and this is probably
as good as it
gets today.
i shall be sketchy
a few days.
slightly offline
86 · Jul 2022

using phrases like the enemy
it don’t go unnoticed here either
86 · Aug 2021
.jim's bike.
lawns are a thing
i watched the history
been to a museum in southport

pretty place that for a town
with council gardening you know
all neat and patterns with orange

here it is left longer for the wild things
to live and hide

then mowed much later
in the summer with grit
and determination

i have a real old green one
hand pushed yet I keep it safe
and use the electric mower

was the bike delivered safely?
86 · Jul 2023
. rise .
driving the land, the songs,
carry us along, to our place,
the constant places,
we think don’t change
86 · Dec 2023
.small stuff.
now is small stuff on paper
as who cares anyhow
we just carries on
86 · Sep 2023
light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
86 · Feb 7
.peters hill.
coal and seed merchant at the top

by the turning before the fire


on the left going up

opposite where my brother worked on saturdays

in the fishmongers

both places had a particular aroma

you may just imagine

he brought home crab claws for tea and i did not like them

liked the seed merchant, allowed to feel and hold unlike the coal that too had names

nutty slack, briquettes and smokeless

while others remain unremembered

google reminds


late afternoon light beams the cabinet & mind wonders

think of granny and her ham tea with thick white fat and orange edging.
86 · Oct 2023
so joan will be

if the pencil slips
she will remain
86 · May 7
.the world turns.
one slip is all, one step too far, the world turns around .
86 · Oct 2022
yet when

she said my friend looked pretty


that I smelled nice

I sagged a little.

later that day

i found a message


from a soldier in the usa

holding a puppy & a rose

calling me a beauty
86 · Jan 14
so flimsy it is hardly there.
so worn, it is almost dead.

recreate the dying in your head.

so small it is hardly there.
so cheap it is almost dead.

draw it. recreate the scene in your head.
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