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97 · May 2022
.war news.
said he didn’t watch it much while things are unsettled

over there

a poor choice of word maybe

perhaps not alarmist.

we asked if he referred to the war

which we consider affects us all

he nodded then sat down in his garden chair
97 · Jul 4
.time of year.
or is it the air changing?
mood settles, or is it the
time of year?
97 · May 22
.duck egg blue.
mainly red,

comes a differing hue
with duck egg blue,

the ironmongers in town
at one seventy nine
97 · Jul 2023
.beach search.
Yet the days moved nicely. There were little troubles, nothing to diminish the beauty of it all.
97 · Jun 2021
.the garden path.
Yes chilly and windy here yesterday.

Another exciting day in that the neighbours were having a tree felled and it was interesting to watch between tasks and warming up.

Ivor called to look at the greenhouse and left me to mull over ideas.

Then I started to define one of the paths with the gravel that was delivered. Did not rush as I will like it in a good place so hope to continue today.

Rang my brother, he is fine.

Then Pat Doorbar rang , also fine.

Not much on TV so listened to a podcast about space debris and drifted off.

With capitals and punctuation today. A treat.
96 · Jun 2022
we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking to a misted world
96 · Jan 2021
.bird in hand 2.
poor birds

have it difficult the best of times
then comes the festivals
those traditions

that mean they must die

talking of which
now we know

with our present hidings and isolation

how they live at all times

the creatures burn and die

i watch the squirrels down the back lane
each day
sometimes one will stop running and

we look at each other

a while
96 · Mar 2022
the history is complex
involved with movement
and a state of mind

on all parts

yesterday was long and simple
96 · Feb 4
..while shovelling..
think of you, who made it special

and we leaped with the preparations, little folk.

he came round the back of the house, my beautiful

the coal house next to the toilet by our back door

once he fell and mother brought him in and his hands went to the walls and surfaces for support, making marks


fancy mother made him tea, with sugar

we moved house not so beautiful, my beautiful

upstairs, it was carried upstairs by the front door prepared with newspaper wads to stop the dust and me parked behind to count the bags.

always correct, failing the story of short loads and money on the side

now my beautiful, is delivered to the bunker outside and the delivery note put through the letter box for me

beautiful house for me yet

one never forgot the first

my beautiful.
96 · Sep 2022
our work
our soul
is in
our chest
96 · Feb 2023
light the darker days

of gloom and melancholia

born from intrusion

and swede.

this is quality,

a fortunate piece.
96 · Sep 2022
some of us manage

to be vulnerable as naked

in private

some need holding up

in sight from our window
96 · May 2023
tapering off into dots repeated

the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic
95 · Jul 2022
. bits .
is it acceptable to think in phrases, believe the attrocities yet do not share them

with friends.
95 · Mar 5
storm came yesterday dark and loud  the landscape veiled
awash a while
black things fade and all is grey

win or lose hedge your edge
write of parlay
95 · Mar 2022
. fading .
you came again in auto fill

last evening sat alone

we still cannot understand

there is no explanation for that

nor what you did

you are a ghost to us now


we watched it on tv
95 · Apr 2021
.tents & other things.
he set up camp elsewhere

required the internet

i liked the paintings of tents done in dull colours

remember the teacher who disliked the bolder hues

who bakes bread now and posts on facebook

is with the gallery who sacked me for such a thing and other reasons

i don’t know

i bake bread and eat it
95 · Feb 2023
.17.12 redefined.
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim

is fading now
yet remains as the description
95 · Feb 2023
in blue writing

as if

it is important

you see
95 · Oct 2021
each day, each day the suns shines
and we stay at home
95 · Mar 2023
..high tide..

nought nought

a sure sign that something
has occured

i will know more when i investigate
95 · Oct 2022
.of arc.
told them about joan and they said they had to go, get home

later I heard they liked her despite the startled look

she was drawn again yesterday
95 · Jan 2021
it was one of those books

you know the sort you read over

something about a house

i seem to remember

one of the favourites

have the set up until then

and i expect she has written more


there is a boat house up cregennan

another down bontddu

making good photographs

good dreams

drama change to night terrors

when you cannot shift

the weight bearing down from hell or somewhere


hell is a story for control

for controversy

they come here spouting the belief yet

never ask for mine

95 · May 2022

island / n.1. a piece of land surrounded bywater

2. anything compared to an island,

especially being surrounded in some way

3. a detached or isolated thing
95 · Oct 2021
.tour of britain.
think the road is closed for people on bicycles

with a helicopter flying over

this morning while doing the garden in the heat got sweaty and allergic

sneezing with spotty rashes

i ate tinned gooseberries from the fridge in the cool corner of the cottage

and felt better
94 · May 2023
. falling.
saw you fallen


photographed you

yet could not save you


any of them

you are a metaphor
94 · Jun 17
need to move them into a place
of loose adjustment
of random offerings
and sketchy lines
94 · Nov 2022
. 35 bus home .


our bus broke down
in gellilydan

we sat
laughed for 40 minutes

then another bus came

arrived home to notice
the car had a puncture

breakdown cover
covered  that

good here in that alone
is not lonely
94 · Jan 2022
wore the new yellow cardigan,
the blouse with spots.

yet there were still shadows
94 · May 2021
.your enquiry.
some of you have mentioned the bear

the absence

yet still here though quiet


no more proclaiming

just whispering within these walls

or sending thoughts

there is still confusion and little understanding of the world

there is no gender pronoun

the bear is a quiet affair
94 · Apr 2022
. remember.
the event that left one bereft

left and

then worked upon with thought and patience

may in time become something


94 · Nov 2023
.from the archive.
.from the archive.

google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
94 · Sep 2022
. decided .

for your offered help

and saying you care for my welfare

all very much appreciated

i thankyou and say it is only temporary
94 · Jan 2021
.gather leaves.
i gather leaves now that the sky is clear

see the stars when I put the cat out early

it is a stable door
i open the top

she hisses
though she has been in for hours

i gather leaves
now the rain has stopped a while

look out at the world beyond the garden

it is green
the mountain beyond

i gather leaves now that things have stopped

place them in bags
for the recycling centre

I used to gather leaves my friend
to keep in paper bags

maybe some folk enjoy being alone
my friend

Listen to .. gentle .. by sonja benskin mesher on #SoundCloud
94 · Jun 2022
.early hours.
comes at night he said

the bleakness
94 · May 2023
yes i am inclined to agree; it will be an uphill journey
for us both.
to learn, to grow
94 · Aug 2021
yesterday i wrote of comics
free form

now challenged to talk of teeth
and dentists as elizabethan sonnet


we know i prefer no rules nor restrictions

with all that stopping to count
and refigure

yet will rise to it in mine notebook
first then down onto the device

today and finish tomorrow
in plenty of time
94 · May 2021
they are all animals even cows and sheep

and horses

she ate them

except the horse as she did not fancy that

she only ate those she was used to
94 · Jan 25
becomes part of the
a mark on the horizon

could change it for another yet it has become
a mantra

a pause like in breathing
94 · Mar 2023
i told him when he asked about dinner
with his sister

we laughed and the wind blew things
93 · Apr 15
comes a wider space, with mistakes and misgivings.
nothing in this world is perfect. it is raining today.
93 · Jan 2023
early yet

I have to tell you

i went a different way
to avoid the usual
93 · Jun 2022
on checking I find
my dictionary

which explains.

it means

a place of discussion & debate

which it is indeed.

yet I don’t do that no more

93 · Feb 2023
shades defining.

now I have to say that I usually like

the colour as items, yet maybe not

as entity.

I face the slate


and bleed red
93 · Jan 2021
.big coat.
want to draw that image

to keep it in my brain
to come out some other way

take on all the things on our arms
our shoulders

the coat hanger effect

i noted his oversized coat
and was admonished for

assuming judgement on

no no no it is about remembrance
and the drawing out later
when all is quiet james

it is that time of year for memorials
eighteen days yet

perhaps someone will come to measure the depth

calculate the timeline
93 · Sep 2023
.holding up.
some of us manage
to be vulnerable as naked
in private

some need holding up
in sight from my window
93 · Mar 2021
.6 jan.
nothing felt right yesterday

not large stuff
nor small
and though like you to bed early

it rattled my brain until two
yet this morning awake as usual

surrounded in soft cotton

the duvet is white
and we huddle comfy

hope for a settled day

that is all



warning of snow and ice
93 · Jun 2022
asked if he referred to the war

which we consider affects us all

he nodded then sat down in his garden chair
93 · May 2022
tidy beach

soft sand and honest stones
to be fortunate here


some come to spoil things..
these are the warmer days, days of independance.

days to charm
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