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102 · Oct 2022
the kitchen is quite dark without the light on as is slightly below ground, the graveyard behind

used to leave a lamp on yet with energy prices hike, now follow her lead and wait until entry
102 · Feb 2023
a whisper from you came

a good idea

to stop those dreams and headaches

the moon came bright with yet another name
102 · Mar 2022
was good to be away a while to see different shapes and reds to greens

i saw

i skimmed slates that bounced about
102 · Sep 2022
.the dress.

must we write about it before we forget,

before  people come and disagree?

they have small waists and a  national costume
102 · Jul 2021
have a sort of family member
lives in texas you know

it is a long story
and though interesting
not to be written of
so maybe should not have mentioned it really

in my tiny world of work
do not write of family nor friends

and though I explained that he seemed paranoid
thought it was all about him
in abundance

need less to say that some of it is truth while the rest is imagination

as are the drawings
102 · Sep 2022
.note for james.18.7.
my plans change
for the bus company

suggests we don’t go today
go on wednesday

not even tomorrow
unless it’s urgent

been busy though early
under the tree

no shoes at all, my delight

the neighbour gone looking for boots
you know

the shop up town soon closing

not this town
up blaenau…

102 · Dec 2023
. teapot 3 .
like flags that are decorative
or bunting that represents a

happy time

i dislike borders
representations of separation
102 · Oct 2022
putting words in my mouth
like sweet sultanas in chocolate

they come in twos
102 · Aug 2022
. yesterday again.
care for small things

to be tired after it all
to sleep soundly


the day yesterday
102 · May 2021
maybe I should write beautiful

lilting stuff again with rhymes and things

like people seem to like

or tragic dark long stories

of dreadful deaths

and mourning

as before

today will say it would have been

an anniversary

for what that is worth

he asked me the year

and surprised that i remembered

of course i miss them

just pretending to be a hard *****
101 · May 2021
the drawing

went wrong from the beginning

i thought and on the wrong paper too

i thought

had ordered card from asda

got a substitution of a colouring book

more suitable for the house next door with children

i thought so donated it over


saw their puppy

then continued on the wrong paper

i thought

only things worked out

cojoined twins
101 · Feb 2021
.line drawing.
:: line drawing ::

watched it twice those days when we could travel

see exhibitions

quiet slow and uneventful

it left lasting impressions

a simple drawing out

no fuss

and sometimes late in the evening

think of it

leave the house

and return to the simple line drawing
101 · Nov 2022
. here.
find the chosen pathways
watch the birds and wild
flowers grow

below the scene plays out

with wildlife as punctuation
101 · Aug 2023
. pattern .
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is nice you
101 · Mar 2022
let us look at things, differently.
often, we do things, no one ever sees.
that is you and me. two of us
dancing on the sand.

it came
and went,
101 · May 2022
. hope.
we find it when the rain stops,

light comes through.                       yesterday morning

looked nice.
101 · Jul 2023
pale words a clue in the breathing

the stone set left in barns

caught the words hopefully in burning hands thinking that the sky was clear

though in the past

never so far away
101 · Aug 2023
when the smaller

people go into hiding

where will genius

raise its head again,

among the flat islands of regard?
101 · Jan 2023
. at tea .
traces remain hidden for the most part
only to come out on particular
without  warning

she said it without  warning
& i was horrified
101 · Jun 20
yesterday a sea fret, misted trees,
added edge ; visual delight.

i like this road to there.
101 · Jun 2021
i looked for your work, your writing

with a comma , and would have copied and saved for you

yet it is gone for me too

should I move myself into that other space where folk may be more polite


or carry on regardless

100 · Apr 2021
.matt hancock.
there may be after effects

nobody suggested a flock of pigeons

at 2pm that snowy afternoon

and that notes will be made

no one mentioned sleeping
later than usual

those chin tattoos
that come all beautiful
and trendy

noticed the birds several days ago
i do like the flocks even murmurations

which happen more mid wales
by the pier

you know
i haven’t been there in such a while

matt hancock

i have been staying at home now

11 months

in total
100 · Sep 2021
.with punctuation.

mist and greyness alongside a nice breeze through the window brings joy

builder is getting on fine and though the roof is mended it looks just the same only tidy

there is

one particular tile that looks quite divine.

i will hang out the window sometime to take a photograph for you

the interview felt dull, yet I will persist. 

with punctuation
100 · Oct 2022
carefully we drew her out

all tidy with reason, wearing

us down
100 · Jan 2021
.her bicycle.

using phrases like the enemy
it don’t go unnoticed here either

a negative use of language
instead of facts as you say

incitement and riot talking
found not guilty when tried

it is the modern way
to use adjectives that don’t apply

descriptions that come unnecessary
with double letters

and meanings

they talk in metaphors like me

they have a differing task, are not
magicians with a comma

moving on

i hope she will like a bike
and ride along with you
100 · Oct 2021
.the travel show.
stood there at the big house with the designer dog
each other and grandchild

add their two cars,  mobile home
sheds for bikes, scooter, kayak and other paraphernalia and vast corporate gardens

returned from the holiday abroad
asked if they enjoyed it

moaned vehemently on the price
of their covid tests

100 · Apr 2023
no words to describe the mass,

the danger of it all, the hate  that


the parallel,

power house.

bone house.
100 · Nov 2022
.fine lines.
a fine line we walk,
gently avoiding peptides,only just a theory,

yet used independently,
alongside honest work,
for mending.
100 · Jan 2023

bleeding the lead

into showers,

and explosive marks.

the power house rears its head again,

pouring images down

like rain.
100 · Apr 19
pool of fear,
the fright of interrogation,
i hear.
from where comes the mourning,
late afternoon,
and evening…
100 · Feb 2023
..drawing out..
so flimsy it is hardly there.

so worn, it is almost dead.
recreate the dying in your head.

so small it is hardly there.

so cheap it is almost dead.

draw it. recreate the scene in your head.
100 · Mar 10
seems there may be some connection
some call it a trigger
some things leave us cold and wondering
100 · Jun 16
.shell bay.
we went out on the chain ferry across to the beach
all sun sea gulls and possibilities
day of freedom
100 · Jun 2022
. fear .
here we only know fear

and hiding again it splits

in two
100 · Dec 2022
.the long view.
we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking
the wood louse died and feel it was natural not ****** or an accident

a lot of this event here

an old house

feeling sad about it we remembered reading that the energy does not disappear

that it changes form

we smiled when we knew that and placed the tiny body in the compost

later that day we saw art from materials placed in compost

and smiled
99 · May 2023
stains the cup if left standing,

remember the hotel, 1964,

we used to scour them especially

round the handle, then the base.
99 · Mar 2022
.talking pictures.
some may be disappointed

that the terror remains

like in some 1950s film

or tv show
99 · Jan 2023
you feel like two people

that one is split in two.

that the other one does

look a bit like you

only more so
99 · Nov 2022
. coffee run .
friend came on the trip
and we enjoyed it yet

i am used to going alone.

after she was all enthusiastic
and suggested more and more

i am used to  going alone….
99 · Jun 2021
.the execution.
there a little cloud with teardrops

a wash of shadowed grey

they came and cut the oak tree

not down entirely. they call it


for he was worried it will fall

on his


it still may yet that is

a different story

here there are old yews all about

with tree protector orders and love

from those below

who have insurance

who remember deportment and unfortunately

elocution class

and may have preferred the predicted
99 · Jun 2022
anyhow we done the draft

then turned it round about

a few more hours fiddling
and it may suffice
with a double eff
99 · Jun 3
.did not know.
they did not know she had many, neither did she. just collected one item at a time, cared fully for         each one of them.                                                                                                          catalogued
98 · Mar 21
. high.
high, mountain track,
scattered trees, country
spend the day , waterlogged
moor, black rooted, bring it home.
98 · Sep 2021
she normally goes earlier
though being later yesterday

we met again
and chatted

her daughter also walks daily
with her friend and the dog

we talked about the track
and other  little things

like the mileage
and her knee

you know

then the warden came
and i thanked him for the garden

the wildlife garden
98 · Dec 2023
.small things.
liking the format, liking the days
that come natural now without
no planning
evolving gradually
98 · May 24
.the difference.
slipped sideways.
while all remains the same, something is different.
98 · Mar 2022
they will not swim in the tidal pool

nor their families nor them before that

we do and the little fishes come
we do
we are a different family
98 · Nov 2022
.second walk.
later had my second walk
to see a differing light

shades and all that surrounds

i drew them later
my way
98 · Jun 2021
they flew up so quickly i could not catch them

and the bus too far away

someone commented these sunny days that glare on the phone  obscures the subject anyhow

a case of point and shoot blindly

yet I saw the swallow yesterday
heard it had arrived on social

hengwrt posted

later I went down the estuary
to walk the wood

the tide was up  so wandered back to see the cowslips  and the photographer knelt in wet grass

a real camera

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