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117 · Jan 24
.regarding donuts.
Which are often spelled as doughnuts.

My confession comes next.

I thought about those donuts a lot, and wondered if it is the jam or the crispy sugar coat which is the main delight.

So guiltily thought of visiting while in Portmadog and eating one without you and then feeling the need to confess on meeting with you.

Even pushed the door yet they were closed.

The alternative was Spooners yet even there would not be the same without your company, so went to the Port and just had coffee.

Bought a pack of donuts in Tesco before catching the bus.

On return see on Social media that Spooners was closed for refurbishment anyhow.

I hope it don’t snow.

Hoping you have had a good week also, maybe with some donuts…

With all this talk of donuts, remembered Mum taking us to an ideal home exhibition at the Wiinter Gardens and she bought a metal donut implement to fry batter.


Note..If you are arrived in Blaenau early on Tuesday, the Model Bakery there used to/may have donuts, the heaviest I have ever eaten…

That got me through the first months on my own.

Looking up observe the doll has dusty hair.
116 · Aug 2022
.the other day.
the mass, the clouds lay heavy, rain that came, that blinded again. blinded those that could not see the love and idle artefacts, each one a statement of nothing in particular.
116 · Jul 2023
we look for sand

there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea

the sea that is rising
116 · Oct 2023
..and submarines..
( notes on darkness) more fairy lights is all that is needed, radio music, and padding about really….
116 · Nov 2022
. camera .
while in the studio a series

marching in time
across the board

at dusk the view magnetic
116 · Nov 2023
. repair .
most of it works now,
memory plays a part,
when we look
to the mountain.
116 · Nov 2021
.montgomery two.
student of timetables


now with a free pass to most places

the official times

saved to my phone and noted on paper in my back pocket , nearly lost in the chip shop that only accepts cash

it fell yet we saw it and retrieved

1.28 pm the bus home so we gets there real early and waits

by the walker

he had trecked from forden the three miles up and down

used to the flatness of portsmouth wanted a ride back yet nothing forthcoming limped his return

1.50 pm with no bus arrived the timetable lady was contacted and she explained the bus was due at 2.30 pm that my internet were wrong and no one was bothered what it said at bus stops

on her say so

nipped round to the toilets then waited patiently to 2.30 when a bus arrived going the wrong way

spoke to the timetable lady who admitted being wrong that the 1.30 came in late possibly while i was in the toilets

the next correct and last bus now 3.30 pm

i wondered what to do if that one did not arrive and secured an unnecessary plan

fortunate to afford

when safely aboard thought of those recently waiting at airports to escape

my small adventure was as nothing

sat on the town hall steps in the late september sun
116 · Nov 2023
there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea

the sea that is rising
115 · Apr 2022
it came shiny
lovely at 45 degree angle

oh no
he said
this is the wrong one
115 · Dec 2022
. coast .
there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea

the sea that is rising
115 · Nov 2023
..falling days..
so the falling days,
end today, winter waits,
and the songs, and words,
tunes are all to warm us,
and hold us safe
115 · Apr 2022
stains the cup if left standing,

remember the hotel, 1964,

we used to scour them especially

round the handle, then the base.
114 · Aug 2022
that feeling that arrives with the name of the county

the memory of your home and closeted life
now eroding slowly

that sense of belonging to the land

it is that feeling
114 · Apr 2023
.and that.
some things fade with time,
with sun and washings.

this one remained bright,
even glaring
114 · Dec 2022
. the dream .
it was
the dream

the cloud
the quarry

water flows down this valley

wind blows round our houses
114 · Oct 2023
snakes figure a bit here since
i saw that one in the
famous old painting with a egg
in its mouth
114 · Jul 2021
.second dose.

so I won the challenge yesterday
and have set a new one
will judge it on may 4th

not saying much of intelligence

the weather is beautiful here
all sunshine and bird song

so I guess they will come
and turn places into car parks

even though buses are provided

i did not want to win though

no major side effects except dreams of side effects
113 · Jan 2021
.dna tracking.
it all starts here today
and will take a long time

there are so many many of us
lots upon lots

though early the lanes are clear
he sees no one
only the ice and frost

goes tentatively in the wrong boots

imagines the slipping so moves
the phone to a front pocket in


his imagination runs riot
as before and remembering

not to use the first word
that comes in his mind

or too many recognizable
cliches james

so we talked about dna alterations
those tracking devices they say are

and laughed over the silliness
of our conversation and then

i drew the tidy face and then

the scaffolders came
113 · Jul 2021
.don't you know.
should that dot be approved

and how about the predicted?

we came here early with many thoughts and remnants of the dream

it was another lockdown

with discussions on milk

that seemed important

then we heard voices distant, watched with a comma, saw the group walking the lane early

red tops and shorts

six thirty a.m.
113 · May 2023
. bigger picture .
do not feel so great, again today.

i wanted to be european.

a bigger picture.
113 · Oct 2021
was mentioned that people turn it back to themselves

tried it and found it so

that or not showing care
for the deep ness of it all

maybe i shall not go to dunster again

after all

and shall miss it



will miss you…..

.note. i never did pronounce dulverton as dulverton…
113 · Dec 2022
..summer home..
have a photo here of up the valley
where they used to stook the harvest

all the family out working the fields

in the evening it came cooler
for rest
113 · Apr 2022
feels as if. the thing i was doing

has overtaken me.   wealth  has no

agenda,                nor have  capitals.

rules come away. a differing

place,  turning in the year.

it came gently.
113 · Oct 2021
we do so many things.

we are no longer afraid.

make the best of summer days,

winter follows.
112 · Jul 2022
.little bear.
forgot to say
that one bear
now has silk floral pants

as in underwear
not pants as in america

here we say trousers

anyhow there is no photograph

the guy in the charity
says there are no doll’s
clothes in stock

do you say thrift?

112 · May 2021
.privet place.
there is this little corner

tidy now

a niche

which needs a thing to make a point

for it

the storm came yesterday and tired from the work before

browsed the online and found many things

yet know that with time it will sort itself out

just as most places are tidy

the tree came down


next door’s shed blew about

it feels quieter this morning
112 · Jul 2021
.down the estuary.
an osprey flew down the estuary late
while I hung out the window
to watch the propellers spin


yesterday four private planes came
explained by the app

undeniably the white microlight
sounded odd while we shouted

words  lost in air

as a child walked down the airfield to see

the buckle broke
caused great difficulty
in walking

i always like planes Jim

overcast today
112 · Oct 2022
while out on a longer walk,

met him and he explained to me,

about walking there and back again
111 · Jan 2021 know.
:: you know ::

five men

those men who desire

who speak in three voices

is all i will say here, you know who you are


time is upon us as he writes

the old way

dust from the fire

he weaves

remembering the beginning

of it all

ash escapes his brain

into solitude

days left

three voices

rise until just one

is heard
111 · May 2022
.thick skins.
liked in potatoes called spuds

& maybe there was one

covering us

that wore away over years…

well never mind

they say and go get on with it

meanwhile I thought of you back then all those years ago

111 · Aug 2022
. 20 minutes late .
no bus arrived the timetable lady was contacted and she explained the bus was due at 2.30 pm that my internet were wrong and no one was bothered what it said at bus stops
111 · Aug 2023
he stood like a dancer,
arms out.

he looked
and moved,
like a dancer.
111 · Aug 2023
the medicine works

though leaves the passages


triggers sets me thinking of cowboys

we don’t have those here either
111 · Jun 2022
"and who allowed you to live a beautiful life?”
110 · Mar 2022
you came again in auto fill

last evening sat alone

we still cannot understand

there is no explanation for that

nor what you did

you are a ghost to us now


we watched it on tv
110 · Apr 2022
.the arrangement.
satisfactory arrangement
on the surface

as we know there is much below
110 · Feb 2021
.the garden.
it has come warmer here

so me and him cut the saplings
ropes pulling away from the wire

below the ivy threads the surface
to be pulled today as I tested the

which worked

plans are set
though news news ain’t good
any which way i look

i read about the dependency
he described
and thought he was more than that

we are not our issues nor experiences
we are more than that

each person a unique being
110 · Jun 2023
. little bird.
we need to concentrate on detail

to describe things properly

need to

go there each year a while

to retain to remain in memory

need to

care for  little things
110 · Mar 2021
those days we went each year
watched them drive through the
village first

oh the excitement

only they did not come last year
of course and i guess they will

not again this year

i would not mix with a crowd now

would you james?

when I was a kid the elephants
came by train and there was a
procession from the station
through town with performers

all waving

i was scared of the lions and other

not the elephants nor the clowns

i loved them both
and still do

110 · Oct 2023
told them about joan and they said they had to go, get home
later I heard they liked her despite the startled look
she was drawn again yesterday
110 · May 2023
.in the sky.
looking up

see rainbows


the small plane still flies over

most days
110 · Mar 2021
i spend thirty days writing

one eye closed, storm building.

you never know what goes on

behind the scenes.

there are pictures each day

some seem similar

some seem a memory now.

a daily challenge
110 · Jul 2023
..over the golf..

holds the sand.

sand holds

the grass.

have you walked the dunes

hollowed path, coconut gorse.

have you found contentment there?

have you sat the sun, black crow bird,

have you closed your eyes at that

within, enjoyed that


the tin hut is still empty.
110 · Nov 2022
dry he wore the white dress

his hair curled damply

we drew him

we painted him

he is taller now & remains

much the same
109 · Jun 2022
. repeated.
adrift, will the sky at last explode, or will this hate

continue pointlessly, for thousand thousands years.

numbers that cannot describe each particle of pain.

each ****** bomb that kills yet again.
like in a circus those days

now there are no animals
mainly clever folk being smart
or funny
109 · May 2021
.the bear.
said to come to bed quick

lay down and rest

the warm blanket cosy

make a nest

a bit ******* round

and hopefully it will all go away

i said to the bear, i said that

the washing was left out and I had not washed up yet

dear bear said it did not matter

that care will be taken

and we will not tell the little ones

for fear of worrying them

we watched the sun go down together
109 · Dec 2022
skimmed slates that bounced about

unlike the pebbles that grow on our banks here

unlike the landscape hereabouts yet only up the road

up the road where all comes beyond reality to help with reality
109 · May 2023

all is honesty

i have a witness.

evidence produced.
109 · May 2021
.a tin affair.
in white

a mirrored door

all tidy in lockdown

and though it was bought expensive

placed inside it is lost to me now

so use one of the others in the morning

and throughout the day

felt something amiss as we banged into fatigue and slept one hundred years

crusty lipped we search for blistex


traditionally use the vaseline
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