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Oct 2023 · 219
while in the studio a series
marching in time
across the board

at dusk the view magnetic
Oct 2023 · 232
.hiding here.
sometimes you know
i have no clue as to what
is occurring

or over there

find it challenging

and disappear
Oct 2023 · 107
..and submarines..
( notes on darkness) more fairy lights is all that is needed, radio music, and padding about really….
Oct 2023 · 85
did you find a pin there, did you pick it up and stick it?   did you stay safe, wrap the shawl around and hold    it   close?        did you see my life breaking, bring me pins for mending? …
Oct 2023 · 66
drawing the child with found fabrics
watching the marks come good, no dots
yet they came
without warning
Oct 2023 · 82
they waved and smiled
i watched the sewing
i watched the stars
the seating all arranged
Oct 2023 · 130
of this and that
of nothing in particular
that no one else  will
Oct 2023 · 160
. local .
as he left the garden
he said they may be working nearer home now.
Oct 2023 · 256
dry he wore the white dress
his hair curled damply

we drew him
we painted him

he is taller now & remains
much the same
Oct 2023 · 227
lady on the bus told me her sister kept lots of soap and what did I think.

I says she sounds like me.
Oct 2023 · 156
courage to walk away
from objects that irritate
our eyes, to eat another way,
with snakes and camphor oil.

you know what i mean
Oct 2023 · 230
shall we rescue the drowning where we can ;
record the names?
Oct 2023 · 116
you thought we were broken
yet we watch you solidly, bravely like joan
with just one comma throughout
Oct 2023 · 106
snakes figure a bit here since
i saw that one in the
famous old painting with a egg
in its mouth
Oct 2023 · 285
.blue sky.
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them
i never tell you much
nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in
Oct 2023 · 64
there have been a couple
of incidents but now she
is in disguise
with different
Oct 2023 · 214
little world here of characters and stories none of them famous nor commendable.

it was mentioned that some people don’t know what royalty is and he agreed and said
what is it then?
Oct 2023 · 94
.bird song 2.
she was drawn again yesterday with her sibling

though it did not look quite right so

shall i tear the sister off?
Oct 2023 · 99
. bird song .
seems that you are trouble, is that correct?

it seems you need to let the birds sing
Oct 2023 · 315
became slightly nervous looking up
at it
retreated to the studio
Oct 2023 · 91
is a fine line we walk,
gently avoiding peptides,only just a theory,

yet used independently,
alongside honest work,
for mending.
Oct 2023 · 68
so here on the night watch,
all is quiet , no birds sing.

touched by the small thing,
softly, we drew together,
with words, and gestures
in air, in mind.
Oct 2023 · 103
told them about joan and they said they had to go, get home
later I heard they liked her despite the startled look
she was drawn again yesterday
Oct 2023 · 76
so joan will be

if the pencil slips
she will remain
Oct 2023 · 91
. oh .
day of small things,
slowly steadily worked
as we rest the dust motes,
shine as gold.
Oct 2023 · 285
the air moves
on my skin.

i turn
look past the curtain

see the face again

Sep 2023 · 115
yesterday I watched a documentary
about monkeys
Sep 2023 · 73
light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
Sep 2023 · 185
.american beauty.
yet when
she said my friend looked pretty
that I smelled nice
I sagged a little.

later that day
i found a message
from a soldier in the usa
holding a puppy & a rose
calling me a beauty
Sep 2023 · 187
. as a child .
tell us things, take us without consent. there are no records
Sep 2023 · 51
cover the place with whiteness.
pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
Sep 2023 · 64
.he had leaned toward me and commented
that i was getting old
and while that is correct i assumed from his
remark that he must be younger

time goes on and i am told that we are much
the same
Sep 2023 · 81
carefully we drew her out
all tidy with reason, wearing
us down
Sep 2023 · 69
putting words in my mouth
like sweet sultanas in chocolate

they come in twos
Sep 2023 · 58
so while out on a longer walk,
met him and he explained to me,
about walking there and back again
Sep 2023 · 69
. child.
how small
how white the child
skin rinsed with tears

salt in the wind
Sep 2023 · 78
.red dot.
fail softly with a sloping line

tapering off into dots repeated

the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic
Sep 2023 · 82
lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
Sep 2023 · 78
the kitchen is quite dark without the light on as is slightly below ground, the graveyard behind
used to leave a lamp on yet with energy prices hike, now follow her lead and wait until entry
Sep 2023 · 47
.museum visit.
they screamed that there was an accident waiting to happen on the stairs
Sep 2023 · 222
handbag, not fit for any purpose than
delight and design.
Sep 2023 · 84
while the world is turning there is a small hope to always return home
Sep 2023 · 182
.charity mug.
duck egg blue
the ironmongers in town
at three seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there
and bus back you see
Sep 2023 · 241
.little thing.
is the little things that excite, even
in the height of summer, low look
for seeds, small flowers studded
in hedgerows,
Sep 2023 · 418
.and monday.
bird in hand is drawn
rules to guide us

with stars above that have no points
at all
yet each one has a story
Sep 2023 · 161
you like birds?

as do i

neither of us employed
&  i am vaguely idle
Sep 2023 · 232
now i beg forgiveness
we are little things
that dance in the mornings

in the light from the phone
Sep 2023 · 106
i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others
Sep 2023 · 75 word..
google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
Sep 2023 · 367
.white dress.
lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
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