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Sep 2023 · 106
i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others
Sep 2023 · 75 word..
google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
Sep 2023 · 367
.white dress.
lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it
today, a reminder of fragility.
Sep 2023 · 54
..spelling correctly..
the word came involuntarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.
Sep 2023 · 58
carefully we drew her out
all tidy with reason, wearing
us down
Sep 2023 · 270
.just now.
our work
our soul
is in
our chest
Sep 2023 · 84
.holding up.
some of us manage
to be vulnerable as naked
in private

some need holding up
in sight from my window
Sep 2023 · 69
must we write about it before we forget,
before  people come and disagree?

they have small waists and a  national costume
Sep 2023 · 48 goodness..
my goodness
such a thing to see while out
and about

such a high up place to be
Aug 2023 · 138
. the difference .
slipped sideways.

while all remains the same, something is different.
Aug 2023 · 503
.boxed sets.
the idea left us dancing.
use what is already there,
make do and mend
Aug 2023 · 88
. pattern .
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is nice you
Aug 2023 · 116
wind blows ideas into our houses

messages bring connections

a busy day with folk talking

it was the weekend with time
to spare
Aug 2023 · 593
for your offered help
and saying you care for my welfare
all very much appreciated
i thankyou and say it is only temporary
Aug 2023 · 95
some photos show nothing
while paintings can come
more personal
Aug 2023 · 141
is a simple thing,
to think sideways,
practice makes a hindrance
when others think straight.
Aug 2023 · 289
look at the weathered walls
hear the song come random
Aug 2023 · 70
no mention of gains or fortitude
some may look for the other one
some may find it

while the little people with their arms held high
dance in the sunlight with all that remains
Aug 2023 · 166
you notice small things too
and record them slightly

those touches, nuances
do you see the way they
glance, look aside…
Aug 2023 · 48
we miss you if you do not visit
a while
and we get all our tenses and lines
wrong and have to go back in a hurry
to amend
Aug 2023 · 392
. sew .
is a curious thread that
hold us together
while apart
Aug 2023 · 141
..not raining..
some of us most of us
tucked inside
becoming whiter
small white teeth
Aug 2023 · 221
a while in a box
will do nicely…
Aug 2023 · 111
was noted that some folk aren’t bothered and carry on without looking
the difference is a thing
Aug 2023 · 119
the mothth as collage.
a quiet ththing.
Aug 2023 · 196
paper covers history.

bent on layers
of time, pretending.
Aug 2023 · 106
..add title..
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any other embellishment like bows

you know
Aug 2023 · 99
he asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts
ghosts of humans
when we are gone
Aug 2023 · 175
no bus arrived the timetable lady was contacted and she explained the bus was due at 2.30 pm that my internet were wrong and no one was bothered what it said at bus stops
Aug 2023 · 305
..the chair..
during the evening after tea,

we wondered who had invented the chair
Aug 2023 · 137
.the box.
asked why i wanted it
i said that i did not know

he had a box in the room
to stand on
to see

we may all need one of those
Aug 2023 · 101
the medicine works

though leaves the passages


triggers sets me thinking of cowboys

we don’t have those here either
Aug 2023 · 296
the word came involuntarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.
Aug 2023 · 91
he stood like a dancer,
arms out.

he looked
and moved,
like a dancer.
Aug 2023 · 93
when the smaller

people go into hiding

where will genius

raise its head again,

among the flat islands of regard?
Aug 2023 · 93
has been a long time coming, it lasted many years,

now is gone.

all of it, all the straight ideals and weathered work.
Aug 2023 · 78
were the markers always there
left by some other

on paper
In the studio
that was so precise and quite particular
was dark blue with a little red added

lasted two weeks and still prominent
Aug 2023 · 387
.second half of clear.
or is it the air changing?

mood settles, or is it the
time of year?
Jul 2023 · 63
initially it was said

that secondly should be

second and initially

should be first

i was confused that

nobody said third

and comforted

by the sound of fourth


memory of moth
Jul 2023 · 205
may understand the red thing

enjoyed the film with the colours
yellow and gorse along
the path

days on the sands
skipping up through the tracks seeing
the adder
Jul 2023 · 86
.light came.
sea fret  in by six.      today the sky has lifted early.
Jul 2023 · 88
.beach search.
Yet the days moved nicely. There were little troubles, nothing to diminish the beauty of it all.
Jul 2023 · 81
.back then.
only  stone

set before

set like fire in empty barns


the social worker was a ***** back then

Jul 2023 · 69
he was worried over the empty barn. #metaphor .it  survives,


Jul 2023 · 226
..remarkable mornings..
we are little things

that dance in the mornings


by the light of the phone….
Jul 2023 · 199
large rocks

fenced off yet

maybe i will

creep through

and touch

one quiet day

one stone

one finger touch

a ritual
Jul 2023 · 146
who knows what lies underneath

here the land goes up and down

water drains

into rivers
Jul 2023 · 212
.the field revisited.
undeniably tracing honesty in the air

with one finger


it came clear later..
Jul 2023 · 296
.the field.
an old story remembered
that warm afternoon while all were playing


the hunted tried not to sleep

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