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Dec 2023 · 296
drawing the child with found fabrics
watching the marks come good, no dots
yet they came
without warning
Dec 2023 · 67
you feel like two people
that one is split in two

that the other one does
look a bit like you
only more so
Dec 2023 · 78
.small stuff.
now is small stuff on paper
as who cares anyhow
we just carries on
Dec 2023 · 80
.simple lines.
see exhibitions
quiet slow and uneventful
& lasting impressions

a simple drawing out
no fuss
and sometimes late in the evening
think of it
leave the house
and return to the simple line drawing
Dec 2023 · 51
told you, no one will listen if we are quiet,
they have all lost interest’


‘do they only listen to loud folk , those that  shout
and remonstrate’

seems so.
Dec 2023 · 73
added bits and embellishments which caused remark
while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy
fell off
i did not return
Dec 2023 · 94
.at tea.
traces remain hidden for the most part
only to come out on particular
without  warning

she said it without  warning
& i was horrified
Dec 2023 · 96
.teapot 7.
bought her tea set gently in parts
each week from woolworths and i still have
some of it
Dec 2023 · 82
.teapot 6.

research is kind, we have tried many colours.

we ate the cake, yet not wishing to appear
greedy left a crumb.

for a bird.
Dec 2023 · 81
.teapot 4.

especially the mornings,
i need not tell you really,
you must know.

ok if there is no rush to go,
easy, cosy up and write.
Dec 2023 · 96
. teapot 3 .
like flags that are decorative
or bunting that represents a

happy time

i dislike borders
representations of separation
Dec 2023 · 51
.teapot 2.
don’t use a teapot

but evidently many do,

and cosy up together.

they don’t squish teabags, have leaves,

and stewing on the gas ring,

like mother, reducing it to

poison on my tongue.

i like the leaves to look at,

smell, like the small packet

we used to have, paper lined

in those days.
Dec 2023 · 182
splits into fragments, pieces

that don’t fit

it is all a puzzle
Dec 2023 · 166
stood steady in wonder

watched the dark bleed

across the sky

watch birds scatter
Nov 2023 · 64
. tea .
we thought about the things my brother

said about the tea plantations

in india

he does a big trip somewhere each each year

except last year and probably this year too
Nov 2023 · 136
.chalk .
rain comes here in waves
reflecting feelings

sometimes i can smell the sea
though some miles from the shore
Nov 2023 · 64
moving out into the landscape
differing thoughts with exercise


on hearing rain early
delay the start of it
Nov 2023 · 86
.from the archive.
.from the archive.

google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
Nov 2023 · 45
.unsuitable pink.
..adding pink..

oh unsuitable paint you
covered lovely with no
comments as all are at
Nov 2023 · 268
.up the road.
skimmed slates that bounced about
unlike the pebbles that grow on our banks here
unlike the landscape hereabouts yet only up the road
up the road where all comes beyond reality to help with reality
Nov 2023 · 66
deep holes,
cut grass and wiping stones.
there is a place.
Nov 2023 · 269

they forecast it,
we do not listen any more,
just check the window.
Nov 2023 · 301
the roads here are winding, the leaves are changing.
best not to bang the teapot down on serving, best
to tell the truth.
Nov 2023 · 76
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low
over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.
all is dust, as dust we have become.                 slow.
Nov 2023 · 57
so in the mist of memory my 15 minutes passed  without concentration and went indoors after
Nov 2023 · 114
..poole hill..
one way,
and  another.

up poole hill
or down.

you kissed me.
Nov 2023 · 188
i have the same,
usually, i felt like
a change today.
Nov 2023 · 531
tidy beach
soft sand and honest stones
to be fortunate here
Nov 2023 · 107
..falling days..
so the falling days,
end today, winter waits,
and the songs, and words,
tunes are all to warm us,
and hold us safe
Nov 2023 · 78
.dancing on the sand.
let us look at things, differently.

often, we do things, no one ever sees.
that is you and me. two of us
dancing on the sand.

it came
and went,
Nov 2023 · 95
. things .
do not wish to hide
do not wish to run
to take the boat and steer
to take the hiatus i fear
Nov 2023 · 107
the power house rears its head again,
pouring images down
like rain.
Nov 2023 · 41
adrift, will the sky at last explode, or will this hate
continue pointlessly, for  thousand thousands years.
numbers that cannot describe each particle of pain.
Nov 2023 · 118
decide which
petulant shadow hides

honesty abounds yet the flags
will find us.
Nov 2023 · 258
went to blaenau in the rain
you may google that so best
add ffestiniog to the name
Nov 2023 · 66
from the windows saw,

the softest steam morning

on the mountain.

the promise of another

day in wonderland.
Nov 2023 · 323
old story remembered  from the beach
that warm afternoon while all were playing
the hunted tried not to sleep
for fear of being robbed or found
Nov 2023 · 278
the mountains here

a home, a refuge plain

and simple things, the ordinary

become as sacred in our life
Nov 2023 · 394
the clouds waiting as you
there are many to fascinate
give them names and fluff
becomes fact
a place one can recognise
Nov 2023 · 111
there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea

the sea that is rising
Nov 2023 · 74
the dream

the cloud
the quarry

water flows down this valley

wind blows round our houses
Nov 2023 · 107
. repair .
most of it works now,
memory plays a part,
when we look
to the mountain.
Nov 2023 · 120
have a photo here of up the valley
where they used to stook the harvest

all the family out working the fields

in the evening it came cooler
for rest
Oct 2023 · 264
the sounds
once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all
comes well some days.
Oct 2023 · 68
. ark .
talk goes on all day, about the heat,
the rain and drizzle,
no thoughts on the shipping
forecast. words red, remembered.

the bird, the boy, the machine,
there is only air between.
Oct 2023 · 53
.these things.
a challenge to describe   these trees as suggested

the gentle good,  dawel disgyn,  little time

left, nor funds for flying.
Oct 2023 · 82
.bird song.
.so we move forward differently once again.

.while you remain in mind.
Oct 2023 · 162
.light rain.
some thing is changing here,
so slight it can hardly be

yet it has been.  a feeling,
came with the light rain .

the quietness

all things are changing
Oct 2023 · 219
while in the studio a series
marching in time
across the board

at dusk the view magnetic
Oct 2023 · 232
.hiding here.
sometimes you know
i have no clue as to what
is occurring

or over there

find it challenging

and disappear
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