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Mar 2021 · 106
.solo flight.
i too fly solo though
i did enjoy live performances
as you may tell

with all that talk of circus

i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others

used to wonder where they go
now I have an app to tell me

i watch the geese in the estuary
hear their sound

later in the garden
when the sun shows

raise my face into that light
Mar 2021 · 116
those days we went each year
watched them drive through the
village first

oh the excitement

only they did not come last year
of course and i guess they will

not again this year

i would not mix with a crowd now

would you james?

when I was a kid the elephants
came by train and there was a
procession from the station
through town with performers

all waving

i was scared of the lions and other

not the elephants nor the clowns

i loved them both
and still do

Mar 2021 · 130
.audience participation.
my goodness

such a thing to see while out
and about

such a high up place to be

in a field near here
along the main road
at hengwrt are three little

horses that run together
like in a circus those days

now there are no animals
mainly clever folk being smart
or funny

i miss the circus top
over by the cob

there is no panto either

which is an abbreviation for

there are the stories james

with audience participation

have you been to the circus?
Mar 2021 · 86
good to be out in the air
these days

good to be warm

there comes a time when buttons
take on a simple importance

taking on from hooks and eyes

stitched on card

white threads

they say it is hardy
never wears out

my skin crawls to see it on the loom

there is a sensitivity there
that came from suggesting

he was wrapped in blankets

that is how the conversation started


later it turned to lentils
with the addition of various
Mar 2021 · 69
it is a new twist

on traditional workwear

at ten times the cost

or more

it is fashion

talk of the year as if it

a living thing with feelings

did you know that wishing

doesn’t change stuff possibly

he said it did in that film yesterday

Mar 2021 · 45
she calls it her bicyclette
with a parisian accent though

she lives mid wales

she sees the beauty all around
travels on her vehicle and takes

writes words of wonder
and cries

some people don’t like her
and gossip

as folks do

it is a shame
Mar 2021 · 34
it will be a picture of a day
the wood waiting by the door

differing types
shades of dryness

to warm

mist came at dusk
enveloping all that remained
into a medieval story

curtains drawn we basked
in the smallness of it all

backed into the warmth

we missed the message
Mar 2021 · 170
.order of service.
(or the timetable)

some places there is an order
of service
a timetable

it was cold in the night so we
all huddled in like it was a single

when it is double

we make a nest
and warm up

i have a pet fly now

whose name is almond
so I call him marc
as an endearment

yesterday google said he
will live for 0.8 years
this morning she said two weeks

i have not seen him today
perhaps he is still to sleep?

the bear will cry out at 11pm……

Mar 2021 · 229
..ocean journeys..
i did not wish to go to sea

went just the once that I remembered
last evening

the crossing

it had been a longish day and cold
whilst managing fine here
i talked to others

felt the fear & sadness


gone tired
i remembered those early days in disbelief
with a longer sentence


left for bed
Mar 2021 · 113
i spend thirty days writing

one eye closed, storm building.

you never know what goes on

behind the scenes.

there are pictures each day

some seem similar

some seem a memory now.

a daily challenge
Mar 2021 · 210

two voices softly said


they cannot
understand the numbers
nor find their families


the rose was gently pressed

between pages

Mar 2021 · 63
sometimes we say gosh or my goodness
a phrase used much in subtitled korean dramas

which what I like

they say it ain’t seemly to cuss
at this age and present gender

though I really like
as a little word

they say it is safer out of doors
that it does fade after a few days
though he thought it lived forever


the second visitor in a while

later the top were sawn off

ready to balance the collected


being corrected
being predicted
Mar 2021 · 295
solitude is usual ,              even welcomed.

trips out reveal another state. the mind
and all travelling            excites, , i await


he asked me a question, then i replied.

endlessly.                      it may be a gift?

ash escapes the brain

into    air.

days left,

three voices

rise, until just


is heard


on reading of orchids

have been meaning to tell  what a lovely book

you gave me

so while the mopped floors dry i am marooned with

the internet a while

a good grasping size, embossing feels good to touch

while one chapter at a time opens new ideas  and

brings fond memories of dorset country side


another time in life

thank you
Mar 2021 · 73
.word of snow.
is it the same as ash die back
i know I should research this
and will
just not now

she sings
i remember

he told me you can burn it
anytime and chanted a verse

that I do not remember

he cannot come a while for

you should only mix indoors or outdoors with members of your own household or support bubble

she sings
i remember

some things come easy for some
even pleasant
impossible for others

i did look and see it is a fungus
rather than a borer james

i do not have all the particulars like you
and my roof is higher

she sings
Mar 2021 · 62
jim jams

is a word here instead of pyjamas

you know

when my favourites were in the wash

i went to the back room to hunt through

collectables known as retro chic

or vintage


among the garments there
were his old pyjamas

washed, worn soft and comfy

which is a word for comfortable

with a c

so i wore those with a w
and slept real well
Mar 2021 · 59
.spelling it out.
things begin ning with b
and other letters

like retirement
which you mentioned that
the other day

i never did do that not yet

now as you know am in a furrow until april
which starts with f and is possibly furlough
to others

i am down deep and feel
warm and settled here

in earth

who knows how this will end

with an e

for endless

there is another named jim james
who thinks I refer to him also

and perhaps I do

with a p
Mar 2021 · 69
.15 watt .
today there is no little chocolate

they came in different shapes

which i could not always identify

but enjoyed in *******

if that word is permitted?

the empty box will be laid


in the stove

ready for lighting this afternoon

on the yesterday we fiddled with lights
and curtain poles

deliveries of gooseberries, bath oils

and the delightful tiny light bulbs

which pleased me most
bought in a quantity of five

and i bet i don’t have a photograph
so will have to go get one
Mar 2021 · 67
Got very busy early with bread and fires although predicted wanted fries….

Found a new shopping site this morning and got lost googling epicure.

Thought of that yellow pickle which I feel you will dislike.


No real plans though an envelope has arrived from my arty friend in Todmorden that my direct the day a little.

Progress continues at home with lighting and curtainage. 

Excitement mounts that the gooseberries that were in Kimnel bay yesterday may arrive here today and very welcomed.

So the bread is rising and I am feeling too chilly to venture out. There are memories this time of year one way so another so will take the day carefully. 
I wonder what today will bring.

I understand the night was spent with discussion on types of fish.
Mar 2021 · 272
thinking of you and all the others that fly solo in these odd times under today’s cultural pressures.

we must fly higher.
Mar 2021 · 73
.the weather station.
what a wonderful thing
to have

plus all that ongoing information
to talk about

tell me

is it a one story house or two

there is a need to know
for worry in retrospect

it sounds a dangerous task
with all the snow and ice about

i ate the last little chocolate
this morning and shall miss that
routine each day

at midday he video called me in error
and we both freaked out
Feb 2021 · 279
.the mark.
it had clipped the hand in error

left a moon shape mark

turned black

or maybe

is was dark blue with a little red added

lasted two weeks and still prominent

much has happened since the pinch

rain, mutations and slight headaches

the path is blocked off
due to mud and saturation

life goes on
the mark remains

it was remarked that there is no hurry
that we have the rest of the winter

happily with a little chocolate
Feb 2021 · 235
wise words


i feel lighter this morning
which is more physical

than spiritual

this time of year serves as a reminder

a pause
then move forward

often a block buster is advertised
usually we prefer the other

quieter stuff

it was a small day yesterday

tucked in

covers heavy
Feb 2021 · 46
.this tree.
there is this one tree

planted early came slightly weedy

planted by the town with a little

fence around

the danger that it may come vandalized

& die

even then some may paint it white , add lights

in the cities green may be required

among the stone and lingering


she said there is a feeling of

impending doom

and on researching we find this

is true for many reasons
Feb 2021 · 143
.tick eater.
some are wizards

some come predicted

while in bristol working

she asked the relationship because he liked

stuff of mine

on reflection see that she noted these things a lot


others would not have noticed

then a decision was made

by one party agreement by the other


frying potatoes  for tea

skins gone crispy

clean the cooker  top

some draw

while others draw out

tick eater
Feb 2021 · 78
.false predictions.
something happened
everything repeated itself

on the page

lately i find if i bend the screen lightly
all appears back in order

unlike the brother
who appeared in auto fill

who is too deeply here
should predict as it
Feb 2021 · 189
.small white teeth.

the road up over comes quiet

sheep stand in groups watching

cattle in a neighbouring field

moved higher due to predicted flooding

it is autumn now proper

some of us most of us

tucked inside

becoming paler


small white teeth
Feb 2021 · 75
.the procession.
assumimg you are safe
i tell you about the villages
close by yet still over the

where the good grub is
for midwinter while men
buzz about hunting

while i disapprove
and eat the vegatables

where the man talks about
his toe endlessly as the other
word is rather complex & all
this with only one paid for cup
of tea

where the child lays low playing
and unscrewing the chair legs

where the night comes earlier
each day and pheasants walk

the lanes in procession. this
was a gathering
this was a confession

was not quite
Feb 2021 · 59
.the funeral.
yes things that come
will also leave

an interesting day yesterday
when things revisit and i slip in

to recall the experience
relive that time and remember

i watched from the window how they
stood close together and hugged

and how it is spreading

there was a storm all day
warm inside the thoughts

came overwhelming

we went to bed early

this is another day
Feb 2021 · 56
.oh mistress mine.
medieval tartlet come scratchy

only once wore such a thing

rocky road of horror

least coverage and baggy below

without that leotard

come special

they walked home in the rain


missed on the pelican crossing

got ****** in the bar
Feb 2021 · 106
.oh the irony.
the thing desired some years back


now offered

& now

no longer required
Feb 2021 · 108
i dislike the cold
have wrote if that before

though not to you

i wrote that I fear slipping

breaking the soft words

of my life


there is news from the village

some is good and all there is tidy

while some comes shocking and hard

to bear


fighting the predictions
Feb 2021 · 72

they add some for emergency

dreaming nothing works

becomes seedy like rubber buttons

stitched on particular


they come at us with knives

power houses

talking with tongues

with nowhere else to go

no one else to torment

i laugh at them talking in metaphors

yet I do the same

there are raindrops on the window

while I die

of laughing
Feb 2021 · 284
the news has changed


while one I don’t know
who is friends with one I do
has been vaccinated

mid wales

she is a carer and they say it is bad there

a backwater

for some reason it has come so in wales
hence more restrictions

messaged to see if all are ok with this
of course , came the reply
and offered me random oats

having a liking for porridge of a morning
with cream and syrup I accepted


sometimes I have toast

and sometimes insert one comma
Feb 2021 · 86
.limited spaces.
what do we know of apartment

blocks with balconies

no where to play

sit quietly with the monkey

or whatever toy to sustain

and magnify

what do we know of merging paint

that frequents our mind

to describe

there was a gap in the railings where things fell through

we sat and watched it all
Feb 2021 · 385
mention plagiarism


after research find it is

spelled so

to tell you it was just a friend
who did it often one way then


then they blocked me


so it goes

in a few words

Feb 2021 · 83
:: hiding ::

hiding could be the ultimate solution

some of us have adopted as per the guidelines

remember how you turned your back as a child

thought no one could see you

as you could not see them?

either that or go in disguise

a devil of an issue
Feb 2021 · 44
.a still life.
now you know that the bird has died

and her wish was to preserve it somehow

that was yesterday

she had balanced it on a cotton reel, you know the old wooden ones with red thread.

this balancing thing

started years ago

in childhood, a game. later life a habit, a meditation.

she watched others, the artists balancing stones

copied , then balanced all sorts, soaps. boxes, anything really.

perhaps it is a control thing she supposed as she balanced the bird.


it stays easily. she looks a long time, takes her phone

and photographs.

looks, looks

adds objects.

photographs .

waits for dusk, for the light to change

lowers and photographs. a different app and repeat

another photograph.

skulls .

there are a lot of skulls down here in the studio. a few any way. she is prone to her own excitement and exaggeration.

bird skulls found, placed, kept, some  under glass domes.

her father had done that now she follows his lead.

she remembers the time he had placed a mouse corpse under a bell jar to see how that worked

he was dismayed at the decay and mildew; the stench when he lifted that jar.

his experiment a failure.

she feels it is a still life.
Feb 2021 · 52
.the temporary fence.
was supposed to be an uneventful day


guess it was to some standards

in these quiet days of isolation
combined with bad weather

was all a bit of a thing

moved the garden bags to their
collection point to find

the bags of slate delivered by the lane
so move the garden waste again to bring the

wheelbarrow up
to carry the slate to the bottom
and spread

two bags as spare in the store bins
lift and sweat
swear as we tip the fence over

to be fixed and reassembled
while the rain came in some more

later the groceries delivered
the man said quite a work out
as his baskets were emptied

i have a tiny chocolate each morning now

and got a card from the vicar
Feb 2021 · 57
:: snowdrops ::

hold her up, you need to hold her up

stand each side of her

it is a challenge each day

to look at the images


a challenge to deal with these things

some of us manage

to be vulnerable as naked

in private

some need holding up

in sight from my window
Feb 2021 · 103
.line drawing.
:: line drawing ::

watched it twice those days when we could travel

see exhibitions

quiet slow and uneventful

it left lasting impressions

a simple drawing out

no fuss

and sometimes late in the evening

think of it

leave the house

and return to the simple line drawing
Feb 2021 · 90
never mind also hoping the thing
has passed

he said they had a book of meaning
i asked google
who misheard or mis

thought it was a reference to cost

when so many have paid

quietly we felt it would not be unseemly
nor respectful this time

with so many lost
one way and another


how are you this morning
Feb 2021 · 110
.the digger.
looked out last evening toward the grave


saw the light

the machine making a place

it used to be manual
i know the method

bob told me back then
know the depth

he has retired
since the covid came

said he is seventy now and aches a bit
i heard

i smiled after what he said to me
after he touched my arm

he often did that

once he kissed my cheek

buried my husband
Feb 2021 · 49
.paper chase.
:: paper chase ::

hiding from the refuse collectors

down at the house

in the paper


it was his idea and he rammed

it all in the neighbouring bins

where he found room

said he will take the blame

if found out


all four crowd round discussing

the amount of waste

the number of stars


he hides

Feb 2021 · 351
.good intentions.
have been off work for ten months
so work at home

a lot

on this and that

and the garden

at the front

a smaller one at the back

both were wet yesterday and slidy with mud
my walking making it worse

when I was out to make it look better

i intend to have an easy day
the day after boxing day

there is good reason
Feb 2021 · 75
:: uncle ::

tell him he needs to focus

best eye forward to stop complaining

it is for safety purposes

the rules are made

the family all seem to have

problems with vision

even the dog

things go fast and seep into distant


fairies again

or is it simply the pressure?
Feb 2021 · 90
.wet leather wallet.

she used the word constitutional
where I prefer

she prefers a short walk
and that is ok

yesterday i found mistletoe
and a wet leather wallet

to hand in the local police

office today

it is a palaver to report online
to follow on instruction each

object to be sent elegantly

tied the mistletoe with ribbon
placed it by the birds nest

made bread and a mess
in the kitchen

which I warned you about before

Feb 2021 · 360
:: nothing ::

dissecting the thing

into pieces

and chucking it into the canal

it is nothing

no more
Feb 2021 · 113
.the garden.
it has come warmer here

so me and him cut the saplings
ropes pulling away from the wire

below the ivy threads the surface
to be pulled today as I tested the

which worked

plans are set
though news news ain’t good
any which way i look

i read about the dependency
he described
and thought he was more than that

we are not our issues nor experiences
we are more than that

each person a unique being
Jan 2021 · 109
:: numbers ::

did you see the fairy folk fluttering

moth mouths and mismatch

the day came clear with numbers

written backwards

did you know that or did you google to find out

touch lightly in case wings

disintegrate to dust

tread lightly my dears

count them

Jan 2021 · 49
.welsh not.
it is as nothing
a small breath of wind passing

even that is complained on by someone

my goodness

i made a piece on censorship of language
the welsh not

accepted & rejoiced by some
rejected and removed by others

censoring the image of censorship
some things come ironic

tomorrow it will be gone
another issue put in place

by others

these places are kitchens

you may remember i left once
persuaded to return to ignore

their bleatings

you see I fly alone

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