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Jan 2021 · 113 know.
:: you know ::

five men

those men who desire

who speak in three voices

is all i will say here, you know who you are


time is upon us as he writes

the old way

dust from the fire

he weaves

remembering the beginning

of it all

ash escapes his brain

into solitude

days left

three voices

rise until just one

is heard
Jan 2021 · 115
.dna tracking.
it all starts here today
and will take a long time

there are so many many of us
lots upon lots

though early the lanes are clear
he sees no one
only the ice and frost

goes tentatively in the wrong boots

imagines the slipping so moves
the phone to a front pocket in


his imagination runs riot
as before and remembering

not to use the first word
that comes in his mind

or too many recognizable
cliches james

so we talked about dna alterations
those tracking devices they say are

and laughed over the silliness
of our conversation and then

i drew the tidy face and then

the scaffolders came
Jan 2021 · 120 not wish to die.
or any day. do not wish to hide

do not wish to run

to take the boat and steer

to take the hiatus i fear

it crossed so many times

each time delivering

some time sinking

while we are shouting that

we do not wish to die

my son

wrote of it before

the last crossing

having paid the price we hope to be delivered

knowing that in depth we drown

the island blessed

sandy tracks to wander

in memory

like birds we flew

now it comes commercial

no crossing
Jan 2021 · 137
.day of the dead.
so it was yet no one did anything


drew on experience

kept quiet

for no one


they are dead

as deaf as a dodo


deaf as the man upstairs

dead as the designer now

the virus got them

they came with moustaches

all curly waxed

but it still got them

the day of the dead
Jan 2021 · 96
.big coat.
want to draw that image

to keep it in my brain
to come out some other way

take on all the things on our arms
our shoulders

the coat hanger effect

i noted his oversized coat
and was admonished for

assuming judgement on

no no no it is about remembrance
and the drawing out later
when all is quiet james

it is that time of year for memorials
eighteen days yet

perhaps someone will come to measure the depth

calculate the timeline
Jan 2021 · 103
.her bicycle.

using phrases like the enemy
it don’t go unnoticed here either

a negative use of language
instead of facts as you say

incitement and riot talking
found not guilty when tried

it is the modern way
to use adjectives that don’t apply

descriptions that come unnecessary
with double letters

and meanings

they talk in metaphors like me

they have a differing task, are not
magicians with a comma

moving on

i hope she will like a bike
and ride along with you
Jan 2021 · 98
.four legged.
it came four legged

trouncing down the dark

no one was distressed here nor


one finds more fear in the doings

of men, their counterparts

fear of too much punctuation haunts


unlike the four leggeds


there are stars

there are no stars

so what is the true meaning


running in the dark

sorting in the rain things get wet

puddles form


a long dark road

two legged
Jan 2021 · 51
.the meteor.
all so very space age or those films
about disasters and meteors
smashing into our crust
making holes
called craters


enough to give anyone
a nose bleed

we have his here in a jar labelled

sometimes it is anxiety
all that is going on around

it came so very cold
the bags were wet
and my hands hurt
like billy oh

did not drop off though
cos I huffed and puffed them

stay by the fire james
for now it is winter
Jan 2021 · 84
day five brought two voices

one day

same segregation

a night of stars

sickly child and predetermined words

flicker from page to

flicking the power fails

while some follow the mass

others raise fist protest

nothing was ever promised

nothing ever came fair, an invented entitlement

where no one is entitled

we have one pause

a tadpole before the jumping frog

comes wet and creaking

we forget the punctuation

we look at the pictures

Jan 2021 · 83
your time will come

i will wait politely here until the time
and hope predicted don’t change

no more

we wonder for the phone is like a
little tablet
the tablet just a big phone
with no phone and a torch

so an half an hour spent
on ebay looking at those

to light the way

you see
we think we have a future here

do you
Jan 2021 · 60
.the car park.
the days come darker still

considering the night

white they peer

sadly into empathy

faces cloud

shoulders bowed

not so the beginning

look at it

look at it

no stars here no separation

the two become one


you see that your perception of things

is different from the others

hold it

hold it and you will find after time

some no longer see

today there is vacant parking at the church
Jan 2021 · 97
it was one of those books

you know the sort you read over

something about a house

i seem to remember

one of the favourites

have the set up until then

and i expect she has written more


there is a boat house up cregennan

another down bontddu

making good photographs

good dreams

drama change to night terrors

when you cannot shift

the weight bearing down from hell or somewhere


hell is a story for control

for controversy

they come here spouting the belief yet

never ask for mine

Jan 2021 · 65
have a nice star symbol on the forecast
six sided
and while I hear rain now
on the cat slide
know there will be no walk early

have tear drop symbols too
which is correct so a good
job done here yesterday

it would be no good today

cat howled as i put her out
she slept on the dining room
table again

all the telling that the uncut moquette
is most comfy
goes unheard

preferring dark wood

each day I wash and polish
hoping for a change in attitude

i have stories on the shelf
may write them one by one
some day


yesterday I verbalised some

the job sounds fine
out and about

he liked that
the freedom
Jan 2021 · 79
.high hedges.
all came interesting yesterday
not the day before that just yesterday
morning mostly

friends since 65 perhaps
number of the year ago

then to dispel gathered energies
attacked the borders with a saw
and mallet

and the neighbour assisted
he a slight fellow too who brews
beer when the weather keeps him


enough done
the clearing


starts today

the phases planned ahead

i don’t go to town much now
we don’t need nothing that

cannot be delivered
Jan 2021 · 45
.wild wood.
good to hear that all are delivered safely
all are back home

interior days
come as comfort

rain soaking the neighbourhood about

ash left as reminder

then I think of him tidying
forgetting time in the

down the lane the wild wood
comes naked
a world of it’s own
the rocks show hollow

and no one comes no more

i think this must be winter
Jan 2021 · 96
we ate cake, chocolate cake
with thick chocolate icing on

plus the usual buns
with one left ready
for today with coffee

there were four candles
each a different colour

which I have saved
washed the little white

all stashed in the proper place
in that dish on the kitchen shelf
above the table

i tidied it all a few weeks back

yesterday I won a writing challenge
did not mean to
I just wanted to tell it
how it is

later I attempted to trim
the hazel tree and succeeded
Jan 2021 · 86
is there a hub bub
voices chattering more than usual

will there be large makings of coffee
there and fun?

we had fun yesterday with all the deliveries
opening boxes and moving water barrels
without the water

sploshed on the garden

today here james we shall
have a hub bub and chatter

you know

we shall have coffee and buns as
unless they ask for tea

you know

i never asked for earl grey
while staying at the hospital

not liking to make a fuss
under such circumstances

well you don’t
do you?
Jan 2021 · 90
colder yesterday though possibly not as cold
as your experience over there

the greenhouse rearrangement came lovely
instigated by the accidental dropping of plants

growing from seeds gathered on walks
the wildlife garden

today the tiny things will be salvaged
nurtured in the warm

meanwhile i am constantly on leaf duty
while the terraces are cleared
the lower lawn is deep in golden

a little each day
is just the ticket

alongside household chores and drawing
Jan 2021 · 162
.these trees.
feels like autumn now, cat is in, windows misted.

a challenge to describe   these trees as suggested

the gentle good,  dawel disgyn,  little time

left, nor funds for flying.

tiny things become intimate

you may put them in cases, or hang on pins

straight or safety, it becomes political

the choice is yours

bulldog clips

you are the curator.

maybe things are red with black

Jan 2021 · 94
.gather leaves.
i gather leaves now that the sky is clear

see the stars when I put the cat out early

it is a stable door
i open the top

she hisses
though she has been in for hours

i gather leaves
now the rain has stopped a while

look out at the world beyond the garden

it is green
the mountain beyond

i gather leaves now that things have stopped

place them in bags
for the recycling centre

I used to gather leaves my friend
to keep in paper bags

maybe some folk enjoy being alone
my friend

Listen to .. gentle .. by sonja benskin mesher on #SoundCloud
Jan 2021 · 99
.bird in hand 2.
poor birds

have it difficult the best of times
then comes the festivals
those traditions

that mean they must die

talking of which
now we know

with our present hidings and isolation

how they live at all times

the creatures burn and die

i watch the squirrels down the back lane
each day
sometimes one will stop running and

we look at each other

a while
Jan 2021 · 88

the things were in the chubby

where he climbed and chucked them


sat in the doorway smiling

new trainers

i took his photograph

which went to exhibition


now we are in isolation

so where is the difference?

a younger rock formation isolated among older rocks       

someone who moves differently to others.            

an exercise in the way to  view the world.

we are all


as much as this is said

this performance can do with quite an improvement.
Jan 2021 · 72
we have our favourites

mine is old
have had it thirty years

from the charity

he touched it gently
said it felt warm to touch


it certainly is
felted a little with wear


ill fitting

charcoal grey
it don’t show the dirt

i wore it gardening yesterday
raking leaves

the robin came down

we spell snow plough differently
Jan 2021 · 87
is a tangled affair
too many people talking at once

it is a messy affair
paint smudges and runs

eventually all comes clear
one having the final say

predictions come and go

sometimes heard
not seen

days of our life


days of our lives


i feel some times that

the word unreasonable

is mine

though i react through

my reason

which comes clear

with my muddled


dare i laugh here?

who said that


what is it?

how will they know for thinking

comes silent inside our heads

unless we utter

which in my case is not often

who defines the different

level of thought

is there a manual

with charts and graphs

a litmus test to testify

that the thought got tangled

oh what is it like?


oh really!
Jan 2021 · 87
met her at the forest by the hotel
we were volunteers
and seemed to get on well

agreed to visit the fabric store
at the coast
see the rusted ships together

be friends

just before the pandemic hit

we connect on social media now

there are others met at london

the exhibition

and akhenaten

there is a pause in proceedings
that can’t be helped

winter brings differing challenges

objects fall and are mended

it is

nearly the end of november

Jan 2021 · 89
it is a tangled affair
too many people talking at once

it is a messy affair
paint smudges and runs

eventually all comes clear
one having the final say on board

predictions come and disappear
quickly as the local planes

sometimes heard
not seen

there is a small airfield up along
the coast

once the airship came
we drove to watch

it go over


days of our life


days of our lives
Jan 2021 · 82
.gains & experiences.
do you see that it is not there?

having checked several times this end

find there is just the one with no problems therefore

note the rules down one side

hysteria the other

lists remain of all that is lost

no mention of gains or fortitude

some may look for the other one

some may find it

while the little people with their arms held high

dance in the sunlight with all that remains

we ask for the italian music this morning
Jan 2021 · 46
.the bird in hand.
wind blows ideas into our houses

messages bring connections

a busy day with folk talking

it was the weekend with time
to spare

yet so many came tiring
alongside the wind blowing

the leaves are ready
to be gathered today

unless the wind is blowing

the bird in hand is drawn
rules to guide us

with stars above that have no points
at all
yet each one has a story

each one an individual even when
the wind blows
Jan 2021 · 208
seven in a row all dead
is a real disaster

i like the white ones on farms
that hiss if one approaches near

we are liking birds to stay alive yet
sadly this is not so

if I say I went away

some think that  this  means


those in america

conversation moved on to

pumpkins, these days, and

noises made by porcupines.

there is a chattering nearby

Dec 2020 · 58
do you know the dark corner

behind damask

where music plays?

do you know why the tree died

why the paint smudged?

some know and remember the years

less for some than others

some paint tidy all realism while

others paint a different way

i know why the tree died . i do.

i know that the stove ticks when lit
Dec 2020 · 32
..the drum..
the pound shops here have things that cost one pound


they sell glasses there for cloud and sun though

at present I do not shop in store
i shop online and while it is a

differing entity comes useful in these


she says the smaller stores will suffer
and while this is true I find it far more

convenient to have all the heavy stuff
brought to the door

rather than loading then later unloading
the car
to carry goods down the drive in various


a few leaves hang on like beaten rags
the branch hangs limp waiting for a

particular gust to fall

i do not have sugar in my tea
the saucer has cartoon animals
for decoration
Dec 2020 · 54
he asked about the father
the answers came in language of that time
the terminology of the fifties

words that indicate dislike

not of choice

a mantra
remembered correctly

transfer of ideas

later unpicked to my delight
into another story
edges left bare

there is a box with papers
snippets and tickets

are these the codes and reasons
are these the stories of their lives?
Dec 2020 · 49 & reasons..
some ask if the routine of working is missed

it is noted that another took it’s


moving lightly room to room in winter

from one hour to the next

differing activities

moving out into the landscape
differing thoughts with exercise


on hearing rain early
delay the start of it

did you know he asked me my materials

the list got long and

could have been longer

even boring for some

so I stopped

some times I feel I may get found out
james, sometimes I am

with a comma.

codes and reasons
Dec 2020 · 40
some days come lovely
despite the weather

mornings come darker with
quiet walks in the lanes


all that surrounds

one branch moves
creaking on the others

sheep stand quiet waiting
while we apologise

further down the water runs
where the straw was laid

the foot and mouth epidemic
those years back

on our way down south we

were diverted
a road block and all that


not crossing the line

never crossing the straw

we didn’t
not once

some are already sleeping
some stay gathering to be


while I do much the same james
Dec 2020 · 43
.peters hill.
imagine all this in pictures
and get it wrong as I have

no idea really

and find it does not matter

the music came sadly on the film
at dusk and I felt it as I glanced at
the view at the window

i think it was an oboe though not entirely
yet it sure did hit the mark

today I need to write ekphrastic
and have just finished my winter
shopping order

with winter pies and puddings
for december

i remember when only rich folk had
groceries delivered

we walked up to winton and went
shop to shop

those days

liptons, maypole and the home and

and quite a few more
i liked the coal merchant on peters hill
who also sold seed

to run your hands through with permissions


my father was seen up there with the other woman
she limped I was told

my brothers were told not to acknowledge him
I am told
Dec 2020 · 42
i do that too
you know go back and look at it

at what i done
feel a sense if achievement sometimes

and sometimes

I stand to look at what is to be done

the next day


allow the brain to absorb the idea overnight


the task is worked on over days as

there is no hurry no more

this way no one gets bored or fed up

of it


hopefully it gets done better

yes my mind is wandering already
back to the roundabout where the
van turned over

those years ago

this morning I had a refund
so that is another task achieved

ticked off in the diary
Dec 2020 · 33
i like to observe the wood piles here

most are tidy and patternistic

while next door is more random

like chucking on the ground

storing in the wheelbarrow

the end result the same
warm homes this winter

i wrote about the making of quilts
back before
regarding the cost of blankets
so these were necessary items

stitched along the coast
to keep folk warm in winter

layers james
Dec 2020 · 29
her voice sounded brighter
and I hoped she was better

a little

she affirmed she was so we

about this and that and

i have mostly fallen oak

leaves in the garden
and am looking forward

to the clearance when it comes

three quarters of an acre

memories drift in and out
while writing
Dec 2020 · 71
notice my neighbour is using coal 

as well as logs now

this is a new turn for him

a break in the routine

i use nugget things besides

the kiln dried things which

burn up bright for flame

during the day I let it glow softly


while relaxing let it flare nicely

for comfort 

it is not cold yet 

with so much time at home

is nice to have the stove lit



and a thriller or some more

sometimes we read

and sometimes  we just sit

to look out the window

out at the mountain
Dec 2020 · 55
do you ever dream of a place
where you were so unhappy

that you have to go back

do you ever wake up late
your neck hurting

like heck

do you console yourself that it
is winter

dark and to be expected

do you still feel guilty

some do

some are glad it was just a dream
tuesday bought eco firelighters
asked for two boxes to last a while

was asked to take them to the till
decided on three instead
fifty each box

to last one hundred and

fifty fires

liking multiples move to a new way of

for eventualities

looked at the boots after
and am giving it thought

i am imagining
blowing leaves

yesterday came the big drop
and the garden came golden

and what I will say to you today


is well done for staying
Dec 2020 · 30
.the print skirt.
you would not come back

except for visits

you came again in auto fill

last evening sat alone

we still cannot understand

there is no explanation for that

nor what you did

you are a ghost to us now


we watched it on tv

you thought we were broken

yet we watch you solidly, bravely like joan

with just one comma throughout

we no longer come ragged

we watch you leave


tell you this

there are some do not believe

will not sleep while others will

and some

wish to be invited


some photos show nothing
while paintings can come

more personal

it means something if
you go to look


it means more if you sit quietly

in the light and read

there were challenges

one was print and pattern
Dec 2020 · 22
.with reference.
with reference and respect

i tell you this

mist rose along the edge

scrubbed out scrubbed out that feeling

erased all marks or iridescent gestures

drew it inward until

it became outward

play the games

until all rises into absent beings

the beetle crawls fondly across the floor and we leave it

white mouse feeds at the window

a small plane flies over

maybe the tiredness brought the apparition melting

yet his face remained perfect

to me

through those years

i remember him running

his dog behind

remaining thoughts

move forward
Dec 2020 · 41
good to get out

good to have company 

i expect 

things will feel brighter now

especially these dark mornings

in the surgery  the colour of the day

was green with yellow dispensers 


she found it enlivening while focusing

on the map of the world 

thought she could have written

world map 


the pattern went wrong

later  she helped him shove the leaves

in the neighbouring bins as he proclaimed

he would indeed take all the blame

it became an interesting

heartening day yesterday


the bear slept sound
Dec 2020 · 25
.railway track.
nice to be excited
nice to ride the track

we have one here open from town down to the coast
quiet early, gets busy later though not bustling
as predicted here

a different creature then upon a bike
speedy with out no legs to stand just
two things buzzing around

no arms hanging
****** out and attached to
an iron bar

i never thought of it like that


is good they explained

i remember out riding the mountain
the leader shouting at the art

students making environmental pieces

near the route

the bear says hello


good and never grumbles at all
Dec 2020 · 43
there is a bear here that I have not mentioned a while as someone copied so he went quiet yet

still here
told him yesterday what happened and

he sat still and constant as always and was pleased

is pleased

there are no moose here nor noise as predicted

if there were
we would also have conversations
Dec 2020 · 31
.kinder man.
spoke and she said she wished she could go somewhere i realised i had and arrived at last

we are on holiday long term to enjoy
with all the commodities and delights plus exceptional views about

it is not actually so yet who would complain at such a thing and make themselves miserable

no use moaning when there us no one to hear

he looks like a kinder man and I am told he had paid the price
Dec 2020 · 23
wednesdays here is market day
an hour’s drive away

except this week in lockdown

a pretty town
clock tower
and a few things titled alternative
only we think they are usual

wednesday is half day closing

wednesday is the same as all

other days now
we stay home


other days still have some significance
like sunday
when we change the bed


are more for walking, working these

today being friday I may tidy those
other clothes

to allow them see the light of day

at present still dark
Dec 2020 · 37
.leaning slightly.
it is with regard that I visit here
each day

it is with care that I ask after his


some folk don’t say much
some folk manage
quite well


being independent

some make mistakes

i do and avoid the capitals

main thing is to weather the storms
and visit daily

i too lean slightly
Dec 2020 · 57
.asda man.
two cakes sound better than my none

here then it is not my birthday yet

i had bread and butter pudding for after
to use up the bread
disliking waste
and liking dessert

I would of said pudding
yet it spoiled the line


two eggs and add the milk
to soak the bread with butter

and sultanas

some things are unavailable so
asda man brings substitutes

like rocket instead of rocket
we are to have a refund if

found unsuitable

imagine the log deposited with flood

a whale beached
i said and she agreed

imagine if I had cake
and it might be chocolate
with thick sticky sauce
and bits in it

i imagine I should like that
and eat it all
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