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May 2021 · 116
.privet place.
there is this little corner

tidy now

a niche

which needs a thing to make a point

for it

the storm came yesterday and tired from the work before

browsed the online and found many things

yet know that with time it will sort itself out

just as most places are tidy

the tree came down


next door’s shed blew about

it feels quieter this morning
May 2021 · 96
they are all animals even cows and sheep

and horses

she ate them

except the horse as she did not fancy that

she only ate those she was used to
May 2021 · 65
.privet corner.

remember privet road down in winton

those days after the war

the second world war that is

though it feels like folk are at war

always somewhere

maybe we should look after things

and our people

anyway there is a privet plant in the corner of the garden

down by the water pumping station

they want it cut and i want it tidy

so we comprise as i love the smell

of the small white flower come annually

i shall rake the leaves and have made a sign ready

privet corner

it is not a hedge like my grandma had

just a privet plant
May 2021 · 62
the tree came down

so dinner waited an hour or so

already cooked went cold

and rubbery

the least of the worry

pleased to see that the flowers

remain standing still in bud

the lights went off then came back on

the words were said and meant


the forecast is better here today

still bad mid wales I am told
May 2021 · 91
perseverance came cheap they say

in the balance of things

cheap as sausages maybe

although not on offer at asda

come cheaper over at morrisons due next week

perseverance came lovely even the last seven minutes

beautiful like ballet landing softly

i ordered the sausages two packs for four pounds

no animal meat anywhere

meanwhile perseverance pays out

we move forward gently no longer quite so vulnerable
May 2021 · 435
we have built the wall at the wrong angle
as sometimes we are a failure

the rules were set by no one
and kept by others and sometimes

when the wall is wrong
fall into feeling that we are


with warmth and rain outside

again we sleep

the moon outside as company

i hear it has landed on mars
May 2021 · 127
.side effects.
she asked about side effects and though
after reading the instructions felt there

were none apart from the pigeons
noted before

when suddenly came the surge of energy
born from hatred of the overgrown

box hedge

we love the little national trust hedges
clipped and sturdy

not this high hanging woody affair

tried to trim the top
ended sawing the bottom
destroying the thing

a fit of peak they say

and having done so moved on to the other
larger affair by the gate

which rhymes with hate

you see

the joy next morning
when looking out
saw them gone

later the asda man came
May 2021 · 92

it don’t seem to work as well
in email

comes alongside shopping
cash back and ebay notices

gets lost

we like things in place
in categories where it

can be dealt with neatly
in an order of service

and though I miss it james
maybe it was time

and I wonder still

why you left
Apr 2021 · 70
.eco logs.
look at you promoted from the use for which you were designed

a white enamel was desired
yet a galvanised was ordered

and though come lovely also
came too big for the space so

used to carry in the exotic logs
which help the environment and
crumble on the floor otherwise if
not contained somehow

the problem continued upstairs
so we moved you there yesterday

a new chapter
a new purpose

you succeeded nicely

i too reflect this story
start a new chapter
without purpose


and accept the predictions
as they seem to come correct

it was not a thought as such
more of a knowing

there is a photograph

come random
Apr 2021 · 103
.matt hancock.
there may be after effects

nobody suggested a flock of pigeons

at 2pm that snowy afternoon

and that notes will be made

no one mentioned sleeping
later than usual

those chin tattoos
that come all beautiful
and trendy

noticed the birds several days ago
i do like the flocks even murmurations

which happen more mid wales
by the pier

you know
i haven’t been there in such a while

matt hancock

i have been staying at home now

11 months

in total
Apr 2021 · 70
.the letter.
well hello

you see I did write back to you


a different format

more like a letter now
it is not on the poetry


to behold
so cold

we swept it
the twigs and debris

micro gardening
Apr 2021 · 79
.uncategorised notes.
on a blue theme

new with gouache

come lately

hermes delivered
they know where I live now
learned quickly
after the first mistakes

we have to be brave and strong
like always
like we done before

we draw the ways we walk

now in blue

though we wiped away the second coat
of paint
there are several things worth mentioning

to be spoken when the time is right

we slept the unsleeping dream which leaves us weak

offered help we agreed and cleared the ground steadily

found gratitude and overcome with the feeling of it all

tucked back inside early to gloat over the buckets of twigs
Apr 2021 · 121
.kitchen utensils.
you remember it perfectly
describe with accuracy

the colander metal and bent
for straining the peas and
other vegetables

potato masher

i have that too but may
have photographed the
wrong one

we shall see later

mummy’s hammer kept
in the third drawer down
even now

even now I have her fish slice
though I don’t eat fish

you know

you know
we have different memories about some things
different opinions on other matters

yet we think of her colander

both the same
Apr 2021 · 319
.the response.
you said goodbye
said it had ended

to go there
or email you

i agreed as it was time for a change

time for a change of subject
of pattern

i did not agree to continue

he said that was the issue with the

it keeps changing

as things do tend to

sometimes there are too many words
and little truth

things come clear with time
Apr 2021 · 58
.planning office.
felt the cold inside me

as i told you before

it came so yesterday
while my bones ached
to stay indoors

and did so

things worked out pleasantly
while he watched the cricket

i spoke to the hub
and was conveyed


planning can often work

the fire burned all day
from early
Apr 2021 · 84
i write in notes to double space

as i can’t figure it out elsewhere

i feel that

the pattern is as important as

the words

then copy and paste it across

and see how that works today

will report back later
after looking for james

Apr 2021 · 98
.tents & other things.
he set up camp elsewhere

required the internet

i liked the paintings of tents done in dull colours

remember the teacher who disliked the bolder hues

who bakes bread now and posts on facebook

is with the gallery who sacked me for such a thing and other reasons

i don’t know

i bake bread and eat it
Apr 2021 · 76
.think about it.
the carpet is cleaner

done with a soapy cloth

i see there are gadgets

indeed I have some

my mum taught me this

not knowingly

i just watched and remembered

later started the ivy clearing

that on the ground then

after coffee opened the door

to do some more and found

it was raining hard

i went to the studio and drew

myself walking

the things I saw

how it felt
Apr 2021 · 91
.picking tea.
started as early as possible

while the sun stayed out

before the traffic came up the lane

failed on both intentions

as did the cat

we tried the shears and the loppers

found the seceteurs worked well

cutting the top leaves in bunches

and dropping them into the bag

for collection

we thought about the things my brother

said about the tea plantations

in india

he does a big trip somewhere each each year

except last year and probably this year too
Apr 2021 · 68
.the dream.
a word for desires and wishes?

a name for a blanket?

yet this came as frozen

locked in a repeating pattern

time beyond time

blank rooms

devoid of feature or understanding of the need

we never remember them playing there ever

no more

look out from the metal windows that run with condensation and sadness

at folk who surge and mingle

Apr 2021 · 58
.help & assistance.
there are several things worth mentioning

to be spoken when the time is right

we slept the unsleeping dream which leaves us weak

offered help we agreed and cleared the ground steadily

found gratitude and overcome with the feeling of it all

tucked back inside early to gloat over the buckets of twigs
Apr 2021 · 54
he called early with the news

later ian came and we felled

the last of the saplings

kenny helped pulled the last one

away from the telephone line

that connects to his house
Apr 2021 · 87
i don’t mind it
being private

though I do dispute wiki having

i know it to be fact
and rightly so

those sell by dates are guidance
those some things live longer

we agreed to disagree only
never verbalised as such

we are still in lock down
and are locked in


Apr 2021 · 71
.fried bread.
now that sounds cold
i remember mum leaving the water tap running
in winter

the pipes were lagged in the outside toilet

and I hated that place both waiting outside
and the feel inside

the conversations about such a thing
at all

the cold when there was no heating

except the fire
reserved for drying the clothes

gran’s house much the same
though folk got preference

one each side
me by the radio

changing the thread to tell you
it all came lovely with onions
fried tasty, mushrooms and the
big tomato then cheese
on home made bread, fried

there are difficulties with tomatoes
large as a substitution

when only small are required

not wishing for waste
we eat them anyway

i feel it is another psychological

Apr 2021 · 444
we walked on up near the copper mine , a darker place.                          got to thinking.
it comes as no suprise. often ill they die.                                   it is the way.     it is not sad.
we are sensed with  loss.                                                                  ­               that includes you.
he says that’s where the wind comes from,                                       to go most everywhere.
probably do not miss him.                       he was not around us much, well  not at all really.
he buggered off.   no inspiration then.                                                   yet.   he was my dad.
some day i will carry the bones inside.
Apr 2021 · 62
ah pizza
now there is a thing
to love and so easy to store
in the freezer

or make
like you say
with multitudinous bits
on top

which bend and stretch

on breakfast tv he says
that we should all do that
and that

even getting out of a chair is exercise
or putting on a cardigan

i had pasta with bits of worry
over things I heard

yesterday felt difficult
so i wrote that in my diary

today the plan is toast
inspired by pizzas
Apr 2021 · 228
.st agnes.
all is well here all is quiet

messages sent about including

it was too warm for a fire
yet we lit it anyways for company

to smell the wood
to hear the cracking
the tick of the stove

yesterday we sent out messages too

one hour spent
st agnes

in cornwall
Apr 2021 · 82
.the leak.
yes warmth and food
we have shelter

rain comes here in waves
reflecting feelings

sometimes i can smell the sea
though some miles from the shore

rules say to walk from the house
not to take the car

so I don’t

go to the shore
while others do

put photos on social

my time will come

we had toast just now with an
egg, a treat
deserved of a comma there

then coffee

later nuts and raisins
and so on through the


you have spoken of your home with
good descriptions while I think one

can google mine

perhaps i will check
and buy a bucket for

the leak
Apr 2021 · 77
.to talk of food.
to talk of food

each day we check and diary
for there is no popping into
the shops just now

we see on social which shops
are closed for decontamination

say deep clean again

and those gone sick

it comes from kimnel bay
the asda van and we use
it carefully

the basement is now a store
with a label
and categories

as is the outbuilding
amongst other things

part of the day is pleasant
in the kitchen chopping

boogie wonderland

lots of nuts



Apr 2021 · 40
.over the sink.
difference between a geezer and geyser

is vast

as big as the space
to carry logs over

do you see we talk so much
about heating these cold days

and always

life is minimal now
with that and food

though notice we don’t
discuss that so much

i could and
tell you of the plans and preparation
the ordering and menus here

but i don’t do i?

do you?

while i type an email comes in
to advise a delivery date

i cleaned the post box yesterday
up by the gate

no one comes in no more

you know james I always fancied one
of those hot water geysers for the kitchen

over the sink

Apr 2021 · 57
walked as usual

it was not deep here

and some still falling


i knew the others were in bed
and I wished them so

this was a new experience
brought on with isolation

walked to the main road only
usually much further

with practicality

turned myself about
to head for home

it seems we always wish
to come back home


on another note
we had talked early
about our buying habits now

while she bought blades
i purchased a variety of

i took of photograph of hengrwt
Apr 2021 · 84
.note to james.

have rubbed a little place on the window
to see the snow falling

she disliked that
my mum

said it left a mark
that she would have to clean the window

never mind the excitement of snow

don’t find it attractive to lay in
you know the angel thing

otherwise the white and quietness
are welcome

at the very bottom of my garden

down by a wood pile and rusting

have come the snowdrop drift

and also

over there and there and
by the gate

i walk outside once a day for exercise
and enjoyment

to explore

then later I walk round the garden
look at every tiny place

today I will take photographs

Apr 2021 · 66
know of it and recall the music

and format especially

we only had radio at first

for me the thrill came with

journey into space

then later from behind the sofa

dr who I think

not our sofa
i was staying away a while

a bit posh with fresh dates and ginger

and paying tenants in the lower flat

they said apartment

you know

i liked it there

we have a complete set of the current


and the doll

it is a saga

Apr 2021 · 42
.the goods train.
yes now you say the temperature I can see the shaking

hear the breath

i reiterate that I share the excitement both

yours and his

sent it to a friend who likes trains too

i watched an interview of a famous man
talk about his childhood trauma

and how sometimes he takes that child
with him


with reassurance

watches the delight at
the experiences

sounds like a good thing to do james

it is not so wet here today
Apr 2021 · 81
.rain & condensation.
there is time now to wipe the windows
like the others did

now there is furlough with days to spare

as a kid
i watched the water run


a hope for mint
from the shop

those days we were left a while
with time to watch
the water run
Apr 2021 · 88
.the ancient.
so a copy and paste

and hang the washing out

despite the storm

to spite the storm


she said it would be difficult

and it was

the early days

despite predicted text

the wonder was if he came back

to talk things over

or discuss what had happened since

how would the conversation be this time

it is what is wanted

that will never happen

what if he had died that night


he rose the morrow morn
Apr 2021 · 90
.night scented stocks.
love the line
my little room that overlooks
the river

such an image in my mind

my grans are dead
seemed to have three and i don’t know really

there was gran who baked the beans that
i spoke of yesterday though i never ate none

then there was granny pussycat who i never
knew really

and granny wigs

grandads were all gone and missing

except mr palmer who was no relation

and had a good workshop
tidy and interesting and

that is a fact

proper grandad was a green grocer
i was told with a horse and
cart which fell on him

the delivery horses ate the flowers in gran’s
front garden

night scented stocks she said
Apr 2021 · 46
small changes are coming

having an action twenty times
equals an habit she says

a hundred or more may
be that too

gently gently make those little

make things interesting

move it about
and dance fast

then dance sultry

stand with the music
look beyond the border

i had some beans at supper
left over from the day before

was not keen no more

gran said they were junk
only she did not use that


she baked them herself
did not buy tinned
Mar 2021 · 218
.rate this translation.
maybe now while comfy here
and not fancying tea just coffee

it was a migraine yesterday
with a funny neck and things
went wrong

and the town has covid
a few miles away

i have kept away for a long time
a long long time

and have not missed it
though I did drive through
once to see the changes

there is a chap wrote a diatribe
in welsh with common sense
regarding the pandemic and

the facebook translation is

while at the same time
not any good
and very funny james….

very very funny
Mar 2021 · 83
good that things come different
that all is not the same

all the time

i could write regarding monotony

then tell you the predicted of which came two

the usual board game and a mode of marriage

accepted some places
illegal the other

she implied she was married
and many assumed so

yet he never divorced
my mother

all things come differing


Mar 2021 · 53
.mixed cotton.
sleep comes different
with the variety of fabrics


linen is dense and natural

as is cotton
only lighter

this cover was not chosen
with the full blown roses
and darkling pink

nestling in the airing cupboard
lower I found it and thought a

change may be nice
and so it is
we sleep lovely


i cannot find the pillowcases
that are remembered for being

perhaps were discarded with no
design merit

there is no remembrance of the

yet will remain here as a sleep aid

Mar 2021 · 66
i slept late

due to the covers
Mar 2021 · 58
early yet

I have to tell you

i went a different way
to avoid the usual

found it was a parkland
with long hedges cut sideways

the back much longer
than the front

to create an anomaly

saw a white egret fly up and over
corrected the predicted from


walked home and watched the news
Mar 2021 · 65
.tug hill.
it can become obsessive
this watching the news in your country

it may be an obsession
this tidying of drawers
in the warm rooms

these things do pass the time
while we stay at home
as directed

walking early
so as not to see no one
only that cat
and various squirrels

it may be a habit writing
each day

hearing your news
on tug hill

or maybe an act of solidarity james
Mar 2021 · 89
.adventure stories.
it would be an adventure
like in a film of survival or

paddling against the flow

later going with it
in a new boat especially

bought as a treat
the two of you


we looked up the word we
thought she meant
and it became unnegated

the true meanings get forgotten
while cultural attitudes kick in

remember animal life

i reckon to go get it
and later you may find the other one

and then

buy another one


mostly cloudy
Mar 2021 · 36

it came lovely yesterday
so much that no one settled

i went early and shivered
that my spelling suffered

that the waving was rudimentary
disguised by the hat

worn to the side
a bit jaunty like
with the japanese badge

others went later
on social media

while in the studio a series

marching in time
across the board

at dusk the view magnetic
we inned and out with the camera


allowing cold air into

the house



worth it

yes james the little things
Mar 2021 · 92
soon we stand outside
faces up toward the sun

we will enjoy the natural warmth
set aside the stove for late afternoon

soon the light will stay
with us

my wood store is a plenty
now with variety
of kiln dried
eco briquettes

which burn hot
my lovely

though soon
we shall stand in the natural warmth

and breathe


in dolgellau
Mar 2021 · 64
remember the dung beetle
gathering muck

and there are others
out there I am sure

for now the cat is asleep
in the cellar, goes down at dusk
thinks I don’t know

otherwise she is let out for
the night

or holed up somewhere else

she will scrabble up later
go out the back before


this time
the recycling centre stays open

while I see
someone has changed the tune

not so cold here today james

while the lorries drive the road

Mar 2021 · 96
.6 jan.
nothing felt right yesterday

not large stuff
nor small
and though like you to bed early

it rattled my brain until two
yet this morning awake as usual

surrounded in soft cotton

the duvet is white
and we huddle comfy

hope for a settled day

that is all



warning of snow and ice
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