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Jun 2021 · 78

pleased about the photos

i thought it was like a different
world up there

some of it is national trust
with douglas firs and violets

there is a bench for to lay
to see the tree tops and i

told her that I did not use it
being a growed up

she said she doubted that

a lot

walked back along the road
to see the new lambs

waved to the farmer on her quad


she also reads the meters

round here

Jun 2021 · 207
.corvid 2.
crow bird,
pecks package.

hoping for a sandwich.

Jun 2021 · 253
black crow bird
pecks road ****.


haute cuisine.
Jun 2021 · 92
.five lines.
damp washing
on radiator.

aroma reminds
pudding cloths
Jun 2021 · 271
.colour challenge.
the hair looks like a cockatoo
with no fancy phrases

they used orange a lot
with some yellow

combed it fancy mainly

sprayed all over for style
and protection

he went walking with her
held her hand and laughed

i watched from the bus stop
now colour challenged
Jun 2021 · 259
it was boiling water them days

plates and cutlery dipped

hands minded in industrial gloves

pink rubber

scalding dishcloths and sinks

down on knees blindly scrubbing floors

through insults and watery fears

we are a team , shouted regularly

while we took the comments seriously cowed with blisters from cold water on the other hand

a world of extremes

or maybe the contradictions

were dreamed
Jun 2021 · 146
.gardeners world.
when the painting was finished

the green house door fell off

so laughing we propped it on the chair inside

a donation

he suggested white nasturtiums quieter than the hot colours

i have ordered some via cashback

to come by post like the chocolate egg yesterday

or was that a trick?

once he suggested one hundred blue bells

they are growing too

i thinks of these things while watching monty don this morning

with coffee early
Jun 2021 · 280
.these things.
some things just stop us in wonder


with tears


it seems there may be some connection

some call it a trigger

some things leave us cold and wondering what all the excitement

is about

unlike the thing in cairo yesterday

obviously I have no photographs
Jun 2021 · 182
.the menu.
I read the judgement just now and while ironing the cotton handkies consider my confession.

Some time back now I was in residence at Plas Newydd in Llangollen and read the lady’s diaries with an apostrophe.

They wrote their daily menus and so my entry included some of the found ideas. Yes, folk really ate that….and fish with liver sauces….

Thankyou for your pleasant comments. I have such sweaters. My two most comfy are….

The grey shapeless mohair over 50 years old bought second hand and other Nordic thing both warm and come gender fluid.

With capitals today.
Jun 2021 · 181
.string beans.
she sat on

the kitchen chair out back

in the sunshine

dressed plain except the floral


lips tight of concentration

she cut beans for dinner

runners from up the garden

i watched and remembered
Jun 2021 · 86
.morning notes.
Awake a while I have now my coffee  and bun.

Have plans for the day yet it depends on supplies and temperature. 

No news since we spoke.  The pod cast was about the titanic yet I drifted off…..

The light is on over in the village and I wonder who it may be.

Birds sing.
Jun 2021 · 103
i looked for your work, your writing

with a comma , and would have copied and saved for you

yet it is gone for me too

should I move myself into that other space where folk may be more polite


or carry on regardless

Jun 2021 · 46
.tanby and ginger.
for those that follow here

the gravel has not come

it will be delivered another day

meanwhile it all came lovely

unlike the noise of traffic and emergency sirens

she said they were heading for the coast while we hide as always

no, not a covid isolation thing

a wanting to be away from it thing

over the years

she said the garden looks opened up while I wait for it to grow lush around me again

we have two news visitors recently



Jun 2021 · 44
.gravel path.
oh we talked gravel yesterday

how they sent a substitute

that I had not ordered the wrong colour

explained I quite like things come random

that all was well with the path

yet not the politics

it is suggested i don’t go down that road

nor a few others

unlike you who can’t be bothered

you see occasionally you slip into mind

yet that does not mean I like you
Jun 2021 · 82
will I eat the walnuts with raisins

from my mother’s saucer

then move the hour hand with my finger

shall I decline your invitation to walk

suggest a chat in open air

these are questions that need no answers

most things are past

done with then put away neatly into boxes

until that random ****** day the door flies opens

and it all spills out again
Jun 2021 · 100
.the execution.
there a little cloud with teardrops

a wash of shadowed grey

they came and cut the oak tree

not down entirely. they call it


for he was worried it will fall

on his


it still may yet that is

a different story

here there are old yews all about

with tree protector orders and love

from those below

who have insurance

who remember deportment and unfortunately

elocution class

and may have preferred the predicted
Jun 2021 · 430
a letter to you became my blog


a comment from you became a


a whisper from you came

a good idea

to stop those dreams and headaches

the moon came bright with yet another name

folk alter their clocks yet it changes nothing really

don’t think you have control

and don’t think it matters

as it really doesn’t
Jun 2021 · 99
.the garden path.
Yes chilly and windy here yesterday.

Another exciting day in that the neighbours were having a tree felled and it was interesting to watch between tasks and warming up.

Ivor called to look at the greenhouse and left me to mull over ideas.

Then I started to define one of the paths with the gravel that was delivered. Did not rush as I will like it in a good place so hope to continue today.

Rang my brother, he is fine.

Then Pat Doorbar rang , also fine.

Not much on TV so listened to a podcast about space debris and drifted off.

With capitals and punctuation today. A treat.
Jun 2021 · 132
so you wake and hear the sound

then change your plans

arrow the tasks forward

then check the website and do not amend

accept the substitutes or refunds

move the car up

open the gate carefully so it does not break


these are little things

some of you out there are suffering

and how can I help?

the bear sighs and turns over
Jun 2021 · 52
difficult knowing what to say

or whether to say anything

so bear whispers in my head

regarding the injustices, the

things not said

that he is now on a fifty pound note and being praised years on and no one mentions that he was treated like ****


that those coming here in fear will be treated like ****


what happened to the mantra on the sociables

to be kind


bear is ashamed to be of this country

prefers a different tribe
Jun 2021 · 291
you sent me seeds

it was your handwriting pleased me

your careful letter to advise patience

that most things happen in time

do you remember when i wrote to you

all in patterns and hints of a rhyme?

planted them five to a ***

some round the sides with one in the middle

then I finished the painting
Jun 2021 · 81
.you ask for a menu.
you ask for the menu yet we do not know what you mean

please speak plain


you may have

giblet soup with sherry

scrag of mutton

****** of burnet with parsley

the consistency of good cream

& fried breadcrumbs



a melange of blancemange, yet

we mostly make woollen cloth
Jun 2021 · 75
a reflection, mirroring of last week

and we guess there will be much if it after

this time of soft living, little moving nor travelling


now we glitch with so much using

too much storage not to mention

my coaches


hear that salvage hunters were being filmed locally

and he commented

Jun 2021 · 95
.the tree.
the tree came down wedged on the fence

they came and told me it was mine

that the wall was gone and that was mine


came all urgent and important

i went and helped as they said it was mine

later the tree man came to see

told me it was not my tree my wall at all

not my responsibility

maybe I will choose who I believe

the birds take over , like the tree at that angle

so I watch them
Jun 2021 · 94
.diary notes.
seems maybe if it is written down

for tomorrow

in the diary

it gets done today

finalised with finesse tomorrow


the stick fence and composting

and other varied tasks

pottering in and out

did you see that river stone there

adding accent

do you see the chicken wire behind the ivy covered some time ago

do you find that predictor adds words not required and meanings irrelevant

even the thorns came useful
Jun 2021 · 42
.the forum.
asked to write about food

a challenge you see

i too prefer it not a competition

never competitive me

don’t care about races nor nothing

like that

there seem to be three courses

yet I don’t understand the first

and probably will skip to the main so as to have room for pudding

maybe a spotted **** or something with thick cream and sugar

there seem to be a lot of competitions regarding food

and more seriously many hang ups

so let us keep it all light and fluffy

without contest

next we shall speak of gender
May 2021 · 113
.the bear.
said to come to bed quick

lay down and rest

the warm blanket cosy

make a nest

a bit ******* round

and hopefully it will all go away

i said to the bear, i said that

the washing was left out and I had not washed up yet

dear bear said it did not matter

that care will be taken

and we will not tell the little ones

for fear of worrying them

we watched the sun go down together
May 2021 · 79
.just temporary.

for your offered help

and saying you care for my welfare

all very much appreciated

i thankyou and say it is only temporary

balanced or tied with string

though overnight decided to use the glue gun

it seems to work well on twigs


have neither the skills nor wherewithal

to make it permanent

May 2021 · 243
i used to go to oxford

get off the coach outside the museum

and go in

spend some time there

then go round town a while before

going back

could have stayed in there all day

yet is good to get out in the air

after so long on the bus

it stops there for some hours on the way home from london

where I saw tutankhamun and some miserables not at the same time though

now we can go nowhere really except 5 miles local

did that monday and the car broke down

now i can’t go nowhere again

i miss oxford and visiting museums
May 2021 · 102
the drawing

went wrong from the beginning

i thought and on the wrong paper too

i thought

had ordered card from asda

got a substitution of a colouring book

more suitable for the house next door with children

i thought so donated it over


saw their puppy

then continued on the wrong paper

i thought

only things worked out

cojoined twins
May 2021 · 436
from yesterday, the conversation and your enquiry

the remembrance is that it was mainly brown and beige when we moved in


cold and metal windows

condensation caused black


plus steam from the kitchen

colour crept in gradually despite protestations

yet we shall not talk of it further

there are no photographs

we had no impetuous to record

yet it seems we remember
May 2021 · 61
if it is a question on bedrooms

and their historical allocation

the answer is straightforward

and simple without emotion

though the damp was mentioned

plus a snippet on sharing

and a hint of abuse

a slight colouring of a larger story

despite him saying nothing of the past

in his opinion

in my opinion it was his main subject

meanwhile i stood by the gate in the local village

and admired the garden


we had coffee over the road in the cafe

a nice change from a pub
May 2021 · 96
.your enquiry.
some of you have mentioned the bear

the absence

yet still here though quiet


no more proclaiming

just whispering within these walls

or sending thoughts

there is still confusion and little understanding of the world

there is no gender pronoun

the bear is a quiet affair
May 2021 · 56
there was lightning in the night

the phone told me

an alert on my app

comes yellow

it has been one year today

and that is plenty days and

there will be some more

of that I am sure

we listen to the rain early

with mixed feelings

there may not be gardening done today

there may be drawings
May 2021 · 113
.a tin affair.
in white

a mirrored door

all tidy in lockdown

and though it was bought expensive

placed inside it is lost to me now

so use one of the others in the morning

and throughout the day

felt something amiss as we banged into fatigue and slept one hundred years

crusty lipped we search for blistex


traditionally use the vaseline
May 2021 · 189
come morning early rather than dark

fish that are insects on the pantry shelf

the necklace chosen each year

a gift


the memory of travel come fleeting while writing

at least we did that.

hair now…..
May 2021 · 131
.the excitement.
in having found a book to read

in the corner chair by the curtain


delivered free by the library in town

the excitement in finding the place ready

facing the fire

the weather steady outside

a while

the fabric rich and heavy

safe from the arctic storm
May 2021 · 74
hello james

you have been gone a while

since you said you would leave

all things change and we had early training here

i spoke of it yesterday

yesterday they came wearing the same dresses

saw the coincidence quickly and were shocked and embarrassed

not noticing the insect in their panic

they may soon learn these things don’t

matter, never did
May 2021 · 252
today is apricot

a new jar opened easily

my mum would buy a large tin and decant

there were five of us, one had left earlier

seems trivial to write of preserves during pandemic

yet it is a treat this morning with a croissant in bed


we have all sorts in the pantry with little gingham caps

held on with rubber bands

i have a pack somewhere in a rainbow of colours

yet often use those dropped by the postman

wide in brown

also have sandwich spread

more as savoury

alongside asda’s own marmite

such a treat yet not for breakfast

nearly a year now

have stopped waving

and carry on

in contentment
May 2021 · 108
.the corner.
it is a topic here and a memory

the privet

that is why it is labelled now

belonging to a social media group

with memories of where i lived

growing up

saw a photo of privet road, the corner

with a comma here

halfway up the hill was the coal and seed merchants and I used to go in with mum

cole and son

i guess she ordered coal not seed as there were five of us and not much time for gardening though gran’s mr palmer did next door

along the wall in tubs were the seeds to dip into , to feel

with permission and samples of the differing fuels

coal, coke, briquettes and nutty slack

i liked our visits there very much and had forgotten what was around the corner

saved the photo and sent it to my brother who replied and sent a current google view by return

he said he preferred the photograph which was nice as he does not always reply

i still like coal and seeds

some things don’t change
May 2021 · 61
.steam roller.
have meaning to write of it

since she told me that it moves

at four miles an hour

rumbling along

takes sixteen hours from here to shrewsbury

leaving early all standing up

and concentration

he says they don’t grumble if stuck behind a while

just take photographs

we hear it going on it’s way

to some event those days

these days locked down like the rest of us

used to hear it as a child come down the hill so ran to the gate to watch

or at road works the tar still hot and steamy

the smell being flattened by the thing

the chest beating with excitement
May 2021 · 57
.smiley face.
such a surprise while working in isolation

on the theme of isolation

a note to say that there are notes

on work done previously

four of you had commented

said nice things and I had missed it

now read and apologised for my oversight

remarked that your remarks made me happy

and smiley


May 2021 · 345
understand the difficulties

understand the fear

it needs to have activity

it needs to have depth

yet there is no need for admiration

no need for folk to like it

and we worry when they do
May 2021 · 105
maybe I should write beautiful

lilting stuff again with rhymes and things

like people seem to like

or tragic dark long stories

of dreadful deaths

and mourning

as before

today will say it would have been

an anniversary

for what that is worth

he asked me the year

and surprised that i remembered

of course i miss them

just pretending to be a hard *****
May 2021 · 88
.as needed.
once again is monday

no work no more, on furlough

with punctuation

used to go on sundays

and other days as needed

we closed in the winter reopened in march

and then locked down that same month

so at home we work in the house and garden

the studio

as needed

i used to work as a holiday reserve

on various tasks as required

then left and moved to wales

we still keep in touch

as needed
May 2021 · 217
sticks are available and are free


wanting a little gate plus the entertainment factor

we sawed them up and tied them all with string

it is a prototype

a rickety stickety gate

bit wonky

perhaps the next one will be more better having practiced
May 2021 · 445
.rude things.
draw a jelly fish and what do you see?

with a question mark

write a little story and what do they read?

perhaps we need auto correction

and cleaner minds

i collect soap you know of varying kinds

and ages

it dries and cracks if not stored with care

biscuit tins are useful as the mice can’t get in

we fumble with finger nails to open them

a cleaner find
May 2021 · 221
the tree came down

so dinner waited an hour or so

already cooked went cold

and rubbery

the least of the worry

pleased to see that the flowers

remain standing still in bud

the lights went off then came back on

the words were said and meant


the forecast is better here today

still bad mid wales I am told
May 2021 · 65
mr blue coat man

walks early

mr water man works at dwr cymru

i have a long surname and usually

give my first name even having to spell that and hope that will suffice without the other ones

i hear it comes shorter in the village

some many many years ago

it started

and i remember them

the names

mrs wrap around apron

the falling boy

never said in public

a family language
May 2021 · 280
.two days.
could be more overall

who is counting no more

it is not good grammar

no capital letters or punctuation

two days of storms

more in lockup

he says we get used to things

and I thinks he is correct

day 350
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