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Aug 2021 · 70
i write it here now amused to it

with all the predictions and quality spacing

or am i used to it

putting words in my mouth
like sweet sultanas in chocolate

they come in twos

the sentences
as if they may rhyme

only instead of except they don’t
do they jim?

we have light rain here

with worse predicted
that all came wrong too

earlier this week as we had sun
and a good book
Aug 2021 · 399
.king canute.
when I was a kid
it was after the war
i know as they talked of it a lot

sometimes would hear a car coming
and would run to the gate to watch

it and the dust man’s lorry
one driving
two to run and carry
i think

not much traffic then
like now

on a solitary day i may climb
the graveyard wall
stand high and watch it here

like to see the bus , mansel davies

and especially the rock lorries
from up the quarries

helping on the sea defences

king canute
Aug 2021 · 120
the neighbour had put plants for sale outside and unlike last year they were all desirable so now are mine. much reorganizing and planting in the morning.

roofer arrives after nine and will take about 10 days he says. is friendly from the roof and no bother at all.
Aug 2021 · 181
is fine here too this morning
a pinkish tinge with fluffy clouds

only I guess they ain’t fluff when you get up there
and no angels with harps sitting

for they would fall through
and fly or splat down

is like stars have no points really
is all a drawn out myth


the nicest thing about lighter evenings
is that I can lie in bed and see the big
old planes fly down the estuary and if

back inland again
Aug 2021 · 47
.my blue bike.
i appreciate your excitement
and remember my first adult bike
in a nice shade of blue
from the shop by peter’s hill

i guess I rode it home..

then out and through the lanes
up over the hills finding freedom
a while

until the stuff crowded back

sensibly it was used to go to work
all responsible and occasionally miserable

though whizzing along those feelings fled

you know

i still have that bike in store
and I think it cost seventeen

Aug 2021 · 73
we find it when the rain stops,

light comes through.                       yesterday morning

looked nice


find it in the leaves scattered in piles waiting for the wind

to scatter


hope in the plane flying over

run out to see


i found hope in the mountains here

a home, a refuge plain


and simple things, the ordinary

become as sacred in our life

and brings a sort of hope


we can hold onto

cherish inside of us



there may be

Aug 2021 · 79
i guess you are out on the bike speeding about the tracks

whizzing along
and i may have found a photo and wonder if it is true

exercise came unusual friday

a walk with the cat in tow

not too far for fear
of losing her

then a repeat with seceteurs in the lane 

the log run came heavy unloading then stacking

required coffee after
and escapist drawing
Aug 2021 · 94
i hear that all is arrived and tested
well done everyone

those that invented
those that made and packed

and he who unpacked and put together

romping was the focus
after crawling

it is all remembered
like riding a bike
they say
Aug 2021 · 49
.bike delivery.
hope all came delivered and nicely packaged maybe cardboard 

i save old card for drawing on and bending about all messy

charcoal gets everywhere and causes coughing 
so have been neater recently and careful with that whitlow which remains covered


the road they are painting too

a heavenly blue
Aug 2021 · 88
.jim's bike.
lawns are a thing
i watched the history
been to a museum in southport

pretty place that for a town
with council gardening you know
all neat and patterns with orange

here it is left longer for the wild things
to live and hide

then mowed much later
in the summer with grit
and determination

i have a real old green one
hand pushed yet I keep it safe
and use the electric mower

was the bike delivered safely?
Aug 2021 · 127
we are all looking after ourselves
carefully here as you suggested

family, few friends too

as I hope you are too

there is a routine come natural
with walking peering
and poking with sticks

there is drawing as you know
and they come as magic for company

the red especially

thick and covering the plainess

i give them cardigans with buttons
and sometimes dots

i looked out yesterday at the raining
on and off all day

washing in and out

then cotton bits ironed for i like the feel of it

you look after yourselves too
Aug 2021 · 94
yes is amazing. the babies **** on tree roots underground for 17 years then when they emerge make sounds enough to drown out any planes.

nice she gave you cabbage again.

i have an overload of mushrooms so I **** them in the air fryer with home made bread n oil then finish off with toasted cheese.

Aug 2021 · 76
.sunday drawing.
is not any good really

just drawings. the little people appear as company

the day sounds similar.  gardening and  drove to the garage with their payment.

walked a good way then coincided with him so chatted a while.

 may have made a temporary potting bench yet not sure. watched a film with nervousness and had a generally nice day really.

hope your day goes well

we wonder who may arrive on paper today
Aug 2021 · 56
.mill with shadows.
So we survived another storm more gentle than the predictions. 

I am here cosy with a heart drawn in my diary where the word mill used to be.

I never minded going yet pleased today that I am not.

I shall miss the customer conversation if any customers there are.

Yet not the guilt at judgement which may have come involuntary.  My mothers shadow.

So a nice day here with all that entails.
I hope the same for you.
Aug 2021 · 219
maybe you play chess  in bad weather
or another pastime

here they forecast an awful rain yesterday
yet it came quite warm and gentle and

i shared some nougat with the delivery man
after chatting about our days in children’s  homes

a coincidence
a distant memory

he also brought plants
and new pencils

i have a wounded finger
either from the drawing

or a whitlow with an h

we like a good rainy day come cosy
Jul 2021 · 256
he seemed surprised yesterday that i had completed the task

to ensure the proportions looked right for me

it is part of the job and if it is diaried must be done ticked off when finished

the sham crow bird was rearranged for it was too high  to look good

later in the studio the work that had continued the same so long made a change
with a sigh of relief 

Jul 2021 · 81
.jim's new bike.
one enjoys the names of colours here

would have liked a job in that department

ignoring the racist ones from the fifties

smiling at those from farrow and ball

heritage colours come dull

as lockdown hit here first

i painted my outsides in happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim

is fading now
yets remains as the description

a new bike
how joyful
Jul 2021 · 61
maybe it is a code word
or pseudonym

i wonder each time I hear from you

and yes there we go with those assumptions  again

we all do it
have our own stories

unless we are told somehow

that is all we shall have
Jul 2021 · 53
some places we have only passed through
and if the history were told we may understand it different

than reality

these slower times I find more exploration yet only of the now with patches of this and that to photograph

to lean and wonder

there is a mist in the valley and pink in the sky
the promise of a pretty day ahead


as always
Jul 2021 · 77
.thinking it is tuesday.
on monday which was mayday bank holiday only may day was saturday with monday being the third already

i drew pictures on scraps left over from the other pictures i had cut round carefully

all day it rained hard, drumming

a little world here of characters and stories none of them famous nor commendable

it was mentioned that some people don’t know what whitsun is and he agreed and said

what is it then?
Jul 2021 · 103
have a sort of family member
lives in texas you know

it is a long story
and though interesting
not to be written of
so maybe should not have mentioned it really

in my tiny world of work
do not write of family nor friends

and though I explained that he seemed paranoid
thought it was all about him
in abundance

need less to say that some of it is truth while the rest is imagination

as are the drawings
Jul 2021 · 276
.cross road.
it is a junction

the old railway track

the road to the farm there

tidy and organised

they saw me coming, waited and said hello

said they were coming so we waited to see

them come running the quad bike behind herding

all excited and we laughed to see

the calves run out into the field the first time ever

with their mothers
Jul 2021 · 62
.to love a dead tree.
the dead tree is gone now

cut down

branches scattered as it hit
solid ground

changing the view
it has not rained a long time
thought it did a bit last night

did I tell you about the sapling
now in view?

i miss the old thing
and think how nice to know

that I can love a dead tree
Jul 2021 · 92
this is good
maybe this is what the time has been for
to clear

a reassessment

of stuff
our preferences

i have to tell you in all excitement the new pencil sharpener arrived yesterday

described as longer lasting and made my pencils pointy

the lines came fine
i told her and she
said she will like
one too
so it is in the post

she was given a bottle of jersey milk with an image of a cow imprinted and planned to make
rice pudding

with grated stuff to taste

i don’t  like milk puddings yet did not say so as not to spoil the story for her

i like liquorice
Jul 2021 · 47
this word came, was forgotten & reappeared suddenly this morning

he is my aide memoir when mine does fail when we have troubles


he helps now & then between sleep or just sat looking

it is now a simpler life and these new interruptions come surprising
Jul 2021 · 295
.the tree came down.
the tree came down in two parts with great noise and  excitement  yet only from me

i guess the guys are dead cool and used to it all

an early sapling showed, once overshadowed

a new view , quite acceptable

a noisy  day so I went and drew pictures
Jul 2021 · 118
.down the estuary.
an osprey flew down the estuary late
while I hung out the window
to watch the propellers spin


yesterday four private planes came
explained by the app

undeniably the white microlight
sounded odd while we shouted

words  lost in air

as a child walked down the airfield to see

the buckle broke
caused great difficulty
in walking

i always like planes Jim

overcast today
Jul 2021 · 65
.down along the river.
early sunday

traffic back to usual from lockup

which came quiet

we went down along the river

a new route to hear the cockerel

to find the little flowers

plus evidence from the night before

she remarked that animals spread disease

as do people just as much as we have noticed lately

they say they feel safe


that don’t mean they are

the zoo is back open again today
Jul 2021 · 115
.don't you know.
should that dot be approved

and how about the predicted?

we came here early with many thoughts and remnants of the dream

it was another lockdown

with discussions on milk

that seemed important

then we heard voices distant, watched with a comma, saw the group walking the lane early

red tops and shorts

six thirty a.m.
Jul 2021 · 166
.the first scene.
can you fly from the window up into the hills where the trees are sawn down now

or maybe they used the machine

he was correct you know about the work along the estuary being drainage

the cut is ready
ditch is deep
mud banked

do you become tiny
walk there in mind

find the chosen pathways
watch the birds and wild
flowers grow

below the scene plays out
the dead
with wildlife as punctuation
Jul 2021 · 118
.second dose.

so I won the challenge yesterday
and have set a new one
will judge it on may 4th

not saying much of intelligence

the weather is beautiful here
all sunshine and bird song

so I guess they will come
and turn places into car parks

even though buses are provided

i did not want to win though

no major side effects except dreams of side effects
Jul 2021 · 256
wanting to be noticed?

looking for a friend then

wear your interest where it can be seen easily and maybe smile


as predicted

some don’t care….
Jul 2021 · 43
.no crow bird.
refer to the notion that there is no looking back
as in the circle

the circular form
then sometimes no title

it all does not matter
though it became like a book to dip into
here and there

things will do for now
until it changes again

Jul 2021 · 83
blimey. is like a little insect
hopping about up there

it has been a pleasant few days
regarding weather and rearranging


especially garden benches
increased in price recently

with the need to assemble

it was decided to swap the one out the back for that up by the lane here

carried through the house as the hall runs front to back

previously an alley between
where swallows nested

now closed off and furnished
all a bit of an obstacle course

with the garden seat in hand

it did not fly very high
Jul 2021 · 47
white bird

sits on dovey bridge

Jul 2021 · 244
the thread does not show here
nor the subject matter

and it is missed

am presently writing my reply
whilst composing a letter in my head

which will change my life

Jul 2021 · 168
black crow bird

sits on fence

Jul 2021 · 69
.a gardeners world.
while some are better than others

with brick paths and woollen sweaters

most come happy

some with old regional accents and a love of vegetables

all to remind of pleasant days up the back sitting on upturned buckets in the sun

we are starting a new episode having done the training

it came as a pandemic and not a choice

yet some of it worked out lovely
Jul 2021 · 301
black crow bird

pecks poet’s lip.

cold sore
Jul 2021 · 157
it has been warm
and sunshine here a few
days now

so much work achieved

painting the studio
the wooden walls

then preservation
on the summerhouse
and tidying that garden
round the back

this morning my hands feel rough
Jul 2021 · 182
black crow bird

pecks kitchen towel.

nest lining.
Jul 2021 · 268
..letting go..
you have been holding on a long time
hemmed in with printed lines

enhanced with ink


now your name may be redeemed
your wanderings freed into new


or maybe you will still stay inside a while

inside the boundary lines

four fields

Jul 2021 · 37
free from

no additives

the drawing come simple

drew them together on the same page

yet locked in

when the rules have changed

so i cuts them out into a sort of freedom

yet they finds it difficult to manage

as yet


things take some time…
Jul 2021 · 187
have you been to the wild wood?

not the one down the lane here
that is private and inaccessible


the one down the road by the estuary
is all mossy and twisty paths

which requires a lot of watching the step
and with that comes the discovery of

certain twigs of the right colour and design

during lockup we only saw ours
now come many varieties
to enjoy and at a later day


for now we learn the paths
watch the ways of the wood

while opposite

the wood

balance carefully
in orange vehicles

Jul 2021 · 40
a splendid name

you say you don’t like double spacing yet it all has to do with the rhythm, the beat

there goes a comma too

maybe we shall find a new tune tomorrow and see how the pattern goes then

like to change to take on ideas

we all like things different and that is ok

and I let him know

Jul 2021 · 75
we watched the videos on you tube
the various methods without power


just a hammer

i wonder if the age of mine was limiting

rusted screws or nails I could not tell

liked the logic yet resorted to sawing it up
now left with lumpy ends

a decision is made to store those

so will tidy the pig sty today
to make room
and designated areas

down the lane he has made a splendid bench all shiny perfect

and drilled holes in my old baking tins

Jul 2021 · 66
“Hurry burry refers to a busy, boisterous activity. Surprisingly this English term was borrowed & derived from a Tamil word – Arakka parakka (அரக்க பறக்க ). To move or do things more quickly than normal is termed as Parapara (பரபர) in Tamil”


so we takes our time these days
wash hands carefully

pinafore and radio on


think of our mum as we chop the onions
how she added curry powder and sultanas
to the baked beans
as a savoury

a nod to another culture
she never knew.

a nod to the war rationing still in place

slowly add in more ingredients while
whirling gracefully in the boots that

have become more appropriate

we wait a while and let it rest

there is no hurry any more
there never was

then later eat it slowly

no hurry burry curry
Jun 2021 · 69
.the pallet.
no reply from you this morning
perhaps you are out on your bike



there is snow on the mountain
a pinky glow

she said that it was the coldest night for years

and I forget how many


there are plans for the day
having watched the video

on how to do it

how not to do it
is brute force

no bashing
Jun 2021 · 102
they flew up so quickly i could not catch them

and the bus too far away

someone commented these sunny days that glare on the phone  obscures the subject anyhow

a case of point and shoot blindly

yet I saw the swallow yesterday
heard it had arrived on social

hengwrt posted

later I went down the estuary
to walk the wood

the tide was up  so wandered back to see the cowslips  and the photographer knelt in wet grass

a real camera

Jun 2021 · 298
.all at once.
walking further put up a heron
and while watching saw the
white egret
and a double decker bus
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