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Jun 2022 · 80
.nine men.
do you believe in omens?


pink sky
slight dampness
Jun 2022 · 96
.early hours.
comes at night he said

the bleakness
Jun 2022 · 119
. this & that .
some places we have only passed through
and if the history were told we may understand it different

than reality

these slower times I find more exploration yet only of the now with patches of this and that
Jun 2022 · 119
there a little cloud with teardrops

a wash of shadowed grey
Jun 2022 · 77
day of small things,

slowly steadily worked

as we rest the dust motes,

shine as gold.
Jun 2022 · 68
. untitled .
some live

with ****** bombs

Jun 2022 · 102
. fear .
here we only know fear

and hiding again it splits

in two
Jun 2022 · 115
. repeated.
adrift, will the sky at last explode, or will this hate

continue pointlessly, for thousand thousands years.

numbers that cannot describe each particle of pain.

each ****** bomb that kills yet again.
May 2022 · 263
no sighs.

they have forgotten us.        we have forgotten them.

are we  now the bones of what we were?
May 2022 · 68
wrote of blood, yet did not share it much.

you may think we share our hidden thoughts,

yet some remain
May 2022 · 126
. living alone.
did not tell no one,

that while out walking

thinking of you in ukraine

my feet tangled in debris and i fell flat.

my mind is broken yet my phone and glasses
remain intact

my knee bled. my hands to save me

scabbed. limped back to you.

you who bandaged

& fed me sweet things.

will continue to think of you in ukraine, to walk alone in solidarity.
May 2022 · 238
having learned , the days  will come longer soon. the sounds


once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all

comes well some days.

some days it does not, yet it still comes light. the falling

days end.
May 2022 · 84
. the fall .

fails us.

simple notes. none rise higher than the one next.

to you, to me, this may not be

the acceptance

May 2022 · 421
.they think.

they think they are right just because there are more of them
May 2022 · 176
just stand and watch the season change, note the dew and separate ideas.  

remember that you stand alone. are not alone from                                                  criticism and contradiction.
May 2022 · 282
. trial .
liking rags
i move on
with differing

the trial by glass
May 2022 · 75
.bread ends.

it is decided after talking to the bear
and eating bread ends
that indeed you may take
what you wish as it is
not only ours

we want to help too
all of us one human heart

the bear noted it is a little
in these circumstances


hopefully the bear may sleep a while

May 2022 · 132
.gently gently.
gently gently make those little

make things interesting

move it about
May 2022 · 84
found a new way to focus

block out the bad
the negative thought

not many liked it yet
I knew I had learned some thing

something to remember
May 2022 · 147
little bits of paper




until useful

May 2022 · 83
the air moves

on my face.

i turn

look past the curtain
May 2022 · 236
.sometimes i dream.
i sometimes sit and think of this, sometimes   dream
in bed, often in yellow.

or blue which

covers the

land in places, my eyes           smarting.
May 2022 · 99
.war news.
said he didn’t watch it much while things are unsettled

over there

a poor choice of word maybe

perhaps not alarmist.

we asked if he referred to the war

which we consider affects us all

he nodded then sat down in his garden chair
May 2022 · 121
. and this.
into the wild wood

feet plant into earth


skin sharp with lingered  frost

dust motes sing my heart high
May 2022 · 77
do we describe what we see or maybe
tell the tale inside

round the corner on the wall
are the bullet holes
May 2022 · 69
.yesterday & today.

talked of this yesterday while walking
the neighbour on his bike, his mother

my name from a refugee


trauma not shared
one is alone
it deepens

i take your words & use them


numbers do have meaning
May 2022 · 199
. now .
we now descend into darkness,
drawn into night,

mistakes crossed, all can see
the errors ,the blots,that soak
the skin, the stain within.
May 2022 · 231
one slip is all, one step too far, the world turns around . no control, no eating,   disorder abounds. watch the ornaments fly…..
May 2022 · 478
concentration gone,
move now one
paragraph at a time.
May 2022 · 97
tidy beach

soft sand and honest stones
to be fortunate here


some come to spoil things..
May 2022 · 103
. hope.
we find it when the rain stops,

light comes through.                       yesterday morning

looked nice.
May 2022 · 298
. a darker day.
the back road was
littered, rather blustery.

we have a darker day
May 2022 · 78
.spring, penwith.
ants in the kitchen will leave by easter. he said it should be on the same day each year; he is learned, pronounced as two bits.

do not fret, i know you worry, i will paint it over in the spring.

it is a long time since the sun shone in long and low like that.
May 2022 · 468
.littled painting.
see the softest looking clouds
if that is where that work came
and the joy of pink?

with gentle yellow
May 2022 · 92
. crystals.
your words come different, while

with your question come forth

sense of

another world

metaphors, inuendos

a door into an other world
May 2022 · 113
.thick skins.
liked in potatoes called spuds

& maybe there was one

covering us

that wore away over years…

well never mind

they say and go get on with it

meanwhile I thought of you back then all those years ago

May 2022 · 98

island / n.1. a piece of land surrounded bywater

2. anything compared to an island,

especially being surrounded in some way

3. a detached or isolated thing
May 2022 · 256
. predictions.
tangled affair
too many people talking at once

it is a messy affair
paint smudges and runs

eventually all comes clear
one having the final say

predictions come and go
May 2022 · 525
.deeper pool.
tide comes up,

it will pool, deep and dark,

still, inviting.

deep waters to sooth pain,

that comes as the tide

now and then.
Apr 2022 · 61
most mornings early before you were up or about we crept there with thoughts

to make little things of words, tiny secrets, never written out fully for that won’t do

one morning something crept sideways and we came out to look and what surrounded us

read the words and worried a week

then sadly we crept away….
Apr 2022 · 72
was cool there,
we learned about protection,
quiet spaces.

there is an hierarchy, yet
some words remain faultless.

some need to be remembered

numbers came suddenly soon after one.
Apr 2022 · 97
. remember.
the event that left one bereft

left and

then worked upon with thought and patience

may in time become something


Apr 2022 · 449
.and then.
slight insertion of trees
with green
then the area comes more profound

the air cleaner
Apr 2022 · 113
.the arrangement.
satisfactory arrangement
on the surface

as we know there is much below
Apr 2022 · 89
painting everything white.

geese flew over.

the day moved slowly, and i find

the memories are not as you may think.

i have new ones.
Apr 2022 · 108
the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic

related to weight & gravity

like a

black ink line ruled sharply down

ending with an abrupt grand splatter
Apr 2022 · 72
.more spots.
it has beautiful spots james

while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is bows you

i don’t know why
only as i say that
i think i may do

i guess that is a story for another morning
Apr 2022 · 89
.rustic menu.
though notice we don’t
discuss that so much

i could and
tell you of the plans and preparation
the ordering and menus here

but i don’t do i?
Apr 2022 · 54
they talk about the news

current affairs

and i wonder if it is their anger

that keeps them going james

while i drink tea and look at birds

Apr 2022 · 158
the coffee affair with pods and seasons is recordable
into a small book, a journal of morning feelings while

i use a spoon for instant gratification . the modern
is much improved on the old ways
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