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Apr 2022 · 75
your words on coffee rattle my buds while drinking tea. mine later

today brings a dryer aspect, it rained most of yesterday that light refreshing stuff
Apr 2022 · 258
comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there

and bus back you see

he said folk get used to anything

i find this true to a point when all is comfy

was used to the other colour once
Apr 2022 · 132
some was in code.

the numbers were senseless.

whatever was wrong yesterday is gone today, yet there is still that buzzing in the ears.
Apr 2022 · 118
stains the cup if left standing,

remember the hotel, 1964,

we used to scour them especially

round the handle, then the base.
Apr 2022 · 188
.sea stones.
sat at the stones

by the water

the white one cracked open and I shall keep it as memory


how we prepare for fall
Apr 2022 · 117
it came shiny
lovely at 45 degree angle

oh no
he said
this is the wrong one
Apr 2022 · 120
.dots repeated.

to say no, or even to fail softly with a sloping line

tapering off into dots repeated

the fall is abrupt and possibly dramatic
Apr 2022 · 64
.sea houses.
wind blows round our houses,

wide walls hold  back, draughts
fan the fire. clean welcome air.wind blows the sea into town
Apr 2022 · 68
.untitled two.
is noted that a conversation started on the original comment

with thoughts such as mine which is interesting

yet the first remark darted

and as you may know that we have come to know ourselves better since the isolation so have hidden

comment that there was a wish for more participants which comes ironic

for now there is one less

while the day was imbolc

so we walked the country paths

noted new green growth and those with country habits

i go rake wet leaves
Apr 2022 · 64
.untitled one.
all kicked off yesterday

late afternoon and i shall remember

it well, for i wrote it in the diary which sits on the kitchen table open

a habit started in lockdown as keeping things entirely to oneself is usual yet conflicting with the need to identify happenings

the kitchen is quite dark without the light on as is slightly below ground, the graveyard behind

used to leave a lamp on yet with energy prices hike, now follow her lead and wait until entry

so yesterday it all kicked off at halls and with my upbringing being blamed knew this will be all be my fault too

i wrote it in the diary with an asterisk
Apr 2022 · 325
.oil pond.
oil pond mirrors the darkness the november

day                  sun draws white against the grey

this       leaf  lays on earth
Apr 2022 · 67
. the other side .
you may already have the things you need.

just look.

it may be that it is
neat and shiny.
Apr 2022 · 59
wash the cloth to prove a point.*

it is a fragile thing, hesitant in the making. never

complete, it hangs by a thread.
Apr 2022 · 212
.red field.
maybe you will still stay inside a while

within the boundary lines

four fields
Apr 2022 · 85
where it was decided to buy the higher house
in both scenarios

with grit and slight gusto

things come in layers
and differing shades
Apr 2022 · 66
along the edge, the edge
of season. the coast with
slow limits.

the glass anomaly
swept the edges
golden, in proportion.
Apr 2022 · 72
gently go forward, then gently back
recreating past deeds and misdemenours
you thought forgotten.

gently go forward knowing we are mostly
all the same, with motes not spoken of,
except disorder.

gently it passed behind you
Apr 2022 · 297
the colour comes later, in the studio.
the land reclaimed, is bolder now,
energy splashes.

colour comes, from friends in conversation,
music and sounds, and i eat them
with hunger.
Apr 2022 · 116
feels as if. the thing i was doing

has overtaken me.   wealth  has no

agenda,                nor have  capitals.

rules come away. a differing

place,  turning in the year.

it came gently.
Mar 2022 · 209
looks like you are drowning and

hope i am wrong. i can see the


the turn about in water.
Mar 2022 · 99
the history is complex
involved with movement
and a state of mind

on all parts

yesterday was long and simple
Mar 2022 · 78
move on
with differing

the trial by glass
Mar 2022 · 267
pink may be required

among the stone and lingering

Mar 2022 · 105
was good to be away a while to see different shapes and reds to greens

i saw

i skimmed slates that bounced about
Mar 2022 · 101
.talking pictures.
some may be disappointed

that the terror remains

like in some 1950s film

or tv show
Mar 2022 · 239
.fragment of fragment.
was gone some time

past tense can be horribly traumatic
Mar 2022 · 85
.sea stones.
with them being round and smooth

slipped off and rolled away.

when dry we looked and looked

yet cannot find them

anywhere yet
Mar 2022 · 170
yet there are paths,

walked, not just

by one or two.

or rabbits.

have young feet run here,

or solitary folk, thinking,

watching light hit water
Mar 2022 · 107
.update for james.
12.37 pm.

.a mild day here with light cloudings.

.after chores and a quiet walk around the lanes watching the birds and other gentle creatures, went into town to the half price sale in the charity, i believe you say thrift .

.a repro can, gender based on gentlemen and a badge for John’s jacket which is deeply embellished already.

.chatted to Ianto on duty at the art place then bought boxes at Clive’s to hold the new paints tidy.

.lit stove and now a couple of hours painting.

.a photograph will follow.
Mar 2022 · 103
let us look at things, differently.
often, we do things, no one ever sees.
that is you and me. two of us
dancing on the sand.

it came
and went,
Mar 2022 · 135
.note for james.
no snow here yet at all  and fairly warm just now. stood outside in the lightening dawn and noticed the birds come differing as if they know.

.the is an owl out there near the wood.

.i like this time, the new start as if nothing untoward  happens.

.later when light I remember it does.
Mar 2022 · 148
feel for the beautiful moments
that pass & not recorded here
Mar 2022 · 100
they will not swim in the tidal pool

nor their families nor them before that

we do and the little fishes come
we do
we are a different family
Mar 2022 · 132
.sea swim.
sea swim
is saturdays at ten in the morning,
sundays later at eleven.

this too remembered in the bathroom.
we use the pool, mainly.
Mar 2022 · 135
.keeping warm.
they used to be called siren suits here and were mainly designed to clothe children during the blitz I believe, and the fashion continued  after, though I never had one.

.was surfing the other moment and came across a heated garment, which sounded cosy and as for hands I have no idea.

.smiley face.
Mar 2022 · 112
you came again in auto fill

last evening sat alone

we still cannot understand

there is no explanation for that

nor what you did

you are a ghost to us now


we watched it on tv
Mar 2022 · 83
.ta moko.
there may be after effects

nobody suggested a flock of pigeons

at 2pm that snowy afternoon

and that notes will be made

no one mentioned sleeping
later than usual

those chin tattoos
that come all beautiful
and trendy

no one thought that you will like one…
Mar 2022 · 280
there are watermarks left, to be cleaned

in the spring.

the rain will come again.
Mar 2022 · 55
the clouds waiting as you

there are many to fascinate
give them names and fluff

becomes fact
a place one can recognise
Mar 2022 · 238
have you walked the dunes

hollowed path, coconut gorse.

have you found contentment there?
Mar 2022 · 97
. fading .
you came again in auto fill

last evening sat alone

we still cannot understand

there is no explanation for that

nor what you did

you are a ghost to us now


we watched it on tv
Mar 2022 · 297
the power house reflected



will this all be for nothing

if you make no changes
Mar 2022 · 73
.white stone.
yes james it is white stone
colour so pure you can feel it
Mar 2022 · 229
slate looms large,

thrown unbalanced,

waiting for water

to start the slide.
Mar 2022 · 121
.these questions.
can you clamber
through the rocks
slipping into water
oily boots leaking?

can you stride out
over dewy moors
peat bogged
with no direction?
Mar 2022 · 112
the challenge is rain

and we had some

had looked at the writing and chose a small one though i do like the long one

about wet days on the hill…
Mar 2022 · 80
.concrete 2.
talk of concrete in pretoria
thoughts on moths in wales.

there is only air between .

talk goes on all day, about the heat,
the rain and drizzle,
no thoughts on the shipping
forecast. words red, remembered.

the bird, the boy, the machine,
there is only air between.
Mar 2022 · 301
Moving forward always there come other notations that bring  feelings, the Agnes Dei opens wounds and fears flood with salt.
Mar 2022 · 60
.red house.power house.
i remember the implications, was told the facts later.

much later.

the war house & after.


we dig within for solidity, solidarity, power to continue
Mar 2022 · 67
.keeping warm.
they used to be called siren suits here and were mainly designed to clothe children during the blitz I believe, and the fashion continued  after, though I never had one.

.was surfing the other moment and came across a heated garment, which sounded cosy and as for hands I have no idea.

.smiley face.
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