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Jul 2022 · 128
.sparkles rain.
light is wonderful

lifts the brain and  limbs


sparkles   rain  the morning

once again we have the repetition

of words

shapes fly
Jul 2022 · 278
is all a pattern, that keeps us safely,        moves us

Jul 2022 · 167
.small birds.
you like birds?

as do i

neither of us employed
&  i am vaguely idle

furlough ended &  was
invited back part time

you see i said no

& despite protestations
seem to enjoy

for now a bus ride
and coffee

for it is raining a little


Jul 2022 · 115
.little bear.
forgot to say
that one bear
now has silk floral pants

as in underwear
not pants as in america

here we say trousers

anyhow there is no photograph

the guy in the charity
says there are no doll’s
clothes in stock

do you say thrift?

Jul 2022 · 81
.writing to james again.
all ok for me here
even though my battery
gone low

writing before
it recharges

life is pleasant
even with the arrival


monkey pox thing
avoiding zeds all together

guess you know more about war
than most

good you have your benefits

he asked to be friends
with suchlike

so we replies no just pals

and he don’t understand


am not bothered

maybe you will help
with the writing

it was a documentary
so i guess it is still there



Jul 2022 · 97
. bits .
is it acceptable to think in phrases, believe the attrocities yet do not share them

with friends.
Jul 2022 · 131
.touch the surface.
maybe some do not plunge right in
just dabble on the surface

flick in puddles
like little birds
Jul 2022 · 310
some thing is changing here,

so slight it can hardly be


yet it has been.  a feeling,

came after light rain .
Jul 2022 · 226
careful what you dream on a cusp of night. know that all stars are not the same

seen  through the net nightly
Jul 2022 · 138
. no words.
look at the weathered walls

hear the song come random

with words true for us with no argument

and our insides curl

with these feelings
Jul 2022 · 206
we shall have more paintings

i can see the marks & lines
pushing through

despite the weather

to spite
the storms
Jul 2022 · 80
a thing so private, so intense .   . simple , complex. no one will see it .  

                        note your achievements to date.                     .hell no
Jul 2022 · 125
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low

over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.

all is dust, as dust we have become.
Jul 2022 · 221
..transparent transparent..
maybe connections are missed the link dismissed.    

metaphors faint as my flimsy whispers  

symbols   do you deny me peace?   perhaps you utter the words constantly?  

look closely
Jul 2022 · 145
best to be gentle with those and all other things…
Jul 2022 · 467
fraction of the whole

blue sky thinking

Jul 2022 · 220
slip away
we watched them slip away

the news came suddenly
Jul 2022 · 89

using phrases like the enemy
it don’t go unnoticed here either
Jul 2022 · 267


i don’t paint like you

or you


need to convince myself
Jul 2022 · 144
fear of falling,
and losing
the soft words
of my life
Jul 2022 · 268
. break .


broken reflections

of a former life

smashed as it hit the floor
Jul 2022 · 123
and wonder if there is any hope

will they miss me there or
merely carry on regardless
Jul 2022 · 262
dreamed of devastation,           flew miles        low

over concrete .   skeletons,      bones of the thing.

all is dust, as dust we have become.
Jul 2022 · 207
. darker .
they  do not know the darkness

how the light can fade into latin

& all things unreasonable
Jul 2022 · 505
. burning .
while nothing is like usual no more

fires burning with evacuations

this global thing and the other things
Jul 2022 · 279
he said the flames

came over the trees.

behind the buildings.

bombed the buildings.
Jul 2022 · 66
this thing can **** the life even from

those hiding.

so they may  go live underground.

war of the worlds
Jul 2022 · 89
.below ground.
bone of the soul

earthy dark
below ground

no crystals here
Jun 2022 · 95
on checking I find
my dictionary

which explains.

it means

a place of discussion & debate

which it is indeed.

yet I don’t do that no more

Jun 2022 · 98
we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking to a misted world
Jun 2022 · 279
he says people will carry on
the fight;

those on the streets suffered
even more this week
Jun 2022 · 93
some comes shocking and hard

to bear


fighting the predictions
Jun 2022 · 106
struck dumb

i shook to think of you all

looking up as one plane flew over
Jun 2022 · 99
asked if he referred to the war

which we consider affects us all

he nodded then sat down in his garden chair
Jun 2022 · 115
"and who allowed you to live a beautiful life?”
Jun 2022 · 87
.the turn.


broken reflections

of a former life

Jun 2022 · 260
a world of extremes

or maybe the contradictions

were dreamed
Jun 2022 · 206
. edge .
move them into a place
of loose adjustment

random offerings
Jun 2022 · 101
anyhow we done the draft

then turned it round about

a few more hours fiddling
and it may suffice
with a double eff
Jun 2022 · 122
it comes a wider space, with mistakes and misgivings.

nothing in this world is perfect.
Jun 2022 · 79
seems we have a similar taste, rather gathering than buying​
prefer reclamation than boutiques

seems we gets busy here and there
yet cannot verbally explained why we write

and paint

today we deliver eggs to blaenau
the family

and travel by bus
a splendid route

you know
Jun 2022 · 76
.happy yellow.
painted my outsides in happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim

is fading now
yet remains as the description
Jun 2022 · 269
some things fade with time,
with sun and washings.

this one remained bright,
even glaring
Jun 2022 · 219
.no contact.
explicit blunderings, darkness descends

with out the need for words. pray for

forgiveness if you are so inclined.
Jun 2022 · 151
.tent shelter.
wild here this morning
wind in the chimney
rain on the glass

and talking of that
little lamp blew down outside


never mind

sleep was rattled by weather
thoughts of war too hard to write

yet one day i will

i guess you know more than me

i don’t know what a tent shelter is

but I can imagine

so far few plans for a day unless it clears

Jun 2022 · 119
feels necessary to hold onto memories
and to repeat myself
Jun 2022 · 246
it may be a habit writing
each day

hearing your news

or maybe an act of solidarity james
Jun 2022 · 244
while wondering

find there are possibly two
of us

and the one i was pretending
to be
Jun 2022 · 49
.here is a thing.
here is a thing
in that
we trotted along nicely
back then

when no one
said nothing

we thought no one read here
and that was ok and we came
huddled in and private

possibly our way and the circumstances
you know, the virus and now the war

then folk here said they read it
while we were astonished and
though it rattled us


we miss you if you do not visit
a while

and we get all our tenses and lines
wrong and have to go back in a hurry

to amend

and self conscious of too many


you see
Jun 2022 · 94
wonder if i shall write serious,

tell thee all  hard stories that

don’t exist. i wonder if i shall stop,

when no one reads.
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