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Sep 2022 · 166
.note regarding hats.
wore a bonnet
when very small

with matching coat and gaiters

she bought them from the shop on the corner

then the earache brought a wolly thing

that should be woollen

if one can spell right

i hated it and took it off

Sep 2022 · 96
. decided .

for your offered help

and saying you care for my welfare

all very much appreciated

i thankyou and say it is only temporary
perhaps it helps them to feel safe
or is it designed by those
who wish to keep them

i wonder

Sep 2022 · 77
some photos show nothing
while paintings can come

more personal
Sep 2022 · 79
. simplify .
to think sideways,
practice makes a hindrance
when others think straight.
Sep 2022 · 428
. note to james 19.
they say it may rain a little here tomorrow

with an icon of a cloud with drops

so i may go to blaenau

a while to stand on slate

to breathe

meanwhile awake from four am

upside down

with lunch at nine

have a photo
of a bonnet

for you
Sep 2022 · 81
look at the weathered walls

hear the song come random
Sep 2022 · 69
.note for james 17.
hot here apparently

amber today

then red warning tomorrow

they painted some tracks white
to deter bending

and wrapped something up
with foil

i forget why

i just keeps trucking

what else is to do james?

Sep 2022 · 104
.note for james.18.7.
my plans change
for the bus company

suggests we don’t go today
go on wednesday

not even tomorrow
unless it’s urgent

been busy though early
under the tree

no shoes at all, my delight

the neighbour gone looking for boots
you know

the shop up town soon closing

not this town
up blaenau…

Sep 2022 · 57
..the search for arms..

no mention of gains or fortitude

some may look for the other one

some may find it

while the little people with their arms held high

dance in the sunlight with all that remains
Sep 2022 · 150
..look aside..
you notice small things too
and record them slightly

those touches, nuances

do you see the way they
glance, look aside
Sep 2022 · 166
we miss you if you do not visit
a while

and we get all our tenses and lines
wrong and have to go back in a hurry

to amend
Sep 2022 · 92
. .thread. .
a curious thread that
hold us together
while apart
Sep 2022 · 293
. red dress .
some of us most of us

tucked inside

becoming whiter


small white teeth
Aug 2022 · 80
a while in a box
will do nicely…
Aug 2022 · 91
was noted that same folk aren’t bothered and carry on without looking

the difference is a thing
Aug 2022 · 318
.red line.
paper covers history.

bent on layers

of time, pretending.
Aug 2022 · 121
. unaccustomed bag.
has beautiful spots james
while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any other embellishment like bows

you know
Aug 2022 · 106
asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts

ghosts of humans
when we are gone
Aug 2022 · 112
. 20 minutes late .
no bus arrived the timetable lady was contacted and she explained the bus was due at 2.30 pm that my internet were wrong and no one was bothered what it said at bus stops
Aug 2022 · 227
my scope is limited now
yet it comes enough for
Aug 2022 · 90
undeniably tracing honesty in the air

with one finger


it came clear later..
Aug 2022 · 275
.the island blessed.
the island blessed

sandy tracks to wander

in memory.

like birds we flew
Aug 2022 · 116
that feeling that arrives with the name of the county

the memory of your home and closeted life
now eroding slowly

that sense of belonging to the land

it is that feeling
Aug 2022 · 232
it is overcast today

a slight breeze from the



a slight hint of colour

bleeding from the patch below
Aug 2022 · 75
.cold ocean.
did not wish to go to sea

went just a few times

that I remembered
last evening

the crossing
Aug 2022 · 193
covered in wool against the cold.  bales taken down river , down to the harbour down

to the cob.

on boats .
Aug 2022 · 200
. dimensional.
it will pool, deep and dark,

still, inviting.

deep waters to sooth pain,
Aug 2022 · 325
.james 4.
they say


do they not know the darkness,

how the light can fade into latin,

and all things reasonable

means more if you sit quietly
in the light
Aug 2022 · 188
. media .
when sprayed
with cosmetic fixative
glow pink
Aug 2022 · 75
.island monkeys.
island monkeys could not

go abroad

no boat

no plane no nothing

sadly they read books on other countries

with adventures, himalayas & ranuph fiennes
Aug 2022 · 137
when sprayed
with cosmetic fixative
glow pink
Aug 2022 · 407
.the affair.
it is a messy affair
paint smudges and runs

eventually all comes clear
one having the final say

predictions come and go
Aug 2022 · 89
initially, crossed the  sea to the land, from one to another, then, talking. crossed the narrow bridge spoke of the past, you know what i mean.                                                                    

  courage to walk

Aug 2022 · 266
mild here with sun
shining on the lake and
hills beyond. we both
looked from the top deck
on the bus yesterday
Aug 2022 · 126
see the softest looking clouds
if that is where that work came

with gentle grey
Aug 2022 · 156
.some days.

once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all

comes well some days.
Aug 2022 · 189
.the gray mare.
rules come away. a differing

place,  turning in the year.

it came gently.
Aug 2022 · 70
early for some, late for others, we came. different reasons.

Aug 2022 · 180
.look up.
the clouds waiting as you

there are many to fascinate
give them names and fluff

becomes fact
a place one can recognise
Aug 2022 · 90
talk goes on all day, about the heat,
the rain and drizzle,
no thoughts on the shipping
forecast. words red, remembered.

the bird, the boy, the machine,
there is only air between.
Aug 2022 · 91
..the continuation.
relational, it is marked.

synchronised crossing

in orange.
Aug 2022 · 120
.the other day.
the mass, the clouds lay heavy, rain that came, that blinded again. blinded those that could not see the love and idle artefacts, each one a statement of nothing in particular.
Aug 2022 · 83
.before adding pink.
oh unsuitable paint you
covered lovely with no
comments as all are at

as advised
Aug 2022 · 161
we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking to a misted world
Aug 2022 · 104
. yesterday again.
care for small things

to be tired after it all
to sleep soundly


the day yesterday
Jul 2022 · 105
. drawing .
we listen to the rain early

with mixed feelings

there may not be gardening done today

there may be drawings
Jul 2022 · 201
the sea is quiet as we have never seen it

sun as hot as it gets

like summer

they gloried in it
Jul 2022 · 275
.a differing view.
let us look at things, differently.

often, we do things, no one ever sees.

that is you and me. two of us
dancing in the dark. it came
and went,

Jul 2022 · 62
Shoreline would be more an exploration of the concept….shorelines more related to actual examples… about that?
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