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Nov 2022 · 207
.fine lines.
a fine line we walk,
gently avoiding peptides,only just a theory,

yet used independently,
alongside honest work,
for mending.
Nov 2022 · 67
here on the night watch,
all is quiet , no birds sing.

touched by the small thing,
softly, we drew together,
with words, and gestures
in air, in mind.
Oct 2022 · 98
.of arc.
told them about joan and they said they had to go, get home

later I heard they liked her despite the startled look

she was drawn again yesterday
Oct 2022 · 84
so joan will be

if the pencil slips
she will remain
Oct 2022 · 65
day of small things,

slowly steadily worked

as we rest the dust motes,

shine as gold.
Oct 2022 · 184
. the window .
the air moves

on my skin.

i turn

look past the curtain

see the face again.

Oct 2022 · 142
light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
Oct 2022 · 88
yet when

she said my friend looked pretty


that I smelled nice

I sagged a little.

later that day

i found a message


from a soldier in the usa

holding a puppy & a rose

calling me a beauty
Oct 2022 · 284
the world outside the window commented on . as a child .
tell us things, take us without consent. there are no records
Oct 2022 · 91
..nothing found..
cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it

today, a reminder of fragility.
Oct 2022 · 207
he had leaned toward me and commented

that i was getting old

and while that is correct i assumed from his

remark that he must be younger

time goes on and i am told that we are much

the same
Oct 2022 · 102
carefully we drew her out

all tidy with reason, wearing

us down
Oct 2022 · 104
putting words in my mouth
like sweet sultanas in chocolate

they come in twos
Oct 2022 · 114
while out on a longer walk,

met him and he explained to me,

about walking there and back again
Oct 2022 · 129
. untitled.
is your head clear today, loose limbs, while mild air floats above.   will you go the other way, as you did yesterday?
Oct 2022 · 136
.this thing.
that all are temporary measures
temporary structures
and collage

so we can move things about

change things as we like
Oct 2022 · 139
.new work.
thankyou and say it is only temporary

balanced or tied with string

though overnight decided to use the glue gun
Oct 2022 · 105
the kitchen is quite dark without the light on as is slightly below ground, the graveyard behind

used to leave a lamp on yet with energy prices hike, now follow her lead and wait until entry
Oct 2022 · 62
. pronouns .
they screamed that there was an accident waiting to happen on the stairs
Oct 2022 · 182
handbag, not fit for any purpose than

delight and design.
Oct 2022 · 68
.to return.
while the world is turning there is a small hope to always return home
Oct 2022 · 71
Main Entry: niche
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: place all one’s own

:: niche ::

i gave the words away.

wrote them,

published them

shredded and pickled them,

and gave them away.

left in a niche.

yet, still they rattle,

and will always

be a part of me.

my words
Oct 2022 · 93
.two houses.
small village, mayhap a hamlet, named,
one forgets the rules with all that has happened.

nice to be out, to see the neighbours’ houses,
to see what has changed while i have been working
Oct 2022 · 111
duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town

at three seventy nine

we can walk there and back or there

and bus back you see
Oct 2022 · 156
slate slides
mud slips
rain falls

seems higher this time
water expands to where i see
the edge
Oct 2022 · 296
.was remembered.
stains the cup if left standing,

remember the hotel, 1964,

we used to scour them especially

round the handle, then the base.
Oct 2022 · 247
like to be quiet,speaking
when you asked the question.

not sure why i came.
i think you invited me?
Oct 2022 · 83
.that monkey thing.
she came worried about monkey pox
so made her ordinary  tea

the next day I travelled  up
walked the streets and saw
the stories there
for a change

the voices rise
Oct 2022 · 51
.other questions.
can you clamber
through the rocks
slipping into water
oily boots leaking?

can you stride out
over dewy moors
peat bogged
with no direction?

will you come with me
to these places
my spaces
and make history?

will you sit a while
amid the berried hedges,

will we shout at the wind,
running, laughing
that this is ours
for the taking


will you stay home,
stay safe

and bleed?
Oct 2022 · 133
they say that manners maketh man,

yet boys in pyjamas

use them to be polite , asking for quality

Oct 2022 · 41
did the breeze come
late last night, or did
some one slip into the room.

you were sleeping.

was there some one in the house
down the stairs. looking,
another time for thinking.
Oct 2022 · 42
did the breeze come
late last night, or did
some one slip into the room.

you were sleeping.

was there some one in the house
down the stairs. looking,
another time for thinking.
Oct 2022 · 159
.sea swim.
sea swim
is saturdays at ten in the morning,

sundays later at eleven.

this too remembered in the bathroom.
we use the pool, mainly.
Oct 2022 · 106

sometimes I have toast

and sometimes insert one comma
Sep 2022 · 63
breaking cups    spilling tea will abuse the hospitality

please come. i have the kettle on.    this is not the time

for hostility
Sep 2022 · 59
now i beg forgiveness

we are little things

that dance in the mornings


in the light of the phone
Sep 2022 · 301
.solo flight.
i too fly solo
enjoy the flight

when the day clears
i look up at the others
Sep 2022 · 148
google when back at home, read about
people, and know we may after all
be twins.
Sep 2022 · 200
.white dress.
lift the cotton, look again.

cover the place with whiteness.

pink is pretty, white is clean.

they do not want to see it

today, a reminder of fragility.
Sep 2022 · 251
the word came involuntarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.

powers and dominions,
Sep 2022 · 106
.portrait 2.
carefully we drew her out

all tidy with reason, wearing

us down
Sep 2022 · 99
our work
our soul
is in
our chest
Sep 2022 · 99
some of us manage

to be vulnerable as naked

in private

some need holding up

in sight from our window
Sep 2022 · 105
.the dress.

must we write about it before we forget,

before  people come and disagree?

they have small waists and a  national costume
Sep 2022 · 76
.yn bala.
may be best to go with whatever feels right

honey on toast suited us  while

now coffee is off the menu here

and eggs mayonnaise is back


today found the co -op depressing

so bought home made ice cream

yn bala

yn is possibly welsh for in
Sep 2022 · 241
my goodness

such a thing to see while out
and about

such a high up place to be
Sep 2022 · 156
. briefly .
slipped sideways.

while all remains the same, something is different.
Sep 2022 · 109
the idea left us dancing.

use what is already there,
make do and mend
Sep 2022 · 56
.the mug.
has beautiful spots james

while i like any pattern that includes spots
and any embellishment that is nice you
Sep 2022 · 347
. it may be the kitchen .
that inspires

not the modern kind

more the flavour of another time

another rhyme
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