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Dec 2022 · 111
skimmed slates that bounced about

unlike the pebbles that grow on our banks here

unlike the landscape hereabouts yet only up the road

up the road where all comes beyond reality to help with reality
Dec 2022 · 131
.over there.
deep holes,

cut grass and wiping stones.

there is a place.
Dec 2022 · 236
. raining.
they forecast it,
we do not listen any more,
just check the window.
Dec 2022 · 136
..taking a break.
the roads here are winding, the leaves are changing.

best not to bang the teapot down on serving, best
to tell the truth.
Dec 2022 · 129
.brown paper.
one way,

and  another.

up poole hill

or down.

you kissed me.
Dec 2022 · 633
.autumn post.
so the falling days,
end today, winter waits,
and the songs, and words,
tunes are all to warm us,
and hold us safe
Dec 2022 · 53
.say again.
let us look at things, differently.
often, we do things, no one ever sees.
that is you and me. two of us
dancing on the sand.

it came
and went,
Dec 2022 · 150
.small red boat.
do not wish to hide

do not wish to run

to take the boat and steer

to take the hiatus i fear
Dec 2022 · 64 red..
adrift, will the sky at last explode, or will this hate

continue pointlessly, for  thousand thousands years.

numbers that cannot describe each particle of pain.
Dec 2022 · 242
.the flags will find us.
decide which

petulant shadow hides


honesty abounds yet the flags

will find us.
Dec 2022 · 192
.go google.
went to blaenau in the rain
you may google that
so best
add ffestiniog to the name
Dec 2022 · 133
. daily .
from the windows saw,

the softest steam morning

on the mountain.

the promise of another

day in wonderland.
Dec 2022 · 412
old story remembered  from the beach
that warm afternoon while all were playing


the hunted tried not to sleep


for fear of being robbed or found
Dec 2022 · 183
the mountains here

a home, a refuge plain

and simple things, the ordinary

become as sacred in our life
Dec 2022 · 120
.summer shore.
Shoreline would be more an exploration of the concept….shorelines more related to actual examples… about that?
Dec 2022 · 178
the clouds waiting as you

there are many to fascinate
give them names and fluff

becomes fact
a place one can recognise
Dec 2022 · 118
. coast .
there is a nice long beach and lovely views out to sea

the sea that is rising
Dec 2022 · 116
. the dream .
it was
the dream

the cloud
the quarry

water flows down this valley

wind blows round our houses
Dec 2022 · 749
.red mountains.
most of it works now,
memory plays a part,

when we look
to the mountain.
Dec 2022 · 115
..summer home..
have a photo here of up the valley
where they used to stook the harvest

all the family out working the fields

in the evening it came cooler
for rest
Dec 2022 · 143
the sounds


once the day is dawn, the door is open, face the sky, all

comes well some days.
Dec 2022 · 290
my calculations say i may walk 4 miles
each time, each day, unless i go twice
then it is doubled of course
Dec 2022 · 102
.the long view.
we wonder how it will map

we have wondered before
when waking
Dec 2022 · 70
they will not swim in the tidal pool

nor their families nor them before that

we do and the little fishes come
we do
we are a different family
Nov 2022 · 192
some thing is changing here,

so slight it can hardly be


yet it has been.  a feeling,

came with the light rain .

the quietness

all things are changing
Nov 2022 · 119
. camera .
while in the studio a series

marching in time
across the board

at dusk the view magnetic
Nov 2022 · 106
. dunes 2 .
now your name may be redeemed
your wanderings freed into new

Nov 2022 · 77
have you walked the dunes

hollowed path, coconut gorse.

have you found contentment there?

have you sat the sun, black crow bird.

have you closed your eyes at that

within, enjoyed that

Nov 2022 · 100
.second walk.
later had my second walk
to see a differing light

shades and all that surrounds

i drew them later
my way
Nov 2022 · 103
. here.
find the chosen pathways
watch the birds and wild
flowers grow

below the scene plays out

with wildlife as punctuation
Nov 2022 · 111
..little scar..

of this and that
of nothing in particular
that no one else  will
Nov 2022 · 112
dry he wore the white dress

his hair curled damply

we drew him

we painted him

he is taller now & remains

much the same
robot is both

a wood block
some stickers

you know how it goes

then batteries are a thing
with their unexpected deletions

or should we mean depletion

i imagine is nice out cycling
with another

sharing experiences
Nov 2022 · 124
lady on the bus told me her sister kept lots of soap and what did I think.

I says she sounds like me.
Nov 2022 · 290
courage to walk away
from objects that irritate
our eyes, to eat another way,

with snakes and camphor oil.

you know what i mean
Nov 2022 · 366
.busy day.
busy day
much achieved
no one will

but me

and i will check it all

and beautify

Nov 2022 · 93
. untitled.
is your head clear today, loose limbs, while

mild air floats above.

will you go the other way, as you did

Nov 2022 · 483
.on tug hill.
as to companions
guess you are one
alongside the birds
and the others
Nov 2022 · 75
oh no

hoping all are good

not crumpled or torn..

sun here yesterday
soft and mellow

as we drove along the coast

we were
especially her
Nov 2022 · 181
. solo flight .
having chatted to an other
about seeing  stuff that
becomes personal when


reminding him is not odd
at all

endearingly different
to the hub

and we love those
that fly solo
these days

the difference is a thing
Nov 2022 · 289
snakes figure a bit here since

i saw that one in the

famous old painting with a egg

in its mouth
Nov 2022 · 254
.blue sky.
she said she liked the stories

except I did not tell them

i never tell you much

nor all of it

there are bits left to fill in

Nov 2022 · 200
there have been a couple
of incidents but now she

is in disguise
with different
Nov 2022 · 102
. coffee run .
friend came on the trip
and we enjoyed it yet

i am used to going alone.

after she was all enthusiastic
and suggested more and more

i am used to  going alone….
Nov 2022 · 96
. 35 bus home .


our bus broke down
in gellilydan

we sat
laughed for 40 minutes

then another bus came

arrived home to notice
the car had a puncture

breakdown cover
covered  that

good here in that alone
is not lonely
Nov 2022 · 74
.her sister.
she was drawn again yesterday with her sibling

though it did not look quite right so

shall i tear the sister off?
Nov 2022 · 72
.note for james.
having swiped away those unwanted pages
and moved the car from the church car park
with it being sunday

come to read your message regarding bicycles

like and yesterday

a cyclist stopped before a bend in the road
to allow the bus to pass
except the driver couldn’t see

and words were exchanged
a fist raised

while I looked at the flowers
Nov 2022 · 103
.fine lines.
a fine line we walk,
gently avoiding peptides,only just a theory,

yet used independently,
alongside honest work,
for mending.
Nov 2022 · 86
.. troubles ..
seems that you are trouble, is that correct?


it seems you need to let the birds sing
Nov 2022 · 179
became slightly nervous looking up
at it
retreated to the studio
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