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Feb 2023 · 150
. one .
we were friends’

more than that with promises that faded into silence.

i woke this morning the same
Feb 2023 · 383
.no pigeon.
she asked about side effects and though
after reading the instructions felt there

were none
noted before

when suddenly came the surge of energy
Feb 2023 · 46
..the two..
honest marks and lines different from the immediate gratification of a photograph. though with the latter enjoys the  creativity of editing, layering ; drawing in on the original idea.

time passes, passes. mind  so focussed that world outside own  skin forgotten.
Feb 2023 · 125
a whisper from you came

a good idea

to stop those dreams and headaches

the moon came bright with yet another name
Feb 2023 · 323
eight thirty  till five.   it could have been easy, yet there were issues of the electronic kind   meaning wasting time with wires and connections.

cover the surface.   it takes time.
Feb 2023 · 132
where is the power house,
metal books he said.

concrete palaces for those
that prey.

he grew it plant like,
fought it,
numbered it
Feb 2023 · 128
trawsfynydd, we forgot the buzzing,

only heard the wind, for

wind there was this time.

the sky predominant, a gap

for the light to pass
Feb 2023 · 106
a whisper from you came

a good idea

to stop those dreams and headaches

the moon came bright with yet another name
Feb 2023 · 103
..drawing out..
so flimsy it is hardly there.

so worn, it is almost dead.
recreate the dying in your head.

so small it is hardly there.

so cheap it is almost dead.

draw it. recreate the scene in your head.
Feb 2023 · 239
. 18.12 darker
they  do not know the darkness

how the light can fade into latin

& all things unreasonable
Feb 2023 · 97
.17.12 redefined.
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim

is fading now
yet remains as the description
Feb 2023 · 99
shades defining.

now I have to say that I usually like

the colour as items, yet maybe not

as entity.

I face the slate


and bleed red
Feb 2023 · 96
no words to describe the mass,

the danger of it all, the hate  that


the parallel,

the home, the black chair.

power house.

bone house.
Jan 2023 · 153
.it's a thing.
going quiet sometimes, not knowing why.

being smaller with the year almost gone.

marvelling at the looseness of the rediscovered vest

forget the leg moisturiser,

therefore fail as a modern being.
Jan 2023 · 168
red depleted.i use blue,
oh the darkness of it all,the surface tension,

primeval scream
hidden by centuries of crimson
Jan 2023 · 318
.in conversation.
touch of red

suggested at dinner, to make
a photograph splendid, i noticed

the same in paintings at exhibition.

looking out, the grave yard, noticed
a touch of colour by the white.
Jan 2023 · 102

bleeding the lead

into showers,

and explosive marks.

the power house rears its head again,

pouring images down

like rain.
Jan 2023 · 264
when she heard that i had been drilling fitfully,

she asked why but i could not explain really. so

i added the stop.

it seems that some like sticks, while others do


there are a few of us, one of us is      leaving.
Jan 2023 · 194
. threads. .
much of the time is spent with this or other things which pass the day nicely. linen  hangs  heavy, needles preserved. small holes ready.

it don’t work if not connected, if not tuned in, you would think the experts would know that.  we need to signal to another.
Jan 2023 · 152
. lines.
think i may like to travel to small places,

old and full of history. deep aged fabrics

stained with the words of time. to touch
Jan 2023 · 221
.another day.
we have such unimportant work
here, that needs not be done.

today, another power house installed,

i have to let some things go
now, yet the this remains.
Jan 2023 · 87
walk the rooms in horror,
see genius in corners,

realise that he may cry
all the tears of life.
Jan 2023 · 79
we asked if he referred to the war

which we consider affects us all

he nodded then sat down in his garden chair
Jan 2023 · 89
.red house.
remember the implications, was told the facts later.

much later.

the war house & after.


we dig within for solidity, solidarity, power to continue.  food is plenty.
Jan 2023 · 105
we shall never know
for there is no microscope


moving on i feel it was a flashback
to the girl who wished for quiet and
can remember  in detail
Jan 2023 · 282
so far we have read the rules
in black and white
in print

meanwhile others translate them in different colours

i read your poetry in the rain
Jan 2023 · 234
. pop .
liking the format, liking the days
that come natural now without
no planning

evolving gradually
Jan 2023 · 97
early yet

I have to tell you

i went a different way
to avoid the usual
Jan 2023 · 62
.looking for rags.
and maybe, and probably
i cannot fix it
so will look after it
admire it daily
unless it rains

Jan 2023 · 260
.with a little red.
comes a differing hue

with duck egg blue

the ironmongers in town

at one seventy nine
Jan 2023 · 71
drawing the child with found fabrics

watching the marks come good, no dots

yet they came
without warning
Jan 2023 · 73
.ask again.
asked me who will be afraid of our ghosts

ghosts of humans
when we are gone
Jan 2023 · 100
you feel like two people

that one is split in two.

that the other one does

look a bit like you

only more so
Jan 2023 · 80
now is small stuff on paper
as who cares anyhow

we just carries on

Jan 2023 · 469
see exhibitions

quiet slow and uneventful

& lasting impressions

a simple drawing out

no fuss

and sometimes late in the evening

think of it

leave the house

and return to the simple line drawing
Jan 2023 · 84
told you, no one will listen if we are quiet,

they have all lost interest’


‘do they only listen to loud folk , those that  shout

and remonstrate’

seems so.
Jan 2023 · 234
added bits and embellishments which caused remark

while the space between lines was so immense my head came heavy with drowsy

fell off


i did not return
Jan 2023 · 104
. at tea .
traces remain hidden for the most part
only to come out on particular
without  warning

she said it without  warning
& i was horrified
Jan 2023 · 65
..teapot 8.
painted my mug in happy yellow
drawn by the name not just the colour

and oh that name come true
on opening jim
Jan 2023 · 88
.teapot 7.
bought her tea set gently in parts
each week from woolworths and i still have
some of it
Jan 2023 · 78
.teapot 4.

especially the mornings,
i need not tell you really,
you must know.

ok if there is no rush to go,
easy, cosy up and write.
Jan 2023 · 45
.teapot 3.
i like flags that are decorative
or bunting that represents a

happy time

i dislike borders
representations of separation
Jan 2023 · 94
.teapot 3.
i like flags that are decorative
or bunting that represents a

happy time

i dislike borders
representations of separation
Jan 2023 · 124
..teapot 2..
don’t use a teapot

but evidently many do,

and cosy up together.

they don’t squish teabags, have leaves,

and stewing on the gas ring,

like mother, reducing it to

poison on my tongue.

i like the leaves to look at,

smell, like the small packet

we used to have, paper lined

in those days.
Dec 2022 · 53
listen to the server, who

clasping the teapot,

tells us revelations

of those who live, who divorce

and warm the ***.
Dec 2022 · 58
stood steady in wonder

watched the dark bleed

across the sky

watch birds scatter
Dec 2022 · 76
we thought about the things my brother

said about the tea plantations

in india

he does a big trip somewhere each each year

except last year and probably this year too
Dec 2022 · 121
rain comes here in waves
reflecting feelings

sometimes i can smell the sea
though some miles from the shore
Dec 2022 · 79
moving out into the landscape
differing thoughts with exercise


on hearing rain early
delay the start of it
Dec 2022 · 81
have missed a day or so here
being busy with organising things

for something

and being out of work

while working here

forgot to write
so sorry and everything

our government is *******
things are falling apart

eating pies is a good idea

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