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 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Wow!Such a nice,funny & intelligent man is driving me insane.
He has something that man that I can't breath when he's around.
He has something in his eyes such as energy is coming out that could stop me looking him into his eyes ,afraid of reading my thoughts
His eyes smile and looks deeply onto mine that's why I can't look him in the eyes whole time .
i once had a lover, so timid was the air in which we flew upon. i remember it and it alone. we shot for the gods. a great distance, only fit for the young and the bold. fearless was our journey to what we thought was the promise of ever lasting love. we broke the sky and wandered in the stars for what seemed like just a blink of an eye but with our trespass, we had no right to call it home. so we fell. flaming do to speed, we hit rocky surface. shattered from our fall, unlikely to find every piece, we were not the same. one hand started to loosen. the other, in a panic, squeezed ever so tight. but in that benevolent attempt, it hurt its love and in doing so, reshaped it. warped in the desire to be held. nothing remained the same. shattered love returned to the earth. and we were no more. all that remains is a memory. so i will be the frozen snow, then maybe the dreams we shared might last forever.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Mary Holz
Sitting in silence
just looking at each other
eye contact remains
but I get lost, hazel hues
leave me a map to your world
I woke up today,
Wanting to cry,
If only I could get her back,
My subconcious mind cant help but try,
and dream of ways to make my dream come true,

But every time it happens, I wake up wanting to die,
I'll never get her back, I know,
It wouldn't work even if I did,
I guess that is the ultimate sign of failure,
Abandoning the love of your life,
Every time you wake up.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Runaway Joe
Oh woman, you've danced your dance
You're partied out, it's time to closet those pumps
But Mr. Phonograph has something to say

He plays the record
The one you're a fool for
And its vinyl
Written with biology
A siren's wailing
Scratches you in all the right places
You dance your dance
Throb with the tempo
Your mind stays yours
But that pretty young body don't

Every fiber knows
Why you curve in such pleasing ways
Why your lips pout so sweetly
They sing along

Peace is for those on either side of the mountain
Not at the peak
You could think in innocence
You will think in wisdom
But Mr. Phonograph has something to say
"now, you dance"
As your water in sky drizzle
People start to run in hustle
To avoid staying in your rain
And reduce the burden of pain

Some might able to find shelter
Some are stuck in getting wetter
Some are ****** of the weather
Some enjoy it and doesn't bother

Rain portrays a lot of picture
The stories we like to endure
In each of our heart's adventure
And in the worlds we conjure

Some choose the path of suffering
And ended them up with nothing
But ****** tears from their own eye
Like as water rain from the sky

Some were able to learn life's lesson
That enabled them to move on
To enjoy the world better
With all problems not to matter

You only live once I say
So see life on a better way
For you to die with no regret
For your people not to forget
One day I’m going to hear you say,
Hello, I love you,
As you love and nourish my baby.

I don’t care who thinks it is obscene,
Weird or disgusting, I promise you to give you my seed,
And water the plant every day.

There’s nothing I want more than to make you mine forever,
With a golden band on that finger I adore,
To hear the word’s ‘Miss Unanue, he’s yours’.

I will love and provide,
You’re needs before you feel you need them.
I’ll be a good, loving husband, and a better dad I assure.

We’ll travel the world,
And always come back home,
A loving family to call our own.

I look into the future, and I see our children.
Girl let me tell you something,
They are different.

Special, and gorgeous,
They look like you its wondrous,
I wish my brother could see him now, my baby for you I’m proud.

We talk about this every day,
It never gets old or tiring,
I always love to dream and plan with you.

Whenever you tell me,
I want to have you’re baby,
My heart jumps with joy.

I’m running out of words,
Emotions and rhymes,
They aren’t coming out so structured or kind,
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve told you I love you,
But you’ve still got about a billion to go.
We’re going to grow old and have grandkids to spoil.
Retire happily together, from toil.
And you know what they say,
First comes love
Till the baby in the baby carriage.

For M.N.C. one day to be,

Close my eyes as I write.
This emotionless screen my only light.
Straight from the heart I speak
When I tell you my heart has gone bleak.
Her eyes cast elsewhere
To a man most beneath her.
Cycle of rejection goes on.
Even when I know for a fact.
Liking someone doesn’t guarantee they like you back.
It’s hard to be friends.
It’s hard to be friends.
When she smiles.
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