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 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
I went swimming today
Which is weird because
In the past 4 years
I have been in the ocean a total of 6 times
Even though I live
In a small ocean town
Where the beach is
A short walk away
I went in the water today
Even though I have always hated
Being wet and
Salty the feeling on my
Skin is so uncomfortable
I always detested it
I went in the water today
Because I hate the person I am
And I thought that if I changed
One small part about myself
The rest could follow
And maybe if I could learn to
Love the water
I could learn to
Love myself
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
I had a dream last night
It was beautiful
I woke up beside you
Bodies intertwined
Your head on my chest
All was at peace in the world
And it was good

I had a nightmare this morning
When I awoke to an empty house
It was awful
Cold and lonely, I rolled out of bed
A solitary cup of coffee
Such a depressing affair
And it was bad

Dreams can be the best
And the worst things in the world
For as I learned the hard way
There can be two types of dreams about a girl
One where she loves you, one where she won't
The former a fantasy so hard to obtain
The latter a reality, nightmare turned to life
i can't write recently, i'm sorry for the continued mediocrity
Sink into me.
Breathe slowly.
We'll burn the clocks
and drink our music.
Rest your wandering feet.
I've built you this home
of bone and song
and wrapped it in my skin.
Tell me your heart can beat for me.
Sink into me
until we forget all our fences.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Montay Henson
Close your eyes my love
You needn’t see this
I’m falling apart at the seams
And begging for a kiss
It was all from a wish inspired by our last names
We can’t fight them all, we will die in vein
So please ****** my ghostly guise
I have no means which to deceive your eyes
And I can’t let them meet mine
I need you to not witness
As my broken heart diminishes
And the being you knew vanishes
Criticism always not only welcomed, but greatly desired.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Stephen Jo
Your the one i want,  the one i need,
Your the hunger that i feed.
Night and day, hope and pray,
Your the one for me.
I wish to spend my life with you, Until we grow old,
Our old hands,
We will someday still hold.
When the warm sun, that brings
Seed-time and harvest, has returned again,
’Tis sweet to visit the still wood, where springs
      The first flower of the plain.

      I love the season well,
When forest glades are teeming with bright forms,
Nor dark and many-folded clouds foretell
      The coming-on of storms.

      From the earth’s loosened mould
The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrives;
Though stricken to the heart with winter’s cold,
      The drooping tree revives.

      The softly-warbled song
Comes from the pleasant woods, and colored wings
Glance quick in the bright sun, that moves along
      The forest openings.

      When the bright sunset fills
The silver woods with light, the green ***** throws
Its shadows in the hollows of the hills,
      And wide the upland glows.

      And when the eve is born,
In the blue lake the sky, o’er-reaching far,
Is hollowed out, and the moon dips her horn,
      And twinkles many a star.

      Inverted in the tide,
Stand the gray rocks, and trembling shadows throw,
And the fair trees look over, side by side,
      And see themselves below.

      Sweet April!—many a thought
Is wedded unto thee, as hearts are wed;
Nor shall they fail, till, to its autumn brought,
      Life’s golden fruit is shed.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Justin Bowers
I want a girl who loves God,
likes baseball, and is the other pea in my pod.
I want a girl who finds sarcasm funny
and isn't focused all on money.
I want a girl whose smile shines bright
and who knows I'll be there for her day or night.
I want a girl who likes to snuggle,
and knows the difference between mudblood and muggle.
I want a girl who had similar television taste
so I know my shows won't be erased.
I want a girl who is tough but sweet
and is so fine she can't be beat.
I want a girl who understands why the last line was clever
and likes that I'm one of the most romantic people ever.
I want a girl who likes participating in every sport;
she doesn't have to be good, just give a good effort.
I want a girl full of internal beauty
but most of all I want a girl who wants me.
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