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 Oct 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
The sun is rising and
I can't sleep because
A broken person is
How you left me
And, empty now
I sit alone
Longing for the days
When I called you
the slump is real
 Oct 2013 Sonia T
Cameron Pfeifer
I’m afraid you can’t see your own delicate beauty
Because I’ve become as addicted to watching you torture yourself
As you have become obsessed with putting yourself through pain
Your porcelain feet, fragile and small
That danced so freely, so intricately
Now stomp through the shards of a broken existence,
The one you created for yourself
You’ve gone back to your torturer
The man who left you broken
Painted his own self-satisfying portrait
With the deep-red stains from your skin
Shall I let you continue
Your broken waltz with destruction?
He leads you
       You let him
            Caught in-side
        Mind con-trol

Will a fatal cascade be your means of escape?
The fall of a tragic ******
Used to getting her fix,
Your daily dose of pain

When you are mangled and twisted
Bruised with the fresh knowledge of someone else’s cruelty
I’ll cover your wounds
And ease your pain

Help you reset your emotions to be battered again.
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
Time is
It flows so
With days-weeks-months flying by
While seconds
Crawl past
Every heart beat a drawn out affair
Every blink of the eye lasting ages
Until suddenly you're jolted forward
And you're old
And everyone else is too
And you're left to wonder
Where all the time
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
Short life
Long days
***** downed
Hazy days
Lost friends
Found pain
Shots fired
Blood drained
I played Perfect Blue Buildings,
For all the crowd to hear and see,
Katie, laughed, a little drunkenly,
Saying, "Well, God, this is depressing,"
and she laughed a little forcefully,
And of course, the crowd, the sheep,
comfortably agreed,
So when the lull arose,
I looked into her eyes and said,
"Oh Katie, let me ask you, do you dislike this song because it is depressing?
Does it make you want to change to something happier?
Why dislike a song because it is sad, as if something could be wrong just for being sad?
I must ask is it the song you are running from,
or the Perfect Blue Building?"
And the place got quiet,
And like always, compared to the crows that are a counting,
My poetry is SILENT.
But so was she.
In an America where you are free to speak,
Whatever lays about on your decrepit little minds.
Oh, She was so so silent.
Now, ain't that, depressing?
Inspiration and true art. Give it a listen. You will thank yourself, thinking oh so selfishly. Just don't give it to the crowds.
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
The scars will never
Fade away completely
Every time I look down I will be
Reminded of those awful days
When I was completely
With nobody
By my side
Guiding me through
Those nights oh so
I'm sorry you had to steal
what was already freely given.
I hope your heart never burns
like mine did the day I wrote that.
I give to you freely
what you honestly deserve,
that is a second chance,
and a word of advice.
Give from yourself,
no gift can ever be poorly graded.
 Sep 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
Here lies the fallen king
The token sober kid
Grew up alone in a full house
Surrounded by friends but always in doubt
That this world so dear held love for him too
The doubt grew too strong
And so, he flew
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