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 Aug 2013 Sonia T
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Who are you
Are you the one I dream about late at night
in the early hours of the morning
My mind tries to forget you
But my heart will not let you go
Are the feelings that we share mutual
Do you really love me
Or am I  someone to hold you over
Till you find the next man
I've gave you all I have
And you
With your beautiful brown eyes
And Smile that will make the strongest man change his mind
Have yet to surrender
You continue to downplay me
But yet
I will not give up
I hate dreams.
I hate them for what they make me see,
Worse still is that even as you know their not real,
You believe and it seems,
If only for a second, that what could be or should be,
Or what simply isn't,

I hate seeing her face,
So sad under those shades;
Take me home,
She seems to say,
But nobody really talks in dreams.
But nobody really talks.

I died in a dream once.
And I kept on sleeping.
What does it mean, what does it mean?
To me death is one long dreamless sleep,
But I fear the opposite, that it is one sleepless dream.

I see his face now and then.
The face in real life I barely remember.
Under the water.
Calling up.
Save me.
But dreams can't change your world.
Tragically they can only make you believe.

My moms there waiting for me.
Though her alone I am too scared to see.
Even my subconcious knows not to tease me,
Knows the scars and the pain,
And how it would bleed me and end me
And I curse them from keeping me,
I hate dreams.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Cat Cash
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Cat Cash
If I died today
Would anyone miss me?

If I died today
Would anyone cry?

If I died today
Would anyone say nice things about me?

If I died today
Would you have known I loved you?
She looked at me,
Very afraid,
and asked,
why sir,
are you even awake.
I grinned voraciously,
Dipping down under,
My conscious mind,
now being taken over,
Oh I am dangerous,
And my fair lady,
Watch your self closely,
Do not be too daring,
For if you make me want you,
If you keep looking at me,
I will take you and make your body
baring, all its pink little secrets,
and I'll swallow up,
Even your shallow regrets.
Loneliness is a common illness.
Yet I reside in it selfishly,
The White walls are all Black,
My mind fades oft to the back.

You made the attempt,
And I made the refuse,
Self-destruction my only attribute.
Pain my only friend.

I see death and hear it too,
It calls out to me in the form of the blues.
I am reaping what I have sown,
Soon, my soul will embark on its final toll.

Love is absent,
Cold is present,
I wish I could feel,
But feelings are for childlike yesterday’s.

I was a happy boy once,
But age is just a number,
At 16 I am older than most,
My face a grave testament, to the graves of friends sentiment.

I am sick with an illness,
One for me not to be cured.
I wish I believed in fate,
It would be much easier then.

Yet there is no one to blame,
Or hide behind,
Only my shadow to reside beside,
Only your memory to taunt my mind.

I have made many mistakes,
And will make many more,
One day in fact I think I’ll be poor,
But the greatest by far,
Was to leave you barred,
To leave you stranded in the backseat of that car.

The wind is calling me now,
It talks to me somehow,
Sayin’ “You won’t be much longer now, won’t be left alone to frown.”
I answer, “Come back when I am dead,”
It echoes, “Won’t be much longer now.”

The tears are empty,
So is the pitcher.
How can I be with ya?
Never, never, never.

I have trouble sleeping,
Harder still to make sense,
Because my dreams are haunting
To this day the leave men incensed.

I am going crazy,
Slowly but surely.
Soon you’ll see me on your door.
Wanting to get our favorite smores.

Silence, now, silent void.
The wind is no longer whispering.
The walls no longer menacing.
Only me, without.
My mind not even speaking,
Not daring to break what is happening.

The windows open without noise,
Outside I can see my future,
Lit in a light other than the moon.
What I see… makes me hope I die soon.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Andy Cave
I was at the top of the world
the highest of highs
but with one simple message
you said your goodbyes
so now I'm shaken
hurt down to the core
fall down onto my knees
and slam my fists on the floor
because I know that
you love your ex so much more
than you could ever love me that's for sure
yes I gave you my heart
knowing you would keep it safe
but I was wrong you broke it
like an empty *** vase
so now the tears fall down like
I got sprayed with some mace
and now my heart is going
crazy in such a frantic race
no I never thought a person
could feel the way I do
heart is broken
but still in love with you
I just want so bad
for us to begin again
but I'm afraid that it won't
I'm afraid this is the end.
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
I tried to run away
But despite my best efforts
I couldn't avoid the truth
That in life, and in love
All of my paths, lead to you
 Aug 2013 Sonia T
Darren Brown
All those years
I was looking for God.
"His words are in this book."
They would say.
"He can be found
above us, in Heaven."
It seemed so absurd
so preposterous.

Onward, looking, looking, looking
scouring this world
for a sign.

Until one day
while riding on the city bus
watching snow flakes fall
a warmth grew within
the very marrow of my soul.

As my thoughts dissolved
like the snowflakes on the window
I began to laugh.

All these years
searching outside my Self
when all I had to do
was look within.
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