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I** Have Been Thinking,
Lately, I Just Think Of You,
Lately I Have Thought,
I Have Thought Of Only You,
Have You Been Thinking Of Me?
Me? Smitten?! Who Told You?;)
Crickets Chirp At Dusk,
Reminding Me It Is Time,
To Climb Into Bed,
And To Shut My Weary Eyes,
To Dream Of You Once Again
Not That I Really Want To Anymore ):
When two hearts are meant for each other,
No matter how long it takes to wait,
No matter how far they have to go,
No matter how tough every situation gets,
Time will bring them together...
To share a life called FOREVER.
Several years have passed
Thinking I'll get used to this-
Living without you;
But that idea was foolish
'Coz I'm still missing you;
I realized that I'm still longing,
Even craving for a father's love and care.
Whenever I go to malls and parks,
I envy those girls-
Especially those who are at my age,
Who are having a good time with their dad.
I envy those sweet smiles,
Those laughters.
I remember my days of yore
Those times during my childhood-
We'll go to malls,
Carrying me in your arms
When I feel so stubborn to walk,
We'll have so much fun
Together with mama and my little brother.
I used to be your little girl,
Doing everything to make me happy;
Treating me as your little princess
In our little castle
Where you are the king
And mama is your queen.
I missed those times-
Those moments when we are one happy family
Filled with so much love for each other.
Here I am,
Just reminiscing those days-
How perfect our life was;
Recalling everything
'Til my tears come rushing down my cheeks
Knowing that we could no longer be like that again,
Knowing that having you back
Will only happen in my dreams.
Despite of the hurt and pain you made me feel
When you left us,
I forgive you,
I left no hatred or anger in my heart to you
Because I still do love you, Papa
And I'm really longing for your love.
Without You,
A part of me
Would always be missing.
10-word. (:
Now I'm feeling happy
As I can be
Feeling merry
And free.
But later,
In just a snap of a finger
I could feel some anger
Or feel like I'm a loner.
Yeah, I know,
I'm moody -
Feelings easily come and go -  
Making me look and act silly.
I have been through tough days and years,
Faced my greatest worries and fears,
But I have learned to smile after shedding pails of tears.

I had been broken,
But I told myself that no matter what happen
I'll manage to build myself up again.

I'll do everything with all my might,
Make sure I'll stay strong and live upright,
So that in the end, I be the one who will win this fight!
If things - persons - are meant to be
No matter how many days, months or even years would pass,
One day you'll see,
It - they - will be together at last!
When raindrops become teardrops
And you think no one is there
Always remember God is there
He forever loves you, always kind and gentle
Whenever you feel lonely
And sit alone in the corner and cry
Remember God is there
He is always loving
When you feel like you can't take Life
Anymore and things become tough
Lean on God
When depression fills the air
And you feel like weeping
Rejoice because you have a Friend
That sticks closer than a brother
His name is God
And He loves you
Never forget that
So let darkness turn to Light
And banish all the gloom
Wipe away your tears, and stay strong
Let the sunshine fill your room
Let your tears become happy ones
Let darkness turn to light
Rid yourself of depression
And let these thoughts comfort you at night
Whenever you are alone
Remember it God Who cares
And whenever you begin to feel sad
Remember He is there
When you feel sad
While your walking home
Just remember what I've said
And you won't feel alone
I hope this turns your sadness into sunshine
And turns darkness into light
So remember He is always there
And He cares about day after day and night after night!

For anyone who needs happiness and comfort!!! :)
Hope my words help some!!! :) But more importantly, remember He is always there!!!
:) :) ~~~<3
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