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248 · Jan 2015
Feelings IV
Something Simple Jan 2015
It's never made sense how things change
Sudden as a storm or slow as years
This time there's no one to really turn to.
There never really was and who's fault is that?
Fragile like proceiln, fragile like skin.
We're only human and that's not enough to grow on.
How quickly happy turns to sad,
To longing and to tears for something that's not missing
But definatly lost along the way.
Throat, eyes, skull and heart.

*How can I change what I feel if I don't even know?
241 · Oct 2014
Personal Playlist
Something Simple Oct 2014
Out on my own
A place in this world

No hurry
Something more
At the end of the day

This time
Ways to go
Rabbit heart (Raise it up)

Still sane
A few small bruises
I'm not done
240 · Apr 2015
Bad Night To Be Alone
Something Simple Apr 2015
I wonder what my purpose is sometimes,
the things I used to do no longer
bring the same amount of enjoyment.
Perhaps there is no reason I am here at all.
Who knows?
239 · Sep 2014
Meetings In A Forest
Something Simple Sep 2014
We are brightness aren't we?
Rings of the yellow glow across our pelts whenever we touch
So let us overlap again, my head and your heart
Keep this warmness with us please
No wish to return to the cold dark of our lonely places
Just share this gold with me and carry it on your crown
When we must part
238 · Jan 2019
Something Simple Jan 2019
They lay in the shade together
Side by side
Small bodies nestled where the bamboo grows wide
"Do you ever wonder," the leader inquires.
"What it would be like to grow?"
The three share glances,
each one wondering.
"I've had this body for three hundred years."
The oldest replies, "It's a blessing and a curse."
The youngest tilts her feathered head,
glowing like a jewel.
"My ancestors sunk ships - I'm named after them.
Sometimes I wonder what they'd think of me."
The leader rubs her freckled face and sighs.
"All that I am is because of this body. I wonder..."
The oldest was an assassin, the youngest a ship-sinker,
They all followed the leader.
A vampire, a seamonster and a mob boss all sat in the shadows,
under a tree
And they wonder
What growing might be like.
234 · Apr 2015
Something Simple Apr 2015
Divulge thoughts
Spill words
Weave melodies
Create life with a brush and ink
But so much more, not alone anymore

Now in the silence
Darkness behind glass
Unsolved math
Pencil crumbles
Eraser flakes
Seperate from the other beings

Long to reach distances
Few words with a friend
Conformation of matter
On another's thoughts
Don't disturb

And I'm alone
231 · Sep 2014
Something Simple Sep 2014
Well I have hope in a road
And I stared often out these doors
Walked through those thirsting there
So you threw sand to me

In talks often he is here,
He turns your earth into gold
And though you start to break through
How long standing forgotten?

Cause you dance, you yearn
You yearn to grow
You, you

You shout to know
You shout through
Turn to old
228 · Oct 2014
Late Nights
Something Simple Oct 2014
I think we never left our homes
Dreaming with stuffy noses and sore heads
But far from done in the day

Pressure building around eye sockets
Take another breath and get some rest
Too many are sick at heart

Journey's too long to take
So we follow each other down to home
And rest our heads sunday afternoon

So we know we never left
Never will
Until the sun fades
228 · Aug 2014
Are you Here?
Something Simple Aug 2014
I don't want it
Where the hell have you gone?
This is freedom, no one at all to care for
No one to care for you

I don't want freedom
Not if you'll be gone
The ground would be better
With you not here

I don't want this freedom
*Come back to me
227 · Jan 2015
Something Simple Jan 2015
I'm the type of person that has to stop and think
And press my multicolored hopes and dreams
Against my head in the palms of my hands.

Think before I act and speak before I think
Consider and weigh their souls evenly
Before I decide at all.
225 · Jan 2015
Something Simple Jan 2015
I had a crow on my shoulder
And my beauty came with a price
222 · Oct 2014
Heart & Heat
Something Simple Oct 2014
There was something
A boiling burning ash that kept me from you
Oil black and binding poured through my throat
I choked on the words of my lips
And so let you go, spiraling away
Oblivion always awaited you
In the blinding redness there was no one to save
You will never again know the twisted passages
Of the central part of something, that is farthest from the outside
Others hold so dear
221 · Jan 2019
Something Simple Jan 2019
"I exist." He tells the mountains,
and the mountains tell him nothing.

"I'm alive." He tells the seas,
but the seas are silent.

"I am here." He tells the air,
but the air does not hear.

"I matter." He tells himself,
yet, he does not know.
213 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
Is it too much to just this once
sit down and shut the world out?
Forget about the surround sound
Listen to words sung in a thousand voices
Let the lyrics spin?
Weave a story with a friend
and just sit and rest.
212 · Nov 2014
The God's Jobs
Something Simple Nov 2014
Left feet takes the spilled crushed fell ashes from the spiral village buildings  
He knew how to know the day.
Just words, remember love inside eyes.
You'll silence that little life-like worth from the time of long end
Where wings became heads and ran

Quiet small points way away from nightmare
Dark days remind the big trying new earth to listen to deep free heart
Maybe gone breath took the old hidden broken things
Precious for a better line, wanting simple patterns
Late work make easy place
207 · Sep 2014
My Reach Love
Something Simple Sep 2014
If I could reach you and hold you
I would never drop you like they have
Nothing so fragile should be abandoned without care

Like a bird's nest cupped between two plams
Or a sliver of stained glass
I'll keep you safe from harm and smooth out your sharp edges
But only if you want me to

I've been through this too
The one that gets thrown away when the day ends
I'll be the last one to treat you that way
You deserve more than I have to offer
204 · Feb 2015
Something Simple Feb 2015
Tell me what to ask
What to do now
Where I should go
Or if I should stay

Tell me what I can change
What I can not
How to tell the difference
And how to let someone go
200 · Nov 2014
Feelings III
Something Simple Nov 2014
I have no words to say to this world now
So much to get down and not enough to say
It wasn't always this way
199 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
I think you don't know what you've been making
A creature of resentment and the solid beleif
I am never good enough
For you or anyone else
196 · Oct 2014
Two Souls
Something Simple Oct 2014
I could be the wings that shelter you
Though an angel I may not be
Nor am I demon for my soul is only gray

This stone's face you see is only what I show
Frozen volcano beneath the dark of snow
Get close enough to feel the warmth but watch for the glow

For now I'll be your shelter
But tomorrow I'll be a storm
Come close if the heat is something that frightens not
Something cares still in this hollow heart
195 · Dec 2014
A Plea
Something Simple Dec 2014
I'll miss you.
Two halves weren't meant to part,
but I must wait here until time heals
over all our old wounds.

I need you.
But maybe I've been thinking,
you might not need me
as much as I do you.

I think the world's not the same.
Please come home safe,
or at least just be safe.
I love you but how can I say it?
190 · Oct 2014
The Start
Something Simple Oct 2014
You didn't tell me,
Never said it would be easier your way
I knew I had to find it apart
Tell me you know me,
But not that you needed to
I never knew it would be this hard
You didn't tell me that either
I found it myself
188 · Oct 2014
Her Reasons
Something Simple Oct 2014
A smile is all she gives, it matters not to her
But life is full of promise and darkness
Never one with out the other and the web reaches all
Why one reason for living? Why not all?
So she takes all that her forms provide
Sight, flight, touch and sense
Intangible and changeable
Solid and fixed, fast and slow
Why settle when there's so much more?
Speech isn't needed to listen
Eyes aren't needed to see
And so she goes without
186 · Jan 2015
Something Simple Jan 2015
I have been everything
And yet,
I've never quite been myself
182 · Feb 2019
Something Simple Feb 2019
Keep me down
And keep me sane
Say I'll never rise again
I keep coming like the tide
Like the embers
I rise and rise
177 · May 2020
Green Sea
Something Simple May 2020
A wave of water chestnuts,
A sea of moving green
Gentle ripples,
This is a different kind
Of ocean
There are no boats
For these waters

Sunrise paints
The world,
Pale green and dusty
These are the soft hours
Mists rising
From grasslands
Gentle meadows

It smells like
Grass clippings,
Bright and green
And growing
These are the sunrises
Near the sea glass
170 · Jan 2019
Something Simple Jan 2019
Tired eyes and tired lies
Gold leaf promises
Holding on for another day
Another moment
Another second
Life gets narrow and the shadows grow old
162 · Apr 2020
The Growing Of Things
Something Simple Apr 2020
Cascade of flowing vines
Mushrooms pushing through soft logs
The movement half glimpsed,
From the corner of your eyes
Cicadas buzz and hum softly then loudly
Lichen grows on damp rocks

They say that moss only grows
On the left sides of trees - or was it the right?
Pillow soft and dew beaded
Nature's cushion
Nature's stage for a round fairy ring
Secluded den

A centaur moves beneath the trees,
Dappled skin glowing
In yellow green light
Dainty steps
And the growing of things
156 · Feb 2015
Something Simple Feb 2015
All these poems are filled with what I might become
Every word, every question speaks from my own heart
Shall I be broken and bitter in time?
Will I never be able to rewind and find where I went wrong?
The future's coming on strong
And Lighting don't strike like it used to.
Am I washed out at 17?
Will I become who I was ment to be?
Or will I simply fade with the tide?
128 · Oct 2018
Something Simple Oct 2018
I exist.
You repeat it ten times a day
I exist.
Whisper it to your self
On rainy days and quiet nights.
I exist.
You say as you scroll through another's life
I am here. I exist.
A quiet affirmation.
Sometimes it works.
Sometimes it doesn't.
I exist.
It is enough.
126 · May 2020
I Am The Night
Something Simple May 2020
I am the night,
The darkness so deep
The azure abyss in which gold sleeps
Primordial - eternal
As old as the universe -
Older even than light

Borne of chaos
Tumultuous and free
A glorious happening
Truly a song so high and sweet
There are very many borne of me
Legacies alive in the dark

But there are still rules to be
I have told you over again, and again still
Written in the flights of birds
And twisting entrails
The absence of a heart
Disregard me
And your grave will come
121 · May 2020
No Love
Something Simple May 2020
Heartache doesn't **** you -
No matter what they say
And love? It just grows bitter anyway
You can't eat it, you can't drink it
It won't keep a roof above your head
What use have I for it?

My parents lost it long ago
A bitter memory in the snow
My sister found too much
My brother is of ****** ballads -
A strange and terrible love
No one survives it

We are as much Ice as Plague
And the Wind that drives the blinding snow
Demons and ghosts and pale forgotten things
Each bloodied and broken
Love ruins us all I'll have no part in it
116 · Mar 2019
Something Simple Mar 2019
Over and over again
A refrain, a refrain
Still we are again
Here once more
Here once more with locked doors
And lights turned down
Pen stained knuckles
And too white paper
Fifteen hours, not enough rest
Wake up at 6am and go to bed at 12am
Here we go again
Here we go my friend
Another year
114 · Mar 2019
A Girl on A Stonewall
Something Simple Mar 2019
Sometimes it's just me -
Standing on the edge of the darkness
A stone wall on the edge of a precipice

I stand there beside the strip of void
and I know
I know there are trees beneath me
and lots and lost of air

And yet-
at night, the whole is black
And dark
And fathomless

And I am alone
Standing on a stone wall
Looking down
Into the void.

Nothing ever stares back
111 · May 2020
Midnight Storm
Something Simple May 2020
The storm comes at midnight,
Nocturnal thunder booming in the skies
The arcs of lighting light the darkest night
Sand becomes glass beneath the nests
A plant's last dance

The air pressure shifts, grows heavy
Intense - like storm clouds
Brewing on the horizon
Swift as a sudden downpour in the Sea
A force of nature unrestrained
The world shakes

An abyss so dark and deep
I cannot sleep - to seek, to dream
Once more, the earth shakes
The world quakes
And I follow the fireflies
Trailing thunder
Once the night grows still
111 · Apr 2020
The Smell Of Wind
Something Simple Apr 2020
A flash of brighter green
In a field of dry grass
Vivid eyes, focused and clear
Reeds sway in the Zephyr Steppes
Borne on strong breezes

Calm face and sturdy footing
Dappled like the sun stained grass
Paper lanterns blow in the clear sky
Whoever said that Tundras couldn't know the wind
Couldn't know the directions it blows in?

Skydancers and Spirals don't
Own the skies after all
And he has always known the wind
The different scents
How the scent of the sea blows in from Water
And the breeze is bitter cold when it comes from Ice
How the smell of white hot metal
Makes the air so hot
108 · May 2020
Murder Ballads
Something Simple May 2020
Some love the cloudless sky,
Not I, not I -
I love the snow storm
The gathering gale that fills -
The air with howling
A thousand voices calling, calling
For the sun that will not come

They say the dark is where the demons hide
Not I, not I -
White is so much worse,
You see - how it blocks out everything?
Can't tell what's up or down
When a white out rolls around

Maybe you'll catch a glimpse of red,
Eerie light glinting
Through the stinging motes
Would you rather freeze or hope?
I sing my song in lantern light,
Follow me and pay no mind -
How my footprints fill with blood
105 · May 2020
Something Simple May 2020
Such bitter sorrows,
Love unrequited, left ignored
Festers like an open sore
Pond's frozen over but the ice is thin
How quick it could be broken
How fast that we could sink

The sun has set, the curtains drawn
Bloodstains left in pure white snow
Our love has left us
Like lungs full of flowers,
It's getting hard to breathe
Hard to think
Just let me sink

The palest pink,
Delicate veins and perfect tracery
Lacework of life
Cold though they become
This love will haunt us still
We are two winter birds
104 · May 2020
Crocodile Tears
Something Simple May 2020
The dead they speak to me,
In dreams full of burning things.
Voices of ash and spark
Glowing in the dark night
Like embers, like fireflies.
Pushing against the midnight sky

I am the future, I am the dream -
I tell men of impossible things,
The future glimpsed but not truly seen.
I am the changes not yet wrought
But sure to come to pass
I know what the unconscious mind knows

My body is built of stars and spark
The night sky stretched taunt across celestial bones
I am an island, for I am no man -
Like a quail into the sea I am
Crocodile's tears have fallen from these eyes
And my tears are burning hot
The making of stars
103 · May 2020
Crooked Smile
Something Simple May 2020
It's a different face but -
Your smile still holds
The same crooked shape.
Jagged teeth in a wicked grin
Bold lines of shadow
Belly barred in warning

I wonder what the sunset says -
With ****** teeth and shining eyes
A prophet speaker that no truth brings
You whisper of impossible things
Like the ghosts that haunt us still

Beneath the slow drifting sands,
Creatures lurk, creatures spin
Beware those on moonlight nights
With crooked grins
And red stained hands
Ask them not for directions
90 · May 2020
Heart Of Forest
Something Simple May 2020
The deep green of an old growth forest
Of climbing vines, reaching branches
Creatures lurking in the bushes
Unseen eyes prying
The soft tread of mysterious feet

This forest is ancient dark, and deep
Ageless, unknowable
You are a trespasser here
Young, small
Like this forest once was

The shift of something behind the leaves,
The dance of a fairy's wings
Dappled sunshine in a patch of woods
Dust motes float as creatures move
Eyes ever watchful
87 · May 2020
This Is The Rust
Something Simple May 2020
Left to rust and rot,
The crimson red begins to fade
Sink, deep into the ground
Let the forest drink
Grow strong and wild
Rage against the dark

Stained glass wings,
Hear the whippoorwill sing
How sharp the teeth?
Who screamed the scream?
Left in the woods somewhere
In the deep, dark woods

How quick does the red tide grow
Whittle the leaves, sever the branches
Light the fires at night
Can you hear the birds singing?
In the blood red wood
83 · May 2020
Note Keeper
Something Simple May 2020
Creamy beige,
Dusty ancient pages
Filled with the marks of ages
The wisdom of sages,
Tales of all the far off places

The smell of an old book,
Titles worth a second or third look
Cozy sunlit nooks
Where the words can sink their hooks

Rolled scrolls line the walls
Telling of heroes and their falls
So many lives have dwelled within these halls
And I've come to know them all
81 · May 2020
Red Fern
Something Simple May 2020
Where does the red fern grow?
Where hearts bleed into the deep, deep earth?
An old dog lying on a new gravestone
Red forest, new growth
Nature's sunscreen

Something dies - so another begins
Layers of life upon death
Decay is the way of all things
Of all things
Wildfires come, burning bright
Burning red in the dead of night
Seedpods open in the blaze

Something dies and the forest feasts
Something becomes a part of something so much bigger
A forest is built on layers of decay
Old growth and new
Life and death, hand in hand
Where does the red fern grow? Where does the red fern grow?
Something Simple May 2020
Old lace and dried flower petals
***** pastels, no longer new
An aged softness
Like a long used blanket -
Worn and familiar

The shade of a fern,
Against the cream of a mushroom
Deep within an ancient forest
Silk flowers on a window sill -
Fading in the sun

Pale pink of a tiny rose
Delicate as sprigs of baby's breath
The smell of mint and sage
And the patina of an age
76 · May 2020
Sandstone Sunset
Something Simple May 2020
Sandstone glimmers in wine-stained light,
The great canyons stretch far and wide
Beautiful in eternity
There are different sizes of infinity
The skies are turning shades of red,
Fading to pink and gold
Turning into night

They say the deserts are vast and wide,
Dunes uncountable, every gain a world
The shattered plain stretch on -
A reminder of what's gone
Dragonhome, pillar strong
The tower of Babel made again

Even now the redstone curves,
Windy paths and twisted nerves
Dawn comes again with shades of red
The circle comes again,
A sentinel stands in waves of sand
76 · May 2020
Something Simple May 2020
There's a small boat on a big ocean
Emerald seas and faded pink sails
Where have you gone? Why have you failed?
Who tells the tales of the travels failed?
The bleached bones on decks
Albatrosses hung around necks

There's a certain bravery in beginning
They once believed Sornieth was flat,
The Thousand Seas falling of the edge of a void
But we still set sail,
Aiming for a shore we might never see

Here's to the mapmakers, the explores
The pirates that braved the seas
Here's to the navigators
The Windsinger's domain
And all the others
75 · Apr 2020
Life In A Swamp
Something Simple Apr 2020
Life grows in a swamp
The croak of frogs and the chirp of crickets
The sway of cattails in the breeze
The bend of soft, sweet, grass
Mossy puddle
Rich with life

Sweet smell of rot, of plant decay
The buzz of insects,
Zip of dragonflies hunting for a meal
Lily pads float lazily
While a heron stalks its prey

Tadpoles wiggle in the mire
Sunlight warms the green water
There's something about the life of a swamp,
The deep mud,
And deeper waters
73 · Apr 2020
Still Waters
Something Simple Apr 2020
Still waters run deep
Has always been the saying,
And rolling stones gather no moss
But here the still waters are shallow
And the stones are thick with moss - even though they roll
Every part is touched by light
And warmth

Glittering light picks highlights off the water
Catches the stir of algae,
As a pike breaks the surface
A turtle on a rock, limbs spread out
Butterflies gather on low branches
Hanging moss

Can you hear the birdsong?
The whir of hummingbird wings
Bees buzz 'round a busy hive
There are dryads nearby
Keeping watch over
The bright little fen
72 · Apr 2020
Dripping Honey
Something Simple Apr 2020
When the sun sets
The golden hour calls
Sun motes to dance
Across the grass,
Flicker in the bamboo shoots

These eyes know
How to spot spider threads
Turned into glorious
Sunlit things
We are drenched in honey

Made of light
We spin in gentle circles
Lined with sweetness
Soft hum of cicadas
This is the most
Beautiful time of all
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