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Oct 2019 · 151
corazon Oct 2019
Standing tall at the edge
Of the coast’s corroding groin,
You radiate.

Your amber hair entangled with
The whispering western wind,
Just as Zephyr carried Venus to shore.

Your ethereal and luminous glow
paused in that moment
of the approaching sunrise.

The light trickling through
The gloomful veil to smile at you
Just as the glimmering goddess.

Your warm brown eyes,
Held by the crest of your smile,
Glancing back at the light.

You radiate your light over the horizon,
Illuminating the new day,
Just as the sun rises in the east.

Just as the Birth of Venus
Sep 2019 · 216
Sunset // Sunrise
corazon Sep 2019
I see your cold blue eyes,
Piercing through your golden cloaked hair,
Glaring at me.

Just as the sun sets in the west,
You rip away all light from my soul,
Absorbed by your black void.
You are the impending night,
That I fear will shut away the
Radiant sun.


I see your warm brown eyes,
Held by the crest of your smile,
Glancing at me.

Just as the sun rises in the east,
You radiate your light over the horizon,
Illuminating the new day.
You are the rising sun,
That I crave to wipe away the
Endless night.
The sun always rises again.
Sep 2019 · 509
corazon Sep 2019
i see the light
just out of reach,
out of touch.

the slow fade
from that life
grows ever more
each day.

there still is
that slow burn
that She yearns for,
that She craves.

Her voice sprouts
in the back of my head,
filled with hate.

Her ever vile laugh
filled with such sin,
such guile.

my mind blocked
by the burn
of Her ire.

i’m sorry,
i failed to stay happy
like you strived to do.

i still trust Her lies,
i still fear the pain,
i still hear that flame.

my serrated anxiety
dictated by Her
warped reality.

She’s still in my head.
why is it the ones who hurt you the most the ones who stay in your thoughts the longest?
Jul 2019 · 220
The Queen of Spades
corazon Jul 2019
A lovely nightshade
Alone with the crowd.
The deadly Queen of Spades,
Gazes with her porcelain shroud.

An ambitious explorer,
Searching for his prized clover,
Stumbles upon an enigmatic aura.
She had finally caught her Joker.

Grace and solitude clash,
Leaving nothing but ambiguity.
Her unrelenting wrath
Against his unrivaled impunity.
Nothing but ambiguity.

Her venomous glare weakens
At his touch, cracking her porcelain shield.
His radiant confidence seething
Through her defenses as she yields.
Nothing but ambiguity.

The Joker had caught his clover.
The Queen’s shroud stripped bare.
Our Joker’s odyssey now over,
Ending within the arms of his new maiden fair.
Nothing but ambiguous love.
Nothing but ambiguous hate.
Apr 2019 · 364
Woman of Rose
corazon Apr 2019
The alluring woman of rose,
Of amber hair and pale white glows.
Insatiable ire, springtime flirt.
Gentle, but provoked is to hurt
And maim, blind to all your woes.

Gleam of chocolate eyes expose
Her strong fabricated repose.
A sense that hides the extrovert,
Woman of rose.

A broken foundation that shows
Under the mask that juxtapose,
She remains radiant, unhurt.
A sense that blinds the introvert,
Filled with dreadful and crafted prose,
Woman of rose.
When you can't get a girl out of your mind, just write a poem! Cause I'm distracted enough.
Apr 2019 · 213
Dark Paradise
corazon Apr 2019
Dark paradise, deceptively
Disguised mischievous ecstasy.
Embracing the everlasting
Smell of resin and burnt plastic.
Leisure enjoyed so splendidly.

Vapor infused serenity
Enhanced by our obscenity.
Mesmerized by our enchanting
Dark paradise.

Intoxicating felony
Of primeval amenity.
Your paranoia exhausting
My false naïve understanding.
Remember our expressively
Dark paradise.
Sometimes i miss my old demons.
corazon Mar 2019
Long, glossed umber hair.
Sharp angled brows defined in the center.
An everlasting smile complimented
By full rose lips
And a blinding smile.
Ashen skin that radiates in the summer sun.
However, it’s her eyes that traps you.
Captivating cesious glances that sparkle in my direction.
Jewels of azure that brighten when
She answers the professor’s questions
with an unrelenting vigor of jubilant passion.
Her infectious personality,
her overwhelming intellect,
emphasizes her beauty perfectly.
That girl from that writing class.
Feb 2019 · 146
Inexorable End
corazon Feb 2019
Nothing good lasts forever.
At least not for me,
Since it’s always by my hand,
That things fall apart.

Everything is
Of my
Why the
Can’t I get back up?

Give me a break,
Let me breathe,
For the love of God
Save me.
Save me, please.
Save me from myself.
corazon Jan 2019
A promise unfulfilled,
A promise unsatisfied.
How do you still plague my mind?
Deceiving me
With once happy memories of all kinds.

But, you are the cancer.
Give me a straight answer,
About your invisible master
Who pulls at you from the shadows.
For you are not her,
Not the woman I once bled for.
The woman I once saw my future with.

You are just a stranger,
A vile stranger who
Knows all my secrets,
And my weaknesses.
When will you finally leave my thoughts? It's 5am and i need sleep.
Dec 2018 · 152
corazon Dec 2018
Artist painting
Erratic strokes
Devil on his shoulder
Guiding the hand
Playful smile
One more stroke
Go faster,
Get that corner,
The artist puts down his brush
Covered in a red ichor.
The devil stares at the artist
Yet the artist stares back
At his devilish companion.

Sorry old friend,
I missed the finishing stroke.
Looks like we’re going to
Try again some other time
Nov 2018 · 170
The Elusive Magnum Opus
corazon Nov 2018
An artist once again inspired,
Ready to create his art.
Sleek metal against a rugged backdrop.
Carefully coordinated strokes caress the canvas,
Yet erratic to the bystander.

An old friend assists the painter.
Carefully guiding his hand.
More strokes here,
More colors there.
With a devilishly playful smile,
And a hopeful stare in his eyes,
As he awaits the artist’s masterpiece.

Finally, the artist finishes his work.
He puts down his instrument,
Covered in red paint,
He admires his newest edition to his gallery,
Yet is met with a disappointed frown.

Sorry old friend,
It seems that
I missed the most important stroke.
Don’t worry old friend,
I still have enough inspiration,
To try again.
Some other time.
Oct 2018 · 215
A Promise
corazon Oct 2018
She doesn’t care about you,
She threw you away.
That doesn’t mean you’re worthless.
Your life doesn’t revolve around her.

Remember your potential,
Your self-worth.
You are amazing,
You are loved,
You deserve better.

Better than her.
She can not steal that from you.

So promise yourself,
Promise to achieve that greatness,
That greatness you’re destined for.
Prove to her
That she’s a fool
For ever betraying your love,
For ever abandoning you.

Achieve your revenge
By being better,
Better than she’ll left you.
Promise you’ll remember always
You are better than this.
Promise that she is not the end,
To your everlasting story.
A little self-motivation.
Oct 2018 · 639
corazon Oct 2018
Please, don’t leave
Please, don’t go.
You can’t forget our song, that soothed our airwaves
Our long drives down the empty highway at midnight.
Choose me, I promise I won’t misbehave.

Please, don’t hurt me
Please, don’t torture me.
Can’t you see what you’re doing to us, to me?
Im drowning, gasping for air
While you sit back, ignoring my every plea.

Please, don’t forgive him
Please, don’t love him.
Your return irritates my nerves.
You don’t love me.
Stop lying with those words.
My first poem i ever wrote.
corazon Oct 2018
My demons will be the end of me,
Yet, they’ve unsuccessfully tried so many times before, endlessly.
Tonight however, an old adversary returns with an archaic fiendish blade
Accompanied by modern capsules of nightshade.
Now, it’s time to begin, shall we?

Darkness envelopes me, silencing my every plea.
The devil in my mind escape through the shadows, finally again free.
Fresh carvings onto my rugged canvas, wine red ichor flowing.
My demons will be the end of me.

I lose focus, light disappears from my soul as I attempt to flee.
I lose consciousness, I beg for comfort but I know there is no guarantee.
I lose sensation, death’s finality encroaching, I've never been so afraid.
Yet, I fear nothing as I begin to feel bliss drifting off into the dead sea.
My demons will be the end of me.

— The End —