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Softly spoken Oct 2009
Ones train of thought is lost in the current
To regain it i would need some reassurance
Heart has stopped for a minute which seems like a life time
Looking around because i think i have lost my mind
Legs shaky, body seems to become weak
Soul is on fire, Do you feel the heat?
Head spinning as if i had drunk a whole bottle of gin
Feet planted to the ground no way to move
No way to talk my voice i begin to loose
Everything seems to get blurry to my eyes
Whatever emotions i had on the ground it lies
The question is how this all begin
A woman i called a friend
Invited me over for a glass of wine
For conversation and a good time
In the process of me leaving to head home
There was  pause at the door as our minds was stuck to roam
So to build up my courage i whispered a goodnight
An thank you, i had fun and to do it again would be right
She gave me a hug and caressed me slow
Something kept telling me to get out that door
She moved toward me my lips to her lips
Don't get me wrong i wanted it
Like a coroner she pronounced me dead at the scene
When asked the cause of death she replied it was me
Lock her up the police screamed strong and  steady
And book her for carrying a kiss so deadly
Softly spoken Oct 2011
Im successful head on my shoulders straight
I have my full portion love family job and money on my plate
Im the type to smile every time you see me
But i keep running into angry birds on the street
Im happy can have any girl i want
Im flawless what you see is what you get no need to stunt
I can be whateva a ***** need and i guess they see
And thats y you angry birds keep pecking at me
Gossiping throwing dirt on my name
Saying im not **** added by wanna be truths yall claim
Snatching my nerves one by one
Boiling my blood some one give me a gun
Im bout to go on a hunt for these angry *** birds
Naw not the game im not throwing you ******* at pigs
I dont need you hoes to get to the next level ***** please
But im about to toss you hoes straight rag you in the streets
Im feeling bad for you birds so every now and then i throw yall bread
And in return you hoes ******* on my head
**** these angry birds
Tryna hatch hate on my life
Jealous cuz im a dove and they pigeons thats not right
For all my successful ladies who is a go getta for hers
When these ******* try to dog you, and pull you down just say i feel bad for these angry birds

Softly spoken Apr 2010
The sun is down in bed we lay
I was supposed to go home but it got to late
Watching a movie with her head on my shoulder
I love the texture of your skin is what i told her
Periodically in each others eyes we would stare
No ****** activity but of course it was there
Slowly i begin to kiss her lips
The touch of a woman's lips i missed
With my hand her body i begin to travel
And from her ******* to her bra i begin to unravel
My lips begin to make way to her neck
Now with one hand i caress her breast
From her neck,to her breast,from her breast to her navel
And I'm so close to the perfect label
My tongue slowly trace further down
A real wet ***** is what i found
As juice flow i accept each one
If i had it my way i would feast to the rising of the sun
My tongue vibrating on her ****
Moans escape her and I'm loving that ****
Her body is moving and my hair she grabs
Pulling it as if  she was in a fight and was mad
Snatching my head from left to right
I surprise her as her ***** and my **** begin to fight
Slowing down i can feel her release
Once,twice,and it is all for me
But i did not stop on her body i still move
her hands caressing my back keeps me in the mood
At this moment nothing in this world exist
Problems and frustrations when i made her *** she dismissed
In my head she is already mine
We made love during bedtime
copy written
Softly spoken Aug 2012
Can I get a break from my mistakes?
Those always seem to determine my fate
Because I realized the love I had for you to late
Awakened every night with a sweaty face and deep shakes
Please baptize me from my sin
That has dug deep within my skin
Never to let me breathe a clean breath again
Because what I know now I didn’t know then
The mistakes of my past seem to haunt my ***
As I try to get a grasp on knowing I let go the best for the last
Now I’m lonely stuck on my past
Praying that I could go back
Can I get a break a clear sky?
Even a bright night
A sunny day
A walk in the park oh how I remember those days
Like the time you held me and told me to cry
That you were right there to dry my eyes
And you never lied
Can’t say the same about my self
Now I’m haunted by my own questioning…. WHY
I just need one break one time to apologize
For my lies those tears I put in your eyes
Followed by those lonely night
Give me a chance to prove myself to you
And if not help me have a break through
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Broken promises, thoughts, and dreams
What u thought or wanted i cant seem to be
Broken words fall from your lips
And **** how quickly you forget
Forget that you cursed me hell called me everything in the book
Your words,your disrespect,because your my parent i have overlooked

I am..........Broken
From my heart love for my parents, you my parents have stolen
along time ago may i add
Oh you cant figure well then do the math
You have crumbled me every time i tried to please
or even put ya mind to ease drama i squeezed to seize
But... you still say who i am is not good enough
you eat my dreams,and fantasy's for lunch
    So why should i care?.....
Why should i want u to be there
See i try to understand your method of life
And have grown to learn that it isn't right
You say your dreams for me i have stolen
Well who cares that the love i had for u my parents in my heart is broken
Softly spoken Apr 2012
Can I give you what you have been missing
Long walks in the park intelligent convo's and real love making
Can I show you the unseen
Our love , my soul and how together our hearts beat
Can I be what you deserve
Ya girl ya wife the one to shelter you from hurt
Can I
Can I make love to you as the sunrise
Be your napkin when tears fall from your eyes
The protection you need when your love is in danger
Your favirote food song clothing line rapper and singer
Can I cusp ya soul right next to mine
Put love on ya plate
And for dessert forever I will be ya soulmate
Can I fix what has been broken
Put back a love in you that was stolen
Make you smile even when your sleep
Supply you with all your wants thoughts dreams and fantasies
These things for me to do I would be oblidged
But before I start I must ask can I
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Why live a life that is not worth living
I carry a cross that is not worth bearing
the knives in me go in so deep
voices screaming in my ears while i sleep

I cant take it no more all of this chaos and pain
feeling like life is nothing im going insane
i pray that god take this pain from me
where is the light only darkness i see

leave me alone i have nothing for you
why all of the abuse what did i do
my heart cant take none of this
i sometimes wish you presence i could dismiss

this is my feeling of chaos and pain
these are the feelings that drive me insane
these are the feelings i need to leave
Here lies the things that makes my heart bleed
Softly spoken Apr 2010
When i was younger i was sweet and so shy
Igrew older moved around now living a messed up life
I sit back with a heart as cold as snow
I bet id you looked in my eyes you still wont know
See at home it is Hard for me
All night i got to hear Chris get that and do this please
But your pleases are not pleasurable from what i see
At age fifthteen and i already want to leave
Im supposed to love to be home with my family
Instead I'd rather leave cant u see
got to hear my dad call my moms a *****
But when i was younger it was a struggle ***** u didn't do ****
I try to leave the situation alone and my mind still goes
And on this paper as you read it's my heart that flows
Go to school for what my family don't give a ****
So ill drop out leave your **** and do what i can
I had dreams of finishing school and going to college
I am smart a heart of love and brain full of knowledge
When i start to do something good something brings me down
Can u imagine how many times i have seen the ground
I feel like I'm too young to go through so much stress
A child shouldn't be introduced to so much mess
So i ask who will free the little kid in me
Who only wants to do the right thing and just be free
Again i ask who will free the Lil kid in me
Who will listen to my problems and let me breath
Who will bring me happiness and love i can see
someone please tell me who will free the kid in me
Softly spoken Apr 2010
I remember a long time ago i was a little girl
You and mommy i looked up to yall was my world
The things you did back then i didn't understand
But im older i get it now im here to be a helping hand
You promised me you would give it up and you did
I loved you for that i looked up to you as a kid
Daddy why go so many steps back when you came so far
you overcome so much you almost conquered it all
Daddy why would you let drugs get ya joy
this is not no game they are not a toy
Daddy why give it all up so far in the game
I look in your eyes nothing is the same
your too strong to let this get u down
Since i found out i just pray so you will come around
you got through it once i know you can do it again
I know how you feel but daddy this not the end
I'm sorry for not being the son u wanted to have
But i know some parts of our lives together i made you glad
I want to blame myself but i just cant
You taught me weakness never win over a man
Daddy Why are you doing this to yourself
You never hurt you if necessary you hurt some one else
Daddy why you still have Adrianna to raise
Please just take it day by day
Daddy why would you let those that mocked you be right
Promise me this battle of life you will fight
I am here for you no matter what
I wont let you see my pain i will be tough
You make me wanna fight and at times cry
I love you no matter what but i just want to know
                   DADDY WHY?
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I got this great sensation.
With a broad imagination
And I love to think
Where other brains are weak
So educate me
Teach me that one plus one in ya bedroom
Means later on a wife and groom
That if I don't pull out and stay in
9months from now we got a baby coming
We all need education
No don't put me no class room I want hands on
I want to touch feel and embrace the sun
And yes I know its hot
But so was you and look what I got
I'm getting educated
Now that I know about the birds and the bees
I got a lil knowledge on astrolegy
Can we go on please
Without this thing called education the brain is dead
She brought me to life the first time I got in her bed
She educated me taught me things I never knew
Like you can have sharp pains in ya heart from what someone else might do
That you can be heart broken yea she taught that to me
She also demonstrated that one time she left me
Although sad for her to go I'm glad she taught me about *******
Or else I would be in a world of shyt
Sexually fustrated holding all these nuts in
Man **** education half of the shyt we don't use
And knowing one plus one don't stop ya heart from getting bruised
I hate education of life I should of stayed in public schools
Instead of coming out to the real world and takin off my sschool shoes
I don't want to learn
That falling in love sometimes can burn
**** you education
I'm gonna make a collabaration of the two
The real world / school education and sell it to ya kids in school
So they won't be fooled
When someone comes and try to educate them
And still I have a great sensation with a broad imagination
I got my books pen and paper early preperation
For this shyt called education
Softly spoken Jul 2010
‎​Forever a word with no meaning but mean the world forever I love yhu but today yhu r my girl forever wat a word that falls from I lips with meaning of endless life but we will never see iht so forever is a **** lie
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Take my hand and lightly caress
Starting off with a massage to remove stress
Kisses i plant on ya shoulder to ya arm
A trace of kisses go to your breast as a charm
My fingertips slightly run across ya back
And a short stop goes to your ***
My tongue glides from the outside of your thighs to the in
As your hips my hand barely grip
Taking your feet in the palm of my hand and i begin to kiss
You feel a tingling sensation but refuse to flinch
As i rise up to meet you eye to eye
My tongue stops again in your inner thighs
Gladly you open your legs wide to feel me close
But it is not time so i say no
Wanting to touch yourself unable to handle this tease
I lightly run my tongue across your **** to put you to ease
I make my way back up and we kiss freely
rubbing me slow your body has an uncontrollable  tingle you need me
kisses on your neck become such a easy target for my tongue
So that is where i began to rest upon
My finger runs in you slow
As i make your juices flow
So wet it runs down my hand
And in your ear i whisper a baby ****
You tell me don't stop please keep going
Followed with i love how you got my juices flowing
copy written
Softly spoken Apr 2010
No I'm not the best person in the world
I wasn't born with a golden spoon
But god loves me too
No i don't sit behind no pulpit and scream god all day
Or walk up the street like i just worship and pray
But god loves me too
No I'm not saved at least not yet
but god loves me and that i bet
He loves me as much as he loves you
From the top of my head to my feet too
God loves me
Yes i curse every now and then
I fall short to peer pressure with my friends
But god loves me too
Yes i drink and talk about god
but that is because he is working on my life
Yes i smoke my cigarettes and drink my beer
And there are times that i don't care
Other times i act a fool
But god loves me too
Softly spoken Oct 2009

Softly spoken Apr 2012
i have become the disruption of dreams,the scare heard and never seen,the heartbreaker of all times,the 1 ppl wish to erasefrom there lives and mine,i have become the unsuccessful tragedy of life, the one yhu love and hate at night,i am the rock never to be broken,the door that wont open,the lock that wont let the key in,no one is who i want to befriend,i am the completion of things ppl dont understand,the reason straight woman are leaving there man,the optimistic **** up god created,so do me a favor shhot me but please make sure i am sedated...........
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Heart pounds with fire
that simply desires
To win
Hands hold steady to the target
That i have strategically put a marking
To win
Feet are planted Firmly in to the concrete
And boldly i stand in the street
Knowing i will win
I will win
You see i have gotten this thing all planned out
i have searched,focused,and mapped it out
I will win
fight to the death they say
as your soul is what the winnings will be
and i do
strength comes to me when i think of your smile and i fight harder
swinging and giving punch lines that will be quoted for tomorrow
taking my time with this battle of love im trying to win
And im not stopping because of course i am determine
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I had a dream that one day gays and straights
Could live on this earth without thinking of disgrace
I had a dream
That I walked in a church without being judged
But was welcomed in with love and hugs
I had a dream
Yes I had a dream that gender didn't matter
And loving was okay..........
No matter what way
I had a dream
That we was equal as one
So that I don't have to be ashamed about what I've done
That the battle of gay rights no longer exist
And that me kissing my girl was beautiful in your eyes instead of sick
Just as martin luther king dreamed so do I
Because I am tired of the lies
I am sick of the hidden truth
god said love and that is what I do
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I have had it all big little tall small I mean **** I have had them all
But I must have not checked the menu I must wasn’t looking hard
Cause **** oh **** I didn’t know that you was on the call
I didn’t know if I stead fast held out and waited a bit
That I would get you for dessert I lick my lips
Knowing that you r my meal my dessert and appetizer too
I would have never ate anything if I knew I could have had you
Now in real terms no side bars
I’m trying to figure out how I got out my war
How I seem to have danced my way to you
How some one so young can make grey skies blue
I don’t seem to understand how our connection have become
Not even how I’m begging you to be my number one
Two three and four my one and only other ******* get locked doors
You r phenomenal one of a kind
A majestic thing that has been in my mind
You r what people fantasize for and never to come true
My girl my heart my love my boo
I laugh at your past and daze in your future
knowing that the sickness of lack of love I can cure ya
I await the day to show you that even small dreams come true
Because wanting faithfulness love honesty and respect should have been giving to you
And that’s along time ago may I add
I swear girl I love you you’re the best you do the math
My heart …yours entwine…two… a true love that never dies
divided by our haters because we have a few that’s no lie
I speak forever the existence of time the knowledge of knowing that the girl is mine
Is all I need to smile while drinking on wine
Even if all failed in my life I still could chill because I would know the love I share with you is past real
It is the unrealistic knowledge of a love beyond our time made for us
hoping one day besides a friendship love would fill our cup
One thing you heard a lot but I can say is true
Is genuinely realistically knowingly and unchangeably I love you
Softly spoken Oct 2009
When i was born i was born as one
As soon as i came out my mothers womb my journey begun;
Learning that i was born into a world of sin
Thinking to myself growing was easy when i was within;
Now I'm in a world of hurt, pain, destruction by death
Wondering if death at birth would have been best;
Dropping to my knees and to god i cry
Talking to god on a personal note and just asking why;
There is no way you can make it by yourself
With all that's going on in the world your going to need something else;
So i told god " i need a angel"
One that could cover me from all angles
So that i could be protected from hurt, harm, and danger
sometimes your angel can be a stranger;
Life is a test quizzed by the best
One man who is stronger and power fuller than the rest;
I had to learn to just pray
It's only god that can get us through each and every day ;
So when my life turns up side down to tangle
i just look to the sky and say" Lord i need an angel"
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I wish she could see herself from my point of view
And love her body when she looks at it as much as I do
I wish when she looked in the mirror she loved what look back
She is a beautiful woman but confidents she lack
If she doesn't think she weighs to much then she don't like her hair
If she's not complaining about how she moans then it's what she wears
I wish she could see herself from my point of view
Beautiful, ****, talented, loving, sweet, and attractive too
Irresistably captivating, unique, funny, and kind
She is so much more then what she come up with in her mind
To me she is so much more than what she see
But I don't think she really believes me
I love the tone of her voice, her weight,even the paint on her toes
The smell of her breath, her hair, and other places not to be told
The way she laugh how she look at me and even her smile
Although I think she has a weird taste in clothes I love her style
I wonder all the time why can't she what I do
Do she believe me when I say I love you
She's kind hearted,humble,pleasent,and intellectual
Wise, easy going, affectionate,sweet, and joyful
A smile that could light up a dark alley a heart of gold
A walk that gets attention but I don't think she knows
That she is incredible not only in my eyes but others too
I wish I wish she could see herself from my point of view
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I'm starting off agressive because I'm sick of this ****
You seem to have more excuses thn a crack head *****
Either your going to the store or out with your friends
And today for the 7th time you walked the dog again
Quick thought travel to the mouth and released thru the lips
As I watch ya mouth move I know its all bullshyt
No way in hell you been to work all week and your missing 2days pay
**** right I know ya hours, clock-in time, and hourly wage
Why the lies
You continuosly try to pull these wools over my eyes
Oh yea she ya cousin from ya father side
I know its bullshyt I see no resemblence at all
And I saw the look in her eyes when I kissed you as she walked off
Your lies
Has put you in a compromising position with me
Sick of your lies ya stories my once blind eyes now see
Here's wat you do take ya going out with ya friends, dog, and shopping sprees
Don't forget ya missing days paycheck, and cousin who don't like me
And step
One foot in front of the other ***** salute
March out my life cause I'm done with you
Yea I kbow its a rude way to say good bye
But you ****** up the day you thought it would be better to LIE........
Softly spoken Oct 2011
When I told you I loved you that was a bunch of bull shyt
I just know words like that get you the ***** quick
When I ran my fingers thru ya hand and swore I loved ya every strand
Yea sorry but that was me lieng again
See I know my homie just smashed you last week
He gave me heads up that particular spot in ya head makes you weak
When I held ya hand down the street and said. I love to do that
You didn't notice every five seconds I kept looking back
When I told you my phone was getting cut off so we wouldn't talk for a week
I knew yesterday you got paid and ya checks go direct deposit faithfully
It was lies
Sorry to give you this hurtful truth
And yes right about now you feel used
Still now I lie hell to keep it real
I don't know how you feel
But I know I lie
Do I do it on purposely no probably not
But I had a girl to part 1 after I had gave her all I got
It was then I inherrited this gift of tales
You know the on the edge close to the truth but not all the way there
Just lies
Open ya eyes its the new trend
No one tells the truth anymore honesty is the sin
Now go out like I did and spread this disease of lies to ya new lover
I give you the gift of never telling the truth to another
Softly spoken Apr 2010
You see a book and the outside is destroyed to the point of no return
because of the outside you didn't read the inside so nothing you learned
so now you are clueless on something because you misjudged
that's how it is now of days people see the outside so the inside is never loved
Now i ask what do you see when you see me
I'm light skinned long hair good looking and i stay in the streets
But you haven't looked hard enough to search within
Where there is pain,deceit, discomfort and sin
You look at me and say everything is okay
Not knowing the struggle i go through each and everyday
The never filled promises people made
With a heart that has been just stepped on and played
I smile and you say everything is fine
But you never cared to ask what was on my mind
What if i shut down with darkness (What then)?
No love no understanding just lost you would have prayed you looked within
Softly spoken Jul 2010
‎​I'm ya backbone so I will hold ya body strong: I'm ya legs so I will never stir yhu wrong: I am ya heart so watch me beat heavy: I'm ya eyes keep ya vision steady: I'm there to the end even if the end is tomorrow: love yhu hold yhu hide yhu from ya own sorrows: kiss yhu *** yhu bring ya body pain of pleasure: but the love we have a math magician couldn't measure
Softly spoken Jun 2011
I have had it all big little tall small I mean **** I have had them all
But I must have not checked the menu I must wasn’t looking hard
Cause **** oh **** I didn’t know that you was on the call
I didn’t know if I stead fast held out and waited a bit
That I would get you for dessert I lick my lips
Knowing that you r my meal my dessert and appetizer too
I would have never ate anything if I knew I could have had you
Now in real terms no side bars
I’m trying to figure out how I got out my war
How I seem to have danced my way to you
How some one so young can make grey skies blue
I don’t seem to understand how our connection have become
Not even how I’m begging you to be my number one
Two three and four my one and only other ******* get locked doors
You r phenomenal one of a kind
A majestic thing that has been in my mind
You r what people fantasize for and never to come true
My girl my heart my love my boo
I laugh at your past and daze in your future
knowing that the sickness of lack of love I can cure ya
I await the day to show you that even small dreams come true
Because wanting faithfulness love honesty and respect should have been giving to you
And that’s along time ago may I add
I swear Lhana I love you you’re the best you do the math
My heart …yours entwine…two… a true love that never dies
divided by our haters because we have a few that’s no lie
I speak forever the existence of time the knowledge of knowing that the girl is mine
Is all I need to smile while drinking on wine
Even if all failed in my life I still could chill because I would know the love I share with you is past real
It is the unrealistic knowledge of a love beyond our time made for us
hoping one day besides a friendship love would fill our cup
One thing you heard a lot but I can say is true
Is genuinely realistically knowingly and unchangeably I love you
Softly spoken Apr 2010
You put your all into it mind, body, and soul
It is that one thing that can make u whole
It does so much for one inner man
It can be a lonely soul best friend
Some times it falls out the wrong mouth
It meant to go north and ****** up and wen south
It can steal your soul,
That one word that once made u whole
Kills u on the inside everything it stole
Now you scared afraid to love
Blocking yourself from a single hug
So you stop yourself from loving again
Those who want to be more can only be friends
Your guard is up and you refuse to let it down
Now the word love is left like dirt on the ground
You hate it i know you do
And the...
The everybody isn't the same line is always used
But i can reassure you that i am so different
I don't want to give but relieve tension
Im here to be you healing hand
Your soul mate,your listener,and your friend
I don't come to you as a **** or a ****
I come to you as a person with real love
I can see there is a lot your missing
But you cant continue with this distance
You have to just watch and learn
There is a lot of love and attention you yearn
Gentle kisses, lovely hugs
A beautiful ****** and strong nut
Soft hands caressing your boy
You cant get this if you don't trust nobody
A marriage ring as years go by
2 kids and then get them tied
We can be together til death do us part
Now that is love from the heart
this is nothing you already heard
It's love, in my own words
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I have a undieing love for you that is a fact proven
And the strands of love we braided together these years are now groven
I would do anything for you my love runs that deep
But time of a love shared has began to get weak
But in my heart it will always be strong
But a relationship between us again now that would be wrong
Even though sometimes we talk on the phone I get lost in our past memories
Then the pains and sorrows of what we had harshly awakens me
But still I would do anything for you
But your let's try again plea just won't do
Yes baby I love you  from the top of my head to the sole of my feet
And if you want me to keep loving you then you would just let me be
No I cannot pick up where we left off and start off new
Still some words you have said to me makes my face blue
Those arguement and fights.... you not coming home some nights
I cannot do it again baby not in this life
I love you enough to leave you its time to be with someone else
And so what if I fantasize about you at times I do it when I'm by myself
I love you enough to give it all up rather than hold it in
I loved you as my girl and I plan to love you more as a friend
Now don't try to put it all on me like I'm the one to blame
Yes I share part in this dilema but you never knew how to be tammed
Don't try to feed me the I changed lies and this time it will be right
Because even though it might be hard for you to believe I sleep great at night
But don't forget I love you
Love you enought to leave you as you have left me times before
For ya friends ya ******* and when you just wanted to be a *****
I have to much pride to have to set aside what my soul knows is correct
I love you baby I love you to death
But I'm not gonna die from stressful things you do
This is why I need you to respect the fact that I love you enought to leave you
Softly spoken Jul 2010
‎​Some say loving me is wrong: and if iht is true yhu will never be right: look yhu in ya eyes and I love chris pours from ya eye sight: and that love yhu have for me is so bright: I make yhu love me more after we argue and fight: whispering in my ear she will be alright: yhu hear my name and ya legs get light: I keep yhu ****** tight: eat yhu like pie yhu my favirote slice: the love yhu got for me is pure like snow white
Softly spoken Jul 2010
some say loving you is wrong ; its to early . But I know I love you so I'm strong , me loving you is out of control its something that is to big to hold . Trying not to think of you drives me insane forever I will remember you : can you feel my pain . The simple things like hearing your name puts me in a deep love something that can't be explained . This is crazy but your smile amazes me . My life was falling apart , fading , but when you walked in it , my life became less complicating ..  
By chanelle
Softly spoken Apr 2010
You probably wont ever get this poem
Because i cant even get to you over the phone
i want you to know your puerto- rican princess has grew
I'm no longer seven and innocent too
I'm sixteen years old and have grown out my hair
Momma do you hear me i wish you was here
I know i wasn't no angel and i was spoiled is hell
I know i got on your nerves i can tell
momma i miss you and want to see your face
memories of you  i just cant erase
I dream about you all the time
Momma you need to know your always on my mind
I have a girlfriend that i really love
you see momma i told you i grew up
In so many ways she reminds me of you
its the little things she say and do
I think you would like her and really approve
Because if i was you i would approve too
Momma do you hear me i love you so much
I want you to hold me i want to feel your touch
One of these days we will rejoin
Face to face or over the phone

                                                   I love you momma
Softly spoken Apr 2010
As i think about all the times i spent with you
and how you loved me so much like a mother would do
I reminisce on moments we shared
Like when dady was around he really did care
How i was your doctor because you was always sick
These are just some things that i miss
I miss you yelling because you never beat us
And if daddy hit me you would yell and curse
How u taught me things i never knew
Like the importance of staying in school
and with a girl don't be stupid
You would say the right woman would come guided by cupid
I remember any and everything you did for me
Especially when you would hold me while i would sleep
And how you use to sing to me when i was restless
even to when you cleaned all of my messes
your smile would explore all through the room
and when school let out i would come home soon
i want you to know i respect what u had to do
and don't forget i love you
Softly spoken Apr 2010
We met oddly but i don't care
there is a bond that we share
and that bond is life
the one thing that has given us both love, pain ,and strife
but she has come up strong and Im right behind her
she is my future just for the reminder
i like her this i can not lie
i talk to her she makes me laugh ,smile ,and almost cry
my future
oh boy my future, my friend and if she wanted my lover i wouldn't refuse her
she reads this with a smile upon her face in shock
but she knows it is her this poem will be our next talk
she has a smile that makes even day look dull
and i want to put her in my world
im her mystery man at least i think
and she is the one with conversation she get me weak
my future
i will have her however i can whether that is a friend a ear or her man
i want you to know that you r special
and what we have grown to have is so official
so glad that i met u ,glad i stopped to flirt
happy i have someone to release to my hurt
hope i can be as good to you as you r to me
just want my future to know of her what i think
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Her soul is lost,
love she yearn
Her mind is set,
but her soul burns
her journey is short,
but her fight is long
Love she wants,
but pain is her song
she lust for happiness,
but endure hurt
She needs a hand,
but to mine she will turn
She wants the truth ,
but knows only lies
she shows she strong,
and alone she cry's
she loves him yes,
but needs him not
she blames her past,
but admits shes lost
she prays to god,
but sin is easy
I am her brother,
but she doesn't need me

Or rather what she needs i cant give
and the comfort i give she doesn't want
I try to be guidance but she is to blind to see
The path she is traveling is just down stream
Softly spoken Nov 2009
There's so much on my mind my brain is about to explode
No longer having nothing to lean on or keep me whole
I've been disowned by half of my family because of decisions I've made
All the debts I have in life I'm beginning to pay
So many problems begin to bottle up inside
I keep them in 'well' at least I try
Here is a brief of what I'm going through
Sit back relax and read a poem of a fool
I got caught up in a relationship i can hardly handle
My whole life seems to be a scandal
I dropped out of school my biggest mistake
So far away i don't want to go back and that i hate
I've got a little sister who I've hurt so bad
The pain she have for me makes me sad
I'm in love and don't think the person feel the same
Everyday i wake up my life is going to waist
Finally heard from my mother who im eager to see
But the love for a man is more important than me
My father lost faith he is back on drugs
Wanting to erase everything and bring it back like it was
My older sister is doing her own thing
And for everything I just wrote I seem to be the blame
It seem like its small nut you don't understand
All I want is a helping hand
I want to grow up but I'm scared
I cant handle things now what will I do then
There is so much on my mind my brain is about to explode
Even with those that care for me I still feel alone

     i wrote this when i was 16 yrs old
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Walk in my shoes hurt ya feet
Then you know y i do dirt in the street
What i go through in life you cant handle
Like Jesus im in a snow storm walking in sandles
Each and everyday is a struggle
The decision of school or the streets seem to be a juggle
And you think my life is grand
Lets have a tour come on hold my hand
I have no momma ,daddy not around
School i gave up goals lost no where to be found
Now come on walk through my shoes
Although you r smart people still call u a fool
Now tell me what is like to be me
Walking alone in sandles in these cold streets
Walk in my shoes you will hurt your feet
And you will learn why i would do dirt in the streets
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Sometimes when im looking in her eyes
I find myself asking the inner me why
Sometimes when i hold her i question is this real
all the love i have for her do i really feel
When i kiss her i wonder is this love what it seems
I'm telling you the type of happiness i never dreamed
Never dreamed of loving you as much as i do
my whole world revolves around you
When i hold u in my arms going to sleep
I still find u being involved in my dreams
Never dreamed of waking up to the woman i love
Or finding warmth and comfort in one of your hugs
I love you so much i dont know how to act
Wanting you forever and that is a fact
See i never dreamed of settling down so young
But this dream im dreaming can only be dreamed once
So ill keep dreaming a dream I never dreamed
And i wont wake up as long as your with me
Softly spoken Oct 2011
the definiton of a non ******* factor is you
something or someone that doesnt matter and i wont give my energy to
a selfless or worthless human being
who is miserable unhappy and on pity and drama they feed
i dont give a **** about you your feelings or thought
all in my business you seem to care alot
non factor *** *****
save yaself the embarrassment when you see me dont say ****
no snares, conversation, or smart comments
there are alot of things in this world that dont matter
and one of those things are ppl like you non ******* factors
when your name pops up these things come to mind
valueless,cheap,shoddy,useless,ineffective,and not worth time
along with fruitless,unavailing,pointless, oh and good for nothing slim
now since i knw your slow go to a dictionary to define
you are a disaster created by a ****** tragic mistake
something your mother didnt want but having an abortion became a option to late
**** more like dirt under my shoe
aww look at the non ******* factor get mad just look at you
go ahead run ya mouth let ya teeth chatter
who the hell is going to listen to a non ******* factor......
Softly spoken Jun 2012
Everything happens for a reason thats what i believe
And i think i know the reason y yesterday we had to meet
One day some time soon im gonna come and rescue yhu
Take yhu away from any pain yhu ever felt im gonna make ya torn heart brand new
Seeing yhur smile and feeling the touch of ya skin
She is so young but my heart she is about to win
Knowing i didnt want to leave yhu but i had no other choice
The rest of my ride i kept hearing ya voice
If only i could have kissed ya lips and allowed my hand to travel a lil further between ya legs
If i could have only blessed yhu with my tongue while yhu ran ya fingers through my head
One day my lil shawty my ride or die my distant lover that is to far to be mine
One day we will reunite
And im gonna do all the things i should have done the first time.........
Softly spoken Sep 2012
Picture this
A love of pure bliss
waking up in the morning to smiles and a warm kiss
Never having to worry about relationship issues
staying up all night or drying ya eyes with tissues
picture a love found and never lost
an expensive destiny but i paid for it **** the cost
my heart locked in your souls chamber of love
picture a forever with me, can you see it as pure as a dove
could you picture a dream that came true
you loving me and me loving you
imagine never having to argue or disagree
could you picture just picture you loving me
anything you need i would get it with both hands
i could be everything you desire one of your biggest fans
loving you in a way that the bible speaks about
no matter what i say love is what you hear out my mouth
i could love you from head to toe .... and toe to head
you was never pleased until you got in my bed
now that you have pictured it lets make it real
everything i speak of allow me the oppurtunity to make you feel
i will turn some of your greyest sies blue
all because i cherished, admired,adored and loved you
delete ya past its nothing to think about
i have taken over ya mind like spam in your inbox
imm giving you a reason to love something to desire
your heart was freezing cold until i sparked my fire
you dont have to picture anything else i will make ya dreams come true
all you have to do is let me thoroughly love you
let me be you reason to fantasize
help you understand why your alive
you was born into this world as one but your heart beats for two
and mines beat at your beat so our hearts beat for me and you
                                            now can you picture it
Softly spoken Aug 2011
Last night seem to be a bit of a blurr to me
As a matter of fact I have a head-ache and short term memory
Now I know I went to the club had fun and downed a thousand drinks
But I just don't remember how this morning I ended up on this street
I remember a touch so soft and a whisper so sweet
I don't know y my fly is open shirt buttoned backwards and I can't find my keys
I got this smell of a successful take like I got me some lastnight
But my thoughts are all jumbled up , I'm still stumbling and I can't stand up right
Wait I remember a girl but her face isn't clear
So I'll sit under this tree recap last night come on let's go there
I went home with this girl everything about her was on point
Sexc, perfume lit the room and when she walked passed me I felt tingling thru my joints
There was small conversation that led to a uplifting sensation in my paints
She made the first move because betwwen my thighs where her hand
Aggressive kissing excessive gripping and then her front door
Once opened clothes started pealing moans escaped her and we started on the floor
She was on top I know for a fact because her ****'s was just right
As she bounced up and down on me I remember wishing she could do that all night
While kissing her body my finger glides inside
As I took them swimming deep in her ocean ... on the wild side
I was stroking inside of her like I was grinding on a girl in the club
She was yelling screaming moaning and then she creamed ( oh ****)
Turned her around on that ground and started ******* her from the back
She said she felt me in her stomach... but never away did she ******
I gace her unforgettable head I know because that's my signature touch
I opened my mouth wide accepted her and my face she ******
The way my tongue carressed every crevice of her forbidden water
She did every dance ... move to the beat of my tongue that her mother ever taught her
Gripping my hair turned me on even more you could feel my tongue vibrating thru the floor
I knew she would tell me she loved me when I was done for sure
As she came to the peak of her ****** I rammed my face deeper in
Baptised my face in her juices because my tongue just sinned
She was done......
She showed me to the door before I could gather my things
**** last night was off the chain
Well did I get her name.. no that ain't come up yet
What about her number ... it ain't in my call log shyt
I just left her house this morning can I back track where I came from
I turned around looked up the street and sighed cuz I'm still drunk
The only thing I clearly remember is when her legs was up and she had that ****** and yelled
I remember looking at her feet she had
         Pink Toe Nails
Softly spoken Oct 2011
walk away from your computer lay down and make a call

i want you to travel deep into my voice i wont touch you at all

with ya own hand i want you to carress ya face slowly go down to ya breast

rub them squeeze them lick the tip of ya finger and moisten ya ****** yes

glide ya fingers across ya thighs listen to my voice as i take you on this ride

lights off door locked im not in arms reach

but if you close ya eyes my face you will see

i want you in a deep trance

as you explore with your hands

"where i wanna be"

right next to you in the dark, naked between ya sheets

kissing and carressing every inch of your body i want to taste

i go inch by inch i promise to not let a drop go to waste

"wait baby dont let go of the phone"

i know it feels real and right but in reality it is wrong

continue, take that finger you use oh so much and let it play

rub ya **** left to right up and down every which a way

now go inside hit that spot to the left , im ya director baby

switch to the right go deeper in you didnt know ya fingers felt this amazing

you are wet, soaked and yet and still you listen to my voice

begging me to direct you a little bit more

so i explain how my warms lips are ready to explore

my wet tongue adds to the juices you already have flowing

i am eating you slow genuinely feasting on your soup of lust

circular motions on ya **** i know you never felt this and thats y you were about to bust

your fingers have found there way back inside of you for a new journey

now ya body is getting hot, **** *****, amd this nut you want it

chris is going to give it to you

back to being the director i put you in school

my voice guides you to a unforgettable moment

go a lil faster baby on that thing wet ya fingers a lil more

i know you already wet so let ya fingers slide ya ****** to the front door

loose yaself this last time

im ******* ya **** and you are loosing ya mind

ya body gets a chill from ya head to ya toes

you scream chris and i already know

on the phone i read you this *** poetry

now dont instantly stop i say carress it to ease

still i can hear you breathing heavily

you stretch, yawn and say i pushed you to the max

because you never had poetic *******.......
Softly spoken Oct 2009
My legs have there own mind at this point;
From my hips to my knees really every joint;
Gone and i cant even stop;
Even if i wanted to I'm not;
Yes I'm tired, but not because I'm running;
Its the lies, the haters, and those who don't really want nothing;
For i have tried this love thing one to many times;
And in return i have been hurt time after time;
Head straight one foot after the other;
I'm covering my tracks there will not be another;
I refuse to go through the same thing all over again;
you know the one minute they love you and then its lets be friends;
Crazy maybe i am;
Or could it be i met to many who just didn't give a ****;
Fill your head up with so many dreams;
Of a better life, love, kids, school, marriage so many things
And when they got you those dreams begin to fade;
Followed by your tears, there excuse and the I'm sorry but we need to separate;
No looking back for me , NOPE i can say never;
I keep telling myself that and day by day it sounds more clever;
Don't tell me you love me because i don't care;
I guess you can say I'm running scared;
But after you been hurt so many times you no longer trust;
And you learn the difference of love and lust;
I'm passing trees like lightening in the sky;
Running as if some one behind me is trying to take my life;
When i say I'm running scared it is not literally;
I am not in a marathon trying to get to the next street;
My heart is blocked love i now run from;
I'm more protected then a bullet proof vest and you are holding a love gun;
that four letter word in my heart is not there;
Y well because with love I'm running scared
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Erased is everything as we go into the jungle
No cloths are needed our body's together can cuddle
You hear the birds as they sing a love song to set the mood
My inner lion roars as i begin to touch you
You at first want it slow ,OK with me
So as i go inside you i become the jaguar ready to feast
Going slow inside you that is what you want
The bear came out of me and your juices i begin to hunt
Erased is everything as we go into the jungle
No cloths are needed we can just cuddle
I turn you over nice and slow i thought u would like
How the bull came out me and our body's begin to fight
But don't get too excited everything is gentle until
The inner lion in me just couldn't keep still
My inner lion roars and things speed up
No longer making love we begin to ****
The gorilla bust out your chest as well as mine
There is so much grabbing and holding no one took there time
I become the mosquito and **** you dry
You  are satisfied all the animals in us hide
We both lay down and begin to cuddle
Go to sleep to reveal our *** in the jungle
Softly spoken Oct 2009
Put a persuasion of love in my thoughts
Make my eyes focus on your walk
****** me with words that fall from your lips
Then leave me and you i will miss
Make me need a touch from you
Hypnotize me to do what you want me to
Take me mind, body, and soul
Sexually tear me apart and begin to make me whole
Kiss me slowly bring my body to ease
Take your hand and caress every part of me
Steal me away from the world for a while
Exhaust me like i have ran 100 miles
Give me your body to feed
Show me things i have not yet seen
Remove stress off of me one by one
Take me from the moon and give me to the sun
****** my soul from death and give me life
In the bleary darkness be my light
Turn me into a tree and you be the wind to make me move
Whisper a melody of moans to keep me in the mood
Take me and embed me inside of you
Remove doubt from my mind and be come only truth
Relax me comfort is all i need
And in the process of all that -- *** ME!
Softly spoken Oct 2009
Softly spoken Apr 2010
When i was in Florida by myself there was less problems
and if i ha one you was quick to solve them
Nikki got down here i begin to get loose
like some kids playing duck duck goose
I started skipping and trouble became my name
You had to be to the school about me every other day
with complaints about what i have done
I thought i was having innocent fun
but that was the beginning of my mistakes
Or could it have been my destined fate
Diana got down here and i got worse
you found out i was smoking and how teachers i would curse
I had girlfriends that was twice my age
And slowly in school i was dropping down in my grades
i would fight a lot and you begin to blame you
that's when i found out when you wasn't home What u would do
You started to not care and just get blunt
you would say you was grown and didn't give a ****
How we didn't care about you  or your happiness
and how you bringing us down here was just a disturbance
but it was no one fault but mine
i was the one getting in trouble all the time
What has occurred is on my not no one else
That is y sometimes i blame myself
Softly spoken Apr 2010
She is unique in her own little way
Makes me laugh with every word she say
When i don't talk to her she be on my mind
She could be a love i have been looking to find
I'm feeling her and i hope she is feeling me
Maybe she is my special delivery
Baby girl is something special that's for real
A good head on her shoulder is what i feel
She is smart and successful too
She is what i would call incredible
I like her that i cannot lie
Hoping on day to make her mine
I need a change in my life i think it is time
And she just might be my sign
I talk to her and feel so free
Baby girl is a special delivery
She is my gift a birthday too soon
She can be my sun and beautiful moon
I am feeling her and that is whats up
I know this woman can fill my cup
with laughs,smiles,and some heart felt ****
I don't talk to her and she i began to miss
Sweet, confident,loving, and real
All that wrapped up in one pill
She is all that i would want to see
I think she is my special delivery
copy written
Softly spoken Apr 2010
Problems built up so high not even jesus could reach
Issues became frustration taking over my mind
Unhappiness filled my life to the "T"
Eyes got blurry So a better future i could not see
Hatred made my heart black
My soul knew pain love it lacked
Dreams faded fast hope was no more
See i locked closed and built bricks over my door
I became the number one fool
                                But suddenly you;
Swept me off my feet;made my soul complete
                                Suddenly you
wrapped your hands around my heart;put a lock on it so it could never come apart
                                  Suddenly you;
open y eyes so i could see;took a barrier off my lungs so i could breath
                                   Suddenly you
blew a breath of love in my soul;looked me in my eyes and began to make me whole
                                    Suddenly you
                             **** suddenly you
Gave me what no one can;remolded me into something i couldnt be back then
                                      Suddenly you
walked in my life;made everything right;took away pain and strife;and gave me better days and loving nights
                                       Suddenly ............... you
made  a brilliance out of a fool;took the fire of hate and put love on cool
                And I love you i really do; why? because
                                               SUDDENLY YOU
Softly spoken Oct 2011
What do I have to do for you to trade me tears for water
No I don't need to wash my face
No no no that's not the case
I hold my bucket tight to my chin never to miss a drop
Been trying for years but still I can't stop
Everday there is a new pain to add on to yesterdays
That's wat makes it so hard for me to dry my face
Death everytime I turn n the news
Babies having babies I am just confused
Racial and gang violence still seems to exist
I know you gave me a napkin but this one is drenched
Mothers fighting daughters and fathers killing sons
Young kids not even teens to school they are bringing guns
My heart is heavy for this place called the USA
I'm sorry did I just hear you say that you had water
My eyes red, nose stuffed, and face is just flustered
These drops of sympathy passes my chin and I hear it drio
My bucket is getting full heart is heavy and eyes are stiff
Can I trade you tears for water
Now I know you took your hard earned money
From your hard earned job
And brought that poland spring
But I am running out of tears and there is no more fluid in me
I have cried so much its been days since I have ***'d
Now don't laugh as if what I say you don't beleve
Today just when I thought I could finally dry my eyes
I cane home to emptyness and again my soul cried
She left me again gone in the wind
Opps I missed my bucket now my tear is smeared with this ink pen
Can I trade you tears for water
Tears for water I don't need much
Just enuff to finish feeling this bucket up
No matter how happy I try to be
These tears keep on leaking from inside of me
So can I trade you tears for water because my insides are dry
I need that water so I can replenish my body so I can continue to cry
Please tell my you would trade me tears for water
Softly spoken Jul 2010
‎​- when I needed someone to talk to the only one I could count on was you , when I had problems , at times you would laugh but you'd help solve 'em , you helped me when my mind was unsure , you was the first totell me to be strong even when I was wrong , you helped me keep steady , even when I wasn't ready . We laughed when peaceful and humble , you helped me the most when I stumble and I thank you ..                                                                                                                                      
         By: chanelle
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