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Jul 2016 · 631
No one noticed.
Slur pee Jul 2016
No one noticed the world started to die,
Everyone ignored mother nature's cries.
Failing to see earth shrouded by darkness,
Lifting their hopes on a makeshift harness.
Holding the hands that covered their eyes.

In this earth, we were once deeply entwined,
Rooted in soil that buried our lies.
Harvested souls, and vessels now heartless,
No one noticed.

Ignorant to pain held deeply inside,
A pool of muddy tears replace my eyes,
Hollowed remains, just another carcass.
All the beauty I've seen looks so artless.
The time has come to say all my goodbyes,
No one noticed.

Jul 2016 · 363
The moon roars.
Slur pee Jul 2016
The moon roars, and the wolves howl.
Marking the start of their midnight prowl.
The moon shines, and the ocean dances,
Rhythmically. Deep in their moonlit trance.
The moon fades, revealing all things foul.

The sun brands earth with it's fire scowl,
In hell, we wait for night's shadowed cowl.
Relieving our tragic circumstance,
The moon roars.

At night you hear the animal's yowls,
Red eyes and drool dripping from jowls.
Creeping, waiting for the perfect chance,
When you are caught- trapped in their glance,
The moon roars.

Jul 2016 · 336
Slur pee Jul 2016
The spiders come out to play
Only to run away,
I wish they would stay. Stay, stay
Please don't leave. I like it here under heavy gravity, where I can't feel under all of this pressure. I'm numb and can't remember the sensation of being dismembered. Intense hatred burns in embers, reborn from ash a happiness lingers staining smoking fingers. Here I feel hole- of body, mind, and soul; wholly decomposed, do you hear the angel's holy notes? Oh... No? I must have been mistaken, on my bed there lies an ocean so perhaps 'twas siren's temptation? I hear a voice so gently weave a longing- a need, betwixt emotions of pride and greed. My mind is kissed with inconsistencies, laughing as I weep. To pain, this brain is a fiend; please, take it out of me. I swear I take these to fall asleep, not to feel spiders crawl across my face and through my guts, only to disappear when I look- to evade my lonely touch. My heart feels like it's crushed, and blood gushes as wrists pulse. I think I'm dying, but I don't know- maybe I'm already a ghost. Keep me afloat in this web of limbo, I like to not know, I like to be numb. The pill the bullet, my throat the gun; shoot my intestines and let my mind be gone- blown away like dust as the screens of my face play hallucinations. Reality's seams rip and run up the blurry leg of god, his face clear, his ears sewn shut but he still nods whenever I talk.
He's more real than the hope I cling on, a fly caught in the web of the arachnid's song.

Jul 2016 · 366
Amongst closed eyelids.
Slur pee Jul 2016
I'm tired of feeling
Like I don't exist,
As if I've disappeared, and
The world has closed eyelids.
Here I am, stuck in the abyss
Being intimately touched
By the fingers of loneliness
And on my lips,
Anxiety's kiss sits;
Lingering spit,
So thick that it sticks.
I don't belong in a world of tricks,
Where stones break bones
And words can't hurt.
Yet still, in my skull
Those voices echo;
Reverberating a pain,
That I surely don't know.
These feelings are just ghosts
Whose hauntings come and go,
Wailing, when life continues
Digging this hole,
That will hold my brittle bones.
Where I'll fold and decompose
Inside my Mother, in my home.
I walk over our tomb, ignored
While happy people
Make happy corpses;
Entwined skeletons,
Rotting in each other's company.
And I'm all alone,
With my mind of lunacy.
Constantly speaking,
To myself in sorry lines
That sometimes tend to rhyme,
Trying to consume the hole of time;
Wholly corrupting my already
Corrupt mind.
Continually rewinding my life
Until I find the courage
To see the part where I die.

Slur pee Jul 2016
I need you like an elephant needs love, how a heart needs to touch something other than blood. How penguins need to get ******, to commit and propose. The way these hands need to write prose, questioning the name of a rose.
You pull at my very soul. Dig and fill a hole, where never-ending affection will grow. You're my obsession and I know it's weird to let it show but these feelings are something I just can't hold.

I need you, please...
Sausage and cheese;
I haven't had pizza in weeks.

Slur pee Jul 2016
Desolation devours my heart,
Dripping and covered in rot
Blood clots, these stains won't wash
I'm lost, creeping through fog
Smog clogs black lungs
I'm high strung
From my spine column.
Surrounded by all,
Surrounded by one.
No one's really there,
Company is an illusion
Friends are a delusion,
Imaginary and elusive.
Things that don't exist,
Poke, pick, and twist
The human condition
Stoking a flame
But the heat's amiss.

It's so cold in loneliness.

Jul 2016 · 309
This girl's a fool.
Slur pee Jul 2016
To think love was true,
That feelings grew wildly
As beautiful as exotic leaves
Reaching out from alien trees.
The stars, they scream
And laugh at me
Can't I have a wish?
Can't I have a dream?
Is peace a thought so obscene
That serenity is found only in between
The sheets, and sleepy eyelid scenes?
Inject us with humanity
And let veins leak-
Drip and seep, into the darkness
Of our greed; these sickening feelings
That devours us like weeds,
Rooting deep inside of bones.
The route we follow since our birth,
Our comfortable home.
Hate is easy, it's harder to love-
The unknown
The unfamiliar, and foreign;
My heart cries for any pain
That any soul may be holding
I hold these heavy arms open
Ready to accept the sick and broken
Those covered in sin
And the ones lost- forgotten.
But I, myself stay unwanted
By me, this world is haunted.

This girl is a fool, to be used
Strictly for cruel amusement.

Jul 2016 · 337
What I am.
Slur pee Jul 2016
A gentle touch
That wind blows off.

A piece of dust,
A flake of rust.

A scornful lover's kiss,
Bitter and hard to miss.

A fly on a white wall,
In a room full of frogs.

A crumb, an ant
A shard of glass.

This is all that I have,
This is all that I am.



Jun 2016 · 587
explicit thoughts.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Your fingers tangled in my hair,
Roughly, gently braiding pleasure.
An ocean of blood rushing through ears,
As warm, wet lips dance together
To muffled music.

Running over miles of fabric,
Across hills and valleys and
Fields of madness.
Eyes burn through each other,
Skin slowly melts away like wax;
Yet desire never wanes,
It's flame flickers and comes back.

Souls penetrate deep, between
Temples and moaning.
Finding rhythm in thrusting vessels
As minds wander, searching
Through feelings unearthly;

Intimacy, otherworldly.

Jun 2016 · 455
Slur pee Jun 2016
Pull me oh so close,
And then push me away.
You're the suzerain of my terrain;
This body is your state.
Yours to use, to sate.
I'm a vassal, under reign
Of your heavenly gaze.
Mark me with kisses your lips lay
Underneath the night, the day.
Silence me- only have me say
"My lord, this pleasure is
Yours to take"
As I spread my timid legs;
You make my knees buckle and shake.
My eyes wander to a place
That my tongue would love to taste.
Teach me the rhythm, the pace
To keep your body
In this spiritual place.
My throat betrays,
And I utter your name
Correct me with haste
You're my lord and I, your slave
Master, show me how to play
I want to pay,
Punish me with rough foreplay
Bound my legs, bite my thighs
Conceal vision from these lustful eyes;
I want to feel you grow in size
Between my lips, please make me smile
Show me the meaning of your title.
Dominate me while I cry out
To some god hidden in some clouds.

Slur pee Jun 2016
"I fell in love once..."
Said the hag to juvenile eyes,
Open wide, glinting with wishes
That have yet to die.
Shining above smiles of
Innocent mischief.

"What was it like?"

A throaty laugh crept in reply,
Lingering in ears
As she gently whispered
"As if death had been delivered"
She whimpered,
Then wrinkled eyes flickered
"My heart eaten away by blisters!
Skin once warm,
Grew cold and withered;
In the light your flesh will shiver.
Minds shrink and quickly close,
Thoughts become lost behind
Endless doors.
And that ******* Hope,
Sticks bony fingers down throats.
You'll choke, on emotions that don't grow.
It's an illusion of the unknown,
That's birthed when you're alone
I fell in love once, and forever
It left me undone.
Heartstrings severed by
Infinite measures.
The aches, the pains
Instilled in poisoned brain.
Love is a disease, and so quickly
It consumed me
Never to leave, never to leave...
It lies asleep 'tween weak heartbeats
And nights where heavy breathes.
A spell that beauty shall beseech
Your heart to let reach
And once inside,
It writhes like a twisted centipede
That shall crawl within till
Memories are laid thin.

I fell in love once,
And in love I still am,
For once under the curse,
Eternally you are ******."

The children eyed the old woman
Between their stars, a darkness woven.

Jun 2016 · 565
in this place.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Snakes slither meticulously
through blades of grass,
Inching towards prey; tasting
Fear, paranoia, blood.
Ears flicker wildly in the air
Facing any falling leaf,
Or rustling wind- listening.
Sensitive noses twitch; smelling
The putrid scent of death.
Clutched by freezing trepidation,
Time stands still in anticipation.
Overwhelming silence plays
On top of falling leaves and
Rustling wind; creeping into veins
That mark raised, shuddering skin.
Nerves pulse and hearts trip over fear
Echoing in frantic, hapless ears;
For they do not hear the beast's
Gentle hiss, as he bares his fangs
And claims what's his-
With sinking teeth in fragile flesh.
In this place no one is safe
From the basilisk that crawls
Between crooked vertebrae
And wrinkles of grey.
Scared to face the matter of
Death's toothless grin,
This place, engraved
Between delicate sheets of skin.

Jun 2016 · 387
Slur pee Jun 2016
Here I am, your lily
Can you see me,
Can you smell me?
Pick me from the greens of envy,
Let me live, while dying slowly;
Withering and browning,
You'll remember me for beauty
And forget my silent suffering.
In your heart, I was rooted deep
Pluck me away and let pain seep.

Slur pee Jun 2016
My words come out all slurred, blurred, and censored. My heart has a faulty bad juju sensor. My nerves are practicing voodoo, got me all wrapped up in hoodoo. Always asking 'how do you do?' As if you'd ask me too. My world is red, my world is blue. My vision is all kinds of skewed. Skewer me, skewer you. Skewered life 'cause it leaves us *******. Who needs to hear another boohoo? I'll kiss my own **** boo boos. Satan's calling me like 'yoohoo' I'll ignore him like you do me, all passionless and angry. I'm a dead fish in a dead sea just practicing my moaning, for when I'm see-through and lonely. Haunting the world as it's revolving, and it's kind of revolting- knowing life goes on, as you're decomposing. I'm shedding, I'm molting; these feelings of chicken skin and insects. It was really salmonella and pests, and I guess, what the point I'm really trying to get to is nothing, oh and *******.
Jun 2016 · 347
You're my favorite.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Oh darling, let me take you to the land where the sunflowers crawl at night, stalking their nomad star. Let us bathe in petal rain, lying in a field that blooms with beating hearts. I long to feel your burning touch; melt away my skin, absorb my puddle of love. Let's run away to the world where the moon pulls on our blood. Stirring tides inside of veins, creating tsunami waves. I crave to feel your pulse; crash into me- erode, the lonely that creeps inside the curbs of my skull. I'll take you to the place that curves into the unknown. Let's dance in outer space, as our seams rip and we explode. I'll fall into a hole, if you water me and grow, a smile that you love to show. A smile my lips would love to know. Oh darling, let's follow the sunflowers and chase that nomadic star, wishes don't exist unless you believe that they are- that they do. I'd beg death to be with you. The sky is just a tomb made of a thousand twinkling souls. Burning just to tell you that I want to be close.
Jun 2016 · 2.0k
Tomato hearts.
Slur pee Jun 2016
I know that tomato tomato
Probably only works when speaking,
And you probably read that as tomato tomato
Instead of tomato tomato.
But, the point is you make my mind
Feel like mashed potatoes
Or is it potatoes?
And I don't know how
To describe it
Almost like my heart was hit with a seismic-
Wave. It makes me quiver, makes me shake
Makes me feel so pathetic and lame.
I can't find light inside your days
And time on me, you'd never waste.
But with haste, I'd give you all that you could take
I'd be the resource for your flame
Eat away, all you need to sate
In your emotions I shall bathe;
I like to call it love, while you prefer
To claim it's hate.

But you know,
Tomato tomato...
Jun 2016 · 470
god is a scientist.
Slur pee Jun 2016
I felt it crumble in my palm,
I held it for a little too long,
It got so warm...
Like a beating heart,
Before it started to fall apart.

I saw it rise before it fell,
Into itself, creating hell
It burned to ash on my table,
Its mark, so dark, lies there still.
Another underwhelming failure.

My last attempt, I think I've got it
I've sprouted life right from my pockets.
The right amount of breath
Of tears, and sweat.
Look at that, after years,
They're even sentient!
My first accomplished experiment.
I hope this proves to be time well spent.

O' woe! What a naive fool,
The creatures started out so promising,
Now they're only interested in technology.
They cut down my trees,
**** their own species.
My precious animals are being slaughtered
Until they're extinct.
It makes my eyes bleed,
These crimson tears sting.
A failure is all I'll ever be...
My greatest creation was all imagination,
This world I've made is full of hatred,
My effort was wasted.
I'll roll it into the garbage bin,
To rot away with try one and try two
And sadly, I shall start anew.

Jun 2016 · 465
Crushing stars into dust.
Slur pee Jun 2016
I pluck stars out of the sky
With long, bony fingers
And crush them with my divine
Mortar and pestle.
Illusion seizes all sight
As stardust flies,
Like a bullet from a pistol
Deep into my left nostril.
Destroying the cranium,
Deploying the alien.
Everything is make believe-
Mixing, blending,
Seeping, bleeding.
The world is an image,
Just a little too blurry-
Fuzzy, with your thumb intruding.

Jun 2016 · 533
She wasn't beautiful.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Her teeth didn't align themselves
In neat rows like goody students
And railroad tracks were but a dream
To poor girls, who grew into
Smiling snakes.

Her hair spread about like smoke,
Billowing from her scalp in wide,
Wild waves.
Frizzy, and untamable
She kept it shackled to the
Back of her head,
A river of chocolate running down
Her fragile spine.

She was distant,
Withdrawing herself from herself.
Her body was weak and bony,
Too long someplaces, too short
In others
It matched her personality though,
Her never-ending want to shrink
Down into nothing
And her ever-growing need
To reach out and touch the world.

Her skin was damaged,
Scarred by brutal judgement;
Marked by painful punishment.
Sleep denied her;
Denied her dreams,
Denied her beauty,
Denied her sleep.
Night ate away her eyes,
Leaving the darkest of craters.
Sunken soul, shattered windows.
Her lips were cracked and broken
Like her speech,
With its split syllables
And her crumbling tongue.

But her love was boundless,
Her hard, thin fingers could grip your soul
With the most gentle touch,
Almost killing you with how delicate it felt;
How tender, and vulnerable.

Her brain was an intense flame
That would burn your mind into ash,
Scattering about in empty head.
She could steal your words,
And twist your thoughts.
Rid you of all that was wrong
And dark.

Some would say she was not beautiful,
She wasn't beautiful.

But she was.

Slur pee Jun 2016
The sand that fills my hourglass
Leads me to wayward oceans
To uneven shorelines,
That curves in slithers, like a snake;
Smooth, serene... Sneaky.
Waves bring to me gifts that I could never miss,
Fragile shells,
Shards of colored glass,
Rotten fish and whale carcasses.
I'll hide in a pungent cage of ribs
And spend the rest of my days,
In style- in waste.
Wasting away, with the water's swell and sway
Erode these rusted bones and expose my hollow.
Feed the hunger that deeply burrows in our Mother,
The ravenous desire that crawls through polluted entrails
She'll prevail, She'll prevail!
Consuming corpses the size of whales,
We try to exist but to no avail.
She'll prevail, over souls that create hell
Caging them in chaotic oceans
That pull
And push in
Twisted, slithering motions.
I'm walking on glass that's broken,
I can see Jesus on the surface
If I squint and find the focus
Just casually strolling,
Over torment and through glory.
I throw my feeble voice like Pinocchio
If it'll land in any hands, well
Only god would know.

Jun 2016 · 810
Untitled 35.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Paint my world black
Colors are too bright
I'd rather stew in the absence
Of all the light.
It reflects what I feel inside,
A void that I can't hide.
Look through my gaping holes
That take the place of eyes.
Can you see the demons that bore
Through crumbling head,
Through fevered mind?
The sun is slowly fading,
Being devoured by hungry night.
And all the stars disappear
As I wish on them, they die.
The moon mocks me with his...
Smile made of mischief;
Suspicious and vicious,
He collects unfulfilled wishes
And keeps all of my tides twisted.
I'm giving up, I'm listless;
No one wants to listen
To the crying of the wind,
That echoes with my
Unwavering pain.

Slur pee Jun 2016
I want to escape this dismal place
Confined to heavy space in the back of my mind.
Counting the lonely, broken seconds of time,
Continuously winding inside.
Crooked spine, contorted heart
Colossal soul and weightless world
Forceful pulls, ripping me apart.

Bewitched sunrise shall burn a hole,
Betwixt dusty, abandoned windows.
Bury myself in the back of my skull
Where the whispering voices go
When I'm all alone.
You don't know, you don't know
Every single nerve loses control
This sun never sets,
It devours me whole;
Melting my flesh,
Rays penetrate my bones.

I feel like death, I feel so cold
Shivering, grotesque, and old.
Light doesn't scorch when darkness
Is all you've known,
It burns like hell when you're alone.
So blind and so invisible.

These clouds shroud my head,
Creating oceans on my bed
Full of things better left unsaid,
Forgiveness and try-so-hard to forget.
Death permeates through deep regret
Another way to clean this mess.

I want to escape this dismal place
Confined to heavy space,
I contemplate
Ways to change my fate.
I need to shed this weight,
Have it disappear and fade.

My colossal soul burns in a
Never-setting sun
I'm trying to find the strength to
Carry myself and run
Before I burn up, and all that remains is dust.

Jun 2016 · 591
In nakedness.
Slur pee Jun 2016
We paint on each other with flesh tones,
Rough like wood and soft like a rose.
Split open my petals, leave me exposed
The scent of nature touches your nose,
Coaxing your passion to light and explode.
My withering leaves curl and return,
Floricide kiss, body made of dirt.
**** me, and I will be reborn.
Treacherous eyes gaze upon vines,
I wish to be entwined- ******* inside
Lush foliage, on supporting limbs.
I can hear your birds sing
As my bees fly around humming-
Buzzing, begging for your endless loving.

Jun 2016 · 565
Slur pee Jun 2016
My body aches in the places that
crave your touch,
Fingers brush, face is flushed.
Insatiable want is torturous,
Makes me feel almost virtuous;
Guilty for feeling passion's rush
Curiosity is crushed by a pious clutch.
Lick your way past the path of lust,
Make me curl up, make me gush
About emotions mistaken for love
Like a butterfly that's really a moth;
I'm getting lost in the flame
Of your smoldering tongue.
Unwillingly, I gravitate
Flickering to sate. I shall burn.
Waste away, into ash I turn
Nothing conceived
Nothing born.
Sentiments scourge.
These insatiable demons
Mourn, and it hurts.

Slur pee Jun 2016
I want to be saved,
Like a little baby bird.
My home is far away
And my wings don't seem to work.
It's always pouring rain,
It's always pouring hurt.
I want to be saved,
Like a little baby bird.
The flocks of my feather
Have been permanently severed.
I'm tethered, to lonely emotions
Shattered, crushed;
Much more than broken.
Dying in the dirt,
Choking on raindrops
Waiting for the pulse of pain
To finally stop.

I want to be saved,
Like a little baby bird.
My hero never came,
To rescue me from all the hurt.

Jun 2016 · 401
Slur pee Jun 2016
Let me slip away
Between negligent fingers
Lies are decorated in elegance
Yet, impurity lingers.

Let me curl away
From touches made of hurt
Hands like shovels, digging deep
Inside of my dirt.

Let me run away
On callused, broken toes
Teetering on the tips of uncertainty,
Unsure of where to go.

I want to drift away
Like your crooked, wayward soul.
Leave me in this rusting cage,
With god, but all alone.

Watch me fade away
From harsh sunlight on my paint.
Not beautiful enough to capture your gaze,
I could never make you stay.

There you go again; so far, far away.

And here I stay;
Fading away.

Jun 2016 · 589
Big bad wolf.
Slur pee Jun 2016
The children giggled amongst themselves
Cleverly eluding the ravenous wolf,
By gripping tightly to the coattails
Of luck;
Laughing at the notion of ever being caught.

All the while,

The wolf cackled to himself
And let it echo through the trees
Knowing how elusive luck could be.

The children had to grasp onto flailing coattails every night
While the wolf only needed to find them once in his sight.

Jun 2016 · 985
Gaia's crying.
Slur pee Jun 2016
A waterfall,
Bursting forth
From the eyes of Gaia.
Life loses all sense in the turbulence,
Swirling away into whirpools,
Getting lost in the depths of sadness, and
She cries still. Drowning herself,
Getting lost in the depths of sadness, and
Swirling away into whirpools.

Life loses all sense in the turbulence
From the eyes of Gaia;
Bursting forth
A waterfall.

Slur pee Jun 2016
I've done it again, haven't I?
This will be the millionth time
I apologize.
Well, are you listening?
Because I am so very sorry,
It's such a woe and a misery
That I am unworthy to be
A human being
In your eyes.
Please, just accept me,
The way I am; stuffed with hurt.
I know I make everything worse,
A doll, that at night,
Brings you discomfort.
Did I do it again? Did I? Did I-
Step over lines and jeopardize,
The comfort we've built on top of lies?
Pretend that your mind twists
Itself inside mine,
That you empathize
With the way that my sight
Just ignores all the light.
It's so hard to find, am I blind?
You never cared for my cries,
So I became mute,
And let them play in silence.
Echoing, over you
Like ghostly violins
Wailing to the particles
Of souls and skin
I've turned to dust within
And I'll scatter like ash.

I won't look back 'cause the past is always sad.

I'll pave my own path
That can lead me to content
I don't need you to control me
Like the government.
I'll be free from these chains,
One day, without any regrets.
I'll turn to dust in your hands
And scatter away like ash.

A sorrowful remnant, a reminder of your past.

Jun 2016 · 543
I'm so so so happy.
Slur pee Jun 2016
My smile stretches for miles over the dusky red horizon
The sun stays floating, frozen in time
Burying itself in the sky it dies in.
My pulse is not ignited,
Though I promise, I'm excited.
My soul has been lifted, and untwisted
Thoughts cleansed and thoroughly sifted.
I'm a misfit in perdition-
No wait, gifted with new vision!
Everything sparkles and it glistens
And if you listen, there's an ocean
Full of songs of positive emotion
That beckon for my heart to close in
On the darkness of her deepest depths;
The secrets to her mysterious.
Or should I stay floating on the surface,
Does that seem more melodic?
I found happiness and caught it,
In the pit of my stomach.
Bullets and butterfly wings,
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe
Why didn't you believe me?
Oh god, here I am wishing
That you would have believed.
I'm so, so, so happy-
So joyful and free.
Can you not see it,
In my smiles made of sunrise and sunset
Guilt, regret, and death?

Jun 2016 · 276
Now here in nowhere.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Streaks of light mar my perfect darkness
And shadows dance in blinding rays
Trace the paths across my legs
And find the destination is always the same.
The rocks erode as the wind grows colder
And the waves splash fiercely against my face.
I mistook moths for butterflies
Carving my stomach causing it to ache.
I don't know what to say,
My words are slurred and quickly fade
Day by day by day by day
My hopes grow wings and fly away.

I'm now here, in nowhere turning on a cracked sphere.

Jun 2016 · 523
Rip her.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Ripped tights, holy knees
Bow in prayer, let her please.
She'll worship you for money
In the dark, where he heavily breathes
Stalking girls who wear torn stockings,
Slit their throats, blood bubbles while they're coughing-
Begging him, but there is no stopping
Ripping them to shreds until they are nothing;
Just a ***** in the street,
Grotesque and appalling.
Mutilated body,
Embodying the evils
Of the district of the angels
The impoverished Whitechapel.
A disappearing devil,
Whose name brandished hell.
Leaving his mark in the shivers
And the chills.

Jun 2016 · 301
So stoned. (June 27th)
Slur pee Jun 2016
Keep my fate in your shoddy black box,
Splinter my life with shuffling hands against paper.
Eyes wander, voices whisper
Time is lost in a downward gaze.
Shuffling feet against concrete;
One after the other after the other,
Men and sons and lonely mothers.
Trembling fingers,
Cut my hope with slips of paper.
Death is marked by a
The period of my life.
The end to something that has never begun.
Circle around me as the sun bakes my skin,
Getting ****** in the early morning.
Pelt me with your hurt-
Your jealousy,
Because I've won
The lottery.

And you are all lost in old-school beliefs,
Gripping to paper, then letting go with relief.
Playing god every year; June 27th.
To send another family member to heaven.

Keep our souls tightly locked
In that
Fill us with hatred,
For the summer months.
Where someone is forced
To get, so cruelly, ******.
Thrown at bones for fun,
By men and sons and lonely mothers
One right after the other,
After the other,
After the other,
Until all that remains is nothing but rubble.

Jun 2016 · 979
Sweet, beautiful boy.
Slur pee Jun 2016
He is the creator of wishes stirring wants inside my head,
And a need to bring every burning star to their death.

He is the bringer of butterflies to this barren, lonely sky.
I watch them dip and dive, around my stomach and in my mind.

He is a sunflower, a lotus; beautifully strong, yet delicate
My alstroemeria, my orchid; I want to linger in your scent.

He is the hope that buzzes in a jar, like a single fly;
The only thing the curiosity of Pandora left behind.

He is the brazen smile, emblazoned in silvery moonlight.
The one who pulls my tides; when I'm low he makes me high.

He is an ocean of music whose waves fill the air,
I'll float away on a heavy swell, carried by his gentle care.

He is a tree that will support me as I climb up to the moon,
Then I'll swim to Neptune, where I'll dream of meeting him soon.

I am lost inside of illusions conjured by a Pisces mind;
Though I haven't felt so real- so alive, in the longest of times.

Slur pee May 2016
Loneliness blows his nose on the napkin of my life,
He crumples and folds my fragile paper existence,
Layered with stains of hatred.
Tears and blood and ****,
Throw me away as a gift;
Into the world's trash bin.
I've been inside before,
Scouring for something more
A crumb, some love, a hit;
Anything to make me forget
The love I hold for death.
It's so hard to keep things repressed
When the air is compressed
And blown straight into my face
Breathing is such a waste,
When I know of my fate.
Withering into the unknown,
Into the forgotten; our spirits home
Where worthlessness belongs.
You won't remember me when I'm gone.
Forgettable like silence once noise has been ignited,
Regrettable like violence, that kissed your mother's eyelids.
I was nothing but an empty vessel
That life has filled with useless drivel.
I'll stand and I'll swivel when you pull my strings
But being is unimportant when you're never seen.
I keep myself nice and clean for any hermit soul
That would wish to crawl inside my shell
And make it a home.
I'm full of dust and alone, in a gusty sandstorm
Wuthering winds of sins and pain
I shiver inside from what you say.
Smiling as the air carries me away.

May 2016 · 386
Untitled 21.
Slur pee May 2016
Twisted tongues turning timorously to
Touch torpid thoughts.
Trying to tantalize tissue tucked tightly into interiors
Ineffectively igniting imagination,
Inclined to effusively entwine
With enigmatic ethereal ideas.

May 2016 · 827
You know who you are.
Slur pee May 2016
Did you lose me?
Are you too busy?
Am I just so unimportant
That you'll toss me to the back burner
Like a failed dish?
Something you're done with.
I'm finished,
You're out of focus.
Focusing on the ones on their knees,
The ones who sing, and truly believe.
I thought you were accepting,
So why won't you accept me?
Did you lose me?
Are you too busy?
Am I just so unimportant
That you overlooked my name on the list?
Was it ever even there, written clearly in print-
Or cursive?
Maybe your thumb smudged me off,
It's possible that you erased me
And just ignore all of my calls.
It's not your fault,
I know it's mine with this filthy mind
And skin that crawls with sin, like parasites.
I'm sorry for killing your son-
I'm sorry I ****** him every night,
I want to be forgiven,
To turn all of my wrongs to rights.
I want to retrieve the innocence
You let life, so cruelly take;
Why then, was I not saved?
Was I a child so depraved?
Did you lose me?
Were you too busy?
Was I so unimportant
That you let him have his way?
Or is it just a part of this play?
Not everyone gets the chance
To see your face,
To feel your grace,
And find the path that leads your way.

You're not my father
And I think of you as cancer,
But I'll keep on calling
Hoping one day you'll answer.

Slur pee May 2016
I don't know where I am anymore,
Your arms are wrapped around me
I can feel you softly snore;
Breath quiet, warm, and slow
Dancing on my forehead.
This is all that I have left,
These disgusting, precious moments
That I'll never forget.

You transport me to this place
Whenever we're alone.
You rip me out of our space
When I'm thinking-
With eyes closed;
And you're sleeping,
In this bed of time-machinery.
Ripping me through threads,
Forcing me to relive
When we were alright.
When everything seemed bright
But I was lost in the shadows,
Projected by your lies.

And sickly, I smile
As my brain travels miles
To reach destinations,
I haven't been to in a while.

Like that lonesome beach
Where I surrendered myself.
Giving you all that I had,
In our moment on the sand.
I thought you'd never reach
For my unembellished shell,
But you held me in your hand,
Taking all that you could grasp.

Or those tender, treasured seconds
Where you'd cradle my heart in heaven.
Rocking it in your cloudy arms,
While delicate fingers traced coarse scars.

I'm reminded of happier times,
That felt like dancing in sunshine.
Now we keep behind black clouds
To never come back out.

So please,
Just stay there sleeping.
You're happier in your dreams,
That will never include me.

Your soul I never could appease.

I'll lie here with my mind
As it retells these
Fantastical stories,
Of a make believe boy
Who found something beautiful
In something boring.

May 2016 · 716
Swans growing from my head.
Slur pee May 2016
A stagnant pond
Surrounded by death,
Withered reeds rooted
To promises I've never kept.
The fishes of thought have flipped,
Baring their bellies to sunlight's kiss.
My duckling of happiness has left,
Migrating away from this forest.
No ripples persist on the water's surface,
I skip rocks and always miss
The depths of my bliss.

I try to stir these thoughts
To give me what I lost. Instead,
Loneliness bursts forth like
Swans growing from my head.

May 2016 · 947
Slur pee May 2016
Drain me like a mosquito,
As your words bumble in my ear.

"I was never here, never here, never here..."

Disappear like a mosquito,
As I peel away itching skin.

Your buzzing I never hear, never hear, never hear...

May 2016 · 332
I'll murder you.
Slur pee May 2016
I hide in the back of your mind
Where it's the darkest.
Let me take control of your time,
While your life slips.
I'll slit your throat and sip-
On the last bubbles of your breath.
Coughing up blood and spit,
Trying to get final words said.
Tongue struggling to trace letters
You can taste the creeping death-
And it could never be sweeter,
Savor all that you have left.
The fleeting seconds of content.
Your life passes by, in a moment
Your warmth turns cold in the end.

All I'll do is laugh.

Stalking you, tracking you, tracing
Your face inside of my brain,
I just want a taste of that delectable pain.
With haste, I'd split open your shame
Dig my ***** fingers in the parts
You try to hide-
In the night, where shadows cover lies
And judging eyes, my wicked smile
Concealed from sight.
Your blood pools in the sky
As I shred these clouds of temptation,
Better than medicine, raining down hatred.
Elated- I made it, these drops of perfection
Crimson heaven, I'll ****** you to get it.
I'd **** you just to see it,
This darkness we keep hidden.

May 2016 · 557
Team Rocket reject.
Slur pee May 2016
When you fall in love, prepare for troubles,
In a relationship it's always double.
You have to protect their world from devastation,
And try to unite your souls,
While keeping preservation.
You grasp onto things like truth and love,
And swear by them to the stars above.


That's all it really is,
And when it finally kicks in,
Your world will blast off to hell,
At the speed of light.
When you get there you must surrender or fight.
Denounce your evils, and turn to the light,
Truth and love are nothing but lies...

Isn't that right?

May 2016 · 424
This feeling doesn't exist.
Slur pee May 2016
Numbness conquers my body,
Darkness invades, leaving its trace
Inside the sun's blinding rays.
And everything starts to twist-
Out of place.
The feeling persists,
But it doesn't exist.
I can recall living in this
Moment, having you hold it
The fragile boulder on your
Aching shoulders.
Crumbling bones,
I'll snort your dusty marrow.
Hallowing your hollow,
Promising tomorrows.
I can't recall having burrowed
This deeply, getting lost in the scenery
Of wickedness and fiery horizons.
I can see the sun set behind your eyelids.

I can't recall living this moment,
When you took words and swore it,
That the light would persist
When the darkness was swollen.

Slur pee May 2016
Feel it crawl
Hear it call,
Watch it drip out from your maw.
Taste it, raw
Smells like god,
In this void your time is null.
The sunlight burns,
Your stomach churns,
Delicately decay, my fragile corpse.
Buried in worms,
Blurried visions,
Are those halos or pointed horns?

Feel it, slow
Hear it echo.
Watch your insides be hollowed.

Taste your breath,
Smells like death.
In this time you'll meet your end.

The sun still burns,
Persistently shining,
While a part of me is dying.

May 2016 · 671
Noob tubing with your mom.
Slur pee May 2016
You better watch out on the battlefield,
'Cause I got mad skills, and I'll never yield.
I'll shoot you all up, it's my duty to **** ya
Stab you in the back from the shadows,
Like a *******' ninja
I'm a killer
Just call me the reaper
I'll send you to the nether,
With a bullet
Between your peepers.

No pressure,
I'm sure you'll get better
But I'll always be ahead of you
Now and forever
So let your rage explode,
Turn off your console,
And go cry to your mom
'Cause you got beat by a girl.

I wrote this for my brother who raps whenever we play Call of Duty.
Slur pee May 2016
Ugly faces
Twisted voices
Ignore the noises.
When sedated
Altered dreams
Intense hatred.
Broken mind
Lying eyes
I think
I want to die
I never try,
I wait and hide.
When there's
No light
Try not to cry
When you find out
There's no meaning to life.

May 2016 · 1.1k
Maybe love does exist.
Slur pee May 2016
I don't care if you're cold,
Because you still warm my heart.
I don't care if you're whole,
Because I'd accept you torn apart.
I don't mind your size,
To me it doesn't matter.
Large or small,
You still have what I'm after.
You're a masterpiece,
Full of grace and majesty
With hidden meaning to be found
Inside of your seams.
You're a dream, without you my
Mind screams.
Can't you see? If I don't have you I'm incomplete.

I love it when you're cheesy, even though some don't appreciate it
I don't care if you're all made-up, if you're plain I would be elated.
You're the only one for me,
I choose you over Chinese.
I must say, with you I have a fixation.

When pizza was made my soul mate was created.

May 2016 · 820
Hungry lion eyes.
Slur pee May 2016
Wild boy, with hungry lion eyes,
Reflecting in the mirrors,          
While you drive.
Preying on me at every stop sign.    
I pretend not to see,      
But I savor every bite.

Wild boy, with a curly mane,
Curls my fingers can run through,
For days.
Pulling them down to spring back up in your face.
Wild curls that can't be tamed.

Wild boy, with a killer smile,
Come sink your teeth into me,
For a while.
I would love to be a victim, there won't be any trial.
I just want to know the limits of your murderous lips.
Please, just one kiss.

Wild boy, with hungry lion eyes,
You think I'm the prey,
But really, you're mine.
I've been waiting for the perfect chance to strike,
I think I just might have you for dinner tonight.

May 2016 · 553
Slur pee May 2016
Alone again,
****** hole again,
I wish that I could hear you moan again.

Darkness is my home again.
Struggling to pay rent,
To be fed,
To see red.
To keep all this past tense.
To hear it-
What makes sense.
Blue views skew my mood through redos,
How many mundane days can I go through

Before I'm...

Insane again?
Bad brain again,
Feels like going down a drain again.
Tell myself to count to ten again.
Hear those voices in my head again.
Crying rivers in my bed again.
Smoking 'til my eyes are red again

It's already been said...

I'm alone again.
Not whole again.
I wish that I could feel your soul again.

May 2016 · 296
The Adam of your labors.
Slur pee May 2016

Hidden in the mirror; it's cracked and dusty.
Twisted figure. Disfigured picture.
Locked away in a decrepit building,
That echoes with hate and familiar
Screams. Screaming fills... Filling
Myself with feelings so real,
And palpable.
Almost maleable,
With this hurt I can shape something happier.
We must be perpendicular,
Crossing lines against our times,
I stare and I stare,
But I can't find a difference
From what's here to what's there.
My skin's yellow and frail,
But other colors aren't rare.
I smell sweetly of death,
It lingers softly on my breath.
He calls me fiend, he calls me monster
My father leaves me unnamed- forgotten.
I'm not a human...
I'm rotten.

Let the flames that eat away at their torches
Serve as a reminder of the loathing
That remains for the daemon
Born by lightning,
A parallel of humanity-
So frightening.

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