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May 2016 · 541
Slur pee May 2016
When your curtains were blue,
We would swim through each other,
Like ghosts, making love.
Our fingers emoting what our faces could not,
We spoke in tongues, as I touched your heart
And slowly disintegrated into dust.
You breathed me in, and I filled your lungs,
You breathed me out, and clung to nothingness
Desperately trying to catch me,
As I danced around in the air.

When your curtains were red,
We walked through fire,
Our feet callous and resistant to the heat,
The rest of us, tender and melting.
As if we were made from sheets of plastic,
Perfectly molded imperfections,
Barbie and Ken, in their dream house in hell.
Inviting Satan over to dinner parties.

When your curtains were black,
I would cry for sunlight, or those small wired twinkle lights
That we would hang around Christmas time.
You would harvest my eyes every night,
Blinded by their dull shine,
And I'd stare at you, with gaping holes
Frightened and uneasy, as you looked through me
And into my brain.
Could you see my thoughts then?
Exposed, like a fresh cut to the elements
Stinging from dirt.

When you took your curtains down,
Everything faded from exposure to sunlight,
Our bedsheets no longer vibrant and inviting,
My drawings on the wall now brittle, empty pages
I don't remember the walls being this shade of yellow,
So pale, like my skin. Everything looked old,
And felt like death.

Slur pee May 2016
I find repetition intricately weaved into my existence,
god's hands carefully placing stitches.
Needles, digging ditches into fragile skin
Eyes tearing holes into my soul
With cold, steel judgement.
Bare these bones of mine,
Separate my flesh from sin.
I've shown you all that lies within me,
How could you be so unforgiving?
Continually spinning,
while I'm starting to feel dizzy
And my life just started twisting
Into plots that end in tragedies,
Maladies, and "woe is me"s
Separate my truth from fantasies.
Everything I see can't be real.
Reeling pain through this cycle,
My daily routine inside this hell.
Where the devil's evil spells
Words of wickedness, instilled
Inside these brains I wish to spill.
Give me one more little pill
To take away what makes me ill.
I feel, the acid in my throat still.
Flooding my throat with words
I'd rather ****, than speak.
Exorcise the demons from my body
With the gentleness of a priest,
Wiping boyish tears off of my cheek
As I crumble with my speech.
Like it is, a necessity
To be trampled under feet.
Groveling gravel you'll find beneath
People who laugh at my grief
When I'm reaching for relief,
Trying to coax happiness to give
Me, that one last inch I need
To grasp the life I've seen in dreams
Where I can run out of these seams
And won't live inside repeat misery
Sewn into me, by god's shivering
Skinny fingers.
Again and again, this sadness is triggered.

May 2016 · 539
Slur pee May 2016
Contorted mess.

We represent gods,
For your inner hindu.
We bend like bamboo,
When we're required to.

We sway to the rhythm
Of our animalistic noises,
Deaf to the world
And it's robotic voices.
Only for a moment,
We feel what it's like to die-
To be alive,
To not feel the twisting inside.
The one that hides
In the endless depths of our minds.
Where we're dry,
Ready to set alight
And slowly burn ourselves alive.

We feel high,
Like we control the tides,
With love's notion moving oceans,
Enjoying mother nature's motions.
Drinking love like a potion,
Endless thirst for your emotions.
Unquenchable and ravenous
We scar each other
With desire's kiss.
As children of the moon,
Our form shifts
And soon we become
The Androgynous.
Passion explodes, as toes curl
In our new perfect form,
Two souls morphed into one.

Our lonesome days of searching
Are done.

We've become
What we were meant to be,
A connected, balanced entity.
Woven by the tale of

Representing gods,
For your inner hindu.
Bending like bamboo,
When we're required to.


May 2016 · 516
I am a worm.
Slur pee May 2016
There is no light,
In this dim earth.
I'm six feet under,
Breathing dirt.
No need to fight.
For what it's worth,
I'm comfortable,
I am a worm.

Yet I squirm,
When unearthed.
I burn, in a world
I never got to know.
I writhe, with no control.
I yearn, for a hole.
I am a worm.
I belong in the dirt.

May 2016 · 358
Burn your candle.
Slur pee May 2016
It's all slipping slowly,
Like wax melting down a candle,
That burns for the holy.
Sacrifice me in Babel,
While you speak tongues and babble.
Weaving truths from a fable,
Living happily in your stable.
I'm a goat, you're a sheep
Follow truths you can see.
In between lines they dance, elusively,
Lying to your mind, you're
Lead by things you believe
Up your tower of ascension.
Melting time with sacrifice,
Is it right to go to heaven?

What happiness will you find?

The fire's out now,
And the wax has hardened
Light the wick again, and let me slowly slip.

May 2016 · 504
Every day is the same.
Slur pee May 2016
Mundane, monotonous days
That I waste away,
Always looking through a haze.
In a daze, with no emotions on my face.
Without a trace of consciousness in my eyes.
Absent of the sparkle,
That signifies I'm alive.
I only know that I live because I wish to die.

Monotonous, mundane days
That I struggle to get through,
Even though it's the same
As yesterday,
And all the days before.
Awakening to a play
In which I have to perform.
I'm just a robot programmed to act,
Like a human being with his life intact.

May 2016 · 305
Slur pee May 2016
Can you feel the walls stare while you lie there bare?
Exposing yourself to him as the lights grow dim,
Letting him see underneath your skin.
Ensnared, by his charming grin.
You grimace, as he scans your body.
A temple stripped from all that was holy.
Yet he bows in prayer as if it holds a deity
And his eyes worship everything that he can see.
Entranced by intimacy
Your bodies begin to blend,
No beginning, no end.
Just infinite skin, and boundless pleasure.
Digging deeper to find the treasure.
Making your own grave, as you die over again.

May 2016 · 329
Collision of souls.
Slur pee May 2016
I called out to the world
Distraught, frantic, searching.
Something awoken in you,
A resonant note,
Found deep in your core.
I called again, and the music
Stirred inside of you.
Responding to my vibrations,
You called back to me
With want.
A longing and determination
That was somewhat melancholic,
Teetering on the edge of desperation.
I kept my call constant
As you sang to me,
Both of us searching for the other
Trying to pinpoint our spirits
In the world's sound waves.
As we got closer
Our desperation began to rise
Like a boiling sun,
Burning us with desire.
We called out to each other
Faster, louder, synching our
Fragile loneliness
Until we found one another
Our souls, like two fishes
Swimming, dancing together
Twirling around in the air
Creating a beautiful melody.
Then we entered each other,
You absorbed me, and I you.
A harmonious collision,
That no power could sever
For our souls have always been

May 2016 · 319
Blah blah blah.
Slur pee May 2016
I'm covered in pinpricks,
Marked by insignificance,
Society's standards never fit,
I learned to stitch, and altered it.
We're all meat bags, full of ****.
With our faces covered in spit,
Our tongues learned to savor,
The flavoring.
Can you taste the sweetness,
In my savory?
Self mutilation, with cookie cutters
Only certain shapes allowed in this oven.
I'm an accidental splatter,
Malleable, form me into what matters.
Out of all your confections,
I'm the only one that burned.
Out of all the sweetness,
I'm the only one that turned
Sour on your tongue.
Quickly, taste another one.
You said baking was fun,
But I guess it's not for everyone.

May 2016 · 376
Rock, paper, scissors.
Slur pee May 2016
This time I'll be the stone,
As your paper crumples and folds,
Over my body, you don't need to be strong.
I'm strong enough to hold you,
Until I start to erode.

This time I'll be paper,
As you sharpen your blades.
You can cut me into pieces,
Until your misery fades.
I'm used to this abuse,
I never run out of tape.
I'll put myself back together,
And pretend I was never severed.

This time I'll be scissors, trying to cut through your stone.
As your rocky exterior holds back your very soul.
Crushing me with the gravity of your black hole heart.
Here I am, breaking apart.

May 2016 · 246
Down the drain.
Slur pee May 2016
Everything swirls down the drain,
But the only thing that sticks
Seems to be pain.
It gets stuck in the pipes,
Chemicals can't make it right.
It's packed in tight, and the water overflows,
Filling the tub, with nowhere else to go.
While I'm trying to bathe,
To scrub off all this shame.
The water sings your name,
With every drop
It sounds the same.

And it's draining, slow
Where do all these feelings go?
I think I know, but I don't.
They just leak through my pores,
Open and make sores.
Open fists, and they're gone,
And the drips still sing their song.

I'm exhausted.
It's draining me.
I just want to be clean,
So we can start from the beginning.

May 2016 · 301
At six in the morning...
Slur pee May 2016
The sky is such a lovely shade of blue,
It's dark and bright, and reminds me of you.
An unforgettable hue, that makes me want to sink deep,
Want to dive right through, but it's always out of reach;
And only just, if I stretched enough
I could grab the sun,
And pull it up,
Right out of that sea,
For you,
My love.

Slur pee May 2016
I've been traveling through your garden
Lush and soft, decorated with colorful foliage
And camouflaged insects.
I've smelt your fragrant roses
And wisps of lavender scented wind
For a moment I thought it to be
Too beautiful and much too
The ripe succulent fruit that hung
Gracefully off supporting limbs
Beared no resemblance
To the withered sweetness of
Your bare heart.
I took a bite, half-expecting it to be bitter like your kisses
But it was sugary and pleasant
Like the love we once shared.
For a moment, I felt like I was lost
In an illusion of the past
When the butterflies would dance
Around the azaleas.
But I stumbled deeper into your
Garden's maze
Until I reached the center and found your soul.
I knew then,
That all of this fragile beauty was yours.
Stepping into a field of one thousand screaming
Cymbidium orchids.
Fierce and angry, like your spirit.
I could feel the hate that gripped to the air,
The taste of spite on my tongue,
But the smell was delightful and enticing,
Just as you were.
A shell of enticing beauty,
Hiding yourself on boats that
Would float on screeching fire.
One thousand screaming
Cymbidium orchids
Burn in my heart, along with you.

May 2016 · 438
Darkness grips.
Slur pee May 2016
Blackness overtaking blackness.
Waves of sadness, softly dripping happiness.
The darkness makes the light seem so much brighter,
And I'm blinded by the sight.
Darkness holds and grips me tighter.

Blackness conquers blackness,
In the corners of my eyes.
Light revolves around the center,
But my peripherals grow in size,
And I'm blind, the
Darkness holds and grips me tight.

And the slowly spinning light,
Tapers off into the night.
Burning lullabies in my mind, as
Darkness holds and grips me tight.

May 2016 · 238
Leaving the house.
Slur pee May 2016
Grinding my teeth until they're nothing
but dust,
Anxiety leads me and now I am lost.
In a crowd of strangers with painted faces,
Hidden behind masks and paper bags.
I feel like I'm having a heart attack.

I'm scared of these people,
I want to go back.

May 2016 · 458
Slur pee May 2016
Whitest snow,
Fair yellow,
Olive kissed,
And freckled mist.

Creamed coffee,
Sweet toffee,
Dark cocoa,
The skin you know.

Causes lamentation.
The colors, the shades
That bring about hate.
Skin this fruit and taste,
The sweetness stays the same.
So why am I to be judged
Based off of my race?

Making children ashamed
Because you fail to see,
What lies inside of them
Is just another human being.

Ribbon our skin,
The beauty lies within.
In a world without color
We'd learn to know each other.

May 2016 · 799
A wish to see you soon.
Slur pee May 2016
I sit outside
With my old friend, the moon
Thinking about life,
When my thoughts orbit to you
Wondering if you feel it too
And if you do, is it true?
Does my loneliness skew
The way my eyes view
These emotions that brew?
Everything I feel is new
And oh so scary.
I don't feel me breaking through,
Like it's all imaginary.
As if your heart just eludes-
All the moves
That I make to get closer.
Sometimes I feel warm, but
When it leaves I'm even colder
Than before.

I watch the glow bugs dance in the darkness,
Like stars that broke out of space's harness
And I wish they were me,
Fragments of my soul set free
To get lost in nature's serenity,
To just stop thinking...
'Cause when I do, the moon
Just pulls me back to you.
Wondering if you feel it too,
The desire- the need
That grows inside like greed.
To look up and reach out,
Grab all the stars I can count.
To make a wish with no use,
One to see you soon.

Slur pee May 2016
If resident evil taught me anything,
It's that tourniquets stop the bleeding,
But herbs do all the healing.
Though it doesn't stop the feelings.
Everyone's paranoid, and always scheming,
As if zombies are out creeping,
Around corners and through ceilings.
Strategically placing pawns,
Laying bait, and setting traps
Until you're left feeling numb,
To the world and all its crap.
They'll beat you when you're down,
Or even if you're in the clouds,
And once you're on the ground,
Gravity slowly ***** you in,
Until you're breathing dirt,
And you're soiled by your sin.
Wishing for a sign,
To help you clear your mind,
Because you realized, it kind of tickles when you hurt,
And you'd believe all the lies, if it helped you to survive.

So where the zombies at, and can I bring my gat?
'Cause my finger has been itching, though all I do is scratch.
Revealing skin tissue, that would rather hug a trigger,
My strength isn't the issue, only worrying about ammo misuse,
And if it's you, I figure, a knife can end it quicker.
Straight to the stem, that held your mind in.

My beautiful rotting barbie,
I'll worship you,
Like that Jesus zombie.

May 2016 · 412
Slur pee May 2016
I'm moldy and rotten,
Pulling myself apart,
Like cotton.

I press myself, against this cell
If I were skinnier, I could escape this hell.
Skin like cellophane, clinging to bones,
Slipping through the hands, I used to call home.

My stomach speaks, and my breath reeks like acid,
My thoughts like to creep, when they think
No one's watching.
In the middle of the night, you can see the demons dance.
I always thought it rude that they never asked
For my hand.

I cling to the stars, as if they're the only thing that's real,
If I collect enough, I can wish to feel.
The sky is covered in clouds that are rotting,
I pull myself apart, as if I were cotton.

May 2016 · 275
Little flower I can hold.
Slur pee May 2016
I fell in so quickly, though I perceived it in slow motion,
Like I was slowly sinking, into your heart's crimson ocean,
And I finally made it all the way to the bottom.
Where I sat amongst memories that remain unforgotten.

Scenes too important to be held by your brain,
Where short term memory loosely holds onto the reins.
Influenced by things, always mistaking flowers for weeds.
Vines effortlessly follow wrinkles, on gray matter they feed.

You stored me in your heart, next to things you could not part with,
Like the warmth of my smile, and the softness of my lips
Things that you held dear, like my reflection in the mirror.

You'd always feed my hungry ears,
With the things they like to hear.

You'd pull away my fears,
And pick at what makes me insecure.
You'd steal my salted tears,
And rub them into your open sores.
You felt my pain, when I couldn't take it anymore.
With me, in the darkness you fearlessly explored.

You followed me into my world,
Just to get a better look,
At all the sickness and the hurt.
You watched blood flow through the holes,
Where organs were.

Understanding this corpse,
On your fingertips it's coarse.
Learning how to trace around,
All the insides that can't be found.
Holes you plan to fill, with emotions I don't feel.
You planted seeds in me, to show me that it's real.

I think I can feel them grow,
Through my skin,
Through my bone.
Is this thing called love...
This little flower,
I can hold?

May 2016 · 340
Pure ecstasy.
Slur pee May 2016
Thoughts of a body
Of water, flowing through me,
As the call of nature rings.
Birds sing and bees sting,
Butterflies flap their wings.
Rhythm comes so naturally,
Instinctively, like remembering
To breathe- heavily, like rain
Dripping off the window panes.
Locked up like we're insane,
With tongues and bodies
A language, beautiful and innate.

Pure ecstasy.

May 2016 · 331
Spouting out.
Slur pee May 2016
While you're snoring
I'm leaning against the wall
Listening to music-
Slightly Stoopid
'cause I might be too, even
Though I was good in school.
Where's my proof?
When I'm sitting her aloof
To life, and focusing on strife
My brain's playing
With throwing knives
I'm running out of lives
If I could get my score as high
As I'll be before we die
I could get another try
Always practicing my hand-eye
Coordinating my "please, may I's"
Focusing on your **** lies,
Chaining myself to my own mind.
If I spent half the effort that
I put into words, drawing figures;
Creating things of no worth.
Then maybe, I'd be worth it
Just enough for you to focus
On the fact that I'm a person
And inside I'm hurting-
A reflection,
Of your own dejection
A friendly reminder
That we all face rejection
Searching for some form
Of heaven.
I'd make you happy again,
At least I'd try to make you laugh
Hold your hand, if you'd hold mine back
But you'd smoke my heart like crack.
Blame me for your heart attacks.
This is just another stupid rant
When my dreams are out of reach
Away from my grasp
Which is always.
My body just works like that,
I could lay in the darkness
And quiet
With closed eyelids,
But always an open mind
Just can't shut those blinds
My thoughts tend to slow time
Stretching night over the morning
That never seems like it's coming
But I can feel it running-
Down my leg.
Like the sharpness of a
Razor blade.
Blood is warmer than your touch,
Welcomes me with a little love.
You never give me goosebumps,
My heart had never jumped,
We just use each other like bums
For drugs and a quick ****
Indulging the dirtiest of thoughts
Along the way we just got lost.

May 2016 · 823
Slur pee May 2016
Touch lips.
Tongues slip,
Salted skin.
Inviting grin,
I'll let you in.
Eyes stare,
Skinned bare.
Vibrant pair,
Bright smile.
Waste my time,
For a while.

Twist, on the sand.
Hand, caged in hand.
Kiss, of scorching fire.
Brand me with desire.

May 2016 · 332
Feeding on oneself.
Slur pee May 2016
If only you could feel 
That the hell in me is real.
My insides house a violent fire,
My brain is storage,
For a thousand dark desires.

My stomach burns
With abhorrence.
Intensely gagging,
I can't endure it.
So I'll regurgitate, 
All of this extreme hate.

Only to devour it, 
Like a starving animal.
Slowly feeding on myself, 
I'm some sort of autocannibal.
Sending my insides to their fiery pedestal.

If you could only see,
What blazes inside of me.
You'd understand the reasoning,
I undergo, this feeding frenzy.
These demons inside,
That I desperately hide,
Should never be released.

So I'll continue to eat,
All that I excrete.

May 2016 · 314
Talk to me.
Slur pee May 2016
I want to have a conversation,
A real one, not snippets of speech
I desire to dive into your cranial ocean
To discover plant life and new species.
Your waves push me back,
And your moon pulls me away.
I understand our emotions aren't the same.
You're happy when I stay
Floating on the surface.

I'm an open book
With pages turning in the wind
I'll let you read all of my sentences.
You could admire
All the ugly pictures,
That I find sacred
Like the scriptures.
Fold me up like dog ears
In places you
Want to be remembered.
Tear out a page, it's yours to take
Bend my spine, make me out of shape.

Just let me sink at the end of the day.

May 2016 · 757
We made our Mother ugly.
Slur pee May 2016
Trees are beautiful dancers,
Stretching their limbs to heaven
Holding graceful poses as they sway to Mother's music.
The birds sing for them, happily.
Chirping to the earth's heartbeat
Picking their feathers clean
To fly off into the wind-
Her breath,
As She sighs with content
At all She has to behold,
At everything She has created
Like the militant insects,
Who live with purpose and reason
Who form even lines only they can see
On Her fertile dirt, they tread carefully.
The butterflies and bees and things
That feed upon Her flowering beauty
Spreading Her seed, expanding Her life,
As once again She happily sighs.
Though her happiness knows of strife,
A sour note in Her song,
A melody that came out wrong
Humanity can only carve
Uneven lines into Her heart.
Abort Her life, with hands clenching Her womb
Punishing Her for everything She has bloomed.
We don't deserve this elysian tomb
She's the one who has cursed us with our doom.
Abort Her life, so we can perish too
Her beauty turned to ugliness too soon.

May 2016 · 195
Slur pee May 2016
This world is riddled with endless contradictions,
Everyone's an expert fit to judge the competition,
Defending the accepted with "freedom" of expression,
While the ones who oppose will always face rejection.
We close our mind's doors to keep the creepers out,
Where they crawl in a pile, twisting with our self-doubt.
We'd open a window if it's fitted with a screen,
To sift away anything we might find obscene-
Mean, not good enough to be seen.
In our heads, our brains are clean.
We can't see it's stained and *****,
*** on the sheets, wash them next week
Have a big bite right after you've wiped,
We're all blind, to the mess that lies
Right outside of the confines of our minds.

May 2016 · 2.1k
Avocado tree.
Slur pee May 2016
What happened to our avocado tree?
I remember when it was vibrant and lively
When lizards would sneakily climb up the trunk
And birds would blend with leaves,
Blissfully chirping, wanting love to be sung
To the world in which we would run
Encapsulated in our backyard
That we thought would stretch as far
As our imaginations.
But it was really just a prison
And that tree...
That beautiful, wondrous tree
Was our sign that we were free
Wanting to climb up as far as we could reach.
It seemed to scrape the moon
And the nights were always gone too soon,
Losing all of our wishes to the sun
When the morning would come.
Evaporating into reality,
We grew up and it started withering.

In our teens, killing flower buds
Smoking all the weeds,
Not getting enough hugs.
We'd find comfort in its leaves.
Hiding from the devil in smoke and memories
Of our avocado tree.

Then we had to leave,
Ripped apart from all we loved
My childhood home, all the feelings that have grown
Like vines, like veins branching out against the walls.
Remember the old days when we thought that there was hope?
We didn't know that we were so dysfunctional
Everything good is gone,
And we've ended up all alone.
Down to three withered leaves clinging to a dying tree.

My avocado tree,
Remember me?
In my mind eternally.

May 2016 · 366
Got love?
Slur pee May 2016
He makes my heart shiver,
Gently quiver,
Makes it want to be a giver.
Sharing showers,
Raining arrows
That pull his heart hither;
Close to love that slithers,
In between the indefinite.
Like the way his snaky tongue carefully splits my lips.

May 2016 · 347
A memory.
Slur pee May 2016
No one loved you enough to clean the puke off of you,
So you slept in your own filth,
Until you were sober enough to clean it up yourself.

The only Christmas present they got you was a gingerbread house,
For you to build so they could destroy it,
Drowning the gingerbread people in drool,
Along with your happiness,
Knowing they probably bought it with the money they stole from your pillowcase,
Covered in tears.

So you drowned your sorrows in something a little stronger,
Strong enough to burn that frog that was stuck in your throat.
And for the first time you spoke.
You spoke and you praised and you confessed and you cried.
And for the first time they heard.
They heard and they listened and they cried.

In the morning, you awoke to find,
That no one loved you enough to clean the puke off of you,
So you slept in your own filth,
Until you were sober enough to clean it up yourself.

May 2016 · 233
Far, far away.
Slur pee May 2016
I'm left incapacitated,
And utterly defenseless.
Just another, failed escapist.

There is no way out.
"I have got you now."
Says the figure in the fog.

And I thought myself a god...

Here I stand, cowering to a stronger man,
Not fully understanding, the power I hold.
He'd teach me the ways, if I gave him my soul.
Between heavy breaths, he weaved promises
Of ending all of this destruction, and conflict.
He spoke of balance, my mind raged with malice
Angered, I refused.

"If you only knew..."

He painted tales of a man, who died by his hand.
My creator, who I never saw again.
"Please sir, refrain, from speaking his name,
For if you do, it's you I shall slay,
And repay debts, that have gone unpaid
For too long."

"I see The Vile, have poisoned your mind with lies,
I shall not push you any farther,
Though know, I am your father."

The impossible and probable collide,
What's this feeling burning deep inside?
Does he speak lies? Was the Oracle right?
Envisioning a destiny so unkind.
I let myself fall,

And I thought myself a god...

May 2016 · 336
Field of butterflies.
Slur pee May 2016
Whenever you're near me,
My stomach begins to ache,
From the incessant flutter
Of paper thin wings.
I have a field of butterflies,
Inside my stomach lining.
And you coax them to fly,
With your nectar-sweet smile.

May 2016 · 522
A boy I'll never meet.
Slur pee May 2016
His smile is enthralling,
It fills my heart with longing
And the insects that crawl
In my intestinal lining
Start flying,
Incessantly flapping wings.
My face turns flushed by the rush my blood brings.
He's so interesting, innately caring
He loves animals and nature, it seems.
Mender of trees, hands always busy
Being amazing is his specialty.
I bet his voice is smooth and deep,
The way it sounds in my dreams
When he's gently holding me,
Whispering the sweetest things.
Rough hands pressed against my soft body
Caressing my flaws as I hear his heart sing
A song that's so pleasing- so serene,
I can hear it ringing from
One thousand, far miles away.
I just want to see his smiling face.

May 2016 · 490
I want the D.
Slur pee May 2016
Dying dreams;
Dad's drunk daily
Down, devouring dry dirt.
Disappointing, dumb daughter
Drawing dark, depressing depictions.
Dewy, damp domes drowning
Damaged, dislocated desires.
Death diet; desperate destruction.
Domestic *******,
Disgustingly digging- dividing
Dysfunctional demons.
Dying determination.

May 2016 · 689
Slur pee May 2016
Wired veins,
Electric shame,
So I don't feel pain.
Created to act,
Like I'm intact,
But really, I'm wrecked.
Never to be sentient.
Master, tell me,
What is love?
And all the things,
It consists of.
Boundless knowledge,
But I'll never know,
How it feels to function,
Like the humans do.

May 2016 · 386
Slur pee May 2016
Fragile whispers of life split time
Rewinding moments in our lives,
Reliving memories- a crime.

Into the past again, it dives
This damaged thing I call a mind.
A house of swarming thoughts, a hive

With jagged teeth that gnash, unkind
It growls and screams until I lie
Comatose, drugged- high to unwind.

Gouge out these broken Pisces eyes,
Cursed by Neptune with illusions
These morbid scenes in which I die.

Privacy denied intrusion,
Fooled by charming Virgo smiles.
Unnoticed were the allusions.

Hatred drags along for miles,
Stubbornly, beside my shadow
While I pace down endless aisles.

Looking along these countless rows,
For something to sate the calloused
Fragments of me that decompose

Oh, you fill my heart with malice
Make my dry skin melt like plastics.
Going down a hole, like Alice.

May 2016 · 536
Desperate want.
Slur pee May 2016
I don't care
About all the other jewels you hold in cusped hands,
You make me feel as valuable as each and every one of them.
I want to adorn your skin, just to leave a subtle hint
To make you feel beautiful with the way I complement,
Throwing compliments to your feet, on my knees
Begging you, please, just one
Chance to release these feelings.
A day of your love. A second of your touch,
I just want to say that I've had the experience.
I crave your kiss, I crave your tongue.
Your body is where my fingers long to run,
Across every flawless inch of skin
Every rise, every dip
Let me burn you with fingertips
And scorching lips,
Whispering promises of rhythmic hips.

I just want one day.
One measly minute.
One tiny, insignificant
Miniscule second;
To taste your heaven.

To etch every detail
Into my brainstem.

May 2016 · 435
Am I so imperfect?
Slur pee May 2016
I'm inflamed again,
Picking at skin again.
Creating scabs once more,
Reveling in open sores.
I want to feel pain again,
Shower me in shame again
Like the crimson rain that's condensed inside my veins.
I'll call you a home again,
If you make me feel alone again.
Reflections of childhood
When the walls listened and understood.
The Shark's calling my name again,
Craving serrated blades again.
To saw across scars- healed skin,
Trace against marks of past sin.
I want to draw your face again,
Take me to a pretty place again.
Don't drown me in your sympathy,
With eyes playing the saddest symphonies.
I long to play with Death again
To feel my suns set again.
Give me the perfect gifts,
Of a moonlit noose and kiss.

Or don't I deserve it,
Am I so imperfect?

May 2016 · 298
Wish you weren't here.
Slur pee May 2016
An angel made of unreal perfection.
A demon that curses me with rejection.
Puffy, honeyed lips that I crave more everyday.
A mouth that only spews out words of hate.
He makes me feel so warm and not alone.
You make me feel like hell is my only home.

It's always freezing cold in that hole of a soul.

When you force yourself upon me
To him, my thoughts creep
It doesn't hurt so badly
If I pretend it's his body-
His mouth absorbing my screams
His fingers clinging to me,
Digging into scarred skin.
It is never a sin;
It isn't, if it's him.

It's always freezing cold, I'm shivering in your soul.

He's an angel, eluding my prayers
While you're a devil that selfishly answers.
I want to feel the softness of his feathers
Raining down on me like kisses
A million times better,
Than all of your sorry excuses.

Your love only comes in forms of abuse
Use me, so you don't have to feel so obtuse.
Escaping you, through portals of imagination.
A face of a man who fills me with elation,
While you teach me self-hatred,
I've been begging you to leave for ages.

It isn't fair when my feelings have waned,
I don't feel the same, but you insist that there's a flame-
So you stay, chaining me
To the heart of a knave
Insisting I'm property,
An object for you to keep
But I dream of him,
When I'm imprisoned
In arms while we sleep.
I just want you to leave,
I want to be freed.

Your soul is freezing cold, the place where I'm forced to grow old.
Pain falls like snow coursing through these brittle bones.

It hurts so much knowing his heart will never be in my hold.

May 2016 · 257
Meet me.
Slur pee May 2016
Come meet me where the wind sings,
Where the sky's coloring blends into gentle pinks
Where the soft green grass rolls over hill peaks,
In a place where our souls can secretly converge
Hidden by trees, that sway to our heartbeats
Mixing together so musically.
Under shade, free from hate.
Your love is the sweetest taste.
With haste, I'd please. Fulfill
Your every want and need.

Please meet me in the field where all my feelings grow,
Blooming orchids and roses, that I'm afraid to show
Crawling with mimic mantises and covered in thorns
I'd remove all of my defenses, if your butterflies would adorn
This pathetic garden full of hurt
And turn it into a world of wonder.
Tear my lonely heart asunder.

Meet me, in between dreams
Where I lie, in wait, unmoving
Just to see your face
And feel the happiness it brings.

May 2016 · 330
Slur pee May 2016
So you don't enjoy the hell that you've created,
You tore apart what was heavenly,
And ended up hating it.
Now you dwell in the land of the hopeless man.
With nothing to follow except for the sand,
That fills your hourglass.

It will lead you to the path,
Of your final destination,
Where all our souls go for migration.

A pool of flames, that we've all ignited.
Where we'll burn until fate has decided,
To release us back into the world.
Dust off the ashes and reveal a new form.

Experience a phoenix's rebirth.

A second chance to try at life,
To laugh in the moments where you previously cried.
To tell the truth all the times you've lied.
An opportunity to walk on the greener side.

When your happiness has reached its peak,
And you've gained all the knowledge that you seek,
You can migrate back to the final destination,
And live your life as one,
With the universe's vibrations.

May 2016 · 289
A night of nirvana.
Slur pee May 2016
Awakening on a plain, vast and full of nothingness
I scan the horizon of my brain, sifting through thoughts
And memories. Like all the times I've been called a negative creep.
I try not to let it get to me, but these paper cuts run deep.
I think of school, and reflect on the moments I was buzzed on love.
Always wanting more, like an addict I could never get enough,
But now I only get my fix off of lithium,
I write lines with shaky hands and blurred vision.
All of my emotions blew away like pollen in the wind,  
I'm waiting for the spring so they can be in bloom again.
In this emptiness I breed hate, feeling sick I regurgitate
And there's something in the way it tastes,
Reminiscent of skin flakes. Please stay away,
It's not contagious, but my hair's thinning and my skin always itches.
I'm just a dumb downer, and I know that's infectious,
You remind me every second. It's endless,
Nameless, I am. Just a line in the whole sketch.
I'm waiting for the day where I find eternal peace,
And reach

May 2016 · 251
Slur pee May 2016
I knew,
That life was so fragile, but
They never told us.
I could feel it in the unknown,
The everlasting feeling of doom.
Realizing our own impermanence, it settled
The thought of death buried itself
Into the deepest part of my skull.
As we walked together in decaying ruins, and
Into the deepest part of my skull.
The thought of death buried itself.
Realizing our own impermanence, it settled,
The everlasting feeling of doom;
I could feel it in the unknown.
They never told us
That life was so fragile, but
I knew.

Slur pee May 2016
Spider legs, and lizard eyes
Dragon tongue (that's been hung out to dry.)
Harpy's egg, and ogre phlegm
And a drop or two, of toad's sweat.
Breath of frog, snout of hog,
One unlucky rabbit paw.
Anise, thyme, and cardamom,
With a hint of vampire's blood.
Stir it with a wizard's wand,
Immediately consume once done.

What? It's not a witch's brew,
I'm simply hungry; I've decided on stew.

May 2016 · 616
Slur pee May 2016
We swarm around this earth,
Like flies on a carcass.
Laying eggs in this decaying nest,
Letting our maggots eat everything that's left.
From the inside out, leaving a hollowed core
We've rid this land of all that's pure.
Chaotically, we fly
Towards the light we use to hide
All of this darkness. Ignorance,
Is our spirit's harness,
That we use to lift us up to heaven.
To escape our planet's life recession.

May 2016 · 391
Slur pee May 2016
I'm starting to begin to think
I'm leaking redundancy,
I only say the same thing.
I repeat things that are unnecessary,
And add things superfluously.

May 2016 · 381
A storm is coming.
Slur pee May 2016
Something's wrong,
I can feel it in my skin.
The way it crawls,
over my body,
It feels like I'm melting.
I'm sure I'm dissolving.
I'm getting lost, sinking in myself.
A tragic puddle, left to evaporate
Into a vapor of tremendous hate,
Something's wrong,
It might happen today,
This hateful vapor might condense,
Into rain.

May 2016 · 367
Broken hands.
Slur pee May 2016
I create, but cannot make
Myself a heart that will not break,
And still feel in the same way,
Compared to flesh, steel feels so fake,
Iron alters love's sweet taste,
My tongue finds it a waste.
With out the honey from the hive,
Do bees have reason to be alive-
To pollinate?
Would each flower taste like hate?

These broken hands on this broken man
Can't be fixed by sand pressed into glass.
It just melts and drips into the cracks,
And I find when I slip they just come back.
I know this fix isn't permanent,
Of all I make,
My crutch is the only thing that breaks.
I'm lame. Crippled by my shame,
And she's the one to blame,
Boasting perfection,
I'm shadowed by her projection.
Disregarding my creations, with haste
I wallow in her unending hate.

I make, but can't create
Myself a lovely face,
One that she can grace,
With loving touch
At a gentle pace.

Her heart is the place where my emotions go to waste.

Continuation of my poem "I can't forge love."
May 2016 · 325
Slur pee May 2016
I know we're all connected through space dust, or whatever.
And all the feelings that I've felt have been felt by another,
Even though we're not related, I'd accept you as my brother.
We're the same, in the way, that we don't understand each other,
Two sides of a coin, now standing face to face
We're here in this time, occupying this space.
Not all can see, it isn't about getting first place,
But I believe, we could run together in this race.
Look at the sky, time always flies
Leaving us all ant-sized, and behind
"Remember that time when...?" We got stuck in the past,
Never realizing, that our present wouldn't last.
Everything fades, we all meet our fate,
After we deteriorate,
Where we go all depends on faith.
I want to be a tree, reaching towards your heaven,
Providing a breath of life, to our earthbound brethren.

Slur pee May 2016
In this garden nothing grows, but death and fungus
It sprouts so persistently like memories of us
Smells just like them too... Putrid; so rotten.
I'd burn it all down if it means you'd be forgotten

But you wouldn't, by you my head is haunted.

Every seed I've sown has been reaped from your soul,
Everything I try to grow are just parts of you I know
Like the way you smile when you lie.
I can feel my flowers die. Petals cry,
Curling up like shriveled fetuses
Aborting any notion that your love for me persists.

My tears never dry, drowning orchids as I cry
Torpid, happiness lies
Just outside the confines of my mind.

I long to shatter these barriers you've created,
With sweet sounding words that tasted like hatred.
But, you've instilled a fear in me
Irrationally, I'm scared to leave.
Taught to enjoy ugliness rather than beauty.
The crispness of dry leaves instead of soft greens,
The sting your hands bring when you whisper you love me,
The flame left by my tears as you take your pleasure.

In this garden of death, vines entwine deep within myself
Rooting me to the dirt full of nutrients from hurt
All I've ever known, my only form of life support.

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