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skyler Apr 2017
in some ways i think it will always hurt
and i know i will always remember
but maybe that’s what made it real
maybe that's why we met
for me to remember
not only the intoxicating madness
i always felt when i was with you
and the way just a brush of your skin
could set me on fire
giving me a high only you could create
but also remember
the way my chest tightened when you left
the way i thought i would never make it beyond you
the way you hurt me more than anyone ever had before
when i could never dream of doing that to you
yes maybe we met so i could remember
what it felt like to fall in love
and so i would never forget
what it takes to unlove

skyler Apr 2017
i wish i could care less
like you tell me i do
i wish my mind
would not be
by you
by you
i would not be
if i could care less
just as you keep telling me

skyler Apr 2017
please forgive me
when i go
but there was a sadness in me
i never did show

i kept it buried inside
where only i could feel
and i tried to tell myself
that it just wasn't real

i hid it from all
because it knew what it did
it tears you apart
with a darkness you can't rid

and i have tried my best
and thought i could handle it
but it has been so long
it is time i give in to it

so i bid my farewell
it will be better this way
and know it's not your fault
but i could no longer stay.

skyler Apr 2017
i love you
you don't get that do you
i get so upset
because i ******* care about you
but i am tired
of the agony
you keep on creating
like this life
is just
        a game
a game
i am losing
so go ahead
with your life
but keep me out of it
because you are dragging me
and i am tired of fighting it

skyler Apr 2017
i care about you
more than i can put into words
and it's awful
knowing i am no longer yours
but i'll keep writing ****** poems
and smiling when i see you
because deep down inside
i still hope you miss me too
because you seem to solve all my problems
but their problems that you've created
so i am forever confused
thinking this love is overstated

skyler Mar 2017
i beg of you
be careful
you mean to much
to make mistakes
you can't take back

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