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 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
JY Lim
It is
what I do
since the 50's
of my 18 years —

Mummy, do you
cry when you
walk away
and leave me
crying here (too?)

There were wars
where we fought it out,
like angry soldiers
without cause —
without loyalty...

So mummy, you should know,
I will forever
be loyal to you
even when I tell you
I am upset with you,
even when you
are digging your claws
so cluelessly
into my throat —

A fortune teller
once told you,
you told me,
that I didn't know,
if you loved me;
You said then,
"There's no way, right?"
like you weren't sure, and
I said, "Of course not."
I did not lie,
I know.
(even when my nightmares were of you forgetting me)

Like a person waking up from a car crash,
I know I have all my limbs,
I just don't
and I am just
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
Laying on the bed
Tears running down my face

I'm listening to music
But it does not fill the hole In my heart

*I need you here
The journey to becoming a man is often left unsaid.
From the tribes of Africa, to the plains of America,
Each footstep gets closer and closer ahead.
I often think back to my father, so young, so strong, and so scared.

Already having another daughter, and now having another pair.
I ask the question, how could he bare?
The fact of starting another life, marrying another wife,
And attempting the job to prepare, to be super dad, father of the year.

But, he’s the best man in my life, my role model, second to Christ.
Not perfect, but he’s mine.
My dad, so many things come to my head.

I hope to be half the man you are as I grow older.
For I know you’ll always be with me,
Keeping an arm over my shoulder.

Because looking in the mirror,
I can’t help but to see you.
Please bless me with the knowledge and the wisdom
To be you.
Thank you, and continue to be my dad.

I Love you.
Is it something I said
Is it just how it is
Did some other girl give him more than I did

Is he telling the truth
That its not me, it's him
Is it something I said?
Is that just how it is?
I just want to know why
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
What do I do??
Its summer I get it
But what to do?
I want to spend this summer with you
But you said you don't want me around
I suppose this summer will be like the few lonely ones

But hey
Admit to it that you had fun last summer
I am bored
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
I don't even know why
I'm punishing myself

because I'm never going to be like the rest.
I'm never going to be who I want to be.

I don't know why I'm letting myself be left behind
wishing I let myself go but trying to convince myself

it was
the right thing to do
(I know it wasn't)

I can live in denial though
I have and I will.
My whole grade is off on a fun trip to D.C. and I didn't go because I didn't feel confident enough to and because I tried to convince myself I could use the money on something much more rewarding then sharing in a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome

I won't let myself cry


It's my fault anyways


I should've known you were trouble.


 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
This isn't my name
or at least not the name given to me.

But think about it...
our names aren't given,
they are forced.

This isn't who I was
or at least who I think I was.

But if I think about it...
I never liked who I was
so maybe this is a good thing.
Haha, this is fun!
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
I met a ******* my bus home
She was different
She had a piercing in her nose
A black leather jacket
Black open toad shoes
Blue jeans
and a cup of coffee!

She looks so beautiful

Her face told you different stories
Her face was sad
Sadder than the moon
Her auburn hair was all up in her face
She clutched her iPhone tightly
waiting for someone to call..
But there was no call

She waited and waited
until my stop came
Then I left the bus
I don't know what happened next
but we can all hope for the best..
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