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what great blessing it will be
if today was my last day
no more endless pain, rejection and betrayal
i will be with god, a father who loves
i will be safe, loved and accepted
i will be reunited with mom again
endless lazy summer days
no more demons and ghost that haunt me
no more being lost and hating myself
no more silent suicide
no more , no more
love, love and only love
Well it must be true it's on Facebook!
So much is said that isn't true
He did that and she flew the coup !
Like this, like that it's all the same
You wont cure cancer or heal a child's pain
Follow a cause or like a page
It's intellectual blackmail in a cyber age
So how did we get so wrapped up
Zuckerberg has sold us a pup
It's an imaginary world with no taboos
Who's with who and what they do
No truth of any, in most of it
It's a collective pile of bovine ****!
It is the great debate*
That has broken many a home
One side says they're right
While the other says they're wrong

Neither side can clearly see
The others point of view
The argument that I talk about
Got it's start inside the Loo

This is my strong opinion
In my attempt to set straight many a soul
The toilet paper goes OVER the top
And not the BOTTOM of the roll

If the wrong millions could only see
That what I say is right
The world in which we all live
Would be a world of paradise

Now that you know just where I stand
I feel that life can carry on
So if you will excuse me please
*All this talk gave me a sudden urge to use the John...
 Jun 2013 Skye Applebome
i hope she loves you more than her thoughts could ever build the words.
i want her to hold your hand and laugh when you say the dumbest jokes.
whisper seductive things to make you stay.
i hope you stay.
happy? of course!
i hope she makes your grin stretch so far
you need a gps to find your way back to sanity.
i hope she leaves “i love you” spelled out in magnets on the fridge.
you deserve it! yes, yes, you do.
when you’re on the verge of tears
i hope she’s close enough to catch them just before they hit the floor.
i hope her kiss leaves you drunk and parched.
i hope you yearn, lust, fall so hard
that nor cement, concrete, or bricks could bring you to a halt.
let her be the best thing that’s ever stepped into your life.
memorize every inch from the strands of her hair to the space between her toes.
i hope her taste stains your tongue.
her touch leaves prints on everything.
i hope she tells her friends about you and lets her parents know you’re the one.
if you both happen to run into me
i’ll smile and chat about my day
ignoring that what she is to you
you used to be to me.
(but most of all i hope she breaks your heart.)
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