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At Nineteen,
I bore witness to the live Birth of my Son.
He was adopted out via Open Adoption
to a very nice Family a few Hours away in Ukiah.
I'm still in contact with them, I get pictures every six Months
and I'm very happy to also be able to see Him every so many Months.

At Twenty,
I lost my Father. I found him on the floor and called 911. I paid for his Cremation the next day.
It was what he told me he wanted; his ashes are in a box in my room.
Perhaps even moreso than he was my "Father", he was by best Friend;
for better and for worse.

At Twenty-One;
my Girlfriend of Five Years, who was also Mother of the aforementioned Child, and I
broke up on Friendly terms. Now she lives about 200 miles away.
We're still cordial, and I'm glad we still speak.
Eternal Allies are rare to come by,
to say the least.

So far, Twenety-Two has been rather turbulently eventful, as well.
Between Family and their lack, personal choices and relationships,
and the furtherment of my Self as well as my expressive Capacities,
it's been a hell of a Twenty-Two so far,
to say the least.

All of these things leave me with an Understanding
that I cannot ever judge anyone, for I know not of their struggles
and that no One can ever truly judge anyone else,
for the same reason.

Through all of this, I feel evermore
that this Life is ******* great,
and that's no sarcastic remark:

is a trippy and tumultuous Journey
and I'm thankful for this opportunity
to experience this Holiest of Realities, to say the least;
though it is a Lesson in Humility, to say the least.

And thus:

Thank you for reading my writings.
Thank you for taking time out to read what I have to bring forth.
Thank you for existing and expressing.

Blessings upon thy Paths;
wheresoever you've been
wheresoever you're going
thank you just for Being.

Please be your Self; you owe it to your Self,
for that is all you ever have, to say the least,
and so, once more:

*Blessings upon thy Path.
Concise version:

Witnessing the live Birth of your Child will change your Life.
Finding a Parent dead will change your Life.
A good thing gone terribly destructive will change your Life.
Being betrayed will change your Life.

Life is, nonetheless, great.

Thank you for your Time;
Blessings upon thy Path.
I think it's safe to say that at Twenty-Two,
I am already no stranger to true Loss and Anguish.
I guess that's who we all try to be
That "Little Miss Perfect" that has haunted all our dreams

You see her
And you really want to be here
But you know your dreams are unattainable
They see you
And they're lucky they can't be you
'Cause they don't wanna be invisible

I guess that's who we all try to be
That "Little Miss Perfect" that has haunted all our dreams

You see you
And you sure don't wanna be you
Because you really hate yourself
You see her
And you really want to be her
You just wanna be anyone else

I guess that's who we all try to be
That "Little Miss Perfect" that has haunted all our dreams
Not me.

I see you
Why don't you wanna be you?
Why can't you see you're wonderful?
I see her
Why do you wanna be her?
You're Little Miss Wonderful
shocker it's a song
Liars and thieves
full of selfish greed
found the need
to butcher and feed
on every inch of my integrity.
So I repay the fee
with eloquent misery
and conjure poetry
calibrated for the annihilation
of my enemy.
Yet in the end
the truth be told,
the greatest enemy
is me.
© JDMaraccini 2013
Thought I'd start off with a clean slate today
Completely clear my mind
Sit in a darkened room
Give it a little time

See what there is inside of me
Digging deep what I will find
Grab a hold the poet soul
Spend the extra dime

I found I like it better here
Without the fuddle of mankind
Just me, the darkness, and my mind
In the deeper meaning of the rhyme
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
“When are you leaving?” unknowingly, words slipped out of her mouth, he was packing all of his ancient Mario game discs, in a hurried state.
“Soon” he replied, slowly, he had to leave or would lose his mind, she was driving him insane in every way possible, her heart faltered a little bit more, as he stuffed more things in the duffel bag
Then he asked”why? You’ll miss me?” smirking, his lips drawing into tender smile
“Maybe” doubting, of what she is to him, not knowing of the importance she carries to him.
“Answer me in yes, or no, nothing in-between” he raised his voice a little, waited, he had been waiting, patiently for this moment, he has been in love with her for a while  now, but she had never been responsive, now that he is leaving, cruel fate is looking his way
“Yes, I will, the essence of you” her lips etching in to a smile, then she looked the other way, hiding.
Her heart has been broken to many times before, it’s a risk, but her gut says he’ll be worth it.

I will miss the notes you wrote, symbols you marked in all of my Bukowski books, how you sat in the run-down library across the street, and devoured frost.
I will miss the raspberry flavored macaroons you left in the coffee show where we first met every morning for me, with a snippet of your favorite lyrics attached to the box.
I will miss the way you clicked pictures of me at the oddest of time, with my Polaroid, they always turned out funny and crazy, but you framed them, and hung them on your bedroom wall like the moon hangs in the cobalt sky, delicately, fixed, reminding you of how no matter how hard the times are, a piece of beauty will always be there.
I will miss all the mess in my tiny apartment, all of your shirts, books, PS games and vinyl records tangled together, spewed all over the floor.
I will miss the way you had freckles all over your nose and your weird laugh, the ways your eyes crinkled whenever I made horrible jokes and you wanted to contain yourself from laughing.
I will miss running my hands through your hair, giving excuses that I just want to know how soft they are ,I said they are not ,so every time you washed them, and wanted to prove I am wrong  I was in pure delight.
I will miss you waking early to just watch that 90’s sitcom Seinfeld and way you laughed at a loud volume through it, waking up the neighbors’ dog and your horrible bathroom singing making me cringe and my ears cry.
I will miss your cedar and minty scent and the way your heart beats against mine, hard, quick, pounding against your ribcage, when we are wrapped in each other’s arms.
Yes, I admit I am in love with you and will miss you terribly. Everything about you and all the things you do.
So can you please stay?
Please stay?
Will you?
no, i don't know what this is, but i hope you enjoy it:) constructive criticism is always welcome!
Some people seek their solace in a bottle of ***
Some people wait for happiness that surely won't come
Some people find their destiny just wandering down
A road of broken promises where loneliness is found

But they find it
They find comforting sorrow
They find 'em
Finding lost tomorrows
I wrote another song
One time,
not that long ago,
I met a man I'd never known,
He was frail and weak and
had white cheeks,
His name I did not know,
It was snowing
and the air was cold,
My mother told me "don't go out"
I did not do as I was told.
Walking in the snow,
I stumbled by this man,
He was buried deep in the snow,
with a folder in his hand,
His voice was faint but,
at least I could hear,
In his voice he was
calling for help, his voice filled with fear.
I called out saying That i was there.
despite being an unsympathetic person I could help but care.
I got all my strength and pulled him out ,
I didn't stop to mess about.
the final pull was a great success.
he composed himself and said "thank you for you kindness."
Just as I was to turn around I remembered the look in his aged eyes.
Something that took year for me to try and disguise.
The look of sadness to the extreme,
the inside torture the inside scream
So I turned around and found him on a seat,
I sat down, the snow chilled my feet.
I said, " I know you're not happy what is wrong?"
"I haven't seen someone I love in very long.
I came here looking but couldn't find,
You know they never left my mind,
but I guess I'll have to live with my mistake,
But my love for them is not fake."
He turned and left after giving me a smile.
I hadn't cared for someone this much in a very long while.
When I went to leave I turned to my right.
And a snow covered folder caught my sight.
Because soon I realised why he felt so bad ,
this folder had everything about me ,
This man was my dad.
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