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Her name was Diana.
She was my queen. Her eyes soulful
Her spirit was clean.
I betrayed her love. With cold calculation.
Numbers .

Choices shaped by urgent circumstance.
The scales tipped away.

She spoke to me from a far place untrod .

I saw her in the flesh again. The woman stood next to me.
A total stranger. She spoke with care and compassion though
Her voice was not the same.The spirit arced the void.The eyes.

Her  body was a replica down to the way she stood. The face older,
the lines less sharp.
Her husband stood by quietly as we moved in the queue.
A prop. Voiceless.

Then and there I knew.
Diana had touched me over the years but she never came to me
This way. I struggled.
But I  could not. Make.the leap and so
She went her way with.    Strange goodbyes.

I knew she waited for me.
She said she.would in life.
She had forgiven my betrayal

Oh how she loved me. And oh how I loved her so.

She spoke to me from the grave. Her power was
Always pure love.
The breezes blew the flame from her candle
Her candle stood alone in the whipping wind.
Where I left her standing

Years ago I left her standing as the world cruelly closed in.
The hounds of her existence claimed her.
She will be mine again.
Those eyes that so engulfed me.

That heat that ever loved me.
Goodnight my sweet. Rest again.
My journey leads back to you.

In time the circle will close.
Goodnight my queen.
I know that you await.
Rest my queen.
Unspoken as before.

The boatman
Stands  on the far bank.
His fare in hand.
I love you.
I always have done.
Read THE LINK. This happened on veterans day as I stood in line to board The U.S.S. Idaho for a tour.
Repressed until now. Wow.
1) Believe in God. Everything happens for a reason. What sometimes breaks us makes us stronger, and in the end your strength will be unbreakable under any circumstances.

2) You can rise above your trials and tribulations. You will find your strength. The light of a brighter future can be seen through even the smallest hole.

3) Believe in yourself so others may also believe in you, and of course so they might begin to believe in themselves.

4) Dare to dream! Your dreams are your shining stars. If you believe, your star will guide you which way to go. Dreams are your future discovered, so always act on your dreams.

5) Love your parents, and be grateful under any circumstances for all they have done for you. They gave you life, and you are here for a reason—maybe even a divine reason.

6) Have a sense of responsibility for yourself and society. Be not a burden but a proud, patriotic citizen of your country.

7) Be an instrument of change for the benefit of yourself and others. If you help yourself and become successful, then you can help others with your generosity.

8) Promote peace, love, and charity. God will measure your good works one day.

9) Promote the love of nature and the environment. Your future children and the children of your children will remember and benefit from your sensibilities.

10) Prosperity is not only material wealth. Generosity of kindness and compassion to others also enrich our souls.

11)Give until it hurts. You will be rewarded to the same  measure as you give.

12) Make sacrifices for the good of others and not for self interest and/ or glorification.

13) Be a bridge over troubled waters. Lend a hand to someone having difficult times.

14) The sun always shines the brightest after heavy storm. Whatever you think is your worst problem, somebody else has it worse than you do. You will always see the light is brighter after going through the darkness.

15) Heaven metaphorically can be a parallel realm on earth just as well. You can find it when you find the ways needed to make other people happy. Heaven can thus be found in people’s smiles of gratitude aimed back at your simple kindness shown toward them.
Though terrible things happen,survival is possible for those who continue to live despite the darkest of days.
I suffered through many dark times,from intense poverty in the Philippines to ****,pregnancy from the ****.and leukemia-all by the age of twenty four but I'm able to see the light even through the smallest hole.
I was able to fight my way past my difficult circumstances and found success,happiness,and redemption.
The fruit of my patience and perseverance can be read in my book " I Ordered My Future Yesterday."
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time,
walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,
it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,

but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
Sir B
If words were arrows
My heart would have too many..
I am in some serious sad moods these days..
 Jul 2013 Skye Applebome
I know that I'm still breathing,
i know that I'm not dead.
But these evil evil thoughts...
are running through my head.
Girl you know I'm lost ...Lost in the thrill of it all...
and I was laying with Delilah..when she cut off my hair...
and i was lost inside her...blinded right beside her...
Eve got me to eat her fruit...and I was buried with her...
naked right beside her...bamboozled cuz I need her...
Coaxed by my Queen Esther...Iam Lost...Lost in the thrill of it all...
Girl you know I'm Lost...inside your temple..
Binned by your ribs...Connected at the heel...
Achilles didn't die at will...but was only protect too the heel
Medusa stares inside me...and I freeze up to stone..
My soul is given to her...i am lost inside her
Girl you know I'm lost......Lost, in the thrill of it all..
Robbed by Rebekah...Blessing will never be the same..
Work 14 years to hold Rachel...caught playing silly games
Ill **** just to hold Basheba...but Jezebel is in my bed!!  
Tell me where is Mary.....Mary he isn't dead
I'm just lost...Lost in the thrill of it all...
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