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May 2013 · 1.4k
I Remember Buffalo
Poemasabi May 2013
I remember Buffalo-
Amherst actually, but the suburb not the college town
My nephew lives in Amherst
But the college town not the suburb

My grandmother lived in Buffalo
Amherst really
and my dad too
My grandfather died there, before I was born

We never said we were going to Amherst
We said Buffalo
Like someone from Los Alamitos might say
they were from Los Angeles

But Buffalo was where grandmother was
But not the fun one
The fun one lived in Gloversville
Which is near Amsterdam, my mom used to tell us it was Amstergosh

Still, Amherst had soft boiled eggs for breakfast
a giant oriental rug on which a small boy could play
but just with his Matchbox cars
and a blow-up Sinclair dinosaur

There was the garage with doors at both ends
Perfect for hiding a car
From brothers-in-law
On a wedding day

There was the giant Chrysler
light green as I recall
In the driveway past which the neighbors lived
with their iced tea with mint and lemon

There were Uncle John and aunt Mimi
Who were like my great uncle and aunt
Except they weren't
Just really close family friends

Uncle John was the one who told me at the age of five
"Always tell a woman you need to leave an hour before you actually have to leave"
We were waiting for Mimi to "get ready" so we could go somewhere
She was taking forever

I do remember Buffalo
Amherst really
But I know there is so much more
that I've forgotten
May 2013 · 546
Window Visit
Poemasabi May 2013
Tiny visitor on my window
Unseen as both you come and go
But noticed just the same
Been singing since you came
How long your song will last I do not know
May 2013 · 787
Gluttonous Grass (Haiku)
Poemasabi May 2013
Cool rain falls on warm lawns, gluttonous grass drinks deep, becomes tall and fat.
May 2013 · 1.5k
Poemasabi May 2013
with a head of foam
refreshing to a point
then, after too many,
not refreshing at all
only rented
May 2013 · 441
The Hole
Poemasabi May 2013
They say "it's never easy to go home"
Which is true, sometimes.

I went home today to the hole where, until two days ago
the house where I had spent most of my life before marriage
It's gone now leaving only a hole
and as big as the hole looked
in the bright sunshine of a Connecticut Sunday in May
It is not as big, I know, as the hole in my sibling's heart
having had to say good bye to the only house
she had ever known.
Apr 2013 · 457
Blaze (Naani)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
The service dog sees
that among the children
his veteran is safe
but still, he watches
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Dusk Song (Sijo)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
Hard to know the number of "friends" that live out past where lawn meets wet
Their dusk song speaks of a throng that participates post sunset
Slick wet sopranos sing a stream with sudden baritone splashes
With apologies to the collection, this is not Haiku, Tanka etc but shares common DNA in form and substance. Sijo is new to me and I am not an expert. From what I've read, it's an older Korean form comprised of three lines of between 14-16 syllables. Each line is split into four sections of between 3-5 syllables. Those smaller sections should also work as phrases. There is a musical feel to it. The the same ideas expressed in Haiku are expressed here too, nature, seasons etc. I learned about it on d"Verse ( For me, there's a lot more work involved than Haiku but it was fun to play with something new.
Apr 2013 · 371
Last Week's Cut (Haiku)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
Re-awakened grass reaches from last week's cut and for today, wins
Apr 2013 · 4.8k
Lazarus Hydrangea (Haiku)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
Bright green buds on dead sticks as Hydrangea, like Lazarus, rises.
Apr 2013 · 4.3k
Not Crocus (Haiku)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
With blooms apparent, "crocus patch" revealed as amaryllis instead.
Apr 2013 · 313
House Day (Senryu)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
Happy day
Moving from
Old to new
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
Bullfrogs Never Peep (Haiku)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
Spring peepers peep in newly warmed wetlands, bullfrogs nerver peep.
Poemasabi Apr 2013
Don't judge a book by its cover.
It could be hollowed out
In the shape of a gun
To hold one
On an old man's bookshelf
Still the hollow shape
Of a gun
Filled with wrapped candy
A stash
Protected from his wife
Apr 2013 · 854
Random Daffodils (Haiku)
Poemasabi Apr 2013
At a new home, warm air and sun bring forth random daffodils
Mar 2013 · 544
Doomed Snow (Haiku)
Poemasabi Mar 2013
Late snow falls through warm air landing on young daffodils, doomed
Mar 2013 · 799
Dead Radiance
Poemasabi Mar 2013
The rose in vase can't see snow outside
for the rose in the vase...
however radiant,
Is still dead.
Mar 2013 · 4.6k
Indifferent Crocus (Haiku)
Poemasabi Mar 2013
The last snow grabs at new green shoots, indifferent crocus awaken
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Old Motel Chair
Poemasabi Mar 2013
An old green motel chair
sits on a flagstone porch
overlooking a lake
and a gap in the mountains
the center of which frames
another peak.
The chair has outlived
three generations
of my family
who are drawn here
to this spot
in West Virginia
where a mountain is reflected,
mirrored in fact,
in the lake
created by my great-grandfather
for that very purpose.
Mar 2013 · 461
Short Form Guy
Poemasabi Mar 2013
I tend
to be
a short form
kind of guy
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Stronger Demons
Poemasabi Mar 2013
Heads raise
eyes question
false buried
anguish flies
stronger demons hang
awaiting their turn
Another poem inspired by the words list on the Hello Poetry homepage but with more creative license this time.
Mar 2013 · 542
The Promise of a Gurney
Poemasabi Mar 2013
The promise of a gurney
is that things will be fine
the sheet covers your head
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Yet the Weatherman (Haiku)
Poemasabi Mar 2013
Daffodil sprouts say spring, yet the weatherman says not
Mar 2013 · 776
Summer Lover's Feet
Poemasabi Mar 2013
As remnant snow fails to reach the ground,
promising sunlight through window
warms cold feet
placed there
by an eager
lover of summer
Mar 2013 · 922
Night Thief (Haiku)
Poemasabi Mar 2013
Through falling snow bird feeder appears empty, victim of a night thief
Mar 2013 · 4.0k
Crocus Unaware (Haiku)
Poemasabi Mar 2013
Crocus sprouts unaware of the snow that is coming soon
Mar 2013 · 274
Poemasabi Mar 2013
After forty three years
Of love
The family house
Passes to another
To be razed
But remembered forever.
Feb 2013 · 2.9k
Disposable Socks
Poemasabi Feb 2013
I seem to buy disposable socks
I buy them
I wear them
I put them in the laundry basket

I never see them again

Feb 2013 · 449
Weary Snow (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Weary snow banks are pixilated by drops of rain on my window.
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Titmouse Flicks (Katuata)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Why does the titmouse
flick from feeder to clothes line
with his small beak still empty?

Titmouse does this as
your face is in the window
the face of a grumpy bear
Was doing some reading and thought I'd try a new form.
Feb 2013 · 357
Doomed (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Late season snow falls through warm air and briefly lies doomed by daffodils.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Sneaky Cold (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
February cold sneaks beneath my floor and grabs bare feet through tile
Feb 2013 · 417
Late Infant (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Bitter north wind propels beach sand across the shell of a late infant
Feb 2013 · 466
Talons (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
young talons on a snowy roof mean no small beaks at the feeder below
Feb 2013 · 642
birdseed (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
fragile white crystals crushed by cold feet of twigs and fallen birdseed
Please excuse me as I play with unlearning what I was taught of Haiku
Feb 2013 · 2.3k
Pencil and Eraser (Haiku)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
small waves speckle shore rocks and summer sun erases
A rework of my Lake Drops Haiku with less syllable counting and more focus on message and brevity
Feb 2013 · 256
Winter Wind (10W)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Winter wind doesn't care
and freezes skin that's left bare
Feb 2013 · 551
Cover-Up (Googlism)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
is currently in beta
and all in the wrist

is not disclosed
and worse than the crime
is weak?
is weak
and totally chic
climbing the radio charts
is probably almost as old as the art of tattoo
is the road to ruin
Feb 2013 · 324
The Cover-Up
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Things were done
or badly.

Ok, I get it.

The answers I have
are what I have
just because
my answers
aren't what you want,
or need so desperately
to hear from my lips
to fit your view
or agenda
does not mean that
I am not telling you all that I know.
Feb 2013 · 441
Buffalo Wings (10w)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Last night's wings
have become Buddy Rich
in my stomach.
Feb 2013 · 748
Poemasabi Feb 2013
two thin gleaming lines
run parallel from
to her family.

Two more,
lead from her family
to her future.
not today.
Feb 2013 · 241
Just the Beginning
Poemasabi Feb 2013
The kid is away.
I miss her when she's not here.
She's gone to see friends in DC.
She comes home today
and it will be good to have her home.
since she's almost 18...
I know
this is
just the beginning.
Feb 2013 · 1.6k
Abe and Clams
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Tiny copper Abe Lincoln
rests on damp sand
amongst minuscule pieces of driftwood
a baby scallop shell
and tiny clams
waiting for another assassin,
this one the sea
to come and take him away from us
Feb 2013 · 443
Sorry (#2)
Poemasabi Feb 2013
I am sorry for no card
No flowers
No chocolates
I was sick but that is no excuse

I do love you
I do

I am the child
running through a sunlit field playing airplane
My arms outstretched
Taking me me were the wind points me
Singing la la la
While you remain firmly on the ground
Centered and steadfast
Eyes to the future

My arms always fly me back to you
To the warmth of yours
Every day
For twenty years
You've shown me
That despite my failings
My shortcomings
The hard times
Lean times

That you love me too.
Feb 2013 · 545
The Legacy
Poemasabi Feb 2013
The end is coming soon
Contracts are inked
Agreements and inspections done

So after the deal is done,
and the house gone, soon  to be razed
what will be a mother's legacy?

A new home in a town nearby
A secure business on the west coast
A range of new possibilities waiting to be taken
College for a granddaughter

None of which
A mother knew possible
Before she was gone
Feb 2013 · 362
The Line
Poemasabi Feb 2013
What defines the line between

Are there ranges of either?
We use the words a lot.
About people
TV shows

Do I love Salmon?

Do I love my wife?

Do I love Salmon as much as my wife?
I'd have to say no.
So there must be a range of love.

And what of like?
I like certain cars.
I like some of the people I work with.
Do I like cars as much as some of the people I work with?
I'd have to say no.

I really like cars.
Feb 2013 · 288
Poemasabi Feb 2013
is how
heart and eyes
Feb 2013 · 898
Poemasabi Feb 2013
Who is the more powerful?
The vengeful god
who delivers pain
and loss
and suffering?
Or those on whom
the pain and loss and suffering
are heaped upon
whose blind faith,
often pushed beyond any reasonable limit,
is the only thing
that keeps the god
Feb 2013 · 2.1k
Cold Feet
Poemasabi Feb 2013
How cold the morning tile
against bare feet.
I need slippers.


A picture of a duck
standing on a frozen pond.
Feb 2013 · 977
Poemasabi Feb 2013
The wind is clueless.
It blows without thought,
or consequence.
It promises freedom
when there is none.
Not yet anyway,
for the tiny seed,
it's diaphanous tail

for a time

to an icicle
hanging from my porch roof
melting in the sun
Feb 2013 · 441
Poemasabi Feb 2013
The wind is cold this morning
and howls.
Frustrated perhaps that there is so much to do.
To move powder
from roofs,
and lawns.
Heaping it in great dunes
against my windows,
on my porch
and at my door.
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