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Jan 2013 · 295
Poemasabi Jan 2013
Eyes make love
Heart is soul
Ever clicked on the Words link on the Hello Poetry home page? I did and this is what was created, such as it is, with some of the words ion the first line.
Jan 2013 · 239
Poemasabi Jan 2013
A house is not a home.
A mother can make it so.
when mother is gone
home is house
and so is just a thing
for home is in your heart
so travels where ever you go.
Jan 2013 · 428
Poemasabi Jan 2013
Cold seeps
through windows
through the places where door meets frame
through spaces between floor boards.
No matter how high the thermostat is set
cold will get through
and wrap itself
around my feet
like an unwanted cat
made of snow and ice.
Jan 2013 · 599
Poemasabi Jan 2013
Beneath the snow
the frigid wind,
the dirt,
lie little
waiting for the warmth of spring
to set them off,
to explode through soil
in a carpet of luscious green…
they don't know
their reach for the sun
will be regulated
my lawn mower
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Poemasabi Jan 2013
The farmer needs to move his produce to market
But the harness for the mule is broken
And won't be fixed for another day

The farmer needs to go to market
but can't until the harness is fixed
The wagon wants to feel the road beneath its wheels
but can't until the harness is fixed
The harness wants to help but can't
it won't be fixed for another day
or so the tack man says
The produce knows that it needs to get to market soon
But can't until the harness is fixed
The mule?
He's happy in the barn and hopes
The harness is never fixed
Jan 2013 · 579
Poemasabi Jan 2013
In a small formation of ice
grasping to a New England stone fence
sits a seed
held there through no fault of it's own
unable to grow
to reach for the sun
until Spring's thaw
Jan 2013 · 508
Gun (Googlism)
Poemasabi Jan 2013
mark of a free man
is already our right
is cool
just a tool
as safe as any other tool

as common as the belt
is the most furious of all beasts
perfect for the following application
a good way to blow somebody's head off
more likely to **** you or someone you know
Jan 2013 · 486
Politician (OneWord)
Poemasabi Jan 2013
Easy to like
Easy to hate
Crooked or
just enabled?
Jan 2013 · 227
Tastes Good
Poemasabi Jan 2013
Nothing tastes as good,
***** thin,
as alive feels
Jan 2013 · 366
30 Sec (10W)
Poemasabi Jan 2013
In thirty seconds everything can change
For better or not.
Jan 2013 · 264
Poemasabi Jan 2013
It is hard
to forget
to not hurt
when I see your picture
your words on screen
so it's pain for me
as you remain unseen
Jan 2013 · 366
Poemasabi Jan 2013
If those who make the rules
about what kids read
and when
think that non-fiction is best
and that neither fiction
nor poetry
has a place in the lessons
of older children
then the chances are
they'll never see this
because this isn't factual comment
it's a poem,
that's all.
or is it?
Jan 2013 · 991
Sit Dog
Poemasabi Jan 2013
The little dog sits
staring out the large window
to the street

where he is a wolf on the Steppes
a jackal on the Serengeti
a coyote of the Mojave

But for now
he sits
Jan 2013 · 332
See My Hope
Poemasabi Jan 2013
My hope for you

Is to grow
to have a life
out from under the weight
of legacy
of tradition
of the memory of pain and death
that surrounds you

But I can not make you see
the hope I have for you
if your eyes are closed to the future
while your heart is chained to the past
Jan 2013 · 527
Poemasabi Jan 2013
Two trees stood in a wood
Three saplings grew beneath

One tree killed suddenly
in a storm misunderstood

The other dies slowly
from infestation

One sapling is transplanted
to another place out of sight
from the other two

Two are left
But one has turned towards
the sun

and the other

back to the stumps behind

so they no longer see each other
Jan 2013 · 609
Cabinet (OneWord)
Poemasabi Jan 2013
A place to hold things
like dishes
or secret meetings about Iraq

both with probably break at some point anyway is another place I play with words. The site gives you a word and you have to write about it in sixty seconds. These are some works I wrote there that I thought might fit here as well.
Jan 2013 · 477
Stretcher (OneWord)
Poemasabi Jan 2013
A stretcher by a roadside
some place hot
as long as the person on it
isn’t completely covered
there is hope is another place I play with words. The site gives you a word and you have to write about it in sixty seconds. These are some works I wrote there that I thought might fit here as well.
Dec 2012 · 471
Broken Guardian
Poemasabi Dec 2012
A guardian of the dune,
broken, a mere portion of it's once self
lies alone for a moment
in a rivulet left by tide's retreat
protected from wind's power
on little clumps of still damp sand
to dry in the cold sun
but soon
tide returns
and where you will lie to rest next
only the water knows
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
Poemasabi Dec 2012
The indecision of a man
whether he be of power
or of the earth
is of his own making
Dec 2012 · 391
Unraked Leaves
Poemasabi Dec 2012
Unraked leaves
no longer dry and skittish
no longer danced free by wind
in limp piles
edges quivering in the evening breeze
longing to escape
Dec 2012 · 987
Poemasabi Dec 2012
The anguish of loss
is compounded by the fact
That while she has gone from me,
I  live
and yet
am dead
to her
Dec 2012 · 486
Who's the More Evil?
Poemasabi Dec 2012
In the wake of an act
More evil than one could imagine prior to its being done
Who more represents evil?

The perpetrator certainly.

Or is the people who profess love
Of god
Of country
Of children


Who refuse to talk
Or even threaten revolt
and more violence

Rather than discuss
possible ways
to reduce the chances of this
of Newtown
ever happening

Dec 2012 · 328
House on Fire
Poemasabi Dec 2012
If your house is on fire
the answer is not to make sure
that everyone is packing
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
If God Hates
Poemasabi Dec 2012
If God is
And if God hates
Does he hate people for loving?
Does he hate an entire people for their equality?
Does he hate all who don't worship him the same way?
If you believe in a vengeful God,
a hateful, punishing God
you must pause and wonder...
would he really hate and wreak vengeance
on twenty innocent children
for their people's tolerance and love of others
or on those who seek to spout hate
Intolerance of any of his creations while
cheering the slaughter of children?
Dec 2012 · 241
If I Tell
Poemasabi Dec 2012
If I tell my child
that she is safe at school
am I lying?
are we ever truly safe?
Dec 2012 · 393
No Promise
Poemasabi Dec 2012
Peace shattered
by insanity
holds no promise of healing
just of eventual sorrowful acceptance
Dec 2012 · 1.3k
The Fall
Poemasabi Dec 2012
When a boulder falls from a height
And crashes into the forest below
Focus not on the boulder
How it fell
Focus instead on the sheltering oaks
In the peaceful forest
Shattered and broken by the unexpected impact
And the many little acorns they sheltered
Which will never grow to tree
I removed the "eight" from the sheltering oaks line as the numbers changed. Sorry if this changes your felling about the poem.
Dec 2012 · 286
Poemasabi Dec 2012
The great tree
Leans a bit more
Now that the wind and rain have passed
A few more branches lie beneath it on the ground
Torn by storm from where tree touched sky
But once again tree survives
The tree knows
That this time
Roots broke under the strain
Of wind and rain
And the likelihood is
It won't survive the next storm
Dec 2012 · 472
Poemasabi Dec 2012
The crunch of driveway gravel
announces the arrival
of traditional
for a holiday
Dec 2012 · 408
Let Go Monkey
Poemasabi Dec 2012
The old clay jar sits
tied to a tree with worn rope
a small arm sticking from its small opening.
The monkey sits
clutching an orange inside the jar
afraid to let go.
So they sit
both unaware
of the world beyond.
A world of tigers yes
but a world also filled
with more oranges that can be counted.
Nov 2012 · 646
Poemasabi Nov 2012
My newer driver
feels the excitement
of a ski jumper
as she is poised
in her car
at the top of our driveway
as the snow falls
her mind set
she is off.
Nov 2012 · 4.8k
Poemasabi Nov 2012
Snowfall brings
this winter's morning
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
Poemasabi Nov 2012
The beaten dog trembles
at the thought of being free
and would rather stay

For if it's home
which is where one expects
the happiest to be
is this bad, then terrifying is
Nov 2012 · 716
Little Subversives
Poemasabi Nov 2012
Tiny tots
in crimson hats ringed with fur
or green and white striped ones
with elvish ears on the sides
pile from the bus
or car
the no religion rule
by waving icons of Christendom
before their friends
at a place where
is supposed to stay
at home.
Is it innocent or are they
the unwitting mules for
Nov 2012 · 332
Poemasabi Nov 2012
Turkey Day has come and gone
with food
and dec'rative fittings
So it's down with the harvest
and up with the Santas
and a month full of gettings and givings
Nov 2012 · 324
Poemasabi Nov 2012
of new
is the cloak
that obscures
Nov 2012 · 902
Poemasabi Nov 2012
That you can't see the positive before you
Or the gift you have been given
Or the change that reality has carefully draped around your shoulders
Has me in agony
Nov 2012 · 409
Splitting a Memory
Poemasabi Nov 2012
How do you split a memory
equally so that each can have an equal part?

And what of the memories that only one
shared with the departed?
Like the three years when I was the only child.
Do I get those?
What of the four years before the third of us was born?
Do the first two of us have to split those.

What of that trip across country,
we all were there with mom
in the car,
at that motel in Kansas
with the pet dog, cat and rat.
How do we split those?

I ask because splitting the house
Has been so difficult
and agonizing.

And it's just a thing
not a thought
or memory.

I'd rather we keep the memories together.
In a that faded blue cardboard box on the shelf
And when pain and hurt are washed away by time
we can pull them out
sit around the table
and share them together.
Nov 2012 · 260
Poemasabi Nov 2012
What's done is done
and we move on,
for now.
Nov 2012 · 338
Poemasabi Nov 2012
As inevitable as
this departure was
I pack lightly
and hurriedly
taking nothing but
the clothes on my back
and the memories of us
that is enough
to sustain me
Nov 2012 · 2.0k
Poemasabi Nov 2012
I am thankful for you dear
and will until
you no longer hate me
Nov 2012 · 583
Poemasabi Nov 2012
I am sorry
I am sorry
I am sorry for your hurt
I am sorry for your loss
I am sorry for your fear
I am sorry for your anger
I am sorry for your sleeplessness

I hope that time will heal your hurt
I hope that you can understand that others share your loss
I hope that your fear of the new opens your eyes to the opportunities before you
I hope that you can see past the anger to the love we have
I hope you can understand that the sleeplessness is shared too
I hope
I hope
Nov 2012 · 354
I Gave Up
Poemasabi Nov 2012
I gave up because it was too wordy.
I gave up because I didn't understand what the hell you were talking about.
I gave up because of the critique that made absolutely no sense at.
I gave up because I didn't have the time to devote to its pursuit.
I gave up.
I gave up.
Maybe I gave up too soon.
Nov 2012 · 439
Poemasabi Nov 2012
A friend I've never met in person
Prolific in his work here
Work that is good
Posts a note to say he's been wrecked

Wrecked my wind, water, sand
wrecked by chance
Is he ok?
I don't know

The note said only
He'd be away
with all that he'd saved
with his tablet and guitar

All that he'd saved
Away for awhile
Now my news feed is empty of his work
Save for the note that says he'll be
Oct 2012 · 296
A Friend Indeed
Poemasabi Oct 2012
A friend is a friend.
But after the wind has gone
a friend with power,
and an open door,
is a friend indeed
Oct 2012 · 637
Nice Bully
Poemasabi Oct 2012
If the strongest bully
makes sure you know it
who intimidates and pushes around
to get his own way
to a point where he has no true friends
just nervous compatriots


talks instead of terrorizing
helps instead of hurting
befriends instead of beating

do we care what the motivation is
or do we welcome the change

and how long until we trust him completely
Oct 2012 · 235
If You
Poemasabi Oct 2012
If you don't but I do,
where does that leave us?

Do you know?
Because I don't.

Do you even care?
Because I do.

Oct 2012 · 595
Bury Not Me
Poemasabi Oct 2012
Bury not me
on the lone prairie

scatter my dust instead
to the winds above your head

please let me land and forever stay
where people laugh, create and play
Oct 2012 · 552
Poemasabi Oct 2012
The reality is;

That mom is gone
That I am the oldest now
That there are things to go through
That there are things to get rid of

and to sell and

that's going to

Oct 2012 · 737
Poemasabi Oct 2012
Upside down and
cupped by dehydration
an autumn maple leaf quivers in
the cool
fall breeze

then a


and it scurries to meet its kind
at he edge of the drive
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