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Sjr1000 Jan 2014
I won't be passing through
this way again
I am just a wanderer
and a poet by trade
leaving my words which
decompose with the seasons
turning stars to ash along the way.

I won't be passing through
this way again
like the salmon
running upstream
on a dry river bed
My childhood came and went
adolescence and youth
lovers and moments of
being with you.
I'll never pass this way again.

My children touched my hand
we hugged with
I love you's
I tried to make amends
But we will never pass
this way again.

Like a drunk
coming to
like those last goodbyes with you
like all those words
I've delivered
in attempts to heal the pain
mostly in vain.
I won't be passing through this way again.

I retreat into my dreams
they've never been so vivid
all these wishes
striving goals
sadness laughter too
I won't be passing through
this way again.

The landscape takes on colorful hues
the perfume night
fills with
night blooming Jasmine
and you.
The sand beneath my bare feet
the birds sing
one last look
as your fingertips
slip from mine
and the bus
the plane
the ship
the car
The end of the song
the end of the set
the end of the day
and I am on my way again
I've forgotten to say
how much I have loved you

And I won't be passing through
way again.

I've been a wanderer
and a poet by trade. ..
For Nat
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
There is a cold wind
blowing outside,
into the graying,
an apocalyptic sky

The lamps are lit
The night descends
it comes as it always does
My table is cluttered
with wadded paper
scribblings saying nothing

The hanging question you asked
"What is your heart's desire?"

The light it flickers
Throwing shadows on the wall
So eerie at first,
So familiar after all

Hypnogogic imagery
A trance like state of mind

Many lifetimes pass
None of them mine

What is your heart's desire
It strangles the mind with possibilities
Waiting for the tell,
the tell that might never come.

You asked me
as we left the foggy meadow
"You who speak so highly of the little synchronicites,
But what is your heart's desire? "

I rise with the sun each day
My path laid out before me
I do this and that in order

Each night as the dark descends
The day's vivid light has vanished
I stare into this lamp light
and wonder
what is my heart's desire.
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
It is 12 noon and I have swagger
Everywhere I look is my domain
I can pick and choose
I can create a scene
I can walk right in.
My universe, so they say,
is under my control.
People even know my name,
Love has come my way.
It's 12 noon and I have swagger that even I must refrain.

By 3 o'clock my life is slipping
The moon eclipses the sun
The sun eclipses the moon
I see the hints of darkness
that was not there at noon.
I reach the ledge and hang swinging,
my finger tips barely grip.
I am sweating but I am holding on.

By 6:00 o'clock
I am on the Bay Bridge,
traffic jammed in
My electrical system fails
and I know if I stop I'm doomed.
I watch the brake lights snaking towards me
No control now for me.
Inevitable as Monday morning
My car stops and I will probably die on this road.
The darkest hour surrounds me now.
My eyes are blind
My hands are numb
My lover has left me
I am wondering what I have become.

Sitting now in this empty space
all furniture moved out,
only this rocking chair remains,
Everything I have been has died
and now through finding this meaning
I sigh.
I surrender and all longing vanishes
I drift right back into this moment
and for a moment my heart sings.

At 9:00 o'clock I see a light
I see a path,
I start to move.
Once frozen now thawing
my heart resumes.
The clock clicks out my time
in digital sequence and rhymes
I even feel a dance begin.

I move towards 12:00 o'clock
but this wheel has rolled down the road
and even though back at noon
I start again
but in a different spot
and singing a different tune.
There is humility in my walk.
Down the road I see three oclock.
The Wheel of Fortune is an ancient symbol.  We circle the wheel with times of fortune and misfortune but we never start at the same place.
Sjr1000 Aug 2016
She doesn't know what to do
She can't get out of this room
She sits in her chair
watching the morning dew

No appetite

Words don't work
They won't even sway her
Her mind is somewhere else
I know maybe
she's thinking about you

There are so many clichés
one can say

All you can do is hug her
tell her
"Baby it's gonna be okay "

That's all you can do
baby's got the blues.
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
When I see God I'm going to ask 'em*
How many chords of wood have I stacked
how many lovers never came back
how many faux pas
how many miscues
how many meanings didn't I do.

When I see God I'm going to ask 'em
What's the most disgusting thing I ever ate

When I see God I'm going to ask 'em
Why the birds are always laughing
In 60 million years is that what we are going to do
and what do the redwoods
think about
is that what five thousand years of life
will do
and where did the joy go
ten minutes ago ?

If I see God I'm going to ask 'em
for the perfect poem
the perfect mirror
the perfect thought
the perfect silence
I'm going to ask 'em
to sing one more time
the cosmic hum.

If I see God I'm going to ask 'em
to kiss the ocean
embrace the desert
kiss the mountains
bless the rivers
love the people
I'll tell 'em to love them
as we're supposed to.

And if I see God I'm going to ask 'em
what's the meaning
what's the purpose
what's the solution
of course
What the ****?
John Beluchi asked God in a skit when he saw him "what's the most disgusting thing I ever ate".
*him, her, it, the, could have been any this just worked best
Sjr1000 Nov 2016
It is hard to do anything
when life is so raw
Walking down darkened hallways
trying every door

The corridor stretching
out to oblivion

Grief stricken
tears falling

like a drunk down
in Old Town

Brought down to
one's knees
praying to

Struggling to put on
an asbestos suit,
flailing in deep space

When life is raw,
hard to refrain
adding salt to the wounds

Peaceful sleep finally,
hard not to burn
when life is so raw

Close your eyes
quiet your thoughts

I'll be watching over you
at least for a while.
Sjr1000 Sep 2018
You talked about the hours
I know what you mean
Two cocoons spinning around each other
Waiting to be born

Nothing personal was the agreement
After awhile

It gets lonely
With nothing else to do but be inside

Not wanting to hide
Or collide
Do we really have that much time?

Two cocoons spinning
You became a butterfly
I became a moth
You flew west
I flew north.
The title is one of my favorite Bob Dylan lines from Your Going to Make Me Lonesome When You Go...
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Where have all the Peacemakers
Have they gone awry
Have they gone astray
Have they all died away?
What exactly are they doing

We face a universe's
Insatiable hunger
For death
On this small blue speck
Ants on an anthill
In the middle of the forest
Just off this path
Slaughtering each other
Over one
Miniscule mound of sweat.

We knock on the door
I'm hungry please let me in
When I'm hungry enough
I'll kick that **** door in.

Where have all the Peacemakers gone?
Whose coming with the light of dawn.

Every night on the news
The death report reports
And the cumulative sorrows weep
For the innocent
While genocide marches
Through the streets.
I can hear their cries from here.

Tell me dear
Where have all the Peacemakers gone?

Have we
Has the universe
In its insatiable hunger
Killed each and every one?

I watch the apocalyptic
And I can't help but feel so
So I reach out to you
In affectionate
And bury my face
In your breast for a
Moment's rest.
While in my heart are all
The cries
Of all the generations
Who have asked this before
They died

Where have all the Peacemakers gone?

And why?
Sjr1000 Jan 2020
Why oh why does the song sing
Why oh why does the sun rise
Why oh why am I?

Why oh why am I alive
Why oh why does my ear ache
Why oh why do I feel so sad
Why oh why?

Why oh why Mommy
Why oh why Daddy
Why oh why my brother
Why oh why my sister
Could you love me so well
And hurt me so bad
Why oh why?

Why oh why is the sky so blue
Why oh why do I love you
Why oh why do you love me too?

Why oh why am I getting too old
Why oh why am I still so young
Why oh why is there time?

Why oh why is there slaughter
On an microscopic planet in the milky way among billions of galaxies
Why oh why?

Why oh why is the darkness
The perfect screen for the imagination?

Why oh why does the poet know
And I don't know nothing at all.

Why oh why, you probably have your own
The timer is ticking down
Why oh why, time to go.
Sjr1000 Aug 2014
Long Valley lay outside my bedroom window
high desert Northern Nevada,
each sunrise
brilliant red
in the passing dawn,
the petroglyphs
we were drawn.

The asphalt became a dirt road
then the dirt road ended.

Along Long Valley
like some drive through zoo,
herds of wild burros
separated by Pinion pines
the white sage
the dust devils
and the tumble weeds
and a 52 Studebaker body
perfectly preserved
in the high desert dry air
one could only wonder how it got there.

Long Valley had its own expanse
its own vibration to the air
distinct and unique
filled with wonder
way out there.

The petroglyphs
10,000 year old drawings
at once was
the shores of ancient
Lake Lahontan
you could feel it there.

Trying to decipher
the lines and curly cues
circles and swirls
stars and shapes
an alien consciousness
from another land
another time.

This was no one rock
acres and acres
of generations
communicating with one another
the rocks worn away
from thousands of years of sitting
forming perfect lounge chairs,
perhaps sitting alongside
some receding shore line.

There were  stone rock walls carefully stacked
mysteriously standing  scattered
in the desert
no one knows what it really means.

While lost in the tones
the scents and vision
of the millennium,
on the hillside
through the Tamarack
and Pinion
there emerged
four wild mustangs
at a distance
on the top of the ridge
not those that wandered
into our Virgina City yards

But wild animals
tied to the horses of the millennium.
Power and Strength
spirit gods
reminding us of where we were.
The winds blew
the black mane
of the male in front
wet from sweat
chest heaving in breath
and then they were gone
over the hill
from where they had come.

The petroglyphs were silent.
The sounds of the winds
the sounds of the small stream
less than a drop
in the once Great Lahontan Sea.

Before the sun went down
we needed to leave
driving along the sides
of dry river beds
up rocky hillsides
along the electrical lines
to the dirt road
to the asphalt
as the Long Valley
sunset shot
spires of red.
When the cowboys and silver miners left the Comstock, they abandoned their horses which became free and became the wild Mustangs often now considered a nuisance and often starving.  It's become another tragedy when civilization and nature meet.
The journey to the petroglyphs is a true story, my son James was there, father and son there's a whole other poem for another day.
The mustangs we encountered were healthy, free and truly wild animals, and the spirits of all animals that had once ran free.
Sjr1000 Dec 2015
the poets
among us
bequeath for
the lines
It has been said we can bequeath not only property but values as well.
Sjr1000 Feb 2016
I wish upon wishes
I wish all the

If wishes were horses
than beggars would ride
This is something we've known
for a
long long

But still I put
wishes on stars
go along
for the ride
whispering out to the great unknown
listening and wishing
another story untold

of all the wishes
I could bestow
I wish for that peace
we all
to know.
If wishes were horses is a 16th Century English nursery rhyme
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
Women of a certain age
not so young and not so aged
have witnessed the passing of love's parade
They dance at night alone
to fight the diminishing
returns of youth's flight.

They have found peace and
quietude in wisdom
about life's truth.

No knight comes.
No child answers
"come home's" call.
No money opens
heartfelt doors.
No strife is beyond
their solving might.

They have given it all
in healing other's
wounded night.

They take it back
inside to find
in their eyes
a moment of serenity
wise and laughter in
those eyes,
where candles light
their longing night...
Sjr1000 Feb 2016
There's slaughter in the fields

                    No fight
                   No flight

There are no clouds in the skies

                                            My daughter
                                             My mother
                       Running for water
                      Through the rubble
                         All homes destroyed
                        ****** taking aim -
                          The bullet
                         Does it have my name

What's it good for
                 ­                  The only game I know

The dogs
Are eating corpses
In the streets

                                              Just another day
                                                In World War

It'­ll end one day
Peace will return
to a quiet Earth.
A thousand apologies to the master, Picasso.
Sjr1000 Nov 2015
Still learning to reach for the gifts
star like in the skies
Taking them into my heart

One at a time

One for your love
The children too

One for the mind
One for the feelings
Through and through

One for the light evolving
One for the light of healing

One at a time

One for the heat of living

Still learning to reach for the gifts
Star like in the skies.
Sjr1000 Jul 2015
One day you're here,
the next day there,
No connection
between the two
but you.

Not like a boat
leaving the dock
and having the
shorelines fade
slowly away

Not like an airplane
above it all
when it all becomes so
Until landing
brings it back up
to size,
Not like that at all.

Not like watching
them waving,
Fading away
as you drive down the street.

Yesterday at work,
In love,
Home with your parents,
Your spouse,
Your children

Today it's not present at all,
Whole ways of being,
Don't dissolve,
The program changes,
Lights on,
Lights off,
Maybe a flash
But that's all,
can you tell me, my friend,
What does it really mean?

Yesterday, today, tomorrow,
I guess we are not all three,
The present is not a flow.

Just you and me now,
As we go.

All is
this composition book
in front of me,
With one more period
to go.
Sjr1000 Nov 2013
In Memorium, Dad

He did not pass
He did not die

He waited for me
to arrive.
The 410 Freeway mysteriously
traffic free at 5pm
An open highway on a Friday night
with Thanksgiving just passed
at that last bend.

I arrived and sat with him
His head rose, masked, heroic
Breath reaching

I gently stroked his smooth
inner arm in that game of
"tell me when my finger tip
reaches the exact spot"

His tongue went to his teeth
in gesture
whether tickle, or talk or kiss
(three times his tongue went
to his teeth)
The traffic such mysterious

I thanked him for waiting
and kissed his forehead

After the last breath
There is no other.
My father's last coherent words.
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
Every inane, ignorant, stupid, barbaric, primitive conversation you're hearing at the check out line you're counting on your fingers to see if it adds up to 10 and figuring you can always make you're you are when it adds up to 9.
Thanks Harriet for the inspiration
Sjr1000 May 2014
Every *******
text, email, reply
ends up
in a
Sjr1000 Dec 2014
You open
fortune cookie
there is
At a lowest lowest time this actually happened, proving once again there is no fiction greater than truth
Sjr1000 Jun 2016
You're my walking song
You right my wrongs
You walk with grace
in flowing lace
You're my song unsung
You're my walking song

You're my child
on their way
I hold you when you need me to
You're my walking song

It's a song unsung
This song we've begun
It's a melody caught in the breeze
It comes with the wind
And is gone towards the sea
It's a cumulus cloud unfolding
into a red red sky
It's a melody I hear
through my night time

You're my walking song
You've been delivered to me
My lips
My life
My love
is singing

My eyes are seeing the notes
before me

You're my song unsung
You're my walking song.
For parents everywhere in those magic spaces

— The End —