All of life,
everything we shall ever know
is found within the gardens
Pulling weeds and the cover crop
*** them under or pulling them up
I never remember
The soil crumbling between my fingers
Perfect for planting
All is hope and promises
The gardens are a cycle
You've have to add excrement to begin again
The seeds are sewn, the starts transplanted
Water slightly pooled, dripping down into
the rich dark soil
A red worm winds its way down
Life begins again
The light of the sun, so warming
Cosmic love radiated our way
Life is an urge, it finds its way
The lettuce, the tomatoes, the zucchini, the artichoke, the cauliflower, the raspberries,
a blue berry or two
Medicinal herbs, oregano, cilantro, too
Fruitful youth
A flower is a plant with a hardon
The juices running right down my face
It feels like total summer forever
But football and school come every September
The days get shorter
The plants turn yellow and brown
Outgrow themselves
Wither and die
Purgatory lives,
along come the cover crops and weeds
In winter all just try to survive
The garden know its limits
It knows what being is all about
All of life, everything we shall ever know
Is found within the gardens.
Inspired by an essay read about the garden on the TV series, Orange is the New Black