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Sjr1000 Jun 2015
The it upstairs
thinks it's God,
But it isn't.
Man or Woman,
It comes in a thousand genders.

It's only has one mind,
Its own pleasure,
The power of Now,
Well, that's what it's all about.
The cost,
Well, that's no problem.

It begs
It borrows
It steals
It pleads
It lies to you straight faced.

If you bleed,
When the consequences are paid,
It says, "Not me"
"We'll deal with it later"
"One more time"
"One more round"
"One more rodeo"
"One last time for the road."

It's pretty smug
most of the time,
Can't move your
arms or legs,
But whips up anxiety
you say, "No. "
It'll show you resistance is futile.

Though it only hangs
for little while,
It'll let you know.

It speaks to you
in the third person voice -
You deserve it
You need it
You've been so good.

It'll talk you into trances
strange self-destructive dances,
Twist you upside down,
Inside out.

It ain't God,
Somebody needs to talk to it soon,
Let it know,
These days of running the show
are numbered,
There's more to life than this slumber
Numbness has had its abundance,
Talk to it soon
While there's still time.

A whisper, though, says something different,
"How's about
one more
time. "
Dedicated to those in Recovery.
And those who say, "Not me, not yet. "
Sjr1000 Jun 2015
She lives for the mornings
when all is beginnings
She lives for the evenings
when all is endings

She slogs through her
no words rhyme
no lover comes,
her morning songs are sung
in baptismal
daily showers,
her dreams are
strewn in patterns
on curtains
in warm night winds blowing,
she sings again when the

Her mornings are
Her nights are
Her games are
played at noon.

If she looks you straight in the
you'll know too soon,
She knows everything about you.

Her words will
come when they are ready,
Her beginnings are short
Her endings are long
like the night

Lady of the morning
Lady of the night
I will be beside you
when you finally decide
to take flight.

Light and darkness
while in her day
she pretends
she moves along
her own way.
Sjr1000 Jun 2015
White boulders
laying side by side
on the Mad River
at low tide.

Boulders breathing
sliding heaving into
the waters currents,
black eyed faces
perpetual smiles,
Maybe they're just built
that way.

Babies crying their mother's name,
But only the River
hears their call
until mothers
as they usually do
to nourish their off spring too.

One day not far away
these babies cries
go quiet.

Sand banks fall into the river
the only sound
as the tide
starts flowing back on in.

The ocean one way,
The river the other,
Converging at the mouth,
the two mingle
singing to each other,
Ocean waves
River currents
as the tide changes
from in to out
somehow just like life itself.

One day not to far away
boulders slide
moving into the water
without a mommy cry,
The Mad River
by their side
in the comings and goings
of the tides
white boulders
side by side,
Barking from time to time.
The photo on my home page, the mouth, too bad it's not in color.
Sjr1000 May 2015
When your mind is shattered
Your eyes are blinded
There is pain everywhere
you go
Don't give up and
Don't give in

When the wheel of fortune
is stuck at 6
No hope remains
Don't give up
Don't give in
Noon will be coming around

When loneliness is
your only friend
it keeps calling you names
Don't give up
Don't give in

There are times
when life is
ablaze with horrors
Don't give up
and Don't give in

Those that survive
are those that find meaning
those that passively
take to their bed
are bound
Don't give up
Don't give in

When the law's
got your name
and no payment can be
you have to go
along with their plans
that have been laid,
Inside, where you hide
Don't give up and
Don't give in.

Time only stops
Don't give up
Don't give in.
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