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Sjr1000 Mar 2015
Your eyes held the beauty
of sunrises in the morning skies
Your art knows the realities
of a thousand disguises

Your fingers touch inside my beating heart

You know where I go to hide
You pull me out
You put me in
I am your puppet
you pull the strings

I am lost beneath your gaze
without a word to say.

There is beauty in the warm winds blowing our way
The softness of our quilted bed

Your breast is a pillow
I lay my weary head
Your heart is a home I can stay
when I've lost my way.

Your eyes are
my sunrises
lighting the way.
Sjr1000 Mar 2015
since before I was born I can remember time picking me up and carrying me along in its embrace it held me close never letting me down never stopping along the way sometimes speeding up sometimes slowing down freezing in slow motion moments it has never let me down running on through these presents here Passing here past time's arrow only moving in one direction no instant replays no do overs leaving traces of memories some false some recovered some discovered left with the traces of remorse and guilt in pain to tend along our way
time my sweetest friend and enemy
of endings I have always thought a lot these days these ways these happy unhappy joyful passing passing moments with you I held on tight to your impartial embrace knowing full well one day on the ground you will lay me down
Sjr1000 Feb 2015
Gather people
for a story
so profound,
Not created by me,
But a rare, rare reality,
Where forces so profound converged,
Generations forward
were forever altered.

Where one person's heroics
were another's fatal error

Where a family's love
was smothered
the churning waters
of Big Lagoon.

Big Lagoon sits
north of Agate Beach
shining treasures can be found
in the gathering sands
To the west,
The ocean rises and falls
To the east,
The lagoon's placid grassy waters roll.

It was an Indian Summer's warm, warm day,
Everything it promised was delivered.
Two days after Thanksgiving,
I remember it well,
the fog was gone,
the sun was high.

A family dog beach walk

Howard and Mary,
Gregory, every one called him Geddie,
Geddie's girlfriend, Lily.
The family dog, Fran, chasing sticks
in the ocean and in the sand.

Time stopped for
a diamond moment,
sun reflecting off the ocean.

To chase a stick
Fran ran
a ten foot wave
took her under.

Geddie ankle deep edged forward
when within that frozen moment
another giant wave emerged
the cliff that is the sand gave in,
in the merciless embrace
of the terrible wave,
He was pulled under.

Down the beach
Howard ran
plunged into the waters
to save his son,
He only found
Kingdom come.

While Geddie made his way
out of those frozen waters
and could not find his father,
Called by what unknown voice,
He dove back under,
Not to be found
for hours and miles later.

What is the power of love
which would propel each one?

Mary watching this unfold
could not abide their fate
and herself plunged in
for one last attempt
at saving grace.

The ocean says
"Many have fallen in
but few survive."

Mary and Howard
in and out
in that frozen water's breath.

While Olivia and Lily
called 911
and struggled on the beach
out of reach.

The power of the ocean
the power of love
had made three

30 minutes later
Fran ran out
looking to play
one more round.

If by the Pacific Ocean
you stand
see urgent footprints
in the sand,
By chance
you hear the plaintive cry
"Marco Polo"
voices calling to one another,
It is the ocean singing
their last lullaby.
A true story, happened 2014 at Big Lagoon, on the Northern California coast, not far from where I sit.
This family was physically fit, marathon runners. Humboldt residents who had taken these walks, daily - weekly,  not strangers to the ocean.
Sjr1000 Feb 2015
And I
will be by your side
And I
will call your name
And I
will sing your songs,
speak your praise,
And I
will dance with you
And I
will speak with you,
Hold you tight,
take your time,
make you right.

And I
would have come much sooner,
If I had known you
were so lost.
And I
I'm on your side
I'll hold that light
against the darkest night

And I
will sing your name,
we will take our time
morning comes again.
Inspired by Mumford and Sons: The Cave
Sjr1000 Feb 2015
Weary of my days,
Weary of my unspoken ways,
The tricks and games
the mind will play.

Feeling weary of the rains,
The trials and tribulations of being a slave,
Weary of the looks when I speak,
Weary of the battles,
Weary of the crooks,
Weary of the screams,
Weary of those being so mean.

Fault or blame
it doesn't matter,
Weary of the meaningless chatter,
Small talk on a foggy day.

Weary of this life sometimes
in every way.

The darkness will come soon enough,
Weary of these darkest thoughts.

Lay me down
in a cozy comforter,
Morphine to make me numb,
the weariness
just lasts a moment,
Savor it
then it's gone
Poetry is fiction and truth, a glimpse amidst the human condition.
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