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Sjr1000 Jan 2014
There is a road
a narrow path
with darkness ahead
darkness behind
flashing memories disappearing
neon traces trailing.

The seekers of wisdom
a flash light in hand
darkness ahead
a Diogenes searching
wisdom and a wise one
this way lies madness
that way lives love.
Behind is birth
Ahead is death.

through the sinkholes
the marshes
the mountains
the ocean too.

Periods of walking alone
Periods of walking with you
Blindness fills our eyes
the dark it is
always all encompassing
as we feel our way along.

But you are the light
your life is that
small shinning
flash light
each moment
of our searching lives...
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
at a
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
Time or money
money or time
I hate this ****** rhyme
it defines our time.
Work sleep
sleep work
wage slaves
slave to wages.

Even renting space
in my dreams
stamp that
sign this
Get up and do the chicken dance.

Wait for him
wait for her
hurry up
you're late.
Wrong place
wrong time
a dollar short
a day late.
An orca in a cage
all these cliches.

Time or money
money or time
I hate this ****** rhyme
It defines our lives...
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
I won't be passing through
this way again
I am just a wanderer
and a poet by trade
leaving my words which
decompose with the seasons
turning stars to ash along the way.

I won't be passing through
this way again
like the salmon
running upstream
on a dry river bed
My childhood came and went
adolescence and youth
lovers and moments of
being with you.
I'll never pass this way again.

My children touched my hand
we hugged with
I love you's
I tried to make amends
But we will never pass
this way again.

Like a drunk
coming to
like those last goodbyes with you
like all those words
I've delivered
in attempts to heal the pain
mostly in vain.
I won't be passing through this way again.

I retreat into my dreams
they've never been so vivid
all these wishes
striving goals
sadness laughter too
I won't be passing through
this way again.

The landscape takes on colorful hues
the perfume night
fills with
night blooming Jasmine
and you.
The sand beneath my bare feet
the birds sing
one last look
as your fingertips
slip from mine
and the bus
the plane
the ship
the car
The end of the song
the end of the set
the end of the day
and I am on my way again
I've forgotten to say
how much I have loved you

And I won't be passing through
way again.

I've been a wanderer
and a poet by trade. ..
For Nat
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
Of our grief
Our capacity to love.
Added in honor of Maria on this day,  5/15/14.
For all who have lost those that they love.
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
Blessings they speak
In many ways
On any given day.
There is of course
The sun's return
After darkness reigns
There is that first
Breath the infant takes
The last breath
The old man shakes
And takes away the pain.

The each moment
Each ocean wave
Each snowflake
Each lovers look
Each gentle touch
Each sun at noon
Each son and daughter too.
Each child's laugh
Each joyous room
Each innocent mistakes
Which go right anyway.

Each moment of peace
Each moment unique
Each moment of hope
Each moment of you.

The freedom to choose
The freedom to refuse
It's within our attitudes
That's a blessing too.

This life is short
There is no doubt
The birds they sing
And though our lives
They probably don't mean a thing
The many generations
Come and go
Don't I know.

But in this moment so fleeting
It is blessings I am remembering
And in the many shapes
And sounds of suffering
That we can't deny
It is easy to miss
The traveler dressed in white
In the blowing snow
And so it is with the
We need to remember
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
You keep saying
You are coming home
I wonder when you are
Will it take the
Raging wind and
Snow for you to
Roll on.

You keep calling every
Hour to say you are
On your way right now
Dinner has been made
Getting colder by the

What started off as love
Dissolving into sour
You are calling every
Hour saying you will
Be home right now.

You say you are coming
I wonder when you
Will it take some
Form of desperation for
You to roll on.

The wind outside is
A vaccum blowing
****** air from high
To low
Don't I know.

You call every
Hour to say you
You are on your way.

Olive is barking
At the wind
I am a child throwing
Sand at the ocean.

I am as helpless
As that wind outside
You say you are
Coming home
I wonder
When you are...
*thanks Tom Petty...
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