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Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Our love
Is the tides
In and out.
In and out.
On that edge
Stay or go
We turn to each other
Go inside
yes or no?
Never clear
Stay or go.

Our love is
The tides
In and out.
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
No one awakes knowing
That today is
The day
That you're going to die.

Death doesn't
Call to confirm your appointment
(No calls either
Human or computerized)
You can't cancel
Or change
Your mind when you arrive.
It doesn't matter if you
Have insurance
Promise to pay on time.
It won't ask you to
To sign an ROI.
Death doesn't reschedule.

Death accepts no excuses
It won't wait until
It's a more convenient time
Or have you check
Your schedule
Your bank account
Your ethnicity
Your marital status.
Death won't take
Your past history.

It won't give you a coupon
Bill your mom
Take a bribe
Give you a referral to
To another specialist
On his time
Or for that matter his dime.

Death has no bedside manner
Won't prescribe you drugs
Doesn't care what your
Father does.

Death won't even
Look you in the eye
Check your side
Listen to your complaints
Or successes
Show compassion
Give you
An empathetic understanding sigh.

Death takes no names
And takes no answers
Death has no samples
Or sage advice.

However death is like
Waiting for the dentist
Your turn is going
To come.

Sleep is called
All of this
No wonder I can't sleep

And by the way
Death doesn't schedule
Follow up appointments...
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
If I leave this house tonight
I'm going to get a ****** and ******.
I've been playing it straight far too long,
I've been walking this line far too long.
Keeping a check on the freedom of my mind.
Oceans to the west
Tundras to the east
Stars spinning out there
Quick sand beneath my feet.

Wrapped up in obligations
disguises and costumes
fake jewlery
fake smiles
routines and rituals
Keeping one foot going ahead of the other
Too scared to stop
Too alone to go on.

Freedom to the left of me
Disaster to the right.

How am I going to find revolution
at this time of night?
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
If fire is life
than what are we?

The fire breathes
and feeds.
It eliminates
struggles to survive.
It creates its self
with every touch.

If fire is life than what are we?

The sun our mother father
gives all life.
The stars a population of beings
they are born
they live
they die.

If fire is life than what are we?
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
We were sitting very quietly
on a moonfull Friday night
neither connected
nor disconnected.
There was definitely space between us.
We were spinning around each other
like two satellites
Eye to eye
mouth to mouth
but never touching.
Not angry
Not sad
Not happy
Not bad.

Enough was enough.

When like being shot out of a photon cannon
We took the endless ride.

I went your way
you went mine.
You went your way
I went mine.

Going our separate ways is never easy.
The distance between us
picking up speed,
sent us flinging
far far far
apart and a way.

When forces of nature take over
We can only take the ride
Like being on acid
there is no place to hide
The moment stands vivid
in present time.
You can't escape by even closing your eyes.

And though far apart
never so connected in our life path
as now.
I took a lover you took your own.
I took those pills
you nearly died.
I failed another job
you went on general relief.
You found a moment of peace
at the seaside
I found the space between words
the smile returned
I felt that bliss.

Together we hummed
"you gotta serve someone"
"every grain of sand."

The years they passed
and though a universe apart
when you spun
I spin
when I spun
you spin.

We didn't know where we were
until some one
found us there
we knew then we existed
where we were.

Until the pulls
pulled us back together
the galaxy
running down the drain
enlongated and stretched
time stopped for us there
in the blackness darkness
and we met
in one endless embrace.

When we emerged
we were sitting
there very quietly on a moonfull
Friday night.
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Like tissues
When the box is done
You just open up
Another one..."
Sjr1000 Dec 2013
Had hit five hundred pounds
my wife and I
living in our tiny bunker of concrete
waiting for the food truck to deliver to our door.

The outside world had a startling hum
of trillions of insects which were
******* up all the air
we knew it was just a matter of time.
Darkness often descended
and all we knew was our hot breath
breathing on each other
in the tight small space
breathing each other's moist air.

The bunker was heating up
hotter and hotter
which meant the fans
were clogging up
with the bodies
of the insects
in my horror it meant
I would have to go
to clear the vent.
Outside Outside
I had not been
For I can't remember when.

The encased cave to the ladder
the walls closing in
while insects smacked their bodies
against the sides
trying to get inside.
I crawled with suffocating breath
Mice rats bats
Sewage dripping
as the walls tightened
around me.

Finally a tiny light lead the way from the cave
to the ladder
which would take me up
to the top
where the vent was clogged.

I climbed that ladder up up up
choking and gagging and spitting out wings
Spiders crawling
On my skin
And my nostrils in
looking down
falling down in my mind
with each and every step
and having to stick my hand
the squished and smashed remains
to find
the screen which  kept them out
and us inside.

I wasn't sure how I would survive.
Finally my task was achieved
and down the rickety shaking ladder
I went back through the cave
to our tiny shelter
and as I went inside
my wife
in her excitment knocked us over.

We lay rocking on our backs
like two turtles
unable to get up.

And there we lay
total helplessness
in our last days.
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