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Sjr1000 Feb 21
There is going to be many moments of love, affection, acts of kindness, charity, recognizing within the hard suffering of others, the melancholy of human vulnerability. Cherishing our brief lives, and the lives of others.

There is going to be startling brutality and violence, the destruction cast by Vesuvis over and over again. Man's version of Natural Disasters. Ways to make human'suffer because their presence is a dangerous annoyance when we are filled with rage full homicidal psychotic delusions of righteousness. Or the strangers are meaningless pawns in the game.

The two currents of human history running to the mouth of the great vacuum sea.
Sjr1000 Nov 2024
Night Blooming Jasmine on my mind
Taking me for a ride back in time
Lite up,
L.A. nights
Sunset Blvd
Melrose too
Hitting up the opportunities at Sloans
Sometimes going home together
Sometimes going home alone.

At the door,
Moths flying in the light
Night Blooming Jasmine
Wrapped around me
One more kiss
One more moment closer to bliss Apprehension everywhere
The best part don't you think.

Memory travels on a smell
Memory travels on the light of the day
Memory travels on the song on the radio
Memory travels on the look on a face.

on a full moon's night
Night blooming Jasmine
Drifting in on the winds and
No where else to run.
Sjr1000 Oct 2024
When you live with the critic
It makes life more difficult
The roommate from hell
Who never applied for the space
Just moved on in
And won't shut the **** up

Looking over your shoulder
Pointing out
Everything your doing that's
Stupid and wrong
Turning the mirror into a
Toxic reflection pool
Telling scary stories
About who you've never been
Should have been

Insomnia & anxiety wrapped up
in a gigantic cringe,
a gift, no doubt.

The battle is a finger puzzle
The more you struggle
The more painfully stuck
You become

Continually looping
While trying to make it stop.

And it never does.

I don't listen to the critic much
any more
It comes and goes
And that's okay
With me
In the end
Peaceful acceptance is all I
Try to remember.
  Oct 2024 Sjr1000
Pradip Chattopadhyay
This too will sink I know
Like the others before
This too will go
Behind shut door.

Once a place of rejoice
Where I poured my heart
Leaving is now the only choice
And make a new start.

My work is my blood of toil
Come at a high cost
Digging deep into the soil
What I grew is all lost.

I leave this holiness with pain
Will miss all you gave
Leaving the circling dots to reign
And send old poems to grave.
I leave with love and best wishes for all the fellow members and friends here.
Sjr1000 Sep 2024
Time to take a forest bath
I don't know about you
But it's been a while
Surrounded by silence
The oxygen bar
The dogs chasing chippes
The redwoods dominating
Taking a deep breath deep finally

The dinosaurs were big
But the redwoods are forever.

What are we taking in
That feels so good
So healing to the soul?

The winds in the canopy
The freight train coming
The leaves dancing in the winds
Time to take a forest bath
Time to call yourself even.
Sjr1000 Apr 2023
Old age
It comes on like a
Ice Storm
A natural disaster.

Down on your knees
there Buddy

When I was 12 years old
One Round World
A photo
Elderly folks standing around a Piano
"And they used to call it rocknroll"

Way way far away
here we are now
encased in
memories and mortality.
Sjr1000 Nov 2021
The first time I saw your face
It was the most beautiful flower
I had ever seen
A mandala of perfection.
Bringing me
Absolute peace
How could I not
But love you.
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